What Did He Know; When Did He Know It?!?
Remember that phrase? The fascist, incompetent media (mere pamphleteers) used that phrase hourly, to vilify select--usually NOT fascists, socialists, communists--government officials, both elected and career workers.
But.... that question was asked decades earlier of President Richard Nixon, by Senator Howard Baker (r-Tn) concerning the break-in at The Watergate and subsequent cover-up.
More recently, the same question was asked of President George W. Bush by the entire National Pamphleteer corps as well as every socio-fascist in the Congress. Ambassador Joe Wilson conspired with his wife CIA-worker, Valarie Plame to embarrass the president. It's alleged that someone in the administration 'outed' Ms Plame as a covert CIA agent when in fact, she 'drove a desk' at "Foggy Bottom." VP Cheney's aide--Scooter Libby--paid the price in taking the fall by being convicted of lying to a grand jury.
Now, the same question(s) has to be asked of 'Komrad obama'....er.... "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" (in no particular order):
Lawyer-stuffing at the Department of (socio-)Justice: Of 113 ZERO-bama nominees, exactly ZERO were conservative, moderate or apolitical
A NLRB ruling is preventing Boeing from starting production of their '787 Dreamliner' at the new 2 Thousand-Million-Dollar plant in Charleston, SC. The unions whined that Boeing cut jobs in Everett, Wa., in favor of jobs in the 'right-to-work' state of South Carolina. FACT: Boeing cut NOT A SINGLE JOB in Everett, but is prevented from putting nearly 4,000 souls to work in SC.
The solar-energy-scam perpetrated on the American Taxpayer by "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist." $535 Million to Solyndra who was destined to failed even before it started. The deal was constructed so that in failure, the private investors were compensated first, at the expense of the American Taxpayer. NOT ONLY SOLYNDRA, the Dep't of Energy (proving it should be disbanded!) approved loan guarantees to the next two solar energy failures:
$737 Million for Tonopah Solar Energy (Tonopah, Nevada);
$337 Million for Mesquite Solar 1 (Maricopa County, Az).
Not only those, the following companies are in various stages of loan guarantee approvals:
$150 Million for 1366 Technologies (Solar Mfg), Lexington, Ma;
$1.2 Thousand-Million for Abengoa Solar (Solar Generation), San Bernardino Cty, Ca;
$1.5 Thousand-Million for Abengoa Solar (Solar Generation), Gila Bend, Az;
$400 Million for Abound Solar (Solar Mfg), Longmont, Co., Tipton, In;
$967 Million for Agua Caliente (Solar Generation), Yuma County, Az;
$1.6 Thousand-Million for BrightSource Energy (Solar Generation), Baker, Ca;
$90.6 Million for Cogentrix of Alamosa (Solar Generation), Alamosa, Co;
$680 Million for First Solar-Antalope (Solar Generation), Lancaster, Ca;
$1.88 Thousand-Million for First Solar-Desert Sunlight (Solar Generation), Riverside County, Ca;
$1.93 Thousand-Million for First Solar-Topaz (Solar Generation), San Luis Obispo County, Ca;
$45.6 Million for Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (Solar Generation), Las Vegas, Nv;
$852 Million for NextEra Energy Resources-Genesis Solar (Solar Generation), Riverside County, Ca;
$1.4 Thousand-Million for Prologis-Project AMP (Solar Generation), 28 states;
$344 Million for SolarCity Corp-SolarStrong (Solar Generation), 124 military sites in 33 states;
$737 Million for Solar Reserve-Crescent Dunes (Solar Generation), Nye, Nv;
$197 Million for SoloPower (Solar Mfg), Wilsonville, Or;
$1.187 Thousand-Million for SunPower Corp-Calif Valley Solar Ranch (Solar Generation), San Luis Obispo, Ca.
And, boys 'n' girls.... that's only for solar failures; there's plenty of waste spent on geothermal, wind and other crap!! Check it out for yourself:
Judging from just this list, it sure appears to me they're are nothing but more socio-fascist pay-offs for "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" buddies in the venture capital market.
"Clownie" should be taken-to-task and made answerable for this complete waste of money in unsustainable industries; for each-and-every scandal his regime is involved in!!!
Til Nex'Time....
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; September 24th (Very Late!!)
A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 09/24/2011
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
September 24, 2011
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been making the case that we need to act now on the American Jobs Act, so we can put folks back to work and start building an economy that lasts into the future. Education is an essential part of this economic agenda. It is an undeniable fact that countries who out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. Businesses will hire wherever the highly-skilled, highly-trained workers are located. But today, our students are sliding against their peers around the globe. Today, our kids trail too many other countries in math, science, and reading. As many as a quarter of our students aren’t even finishing high school. And we’ve fallen to 16th in the proportion of our young people with a college degree, even though we know that sixty percent of new jobs in the coming decade will require more than a high school diploma. What this means is that if we’re serious about building an economy that lasts – an economy in which hard work pays off with the opportunity for solid middle class jobs – we had better be serious about education. We have to pick up our game and raise our standards. As a nation, we have an obligation to make sure that all children have the resources they need to learn – quality schools, good teachers, the latest textbooks and the right technology.
[What I'm not telling you: What I've actually doing--totally illegally; totally at taxpayer expense--is giving campaign blusterful blathers, thinly disguised as blather opportunities to promote the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" American Jobs Act; as opposed to Louie Gohmert's thoroughly workable American Jobs Act.
The graduation rates directly correlate with the fascist philosophy I've advocated and practiced since I was graduated from Harvard Law School. An under-educated--preferably an uneducated--serf class is far easier to control; far easier to persuade that everything they need, or want, or desire can and will be provided by the government, if they will just wait. If we are truly to get serious about education, I'm NOT your guy!! I'm the guy that forced Arne Duncan on the Department of Education; I'm the guy that continues to bloat the administrative side of education while foresaking the instructional staff. It's been said for years: education is best served at the lowest level possible, i.e., at the county or district level. Absolutely, NOT at the federal level. Education in the United States would be best served with the dissolution of the Department of Education!! Their ever-growing budget would certainly be better administered at the level of the thousands of counties; at the level of the tens-of-thousands of school districts in the United States.
Raising the quality of the instructional is paramount to raising the graduation rates. Lowering--if not eliminating--the influence of the teachers' unions is paramount to raising the quality of the instructional staff. The millions-upon-millions of dollars siphoned off by the uber-greedy of the unions' hierarchies is no more benefit to the whole scheme of things than was my wife's no-show, $374,000 job at the University of Chicago Medical Center, was a benefit to medicine in general; to the University of Chicago in particular!!]
That’s why the jobs bill I sent to Congress would put tens of thousands of teachers back to work across the country, and modernize at least 35,000 schools. And Congress should pass that bill right now. But money alone won’t solve our education problems. We also need reform. We need to make sure that every classroom is a place of high expectations and high performance. That’s been our vision since taking office. And that’s why instead of just pouring money into a system that’s not working, we launched a competition called Race to the Top. To all fifty states, we said, “If you show us the most innovative plans to improve teacher quality and student achievement, we’ll show you the money.” For less than one percent of what we spend on education each year, Race to the Top has led states across the country to raise their standards for teaching and learning. These standards were developed, not by Washington, but by Republican and Democratic governors throughout the country. And since then, we have seen what’s possible when reform isn’t just a top-down mandate, but the work of local teachers and principals; school boards and communities. That’s why in my State of the Union address this year, I said that Congress should reform the No Child Left Behind law based on the same principles that have guided Race to the Top. While the goals behind No Child Left Behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them. Teachers are being forced to teach to a test, while subjects like history and science are being squeezed out. And in order to avoid having their schools labeled as failures, some states lowered their standards in a race to the bottom.
[What I'm not telling you: Actually, the Jobs bill I sent to congress cannot even muster one owe-bamacRATic representative to sponsor the bill on the Floor of the House! Sadly, this presents the true measure of the bill's benefit to the nation's unemployed. There is NO BENEFIT, it's merely a tax-increase on the nation's evil rich, white guys. If passed--which is highly unlikely--this bill will stifle jobs creation for decades to come.
Every cleaverly named education bill--for the past several decades--has been flawed from it's very outset. That evil President George W. Bush plan, "No Child Left Behind" did exactly that; while my "Race to the Top" was neither a 'race,' nor was anyone to reach the 'top.' The greatest outcome of the "Race to the Top" were more and more cleaver assessment and statistical schemes to insure no school was labelled a failure. Mine was a thinly disguised plan to reward the teachers' unions, bloat the local payrolls, compensate those in the union hierarchies that contributed to my campaign and those who actively supported me.
While I carried the District of Corruption overwhelmingly during my 'selection-for-election,' I didn't receive the financial backing I felt should have been forthcoming. To that end I had the 111th Congress vote to cut-off funding for the District's education vouchers. You remember the 111th Congress, right? They're the ones--headed by Nancy PORKlosi and 'pinky' reid--who squashed America's rights, economy and employment "like so many bugs!!" I--being as concerned with education as I am--took the stance of depriving some of America's poorest, most dis-enfranchised students of a better-quality education. Now, these students I claim to care so deeply about, are forced to suffer some of the poorest schools on the planet, staffed with some of least-qualified UNION teaching staff 'known-to-man!!']
These problems have been obvious to parents and educators all over this country for years. But for years, Congress has failed to fix them. So now, I will. Our kids only get one shot at a decent education. And they can’t afford to wait any longer. Yesterday, I announced that we’ll be giving states more flexibility to meet high standards for teaching and learning. It’s time for us to let states, schools and teachers come up with innovative ways to give our children the skills they need to compete for the jobs of the future. This will make a huge difference in the lives of students all across the country. Yesterday, I was with Ricky Hall, the principal of a school in Worcester, Massachusetts. Every single student who graduated from Ricci’s school in the last three years went on to college. But because they didn’t meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci’s school was labeled as failing last year. That will change because of what we did yesterday. From now on, we’ll be able to encourage the progress at schools like Ricci’s. From now on, people like John Becker, who teaches at one of the highest-performing middle schools in D.C., will be able to focus on teaching his 4th graders math in a way that improves their performance instead of just teaching to a test. Superintendents like David Estrop from Ohio will be able to focus on improving teaching and learning in his district instead of spending all his time on bureaucratic mandates from Washington that don’t get results. This isn’t just the right thing to do for our kids – it’s the right thing to do for our country, and our future. It is time to put our teachers back on the job. It is time to rebuild and modernize our schools. And it is time to raise our standards, up our game, and do everything it takes to prepare our children succeed in the global economy. Now is the time to once again make our education system the envy of the world.
