Friday, October 18, 2013

This'n'That; October Eighteenth #1; Don't Stop Now!

"Same Shit, Different Day!"
    While the above saying is as applicable today as ever before, this is not the time for non-RINO republicRATics to 'rollover and play dead.'  Dealing with the continuing obamacrap on a daily basis will be tedious but you plutocrats wanted this job so DO IT!!  Even you, Rand Paul!!  Supporting Mitch "KentuckyKickBack" McConnell over Matt Bevin belies your self-professed 'conservative, libertarian' politics.  Any town drunk would be acceptable over continuing with "KickBack" McConnell!!  This is the Senate that conservatives expected to lose, even without McConnell's "KickBack" agreement with that loveable nose-picker, pinky reid.
harry 'Pinky' reid Doing What He Does BEST!
    We now come to the despicable wing of the republicRATic Party, those 87 "SurrenderrepublicRATics" who sold out the American taxpayer with their vote to continue obamanomics.  I doubt seriously that any prospective voter demanded of their candidate that if elected, said candidate to continue to far outspend Treasury receipts and to support any unworkable-as-written, socio-fascist law that comes down the pike, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Note to "Clown Prince" obama:
"When you find yourself in a hole [national debt], stop digging."
                                                      Will Rogers (1879-1935)
    Those who chose to follow the "Clown Prince" into the bottomless pit that is the national debt should be primaried before their next election cycle.  Here's about half of the "surrenderrepublicRATics" who supported the continued 'hole-digging:'
BACHUS III, Spencer Al-6
BARLETTA, Louis       Pa-11
BENICHEK, Daniel     Mi-1
BILIRAKIS, Gus        Fl-12
BOEHNER, John        Oh-8
BOUSTANY, Charles  La-3
BROOKS, Morris        In-5
BUCHANAN, Vernon  Fl-16
CALVERT, Kenneth    Ca-42
CAMP, David            Mi-4
CANTOR, Eric           Va-7
CAPITO, Shelley       WV-2
COBLE, John            NC-6
COFFMAN, Michael    Co-6
COLE, Thomas         Ok-4
COOK, Paul              Ca-8
COTTON, Thomas     Ar-4
CRAMER, Kevin        ND-At Large
CRAWFORD, Eric      Ar-1
CRENSHAW, Ander   Fl-4
DANES, Steven        Mt-At Large
DAVIS, Rodney        Il-13
DENT, Charles          Pa-15
DIAZ-BALART, Mario Fl-25
GARDNER, Corey      Co-4
GERLACH, James      Pa-6
GIBSON, Christopher NY-19
GRIFFIN, Timothy     Ar-2
GRIMM, Michael        NY-11
GUTHRIE, Steven     Ky-2
HANNA, Richard       NY-22
HARPER, Gregg        Ms-3
HECK, Joseph          Nv-3
ISSA, Darrell            Ca-49
JENKINS, Lynn         Ks-2
JOYCE, David            Oh-14
KELLY, George          Pa-3
KING, Peter              NY-2
KINZINGER, Adam    Il-16
KLINE, John             Mn-2
LANCE, Leonard        NJ-7
LATHAM, Thomas     Ia-3
....and that's only little more than half the surrenderrepublicRATics!!
Now is the time to publically question their position, their votes as they relate to the fed-up taxpayer.  Letters, calls, emails to them, their offices--both in the District of Corruption and locally--should start soon and continue on a regular basis.
Next time I'll to the second 'half' of the list of surrenderrepublicRATics.
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Note: [Twitter] comments to @ustatruck



Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This'n'That; October Seventeenth #1; GM Financial Advisor

Why Is GM Raising Prices?
    General Motors--in it's infinite wisdom--has decided to raise prices as it's truck sales numbers continue to fall.  In September Chevy and GMC trucks lost 8% in sales (Ford up 10%; Chrysler up 8%).  So, what did they decide to do?!?  Add $2,100 to the shocking base sticker price of $26,670.  Nothing more than an obamagimmic, a smoke-and-mirrors ploy to hide the raise in future discounts.  I have but one question:  Who's the GM CEO's financial advisor: "Clown Prince" obama or everyone's loveable communist, Valerie Jarrett?!?
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case



This'n'That; October Sixteenth #1; Compromise?!?

How The Hell Did We Get Here?
    How did we get--yet again--to the brink of--as the obamacRATics would have you believe--bringing down the entire planetary economy?  The entire debacle can primarily be laid at the feet of the obamacRATics and old-line democRATics., secondarily at the feet of every member of Congress.
    Federal law and the U.S. Constitution require that a federal budget be constantly in force.  The process usually starts with the president's (or in the current case, the "Clown Prince's") budget proposals to the Congress.  The Congress then--along with the Senate and the House's budget proposals--merges through compromise, the proposals put forth to end with a federal budget.  Said budget is then sent forward for the ruler's approval [disapproval] and signature into law [veto].  This is the point at which the federal government agrees to spend the taxpayers' money as if it grew on trees and with very little accountability.
    Deficit spending--year by year--is generally a collusion between the two houses of Congress and the president.  This really came to bear during "Clown Prince" obama's first two years of reign with an obamacRATically controlled House and Senate.  We were subjected to the socio-fascist spending in TARP, in the Stimulus (PORKulus) as well as the early expenses involved with the major obama fiasco: obamaKare.  As noted in the two pie charts below, the "Clown Prince" and Congress habitually far outspend the treasury's receipts. 
[The charts indicate a deficit of $1.09 TRILLION {$1.09 Thousand-Billion!!}] 
File:U.S. Federal Receipts - FY 2007.png