[What I'm not telling you: The Congress that did the least for the children and the students of America was that Nancy PORKlosi/pinky reid led 111th Congress! We all know how effective those two were: he campaigned for pork to support cowboy poetry; she said "unemployment checks are the fastest way to create jobs!?!" Of course.... what would a blather opportunity be, without parading out all the union teachers-some who even support me.]
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
September 24, 2011
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been making the case that we need to act now on the American Jobs Act, so we can put folks back to work and start building an economy that lasts into the future. Education is an essential part of this economic agenda. It is an undeniable fact that countries who out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. Businesses will hire wherever the highly-skilled, highly-trained workers are located. But today, our students are sliding against their peers around the globe. Today, our kids trail too many other countries in math, science, and reading. As many as a quarter of our students aren’t even finishing high school. And we’ve fallen to 16th in the proportion of our young people with a college degree, even though we know that sixty percent of new jobs in the coming decade will require more than a high school diploma. What this means is that if we’re serious about building an economy that lasts – an economy in which hard work pays off with the opportunity for solid middle class jobs – we had better be serious about education. We have to pick up our game and raise our standards. As a nation, we have an obligation to make sure that all children have the resources they need to learn – quality schools, good teachers, the latest textbooks and the right technology.
[What I'm not telling you: What I've actually doing--totally illegally; totally at taxpayer expense--is giving campaign blusterful blathers, thinly disguised as blather opportunities to promote the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" American Jobs Act; as opposed to Louie Gohmert's thoroughly workable American Jobs Act.
The graduation rates directly correlate with the fascist philosophy I've advocated and practiced since I was graduated from Harvard Law School. An under-educated--preferably an uneducated--serf class is far easier to control; far easier to persuade that everything they need, or want, or desire can and will be provided by the government, if they will just wait. If we are truly to get serious about education, I'm NOT your guy!! I'm the guy that forced Arne Duncan on the Department of Education; I'm the guy that continues to bloat the administrative side of education while foresaking the instructional staff. It's been said for years: education is best served at the lowest level possible, i.e., at the county or district level. Absolutely, NOT at the federal level. Education in the United States would be best served with the dissolution of the Department of Education!! Their ever-growing budget would certainly be better administered at the level of the thousands of counties; at the level of the tens-of-thousands of school districts in the United States.
Raising the quality of the instructional is paramount to raising the graduation rates. Lowering--if not eliminating--the influence of the teachers' unions is paramount to raising the quality of the instructional staff. The millions-upon-millions of dollars siphoned off by the uber-greedy of the unions' hierarchies is no more benefit to the whole scheme of things than was my wife's no-show, $374,000 job at the University of Chicago Medical Center, was a benefit to medicine in general; to the University of Chicago in particular!!]
That’s why the jobs bill I sent to Congress would put tens of thousands of teachers back to work across the country, and modernize at least 35,000 schools. And Congress should pass that bill right now. But money alone won’t solve our education problems. We also need reform. We need to make sure that every classroom is a place of high expectations and high performance. That’s been our vision since taking office. And that’s why instead of just pouring money into a system that’s not working, we launched a competition called Race to the Top. To all fifty states, we said, “If you show us the most innovative plans to improve teacher quality and student achievement, we’ll show you the money.” For less than one percent of what we spend on education each year, Race to the Top has led states across the country to raise their standards for teaching and learning. These standards were developed, not by Washington, but by Republican and Democratic governors throughout the country. And since then, we have seen what’s possible when reform isn’t just a top-down mandate, but the work of local teachers and principals; school boards and communities. That’s why in my State of the Union address this year, I said that Congress should reform the No Child Left Behind law based on the same principles that have guided Race to the Top. While the goals behind No Child Left Behind were admirable, experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them. Teachers are being forced to teach to a test, while subjects like history and science are being squeezed out. And in order to avoid having their schools labeled as failures, some states lowered their standards in a race to the bottom.
[What I'm not telling you: Actually, the Jobs bill I sent to congress cannot even muster one owe-bamacRATic representative to sponsor the bill on the Floor of the House! Sadly, this presents the true measure of the bill's benefit to the nation's unemployed. There is NO BENEFIT, it's merely a tax-increase on the nation's evil rich, white guys. If passed--which is highly unlikely--this bill will stifle jobs creation for decades to come.
Every cleaverly named education bill--for the past several decades--has been flawed from it's very outset. That evil President George W. Bush plan, "No Child Left Behind" did exactly that; while my "Race to the Top" was neither a 'race,' nor was anyone to reach the 'top.' The greatest outcome of the "Race to the Top" were more and more cleaver assessment and statistical schemes to insure no school was labelled a failure. Mine was a thinly disguised plan to reward the teachers' unions, bloat the local payrolls, compensate those in the union hierarchies that contributed to my campaign and those who actively supported me.
While I carried the District of Corruption overwhelmingly during my 'selection-for-election,' I didn't receive the financial backing I felt should have been forthcoming. To that end I had the 111th Congress vote to cut-off funding for the District's education vouchers. You remember the 111th Congress, right? They're the ones--headed by Nancy PORKlosi and 'pinky' reid--who squashed America's rights, economy and employment "like so many bugs!!" I--being as concerned with education as I am--took the stance of depriving some of America's poorest, most dis-enfranchised students of a better-quality education. Now, these students I claim to care so deeply about, are forced to suffer some of the poorest schools on the planet, staffed with some of least-qualified UNION teaching staff 'known-to-man!!']
These problems have been obvious to parents and educators all over this country for years. But for years, Congress has failed to fix them. So now, I will. Our kids only get one shot at a decent education. And they can’t afford to wait any longer. Yesterday, I announced that we’ll be giving states more flexibility to meet high standards for teaching and learning. It’s time for us to let states, schools and teachers come up with innovative ways to give our children the skills they need to compete for the jobs of the future. This will make a huge difference in the lives of students all across the country. Yesterday, I was with Ricky Hall, the principal of a school in Worcester, Massachusetts. Every single student who graduated from Ricci’s school in the last three years went on to college. But because they didn’t meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci’s school was labeled as failing last year. That will change because of what we did yesterday. From now on, we’ll be able to encourage the progress at schools like Ricci’s. From now on, people like John Becker, who teaches at one of the highest-performing middle schools in D.C., will be able to focus on teaching his 4th graders math in a way that improves their performance instead of just teaching to a test. Superintendents like David Estrop from Ohio will be able to focus on improving teaching and learning in his district instead of spending all his time on bureaucratic mandates from Washington that don’t get results. This isn’t just the right thing to do for our kids – it’s the right thing to do for our country, and our future. It is time to put our teachers back on the job. It is time to rebuild and modernize our schools. And it is time to raise our standards, up our game, and do everything it takes to prepare our children succeed in the global economy. Now is the time to once again make our education system the envy of the world.
[What I'm not telling you: The Congress that did the least for the children and the students of America was that Nancy PORKlosi/pinky reid led 111th Congress! We all know how effective those two were: he campaigned for pork to support cowboy poetry; she said "unemployment checks are the fastest way to create jobs!?!" Of course.... what would a blather opportunity be, without parading out all the union teachers-some who even support me.]
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
This'n'That; September Twenty-Seventh #1; Vacation
Springfield, Missouri
What a great city!! We've been here for three days but sadly, we have to leave tomorrow morning do to work obligations back in Rochester, N.Y. We've seen lot'sa stuff, learned lot'sa stuff, I'll be including the vacation in future blogs after I get home and rest up from a mostly terrific vacation!
Til Nex'Time....
What a great city!! We've been here for three days but sadly, we have to leave tomorrow morning do to work obligations back in Rochester, N.Y. We've seen lot'sa stuff, learned lot'sa stuff, I'll be including the vacation in future blogs after I get home and rest up from a mostly terrific vacation!
Til Nex'Time....
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Sunday 'Report;' 09/25/2011
What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
8 Biggest Red Flag Words on Packaged Foods.
by Reader's Digest Magazine
September 16, 2011
The words written on food packaging are a contract between you and the manufacturer, as mandated by the federal government via the FDA. Many food producers hire lawyers that help them craft words to get you to buy their products while toeing the line of legality. Here are a few common package proclamations that you should look out for, and what they really mean.
1. Health claims
Could a probiotic straw give immunity protection to a child? Are Cheerios a substitute for cholesterol-lowering drugs? The FDA doesn't think so. Foods are not authorized to treat diseases. Be suspicious [....]
The Worst Performing Stocks of 2011
September 19, 2011
2011 has been an incredibly choppy year, the economy is flirting between snail-paced growth and recession, and many companies and entire sectors are experiencing some severe business pressures or their management teams have made severe missteps. We wanted to identify the worst of stocks of 2011 based upon year-to-date performance that fit within liquidity and size parameters. Many investors might have guessed
Steve Forbes: I'm Leaning Toward Perry Endorsement
August 31, 2011
By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter
Forbes magazine editor Steve Forbes says he “very impressed” with Texas Gov. Rick Perry and is leaning toward endorsing him for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. “Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, is now the front-runner. He’s had a good record even though liberals are now trying to trash it, along with perhaps some of his GOP opponents,” Forbes, a two-time presidential candidate, tells Newsmax. “He did some very good things in reforming their personal injury liability system, very very positive reforms. He encouraged energy production instead of states like California that discourage it, and refused to put in a state income tax. So in the great scheme of things that’s a pretty solid [....]
A cheat sheet on tipping do's and don'ts
By Heather Larson
Tipping can be daunting. While most of us know that it's appropriate to tip our server at a restaurant, it's not always clear whether to tip the hotel concierge, funeral chaplain or dog groomer. If you leave a tip, how large should it be? Is 20 percent an across-the-board solution? Will your tip leave you looking like Donald Trump or Ebenezer Scrooge? Are there situations where tipping isn't necessary? This list from [....]
Mortgage Default Notices Surge 33% Nationwide, 55% In California, 200% By Bank Of America
by Mike "Mish" Shedlock,
Global Economic Trend Analysis
Sep. 15, 2011
[Mike "Mish" Shedlock Mish is an investment advisor at Sitka Pacific Capital. He writes the widely read Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.]
The number of U.S. homes that received an initial default notice -- the first step in the foreclosure process -- jumped 33 percent in August from July, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday. The increase represents a nine-month high and the biggest monthly gain in four years. The spike signals banks are starting to take swifter action against homeowners, nearly a year after processing issues led to a sharp slowdown in foreclosures. Foreclosure activity began to slow last fall after problems surfaced with the way many lenders were handling foreclosure paperwork, namely shoddy [....]
5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke
By Melanie Haiken,
September 06, 2011
Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke -- when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients -- is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.
1. Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats, which are hydrogenated oils popular with commercial bakeries because they stay solid at room temperature, so the products don't require refrigeration. Also listed on labels as "partially hydrogenated" or hydrogenated oils, trans fats are found in all kinds of snack foods, frozen foods, and baked goods, including salad dressings, microwave popcorn, stuffing mixes, frozen tater tots and French fries, cake mixes, and whipped toppings. They're also what makes [....]
‘Aftershock’ Book Predicts Economic Disaster Amid Controversy
July 25, 2011
Robert Wiedemer’s new book, “Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown,” quickly is becoming the survival guide for the 21st century. And Newsmax’s eye-opening Aftershock Survival Summit video, with exclusive interviews and prophetic predictions, already has affected millions around the world — but not without ruffling a few feathers.
Initially screened for a private audience, this gripping video exposed harsh economic truths and garnered an overwhelming amount of feedback. “People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the video public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog. But that wasn’t [....]
The Most Underrated Jobs
by Susan Adams,
Forbes Staff,
September 20, 2011Paralegals and legal assistants make an average annual income of $47,000, and over the past three years the average unemployment rate in the field has been just 3.1%. The job is also relatively low-stress, involves little contact with the public, and doesn’t require employees to breathe in toxic fumes or lift loads of 50 lbs. or more. Those factors land paralegal in the number one spot on CareerCast.com’s new list of most underrated jobs. Second on the list: accountant, with an average income of $60,000 and an average three-year unemployment rate of 4.8%. Loan officer ranks third, with income of $55,000 and a three-year unemployment rate of 4.4%.
Each January CareerCast, the three-year-old Carlsbad, Calif. jobs website, releases a list of America’s ten best and ten worst jobs after evaluating 200 professions using five core criteria: pay, hiring outlook, work environment, stress and physical demands. (My colleague Jacquelyn Smith covered the last best and worst lists here.) The data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and an array of [....]
Marlins pitcher receives surprising package from Kuwait
By 'Duk
September 20, 2011
When it comes to the plastic tubs that hold mail in the clubhouse, major league ballplayers usually know what to expect: Autograph requests for cards and pictures, pieces of fan-made art varying in quality and the occasional talisman meant to end a slump or heal an injury. But what Florida Marlins pitcher Chris Hatcher(notes) opened before a recent game caught him off guard, reports the Palm Beach Post. Inside a package that arrived from Camp Buehring in Kuwait was an American flag and a picture of a smiling boy holding a baseball. A letter from Sgt. Joseph Hjelmstad of Minnesota accompanied both items, explaining that the package was a thank-you gift for Hatcher's actions back in July. That was when Hjelmstad took his son Joey to a Marlins-Cubs game at Wrigley Field. Hatcher and Hjelmstad struck up a conversation about Hjelmstad's continuing military duty and ended it by [....]
The Worst Performing Stocks of 2011
September 19, 2011
2011 has been an incredibly choppy year, the economy is flirting between snail-paced growth and recession, and many companies and entire sectors are experiencing some severe business pressures or their management teams have made severe missteps. We wanted to identify the worst of stocks of 2011 based upon year-to-date performance that fit within liquidity and size parameters. Many investors might have guessed that Aeropostale, Inc. (NYSE: ARO), Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC), Research In Motion Limited (NASDAQ: RIMM), and The Talbots Inc. (NYSE: TLB) are among the worst performers. Their performance has been atrocious, but the Finviz screener showed many companies which have performed far worse. There are many companies under $100 million in value or which are illiquid which have fallen even more. This group was focused on companies that trade with a market capitalization of more than $100 million and we screened out the companies which are either not liquid of roughly 200,000 shares a day. We also [....]
Until Next Sunday....
8 Biggest Red Flag Words on Packaged Foods.
by Reader's Digest Magazine
September 16, 2011
The words written on food packaging are a contract between you and the manufacturer, as mandated by the federal government via the FDA. Many food producers hire lawyers that help them craft words to get you to buy their products while toeing the line of legality. Here are a few common package proclamations that you should look out for, and what they really mean.
1. Health claims
Could a probiotic straw give immunity protection to a child? Are Cheerios a substitute for cholesterol-lowering drugs? The FDA doesn't think so. Foods are not authorized to treat diseases. Be suspicious [....]
The Worst Performing Stocks of 2011
September 19, 2011
2011 has been an incredibly choppy year, the economy is flirting between snail-paced growth and recession, and many companies and entire sectors are experiencing some severe business pressures or their management teams have made severe missteps. We wanted to identify the worst of stocks of 2011 based upon year-to-date performance that fit within liquidity and size parameters. Many investors might have guessed
Steve Forbes: I'm Leaning Toward Perry Endorsement
August 31, 2011
By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter
Forbes magazine editor Steve Forbes says he “very impressed” with Texas Gov. Rick Perry and is leaning toward endorsing him for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. “Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, is now the front-runner. He’s had a good record even though liberals are now trying to trash it, along with perhaps some of his GOP opponents,” Forbes, a two-time presidential candidate, tells Newsmax. “He did some very good things in reforming their personal injury liability system, very very positive reforms. He encouraged energy production instead of states like California that discourage it, and refused to put in a state income tax. So in the great scheme of things that’s a pretty solid [....]
A cheat sheet on tipping do's and don'ts
By Heather Larson
Tipping can be daunting. While most of us know that it's appropriate to tip our server at a restaurant, it's not always clear whether to tip the hotel concierge, funeral chaplain or dog groomer. If you leave a tip, how large should it be? Is 20 percent an across-the-board solution? Will your tip leave you looking like Donald Trump or Ebenezer Scrooge? Are there situations where tipping isn't necessary? This list from [....]
Mortgage Default Notices Surge 33% Nationwide, 55% In California, 200% By Bank Of America
by Mike "Mish" Shedlock,
Global Economic Trend Analysis
Sep. 15, 2011
[Mike "Mish" Shedlock Mish is an investment advisor at Sitka Pacific Capital. He writes the widely read Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis.]
The number of U.S. homes that received an initial default notice -- the first step in the foreclosure process -- jumped 33 percent in August from July, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday. The increase represents a nine-month high and the biggest monthly gain in four years. The spike signals banks are starting to take swifter action against homeowners, nearly a year after processing issues led to a sharp slowdown in foreclosures. Foreclosure activity began to slow last fall after problems surfaced with the way many lenders were handling foreclosure paperwork, namely shoddy [....]
5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke
By Melanie Haiken,
September 06, 2011
Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke -- when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients -- is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.
1. Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats, which are hydrogenated oils popular with commercial bakeries because they stay solid at room temperature, so the products don't require refrigeration. Also listed on labels as "partially hydrogenated" or hydrogenated oils, trans fats are found in all kinds of snack foods, frozen foods, and baked goods, including salad dressings, microwave popcorn, stuffing mixes, frozen tater tots and French fries, cake mixes, and whipped toppings. They're also what makes [....]
‘Aftershock’ Book Predicts Economic Disaster Amid Controversy
July 25, 2011
Robert Wiedemer’s new book, “Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown,” quickly is becoming the survival guide for the 21st century. And Newsmax’s eye-opening Aftershock Survival Summit video, with exclusive interviews and prophetic predictions, already has affected millions around the world — but not without ruffling a few feathers.
Initially screened for a private audience, this gripping video exposed harsh economic truths and garnered an overwhelming amount of feedback. “People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the video public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog. But that wasn’t [....]
The Most Underrated Jobs
by Susan Adams,
Forbes Staff,
September 20, 2011Paralegals and legal assistants make an average annual income of $47,000, and over the past three years the average unemployment rate in the field has been just 3.1%. The job is also relatively low-stress, involves little contact with the public, and doesn’t require employees to breathe in toxic fumes or lift loads of 50 lbs. or more. Those factors land paralegal in the number one spot on CareerCast.com’s new list of most underrated jobs. Second on the list: accountant, with an average income of $60,000 and an average three-year unemployment rate of 4.8%. Loan officer ranks third, with income of $55,000 and a three-year unemployment rate of 4.4%.
Each January CareerCast, the three-year-old Carlsbad, Calif. jobs website, releases a list of America’s ten best and ten worst jobs after evaluating 200 professions using five core criteria: pay, hiring outlook, work environment, stress and physical demands. (My colleague Jacquelyn Smith covered the last best and worst lists here.) The data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and an array of [....]
Marlins pitcher receives surprising package from Kuwait
By 'Duk
September 20, 2011
When it comes to the plastic tubs that hold mail in the clubhouse, major league ballplayers usually know what to expect: Autograph requests for cards and pictures, pieces of fan-made art varying in quality and the occasional talisman meant to end a slump or heal an injury. But what Florida Marlins pitcher Chris Hatcher(notes) opened before a recent game caught him off guard, reports the Palm Beach Post. Inside a package that arrived from Camp Buehring in Kuwait was an American flag and a picture of a smiling boy holding a baseball. A letter from Sgt. Joseph Hjelmstad of Minnesota accompanied both items, explaining that the package was a thank-you gift for Hatcher's actions back in July. That was when Hjelmstad took his son Joey to a Marlins-Cubs game at Wrigley Field. Hatcher and Hjelmstad struck up a conversation about Hjelmstad's continuing military duty and ended it by [....]
The Worst Performing Stocks of 2011
September 19, 2011
2011 has been an incredibly choppy year, the economy is flirting between snail-paced growth and recession, and many companies and entire sectors are experiencing some severe business pressures or their management teams have made severe missteps. We wanted to identify the worst of stocks of 2011 based upon year-to-date performance that fit within liquidity and size parameters. Many investors might have guessed that Aeropostale, Inc. (NYSE: ARO), Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC), Research In Motion Limited (NASDAQ: RIMM), and The Talbots Inc. (NYSE: TLB) are among the worst performers. Their performance has been atrocious, but the Finviz screener showed many companies which have performed far worse. There are many companies under $100 million in value or which are illiquid which have fallen even more. This group was focused on companies that trade with a market capitalization of more than $100 million and we screened out the companies which are either not liquid of roughly 200,000 shares a day. We also [....]
Until Next Sunday....
Saturday, September 24, 2011
This'n'That; September Twenty-Fourth #1; Vacation
in Case Vacation
Justin Case and family are currently on vacation from the northeast into the central midwest. The 'Weekly Blather' and 'The Sunday Report' blogs will be published, albeit, probably a bit late!
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case and family are currently on vacation from the northeast into the central midwest. The 'Weekly Blather' and 'The Sunday Report' blogs will be published, albeit, probably a bit late!
Til Nex'Time....