File:U.S. Federal Spending - FY 2011.png

    The debt ceiling is an entirely different matter.  The federal government--since 1910-1911--has had a national debt of at least $2.765 Billion and in most years--no matter the president or the majority party in Congress--has risen steadily.  The first serious "growth spurt" came between 1930-1940 when FDR tried to buy his way out of the Roosevelt Depression rather than cutting personal income taxes and gettin' ta hell outa the way!!  Not only did FDR continue to spend more-and-more money he didn't have, he did it with personal tax rates of between 25% (1930) and 79% (1940).  Just to illustrate what economic 'Whiz-Kids' the democrats are, WWII ended with a personal tax rate of 94%!!  That means the bracket allowed the earner to only keep a measly six bucks out of every $100 he earned!!  Again no matter the party or regime in power, the federal debt has grown to today's $16.964 TRILLION.  Without a congressionally controlled debt ceiling--as "Clown Prince" obama has actually suggested--one can just imagine how far the socio-fascist obamacRATics would have pushed it JUST in the past five years of obamanomics!!
    Now we come to the "surrenderepublicRATs"  the very persons whose spines are as limp as their principles!  We have to await the 'votes-by-name' in both the House and the Senate, but those republicRATs who campaigned on fiscal responsibility must not get away with placating "Clown Prince" obama's enormous ego!!  At the least, each affirmative voting republicRAT MUST be primaried in his/her next election season; every socio-fascist MUST be opposed no matter the chances of success.  The majority of the country is opposed to both obamaKare and raising the debt ceiling!!
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case



Sunday, October 13, 2013

This'n'That; October 14th; Sports and other things

Why Must They Do That?
    Every time I watch MLB baseball, I see most batters adjusting their batting gloves after each-and-every pitch.  Why?  Haven't they--since the inception of their semi-pro and professional careers--not figured out how to adjust them for the proper fit and tightness?
    Every time I watch MLB baseball, I see nearly every player randomly adjusting his nuts.  Why?  Do they not know--barring castration--everything down there will be where they always were?
    Every time I watch NFL football, I see players being "dancing goofs" after nearly each play.  I see the offense 'goofing' after each successful run or pass play; I see the defense 'goofing' after each successful tackle, sack, interception.  In each case, these players are celebrating for completing an action which they were contracted to perform--millions of bucks, I might add!
Is this not comparable to you--a factory worker--asking your boss for a raise for successfully completing your workday without screwing up too much product?!?
I'm jis askin'!!
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This'n'That September Eighteenth #1; What Education?

Socio-fascists Rewrite History, Constitution
    I'm old enough (67) to remember when junior and high school textbooks dealt more with fact than what is seen today.  Today's textbook alterations began some years back with the socialization of historical events and those men and women involved.  Ever the keepers of the written word, America's socio-fascists have advanced to rewriting the various--most objectionable--amendments in the Bill of Rights.
    If your child attends--among several others--West Forsythe High, Clemmons, S.C., or Guyer High School, Denton, Tx., you should be very wary about their history education and the textbooks used in it's accomplishment.  Books like this go hand-in-hand with the Agenda 21 concept of dumbing down American students in preparation for their entry into the third-world rathole America will become in the future.
    New York State does the same thing with questionable textbooks but they go even farther.  The state education department actively and forcefully promotes mergers between two or more school districts.  The state usually pairs adjoining school districts, one with excellent graduation rates, teachers, administrators with a mediocre school having socialistic financial problems.  My experience was with the Cohocton (N.Y.) Central School District being forced to merge with the financial geniuses in the Wayland (N.Y) Central School District. 
     To shorten a long story, the merger was handled in such a manner as to remind one of today's obama Cabal.   The social dynamics of each district, of each village were diametrically opposed to one another; the two couldn't have been more different.  Where 'political' cliques, various  wealth and social strata existed in Wayland, Cohocton seemed to be a closer knit district, community.
Wayland was so in debt that servicing said debt AND budgeting for the upcoming school year was bordering on the impossible without massive school tax increases.  Cohocton had almost always had a budget surplus, rarely was there even a revote on the annual budget.  The state demanded as many referendums as necessary to get the desired result (it took three).  The instruction, the admin, the maintenance staffs were enticed into support with promises of flowery titles and in many cases, exorbitant pay raises.  Finally, the forerunners of today's obamacRATic voters (mindless, blind followers) were convinced to send their kids to a mis-managed system over one with a 100% graduation rate!! 
     Cohocton's community volunteerism was huge.  Cohocton Sports Boosters Club built three soccer fields, refurbished a baseball diamond (ALL LIGHTED-unheard of for the time [late 1980s] in a small town, school), built, maintained and staffed a snack bar on site--ALL with volunteers with donated supplies and materials.
    For the record I received an excellent education in the Cohocton school system, graduating in 1964.  My graduating class had 15 students IF one were to count the two exchange students!  We all went through 13 years of education IN THE SAME BUILDING.  So far as I know, no classmate ever ended up in prison; all had careers and families.
That's all I got,
Justin Case