Friday, September 23, 2011
This'n'That; September Twenty-Third #3; Magazine Cover
A Suggested Cover Photo:
It's been suggested that Mad Magazine consider a recent photo of "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" for their next cover.

Mad Magazine should crop this photo to just "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" head, shoulders and waving hand and arm.
Folks--even though it looks that way--this picture is not 'photo-shopped!' Check out 'the-tilt-of-the-head!' Check out all of those who are waving!
The speech-bubble on the magazine cover might contain: "It's NOT all-about-me?!?"

Til Nex'Time....
It's been suggested that Mad Magazine consider a recent photo of "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" for their next cover.
Mad Magazine should crop this photo to just "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" head, shoulders and waving hand and arm.
Folks--even though it looks that way--this picture is not 'photo-shopped!' Check out 'the-tilt-of-the-head!' Check out all of those who are waving!
The speech-bubble on the magazine cover might contain: "It's NOT all-about-me?!?"
Til Nex'Time....
This'n'That; September Twenty-Third #2; Clean-Up?
Is It Even Possible?!?
[In reading this post one must remember "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is steeped in this political 'style.']
Someone we--of the 'serf-class'--have never heard of; works a single day; becomes eligible for a $158,000 PER YEAR, pension! Have you ever heard of Dennis Gannon?!? Neither have I! This is such a convoluted story, it's difficult--at least for me--to follow but, here goes:
Mister Gannon was rehired for a single day for the City of Chicago (in 1994); at the close of that workday, took an indefinite leave-of-absence; started drawing his $158,000 per-year pension (in 2004). But this is not the whole story of Mr Gannon's government-approved scamming of Chicago and State of Illinois taxpayers:
Since the mid-1990s, Gannon held various executive positions with the Chicago Federation of Labor, culminating as president of the union earning a $240,000 annual salary.
Early in his 'service' (prior to 1994) with the City of Chicago, Gannon was a worker with the city's Streets and Sanitation Department.
Gannon 'retired' from the city job in 2004 and started drawing his $158,000 annual pension.
Gannon 'retired' from the Chicago Federation of Labor in 2010 and started drawing an annual pension which--if history is followed--will be 'lucrative.'
Gannon draws both pensions while working--full time--for the hedge fund Grosvenor Capital Management.
Ethics aside, how can this possibly be legal, you ask?!?
Authorized by a state law signed by former Governor Jim Thompson--on his last day in office--Gannon was allowed to retire from his city job and have his city pension based on his exorbitant union salary of said $240,000-annually.
The city pension amount so exceeded federal limits that the City of Chicago Pension Fund had to file paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service.
As previously stated, every American taxpayer, every American citizen, must bear-in-mind: this is the 'school' that educated "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" in the way of "Chicago-style politics!"
Til Nex'Time....
[In reading this post one must remember "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is steeped in this political 'style.']
Someone we--of the 'serf-class'--have never heard of; works a single day; becomes eligible for a $158,000 PER YEAR, pension! Have you ever heard of Dennis Gannon?!? Neither have I! This is such a convoluted story, it's difficult--at least for me--to follow but, here goes:
Mister Gannon was rehired for a single day for the City of Chicago (in 1994); at the close of that workday, took an indefinite leave-of-absence; started drawing his $158,000 per-year pension (in 2004). But this is not the whole story of Mr Gannon's government-approved scamming of Chicago and State of Illinois taxpayers:
Since the mid-1990s, Gannon held various executive positions with the Chicago Federation of Labor, culminating as president of the union earning a $240,000 annual salary.
Early in his 'service' (prior to 1994) with the City of Chicago, Gannon was a worker with the city's Streets and Sanitation Department.
Gannon 'retired' from the city job in 2004 and started drawing his $158,000 annual pension.
Gannon 'retired' from the Chicago Federation of Labor in 2010 and started drawing an annual pension which--if history is followed--will be 'lucrative.'
Gannon draws both pensions while working--full time--for the hedge fund Grosvenor Capital Management.
Ethics aside, how can this possibly be legal, you ask?!?
Authorized by a state law signed by former Governor Jim Thompson--on his last day in office--Gannon was allowed to retire from his city job and have his city pension based on his exorbitant union salary of said $240,000-annually.
The city pension amount so exceeded federal limits that the City of Chicago Pension Fund had to file paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service.
As previously stated, every American taxpayer, every American citizen, must bear-in-mind: this is the 'school' that educated "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" in the way of "Chicago-style politics!"
Til Nex'Time....
City of Chicago,
Dennis Gannon,
Jim Thompson,
This'n'That; September Twenty-Third #1; Typical Marxists
ZERO-bama: A TYPICAL Marxist!
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" YET AGAIN proves he's almost average; an average amateur; an average marxist! Marxists are great at spending other people's money; keeping their foot on the throat of private productive effort. BUT, they certainly don't mind participating in capitalism, so long as they can prevent--or at the very least, hinder--the 'serf-class' profiting from said capitalism.
To that end--with a complete lack of ethics--"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist," then-U.S. Senator ZERO-bama most probably used insider-information in his decision to invest $90,000 of Phil Falcone's money in Skyterra (which was re-named LightSquared). That investment was in early, 2005 soon after becoming a U.S. senator; soon after another major Skyterra investor (Phil Falcone?) raised $150,000 for ZERO-bama's "Chicago-style" political campaigns. senator ZERO-bama made another investment during the same time frame, this one in a biotech company researching and developing a vaccine against avian flu. Shortly after his investment--again, with a complete lack of ethics--then-U.S. senator ZERO-bama took the lead in pushing for more federal spending to prevent avian flu; H-m-m-m-m-m-m!?!
That transpired in 2005.... let's fast-forward to the last couple of years. Shortly after his immaculation, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist"--through his then-Deputy Attorney General David Ogden--vowed the regime would crack down on conferences and other 'extravagant spending, especially during these challenging financial times.'
As an illustration of the regime's ethics and honesty:
A mere three months after the Deputy Ogden memo, the Justice Department's Executive Office for Immigration Review hosted a 2009 legal training conference. For delivery to said conference, you--the taxpayer--paid $16.80 each, for 250 assorted muffins; $9.60 each, for 300 servings of cookies, brownies, various pastries and snacks.
So much for the crack-down on wasteful spending! Should we have expected more?!? Probably not; these examples came on the heels of the $787BILLION PORKulus spending bill, which--itself--was little more than political pay-offs to union hierarchies, donors,supporters and other fascists.
The blatant arrogance, the complete lack of ethics seem to be the 'high-water-mark' for the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime. I'll never live to see it, but what will the executive branch archives and presidential papers reveal to historians fifty-years from now?!?
Til Nex'Time....
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" YET AGAIN proves he's almost average; an average amateur; an average marxist! Marxists are great at spending other people's money; keeping their foot on the throat of private productive effort. BUT, they certainly don't mind participating in capitalism, so long as they can prevent--or at the very least, hinder--the 'serf-class' profiting from said capitalism.
To that end--with a complete lack of ethics--"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist," then-U.S. Senator ZERO-bama most probably used insider-information in his decision to invest $90,000 of Phil Falcone's money in Skyterra (which was re-named LightSquared). That investment was in early, 2005 soon after becoming a U.S. senator; soon after another major Skyterra investor (Phil Falcone?) raised $150,000 for ZERO-bama's "Chicago-style" political campaigns. senator ZERO-bama made another investment during the same time frame, this one in a biotech company researching and developing a vaccine against avian flu. Shortly after his investment--again, with a complete lack of ethics--then-U.S. senator ZERO-bama took the lead in pushing for more federal spending to prevent avian flu; H-m-m-m-m-m-m!?!
That transpired in 2005.... let's fast-forward to the last couple of years. Shortly after his immaculation, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist"--through his then-Deputy Attorney General David Ogden--vowed the regime would crack down on conferences and other 'extravagant spending, especially during these challenging financial times.'
As an illustration of the regime's ethics and honesty:
A mere three months after the Deputy Ogden memo, the Justice Department's Executive Office for Immigration Review hosted a 2009 legal training conference. For delivery to said conference, you--the taxpayer--paid $16.80 each, for 250 assorted muffins; $9.60 each, for 300 servings of cookies, brownies, various pastries and snacks.
So much for the crack-down on wasteful spending! Should we have expected more?!? Probably not; these examples came on the heels of the $787BILLION PORKulus spending bill, which--itself--was little more than political pay-offs to union hierarchies, donors,supporters and other fascists.
The blatant arrogance, the complete lack of ethics seem to be the 'high-water-mark' for the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime. I'll never live to see it, but what will the executive branch archives and presidential papers reveal to historians fifty-years from now?!?
Til Nex'Time....
David Ogden,
Phil Falcone,
wasteful spending
Thursday, September 22, 2011
This'n'That; September Twenty-Second #2; The Fed
AGAIN-Fed Displays Classic 'Insanity!'
The Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is going ahead with continuation of his insane idea of 'Quantitative Easing,' as a result of the latest meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee. This time, Bernanke is buying more Treasury securities to reduce long-term interest rates. The net effect here will be:
Penalizing 'savers' who will suffer from the resultant falling interest rates.
Penalizing bond holders and other investors in fixed-rate securities.
Continue the rising inflation rates, at a faster rate.
Put more consumers into houses they cannot afford; have no inclination of paying for.
The Fed's mission--should they decide to accept it--is to control inflation and insure maximum employment; conversely, the lowest unemployment rate possible. Apparently, the Fed has decided NOT TO ACCEPT! Nearly everything done by The Federal Reserve; done by the current regime, has exacerbated both problems!
Let's have a look at how the various statistics are derived; how the various statistics are contrived to achieve the desired goal:
The 'official unemployment rate (U-3)' is those unemployed for four weeks. The rate is determined by the number of unemployed, divided by the number of jobs available.
The "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime has used two types of 'adjustments' to achieve their politically-inspired results. The regime has--at least once--reduced the total labor force numbers to make the U-3 rate to appear to be improving.
The "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime has--at least once--shifted an undetermined number of the unemployed from the U-3 category to the U-4, U-5 and/or U-6 categories, thus reducing the U-3 'official' rate.
Due to the blatant dishonesty and obfuscation by the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime, one would be advised to periodically check the Gallup organization's tracking of various statistics, providing a more honest; more believeable picture of the national economy. The regime would like you to believe the August, 2011 U-3 rate to be 9.1%; the U-6 rate to be 16.2% The Gallup people have found them to be 9.8% and 18.3%, respectively.
This regime, The Fed as well as members of Congress--politicial parties, aside--continue to feed the American people the government brand of pablum; anything that is more pleasing to the ear and eye, than is the actual situation!
Til Nex'Time....
The Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is going ahead with continuation of his insane idea of 'Quantitative Easing,' as a result of the latest meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee. This time, Bernanke is buying more Treasury securities to reduce long-term interest rates. The net effect here will be:
Penalizing 'savers' who will suffer from the resultant falling interest rates.
Penalizing bond holders and other investors in fixed-rate securities.
Continue the rising inflation rates, at a faster rate.
Put more consumers into houses they cannot afford; have no inclination of paying for.
The Fed's mission--should they decide to accept it--is to control inflation and insure maximum employment; conversely, the lowest unemployment rate possible. Apparently, the Fed has decided NOT TO ACCEPT! Nearly everything done by The Federal Reserve; done by the current regime, has exacerbated both problems!
Let's have a look at how the various statistics are derived; how the various statistics are contrived to achieve the desired goal:
The 'official unemployment rate (U-3)' is those unemployed for four weeks. The rate is determined by the number of unemployed, divided by the number of jobs available.
The "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime has used two types of 'adjustments' to achieve their politically-inspired results. The regime has--at least once--reduced the total labor force numbers to make the U-3 rate to appear to be improving.
The "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime has--at least once--shifted an undetermined number of the unemployed from the U-3 category to the U-4, U-5 and/or U-6 categories, thus reducing the U-3 'official' rate.
Due to the blatant dishonesty and obfuscation by the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" regime, one would be advised to periodically check the Gallup organization's tracking of various statistics, providing a more honest; more believeable picture of the national economy. The regime would like you to believe the August, 2011 U-3 rate to be 9.1%; the U-6 rate to be 16.2% The Gallup people have found them to be 9.8% and 18.3%, respectively.
This regime, The Fed as well as members of Congress--politicial parties, aside--continue to feed the American people the government brand of pablum; anything that is more pleasing to the ear and eye, than is the actual situation!
Til Nex'Time....
quantitative easing,
The Fed,
This'n'That; September Twenty-Second #1; Tony Bennett
Has Senility Set In?!?
Until now, my family and I have always like Tony Bennett! Having said that--I'll never buy another concert ticket, never another CD. I seriously think senility has set it; Mr Bennett's opinions are straying far afield from his patriotism.
Recently, Mr Bennett was interviewed by Howard Stern on his Sirius-XM radio program (channel 100 on both systems); here are a few quotes:
Til Nex'Time....
I can understand his mindset with regard to war; to armed conflict. The first time I was exposed to a dead body, I kinda lost it; I felt badly that someone had died, no matter the reason. In my case, patriotism took over and I justified my actions and those of others. Would Mr Bennett feel the same way about muslim terrorists if they'd landed on his house; if they'd killed his loved ones?!? Ya gotta wonder....
If 'at don'beat all!! If Mr Bennett isn't displaying definite signs of either senility or dementia--or both--I ain'gotta clue what's goin' on!!
Until now, my family and I have always like Tony Bennett! Having said that--I'll never buy another concert ticket, never another CD. I seriously think senility has set it; Mr Bennett's opinions are straying far afield from his patriotism.
Recently, Mr Bennett was interviewed by Howard Stern on his Sirius-XM radio program (channel 100 on both systems); here are a few quotes:
Til Nex'Time....
"I'm anti-war, [....] it's the lowest form of humanity."With respect to the modern times, Mr Bennett also said:
"The Germans were frightened. We were frightened. Nobody wanted to kill anybody when we were on the line, but the weapons were so strong that it overcame us and everybody else."
"The first time I saw a German, that's when I became a pacifist."
"That was a nightmare that's permanent, I said 'this is not life, this is not life.'"
"To start a war in Iraq was a tremendous, tremendous mistake internationally."Upon meeting President George W. Bush at a 2005 Kennedy Center gala honoring the singer, Mr Bennett said:
"He told me personally that night that, 'I think I made a mistake.'"With respect to those muslim terrorists who attacked and 'dropped' the twin towers of the World Trade Center, Mr Bennett said:
"But, who are the terrorists? Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? Two wrongs don't make a right."
"They flew the planes in, but we caused it. Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop."
I can understand his mindset with regard to war; to armed conflict. The first time I was exposed to a dead body, I kinda lost it; I felt badly that someone had died, no matter the reason. In my case, patriotism took over and I justified my actions and those of others. Would Mr Bennett feel the same way about muslim terrorists if they'd landed on his house; if they'd killed his loved ones?!? Ya gotta wonder....
If 'at don'beat all!! If Mr Bennett isn't displaying definite signs of either senility or dementia--or both--I ain'gotta clue what's goin' on!!
Howard Stern,
Tony Bennett,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
This'n'That; September Twenty-First #3; Libya And Beyond
[As usual--Hopelessly out-of-order! See: http://www.justincase505.wordpress.com/]
War ON Libya; Toward One-World Government?
Many only know "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist"--while lying through his teeth--declared war on Libyian dictator Muammar Gaddafi by marshalling the American forces for what would become "Operation Odyssey Dawn." What most don't know are the details of Samantha Power's involvement as well as her complicity with George Soros as One World government advocates. First, we must delve into Ms Power's past; how did she get where she is?!?
Samantha Power first came to prominence as a humanitarian hawk, favoring both United Nations and United States' intervention in humanitarian crises i.e., Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and now Libya. Ms Power began to see war as an instrument to achieve her radical, liberal values. Ms Power has written that the United States must be prepared to risk the lives of it's soldiers to stop the threat of genocide. Ms Power condemns Western 'appeasement' of dictators, believing "the battle to stop genocide has been repeatedly lost in the realm of domestic politics."
Somewhere-along-the-line, Ms Power married Cass Sunstein, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" favorite socio-fascist. She committed a huge gaffe--on a 'plug' biden level--while working on "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" presidential campaign. Ms Power called Hillary Clinton 'a monster:'
Ms Power, with Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice have been 'the voice (and, most probably the intelligence, the balls) behind "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" Libya action. This gives way to my thought that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narccissist" has not had an 'original thought' since grade school. The guy got mediocre grades in high school and the various colleges he attended; his books so far, seem to have been ghost-written, probably by his favorite communist radical: Bill Ayers. "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" cast more 'present' votes in Congress than any other, which is the best coarse of action when coherent thought evaded him. Oh!! And this quote from "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" before he was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" (The "Clown Prince" wrote this in the Bill Ayers' book "Elasticity of Poop....er...Audacity of Hope"):
[Sounds to me like Bill Ayers had 'a co-ghost' in writing this book!! But, I digress.]
Samantha Power--in conjunction with former Nazi worker George Soros--has been a prime mover in pushing forward the military doctrine of "The Responsibility to Protect (R2P)" or "The Responsibility to Act." The original concept of 'R2P' can be laid directly at the feet of former (then current) U.N. Secretary General Koffi Annan when he asked:
Hell, for the past several decades; for the last several administrations, many federal responsibilities have quietly been handed over to the United Nations. One example readily comes to mind:
Til Nex'time....
http://www.nationalcenter.org/NPA253.html In America, how big a leap would be necessary to expand control over a 'World Heritage Site' into the state that contains it?!? There are National Parks, Bio-sphere sites, wildlife refuges, et al, in practically every state in the country. With foreign forces used as enforcement vehicles, the United Nations could easily take over the entire country. With an agreeable individual in power, the U.S. might just 'stand-down' and allow it to happen. These are all points-to-ponder when determining the qualifications for the nation's chief executive; far much more than the limited consideration given the current ruler during his campaign for 'selection-for-election!!' My contention here is that with ever-growing influence from the likes of Samantha Power, George Soros, Susan Rice as well as "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" these examples of 'R2P' as well as upcoming possibilities, will be directed with the intention of more-and-more control exercised over the offending 'states.' George Soros--in a planetary sense--as well as Samantha Power to a lesser extent, have expressed their great desires in having a one-world government; having a one-world economy!! "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" does absolutely nothing to dissuade the public from the attitude that he's in lock-step with the aforementioned miscreants.In an article in The Atlantic Monthly, Anne-Marie Slaughter writes:In December of the following year, said commission released it's report, entitled "The Responsibility to Protect." The next major advancement to 'R2P' came in January, 2009 when (then) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon released "Implementing the Responsibility to Protect" which outlines the doctrine's three principles:In 2000 the Canadian federal government created their 'International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS).' This group was founded by Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun and consisted of members of the U.N. General Assembly. It's purpose was to arrive at an answer to the full--unedited--Annan question:
War ON Libya; Toward One-World Government?
Many only know "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist"--while lying through his teeth--declared war on Libyian dictator Muammar Gaddafi by marshalling the American forces for what would become "Operation Odyssey Dawn." What most don't know are the details of Samantha Power's involvement as well as her complicity with George Soros as One World government advocates. First, we must delve into Ms Power's past; how did she get where she is?!?
Samantha Power first came to prominence as a humanitarian hawk, favoring both United Nations and United States' intervention in humanitarian crises i.e., Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and now Libya. Ms Power began to see war as an instrument to achieve her radical, liberal values. Ms Power has written that the United States must be prepared to risk the lives of it's soldiers to stop the threat of genocide. Ms Power condemns Western 'appeasement' of dictators, believing "the battle to stop genocide has been repeatedly lost in the realm of domestic politics."
Somewhere-along-the-line, Ms Power married Cass Sunstein, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" favorite socio-fascist. She committed a huge gaffe--on a 'plug' biden level--while working on "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" presidential campaign. Ms Power called Hillary Clinton 'a monster:'
Ms Power, with Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice have been 'the voice (and, most probably the intelligence, the balls) behind "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" Libya action. This gives way to my thought that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narccissist" has not had an 'original thought' since grade school. The guy got mediocre grades in high school and the various colleges he attended; his books so far, seem to have been ghost-written, probably by his favorite communist radical: Bill Ayers. "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" cast more 'present' votes in Congress than any other, which is the best coarse of action when coherent thought evaded him. Oh!! And this quote from "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" before he was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" (The "Clown Prince" wrote this in the Bill Ayers' book "
"We f**ked up in Ohio," she (Power) said. "In Ohio, they're obsessed and Hillary's going to town on it, because they know Ohio's the only place they can win. She's a monster, too----that is off the record--she is stooping to anything."
[Sounds to me like Bill Ayers had 'a co-ghost' in writing this book!! But, I digress.]
"Samantha Power deserves special mention for her extraordinary generosity; despite being in the middle of writing her own book, she combed over each chapter as if it were hers, providing me with a steady flow of useful comments even as she cheered me up whenever my spirits or energy were flagging."
Samantha Power--in conjunction with former Nazi worker George Soros--has been a prime mover in pushing forward the military doctrine of "The Responsibility to Protect (R2P)" or "The Responsibility to Act." The original concept of 'R2P' can be laid directly at the feet of former (then current) U.N. Secretary General Koffi Annan when he asked:
"When does the international community intervene for the sake of protecting populations?"
"If human intervention is, indeed, an unacceptable assault on sovereignty, how should we respond to a Rwanda, a Srebrenica--to gross and systematic violations of human rights that affect every precept of our common humanity?"
**States [countries] have the primary responsibility to protect their populations....
**....committment of the international community to provide assistance to states in the aforementioned endeavor....
***....responsibility of the international community to take decisive and immediate action to prevent, halt mass atrocities....
"....The nature of sovereignty itself has thus changed: legitimate governments are defined not only by their control of a territory and a population but also how they exercise that control. If they fail in that obligation, the international community has the responsibility to protect those citizens. [....]"
Hell, for the past several decades; for the last several administrations, many federal responsibilities have quietly been handed over to the United Nations. One example readily comes to mind:
In January, 1996 "Slick-Willie" Clinton quietly signed an executive order which assigned administration and control over many of the United States national parks, national historical sites, as well as bio-sphere reserve sites to the United Nations. As of July, 1999 UNESCO controlled 20 World Heritage sites and 47 Bio-sphere Reserves (both in the U.S.), totaling over 51 MILLION acres (larger than the State of Colorado). As of the same date, the United Nations controlled 896 such sites, worldwide!!
Til Nex'time....
http://www.nationalcenter.org/NPA253.html In America, how big a leap would be necessary to expand control over a 'World Heritage Site' into the state that contains it?!? There are National Parks, Bio-sphere sites, wildlife refuges, et al, in practically every state in the country. With foreign forces used as enforcement vehicles, the United Nations could easily take over the entire country. With an agreeable individual in power, the U.S. might just 'stand-down' and allow it to happen. These are all points-to-ponder when determining the qualifications for the nation's chief executive; far much more than the limited consideration given the current ruler during his campaign for 'selection-for-election!!' My contention here is that with ever-growing influence from the likes of Samantha Power, George Soros, Susan Rice as well as "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" these examples of 'R2P' as well as upcoming possibilities, will be directed with the intention of more-and-more control exercised over the offending 'states.' George Soros--in a planetary sense--as well as Samantha Power to a lesser extent, have expressed their great desires in having a one-world government; having a one-world economy!! "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" does absolutely nothing to dissuade the public from the attitude that he's in lock-step with the aforementioned miscreants.In an article in The Atlantic Monthly, Anne-Marie Slaughter writes:In December of the following year, said commission released it's report, entitled "The Responsibility to Protect." The next major advancement to 'R2P' came in January, 2009 when (then) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon released "Implementing the Responsibility to Protect" which outlines the doctrine's three principles:In 2000 the Canadian federal government created their 'International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS).' This group was founded by Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun and consisted of members of the U.N. General Assembly. It's purpose was to arrive at an answer to the full--unedited--Annan question:
This'n'That; September Twenty-First #2; A Book
If You Wanted To Know:
Since one of my (step) sons became intimately involved, I've had a deep interest in the military's "Special-Ops" world. The 'specials' in each branch of the American armed forces likes to think they're the best but I've never found a definitive dissertation on the subject. I've read the generic sorta books that really don't give the reader much specific information.
I bought this book soon after it arrived on the discount market; I rarely pay full-price for any book, no matter the author. The book I refer to is "Lone Survivor," The eyewitness account of Operation Redwing and the lost heros of SEAL Team 10, by Marcus Luttrell (with Patrick Robinson). I found out about this book--and it's author--as an avid listern to the Glenn Beck Radio Program.
Thusfar, I've completed the first five chapters which detail the extensive, grueling, torturous, training the Navy SEALs go through! This should be required reading in every juvenile detention center, every city and country lock-up, in every state and federal prison!! The putzes in the aforementioned institutions--while they think they're tough--wouldn't make a decent pimple on a SEAL's ass!!!
In winding up the training phase of the his book, Mr Luttrell made the following statement, which I quote:
Til Nex'Time.... Were I to still have mid- to late-teenagers and early-twentysomethings, this book would be required reading for them as well; both boys and girls!!
Since one of my (step) sons became intimately involved, I've had a deep interest in the military's "Special-Ops" world. The 'specials' in each branch of the American armed forces likes to think they're the best but I've never found a definitive dissertation on the subject. I've read the generic sorta books that really don't give the reader much specific information.
I bought this book soon after it arrived on the discount market; I rarely pay full-price for any book, no matter the author. The book I refer to is "Lone Survivor," The eyewitness account of Operation Redwing and the lost heros of SEAL Team 10, by Marcus Luttrell (with Patrick Robinson). I found out about this book--and it's author--as an avid listern to the Glenn Beck Radio Program.
Thusfar, I've completed the first five chapters which detail the extensive, grueling, torturous, training the Navy SEALs go through! This should be required reading in every juvenile detention center, every city and country lock-up, in every state and federal prison!! The putzes in the aforementioned institutions--while they think they're tough--wouldn't make a decent pimple on a SEAL's ass!!!
In winding up the training phase of the his book, Mr Luttrell made the following statement, which I quote:
"But now you know: what it took, what it meant to all of us, and, perhaps, why we did it. Okay, okay, we do have our own little brand of arrogance. But we paid for every last drop of that sin in sweat, blood and brutally hard work."
"Because above all, we're patriots. We will willingly carry the fight to whoever may be the enemies of the United States of America. We're your front line, unafraid and ready to go in against al Qaeda, jihadists, terrorists, or whoever the hell else threatens this nation."
"Every Navy SEAL is supremely confident, because we're indoctrinated with a belief in victory at all costs; a conviction that no earthly force can withstand our thunderous assault on the battlefield. We're invincible, right? Unstoppable. That's what I believed to the depths of my spirit on the day they pinned the Trident on my chest. I still believe it. And I always will."
Til Nex'Time.... Were I to still have mid- to late-teenagers and early-twentysomethings, this book would be required reading for them as well; both boys and girls!!
Glenn Beck,
Lone Survivor,
Marcus Luttrell,
Navy SEALs,
SEAL Team 10,
Special Ops
This'n'That; September Twenty-First #1: Forbes on Perry
No Endorsement; Leaning Tho'

One-time presidential contender Steve Forbes, is leaning toward Texas Governor Rick Perry as the GOP nominee to oust "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist." A Newsmax quote by Mr Forbes:

Mr Forbes also said Governor Romney has the albatross of 'RomneyKare' around his neck which eventually will cost him the GOP nomination.
Til Nex'Time....
["Perry" from http://www.fredstates.com/]
["Don't Tread...." from http://www.fubowear.com/]
One-time presidential contender Steve Forbes, is leaning toward Texas Governor Rick Perry as the GOP nominee to oust "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist." A Newsmax quote by Mr Forbes:
"He did some very good things in reforming their (the State of Texas') personal injury liability system, very very positive reforms. He incouraged energy production instead of states like California that discourage it, and refused to put in a state income tax. So in the great scheme of things, that's a pretty solid record to run on...."
Mr Forbes also said Governor Romney has the albatross of 'RomneyKare' around his neck which eventually will cost him the GOP nomination.
Til Nex'Time....
["Perry" from http://www.fredstates.com/]
["Don't Tread...." from http://www.fubowear.com/]
Rick Perry,
Steve Forbes,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
This'n'That; September Twientieth #3: Schumer Spouts!
[A better view: http://www.justincase505.wordpress.com/]
Issuing Marching Orders!
C. Ellis Schumer--The Putz of Park Avenue--is at it again: issuing marching orders to his ruling class underlings:
Schumer is praising "The Buffett Rule" which will greatly raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs America so desperately needs. If enacted, "The Buffett Rule" will drive--most, if not all--investors inward; reducing their taxable income to as close to zero as possible, further reducing receipts to the national treasury.
Til Nex'Time....
[Illustration from http://www.fubowear.com/]
Issuing Marching Orders!
C. Ellis Schumer--The Putz of Park Avenue--is at it again: issuing marching orders to his ruling class underlings:
Schumer is praising "The Buffett Rule" which will greatly raise taxes on the very people who create the jobs America so desperately needs. If enacted, "The Buffett Rule" will drive--most, if not all--investors inward; reducing their taxable income to as close to zero as possible, further reducing receipts to the national treasury.
"The president has a winning plan and he's going all in and I believe [owe-bamacRATs] will be behind him."
Til Nex'Time....
[Illustration from http://www.fubowear.com/]
job creation,
taxable income,
The Buffett Rule
This'n'That; September Twentieth #2; Oh, Really?!?
Should We Expect More?!?
Remember back when "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" was campaigning to be 'immaculated' as America's first fascist ruler?!? During said campaign his wife, michelle "Eat'cher Veggies" owe-bama claimed that 'for the first time, she had respect for her country....' We all thought she ment the United States! Maybe not!
During the recent 9-11 ceremonies at 'Ground Zero'--as the American Flag was being folded in necessary reverence--America's elevated putzfrau asked her husband, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist:" 'All this for a flag?' Really?!? Really?!?
When one's stature has been elevated from the realm of commonalty it is difficult to rise above said born-class.
Til Nex'Time....
Remember back when "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" was campaigning to be 'immaculated' as America's first fascist ruler?!? During said campaign his wife, michelle "Eat'cher Veggies" owe-bama claimed that 'for the first time, she had respect for her country....' We all thought she ment the United States! Maybe not!
![]() |
Putzfrau owe-bama |
When one's stature has been elevated from the realm of commonalty it is difficult to rise above said born-class.
Til Nex'Time....
"Clown Prince",
American Flag,
michelle obama,
This'n'That; September Twentieth #1; As Usual....
ZERO-bama NOT To Take Responsibility
As is the usual in this amateur--less-than-honest--regime, no one including the AIC-Amateur-in-Chief: "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist," is willing to take responsibility for the abomination that is the ZERO-bama version of Jobs Destruction in America. The "Clown-iful" answer to funding is to push that responsibility onto the 'Super Committee,' rather than we suffering through his amateurish attempts at cost reconciliation!!
Eventually, even "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" will have to admit: Louie Gohmert wrote the better 'jobs' bill!!
Til Nex'Time....
As is the usual in this amateur--less-than-honest--regime, no one including the AIC-Amateur-in-Chief: "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist," is willing to take responsibility for the abomination that is the ZERO-bama version of Jobs Destruction in America. The "Clown-iful" answer to funding is to push that responsibility onto the 'Super Committee,' rather than we suffering through his amateurish attempts at cost reconciliation!!
Eventually, even "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" will have to admit: Louie Gohmert wrote the better 'jobs' bill!!
Til Nex'Time....
"Clown Prince",
American Jobs Act,
Louie Gohmert,
Super Committee
Monday, September 19, 2011
This'n'That; September Ninteenth #1; What To Believe?!?
Insanity Theorem Tested; Will Fail-Yet AGAIN!
As is attributed to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity:
"Doing the same thing over-and-over, expecting a different result!!"
The socio-fascists among us proselytize this each time fiscal or social engineering topics arise in conversation or in legislative proposals. Much of this mind-set has to do with their education at every level.
In middle- and high school, college and post-grad studies--the texts have been so cleansed, so edited, so politically-corrected--the student--without off-the-grid personal research--is taught that the socio-fascists of the era: Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler and Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain and their combined political and fiscal actions, brought the entire world back-from-the-brink of The Great Depression (in Great Britain: "The Great Slump").
Not-so-much! If it's possible to keep the "smart-people's;" the politicians' hands from tweeking the economy through federal spending; federal bail-outs; federal pay-offs made famous during the current ZERO-bama Regime; the national economy will recover as the population is allowed more control over their-own-money at the same time federal spending is reigned-in! The problem here--the problem, the socio-fascists don't see as a problem--is that any government, at any level, does not and cannot create money!! To spend one dollar, one mark, one pound on the social, give-away program currently in vogue; the government must first confiscate that dollar, that mark, that pound from the private sector!!
Therein, lies the kerfuffle; at best, a multi-faceted kerfuffle; at worst, an insurmountable kerfuffle, but a kerfuffle, none-the-less!! Currently, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is grasping at straws, knowing full-well his re-election prospects are on life-support, even at this early stage in the process. The straws being grasped at: pretending to be a 'middle-of-the-roader;' continuing his class-warfare policies; continuing his race-warfare policies; continuing his "Slick-Willie"-esque blatherful obfuscations; continuing his Taliban-esque total-control-of-everything.
In "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" middle-of-the-road pretense, he's going about suggesting the very economic solution he--and his fellow socio-fascists--vehemently oppose: spending cuts! While looking good on their face, any eventual spending cuts will be all-for-naught. ZERO-bama and the rest of the regime's 'clowns' forever spout that ubiquitous phrase: "over-ten-years." They'd like you and me to believe that any of their fictious reduction numbers will be spread over a ten-year term. While this can happen, it's very likely the opposite will be true, A 'numbered Congress (currently: The 112th Congress)' cannot be forced to honor any previous "numbered Congress'" proslytizatisms, hence that "over-ten-years" phrase--and any associated fiscal policy--"goes out the window!!"
"The Buffett Rule" is nothing more than the next leg in the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" on-going road deeper-and-deeper into class-warfare; into wealth re-distribution. If the 'serf class' hears his blusterful blather long enough and loud enough, they will begin to believe it. Those evil rich, those evil rich republicRATs; they take the money they make off the sweat of the serf class and buy those evil castles, those evil Rolls-Royces, those evil yachts, those evil private jets; you know the drill, you've heard it all-ad nauseam!! "The Buffett Rule" will do little more than reduce--to desired levels--the amounts that those evil millionaires and those evil billionaires are allowed to keep for future investment. The only clear and true benefit is that "The Buffett Rule" completely removes any association between "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" and the forthcoming tax increases. "The Buffett Rule" will do little-to-nothing to tax the 'idle rich'--like the Kennedy Clan; like the Rockefeller Clan; like the Vanderbilt Clan; like the Du Pont Clan; like the Astor Clan; like the Gates Clan; like the Buffett Clan, et al. They all live on the proceeds of their trust funds or investment income which are taxed at an 'unearned income(15%)' rate. Not only do they receive favorable tax treatment, they--again--do little-to-nothing to start and/or grow businesses! Can anyone name the last time the late "Phatt" Kennedy created a job?!? I'll bet my piddlin' savings account he NEVER has! "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is using this "American Jobs (Destruction) Act" as a ploy to discredit the "Tea Party" movement membership as well as the House and Senate republicRATics! I'd bet that same "piddlin' savings account" that everything we see happening with his bill is completely by design! ZERO-bama whines--by design--daily that we should help him 'pass this bill;' call our congressmen to insure they vote for it. What he's not telling us is that the "American Jobs (Destruction) Act" doesn't exist as a piece of legislation. The "Clown" may have had it published but it won't exist until it's been introduced as a bill in the House!! Said introduction--again, by design--is being delayed several weeks so "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" can gin-up animosity against everything, republicRAT; against everything "Tea Party!!" He has absolutely ZERO accomplishments onwhich to mount a re-election campaign. The only possible thing he can do is run a negative campaign against the republicRAT nominee; against those obstructionist republicRATs; against those evil "Tea Party" movement members!
Everything you've seen to date with regard to the "American Jobs (Destruction) Act;" everything you seen to date with regard to "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" entire term-of-rule, has been designed with obfuscation in mind!
Why has the "American Jobs (Destruction) Act" not been introduced in the House?!? By Design!
Why does "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" blather-on, day-after-day about passage of "American Jobs (Destruction) Act," a bill that's not yet been introduced?!? By Design!
Why is "The Buffett Rule" getting so much 'press?!?' By Design-it isolates "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" from the impending mega-tax increases!
Remember?!? During his 'selection-for-election' campaign, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" made very little mention of his race. By Design!
The leftist media deemed him the post-racial presidential candidate. By Design!
Now, anyone who opposes the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" Regime is labeled 'a racist.' By Design!
Now, anyone who has conservative thoughts is 'a racist.' By Design!
Now, anyone who wants a limited federal government is 'a racist.' By Design!
Now, anyone who opposes owe-bamaKare is 'a racist.' By Design!
Even a blind man can see where this is going! Everything negro, will be tolerated; everything conservative, everything constitutionalist, everything caucasian, will earn a negative label.
Where was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" when the New Black Panther Party overtly intimidated voters in Philadelphia?!?
Where was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" when 'General' Holder ordered the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division NOT TO PROSECUTE any cases brought against [negro] defendants for the benefit of [caucasian] victims?!?
Where was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" when that idiot Bloomberg forecasted nationwide unemployment-generated race riots?!?
Post-racial president-my achin' ass!!!
In conclusion: Everything this 'Clown' and his minions, along with his handlers; everything they do is by design; with an ulterior motive in mind!! Very little of what the public sees, is what it really is. Do the three-million-dollar, Canadian built Prevost tour busses--which ZERO-bama was on for a couple of miles before each stop--ring a bell?!?
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is a prolific liar!! While "Slick-Willie" Clinton used the lie to perfection, at the end of the day he could still remember what was a lie. "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" cannot!! After each telling of each lie, the "Clown" begins to believe his own blusterful-blather!! Very dangerous for ALL OF US!!
Til Nex'Time....
As is attributed to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity:
"Doing the same thing over-and-over, expecting a different result!!"
The socio-fascists among us proselytize this each time fiscal or social engineering topics arise in conversation or in legislative proposals. Much of this mind-set has to do with their education at every level.
In middle- and high school, college and post-grad studies--the texts have been so cleansed, so edited, so politically-corrected--the student--without off-the-grid personal research--is taught that the socio-fascists of the era: Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler and Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain and their combined political and fiscal actions, brought the entire world back-from-the-brink of The Great Depression (in Great Britain: "The Great Slump").
Not-so-much! If it's possible to keep the "smart-people's;" the politicians' hands from tweeking the economy through federal spending; federal bail-outs; federal pay-offs made famous during the current ZERO-bama Regime; the national economy will recover as the population is allowed more control over their-own-money at the same time federal spending is reigned-in! The problem here--the problem, the socio-fascists don't see as a problem--is that any government, at any level, does not and cannot create money!! To spend one dollar, one mark, one pound on the social, give-away program currently in vogue; the government must first confiscate that dollar, that mark, that pound from the private sector!!
Therein, lies the kerfuffle; at best, a multi-faceted kerfuffle; at worst, an insurmountable kerfuffle, but a kerfuffle, none-the-less!! Currently, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is grasping at straws, knowing full-well his re-election prospects are on life-support, even at this early stage in the process. The straws being grasped at: pretending to be a 'middle-of-the-roader;' continuing his class-warfare policies; continuing his race-warfare policies; continuing his "Slick-Willie"-esque blatherful obfuscations; continuing his Taliban-esque total-control-of-everything.
In "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" middle-of-the-road pretense, he's going about suggesting the very economic solution he--and his fellow socio-fascists--vehemently oppose: spending cuts! While looking good on their face, any eventual spending cuts will be all-for-naught. ZERO-bama and the rest of the regime's 'clowns' forever spout that ubiquitous phrase: "over-ten-years." They'd like you and me to believe that any of their fictious reduction numbers will be spread over a ten-year term. While this can happen, it's very likely the opposite will be true, A 'numbered Congress (currently: The 112th Congress)' cannot be forced to honor any previous "numbered Congress'" proslytizatisms, hence that "over-ten-years" phrase--and any associated fiscal policy--"goes out the window!!"
"The Buffett Rule" is nothing more than the next leg in the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" on-going road deeper-and-deeper into class-warfare; into wealth re-distribution. If the 'serf class' hears his blusterful blather long enough and loud enough, they will begin to believe it. Those evil rich, those evil rich republicRATs; they take the money they make off the sweat of the serf class and buy those evil castles, those evil Rolls-Royces, those evil yachts, those evil private jets; you know the drill, you've heard it all-ad nauseam!! "The Buffett Rule" will do little more than reduce--to desired levels--the amounts that those evil millionaires and those evil billionaires are allowed to keep for future investment. The only clear and true benefit is that "The Buffett Rule" completely removes any association between "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" and the forthcoming tax increases. "The Buffett Rule" will do little-to-nothing to tax the 'idle rich'--like the Kennedy Clan; like the Rockefeller Clan; like the Vanderbilt Clan; like the Du Pont Clan; like the Astor Clan; like the Gates Clan; like the Buffett Clan, et al. They all live on the proceeds of their trust funds or investment income which are taxed at an 'unearned income(15%)' rate. Not only do they receive favorable tax treatment, they--again--do little-to-nothing to start and/or grow businesses! Can anyone name the last time the late "Phatt" Kennedy created a job?!? I'll bet my piddlin' savings account he NEVER has! "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is using this "American Jobs (Destruction) Act" as a ploy to discredit the "Tea Party" movement membership as well as the House and Senate republicRATics! I'd bet that same "piddlin' savings account" that everything we see happening with his bill is completely by design! ZERO-bama whines--by design--daily that we should help him 'pass this bill;' call our congressmen to insure they vote for it. What he's not telling us is that the "American Jobs (Destruction) Act" doesn't exist as a piece of legislation. The "Clown" may have had it published but it won't exist until it's been introduced as a bill in the House!! Said introduction--again, by design--is being delayed several weeks so "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" can gin-up animosity against everything, republicRAT; against everything "Tea Party!!" He has absolutely ZERO accomplishments onwhich to mount a re-election campaign. The only possible thing he can do is run a negative campaign against the republicRAT nominee; against those obstructionist republicRATs; against those evil "Tea Party" movement members!
Everything you've seen to date with regard to the "American Jobs (Destruction) Act;" everything you seen to date with regard to "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist's" entire term-of-rule, has been designed with obfuscation in mind!
Why has the "American Jobs (Destruction) Act" not been introduced in the House?!? By Design!
Why does "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" blather-on, day-after-day about passage of "American Jobs (Destruction) Act," a bill that's not yet been introduced?!? By Design!
Why is "The Buffett Rule" getting so much 'press?!?' By Design-it isolates "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" from the impending mega-tax increases!
Remember?!? During his 'selection-for-election' campaign, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" made very little mention of his race. By Design!
The leftist media deemed him the post-racial presidential candidate. By Design!
Now, anyone who opposes the "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" Regime is labeled 'a racist.' By Design!
Now, anyone who has conservative thoughts is 'a racist.' By Design!
Now, anyone who wants a limited federal government is 'a racist.' By Design!
Now, anyone who opposes owe-bamaKare is 'a racist.' By Design!
Even a blind man can see where this is going! Everything negro, will be tolerated; everything conservative, everything constitutionalist, everything caucasian, will earn a negative label.
Where was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" when the New Black Panther Party overtly intimidated voters in Philadelphia?!?
Where was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" when 'General' Holder ordered the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division NOT TO PROSECUTE any cases brought against [negro] defendants for the benefit of [caucasian] victims?!?
Where was "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" when that idiot Bloomberg forecasted nationwide unemployment-generated race riots?!?
Post-racial president-my achin' ass!!!
In conclusion: Everything this 'Clown' and his minions, along with his handlers; everything they do is by design; with an ulterior motive in mind!! Very little of what the public sees, is what it really is. Do the three-million-dollar, Canadian built Prevost tour busses--which ZERO-bama was on for a couple of miles before each stop--ring a bell?!?
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" is a prolific liar!! While "Slick-Willie" Clinton used the lie to perfection, at the end of the day he could still remember what was a lie. "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" cannot!! After each telling of each lie, the "Clown" begins to believe his own blusterful-blather!! Very dangerous for ALL OF US!!
Til Nex'Time....
Sunday, September 18, 2011
This'n'That; September Eighteenth #1;Today in History
What Happened:
**1634: Anne Hutchinson arrived in the Massachusetts Bay colony. Ms Hutchinson became an outspoken religious thinker, organizing women in religious studies. In 1643, she and all-but-one of her children were massacred during an indian raid.Til Nex'Time....
**1776: General Washington informs Continental Congress President John Hancock of the progress during 'The Battle At Harlem Heights' and the unfortunate demise of Captain Thomas Knowlton.
**1793: President George Washington lays the cornerstone to the United States Capitol Building, seat of the legislative branch of government.
**1846: The leaders of 89 emigrants known as 'The Donner Party' realize they're running out of food and send two men to California for replenishment supplies.
**1862: General Lee is forced to retreat from the Antietam Creek battle site. The day before, the Lee forces battled the Union forces under General McClellan in the war's single bloodiest battle.
**1918: Sir Henry Rawlinson and his British 4th Army, attack German forward outposts in front of the Hindenburg Line (The Germans know it as 'The Siegfried Line').
**1945: General-of-the-Army Douglas MacArthur moves his command headquarters to Tokyo in preparation for rebuilding Japan into the democratic and capitalist country it is today.
**1959: Serial-killer Harvey Glatman is executed in LA for the murder of three young women. Mr Glatman resisted all attempts at appeal, telling the board: "I only want to die."
**1961: Then-UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold dies in a mysterious plane crash enroute to negotiate a cessation of hostilities during 'the Congo Crisis.'
**1961: The Bobby Vee hit: "Take Good Care of My Baby" reaches #1.
**1964: Two companies of the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) infiltrated the south, resulting in their defeat during a Quang Tri Province battle.
**1974: Actress Doris Day is victorious in a $22.8 Million, malpractice lawsuit against her former lawyer. Her late husband Martin Melcher, had managed her finances. Upon Melcher's death, Ms Day discovered the disappearance of her $20 Million fortune. Ms Day was unable to recover the entire amount of the mismanagement suit, settling for $6 Million.
**1975: Patty Hearst--newspaper hieress--is captured and arrested for armed robbery. Originally abducted--by two negro men, one caucasian woman, members of the SLA--on February 4, 1974, Ms Hearst later declared she was joining the Symoinese Liberation Army (SLA) of her own free will. Ms Hearst was convicted and sentenced to 7 years. Her sentence was commuted by President Jimmuh Cahtah and she was released in 1979. She later married her bodyguard, Bernard Shaw.
**1987: Cesium-137 is removed from an abandoned Brizilian cancer therapy machine. Hundreds of people would be poisoned by the resultant radiation release, highlighting the dangers of even small amounts of radiation.
**1996: Red Sox pitcher Roger Clemens strikes out twenty Detriot Tiger batters to tie his own major-league record for most strikeouts in a single game.
The Sunday 'Report;' 09/18/2011
What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
Bank of America will eliminate 30,000 jobs
The Associated Press
Sept. 12, 2011
NEW YORK — Bank of America is slashing 30,000 jobs as part of an effort to reverse a crisis of confidence among investors. It's the largest single job reduction by a U.S. company this year. What CEO Brian Moynihan is trying to do is nothing less than save the nation's largest bank. Investors have cut the bank's market value by half this year. The bank is facing huge liabilities over soured mortgage investments and concerns over whether it has enough capital to withstand more financial shocks. The cuts, which affect Bank of America's consumer businesses, represent 10 percent of the Charlotte, N.C. bank's work force. The bank said it hopes the cuts and other measures will result in $5 billion in annual savings by 2014. The bank has already cut 6,000 jobs this year. The bank also said it would look for cost savings at its other businesses in a [....]
Battle of Saipan
{I found this article while searching for pacific real estate. Interesting!}
Plans to launch an offensive against the Japanese in the islands of the Pacific were initiated in 1943 at the Quadrant Conference held in Quebec. President Franklin Roosevelt received the proposal that the Allied effort in the Pacific should be directed first toward the Gilbert Islands, then the Marshalls, followed by Wake, the Eastern Carolines, and finally the Marianas. It was at Saipan that American military planners were presented with the problem of how to cope with a dense civilian population, the first to be encountered in the Pacific war. American forces were to be under the overall command of Admiral Chester Nimitz
The American drive across the Pacific would be two-pronged. While Nimitz fought his way across the central Pacific, General MacArthur would advance across the southwest Pacific to the Philippines. The islands of the central Pacific either succumbed one by one under the sheer weight of American forces or were bombed, neutralized and bypassed. With their supply lines cut, the defenders of by-passed islands were left to starve. After the fall of the Marshall islands, no other island in the central Pacific would be invaded by American ground forces until the American armada reached the waters off the Marianas and the island of Saipan.
American war strategy in the western Pacific was developed around the premise that Japan would never surrender and that the nation would fight to the last man, woman, and child, particularly if the home islands were invaded. It was anticipated that such an invasion, if it were to occur, would result in the loss of one million American lives. In planning for this eventuality, air bases in the Marianas were essential in order to accommodate the new B-29 Superfortress, a U.S. bomber that was just beginning to be mass-produced in early 1944 [....]
40-Year Super Bowl Ring Mystery Solved
by Ben Maller
September 16, 2011
A phone call from 4,957 miles away solved a four decade-old football riddle. John Schmitt, starting center in the New York Jets' dramatic win over the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III in 1969, was given a championship ring for his part in arguably the most important upset in NFL history. A few years later, while on vacation in Hawaii, Schmitt took his first surfing lesson off Waikiki Beach. After being in the water for more than five hours, his prized ring fell off about a quarter-mile off shore [....]
12,000 tax cheats come clean under IRS program
Associated Press
September 15, 2011
Those people have so far paid $500 million in back taxes and interest. IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman said he expects the cases to yield substantially more money from penalties that have yet to be paid. The voluntary disclosure program, which ran from February to last week, is part of a larger effort by the IRS to crack down on tax dodgers who hide assets in overseas accounts. The agency stepped up its efforts in 2009, when Swiss banking giant UBS AG agreed to pay a $780 million fine and turn over details on thousands of accounts suspected of holding undeclared assets from American customers. Since then, the IRS has opened new enforcement offices overseas, [....]
15 Failed Celebrity Businesses
September 9, 2011
By Jill Weinberger,
In recent years, multiple celebrities have attempted to extend their brand by venturing into the business world. Actor and comedian Will Ferrell found tremendous success with his website, FunnyorDie.com, while Rapper Sean Combs (P Diddy) owns multiple businesses, including a record label, a clothing line, a movie production company, and more. Despite all the successful celebrity ventures in the world, however, there are numerous examples of celebrity businesses that have gone bust. A celebrity name can automatically help a business, bringing in a recognizable spokesperson and a built-in fan base. However, just because a celebrity brand is attached to a business, it doesn’t guarantee success—and may occasionally cause more harm than good. Celebrity businesses fail for numerous reasons, from poor business management and lack of experience, to bad concepts that were [....]
In tornado aftermath, football helps heal Joplin
A tornado ravaged Joplin, Mo., in May, killing 160 and causing an estimated $3 billion in damages.
JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) -- There's a scar through the middle of Joplin, a mile wide and six miles long. All that's left are a few twisted tree stumps, chunks of chewed up pavement and the tattered remains of homes and businesses. The football stadium still stands. So much of the town is gone. The tornado that churned through southwest Missouri on May 22 forever altered its landscape. More than 2,000 buildings were reduced to rubble, 160 lives were lost, an estimated $3 billion in damages left in its wake. About the only thing the storm didn't destroy was the spirit of the people who call Joplin home. On Saturday night, they converged on Junge Stadium for the first home football game. More than 10,000 fans jammed into a facility built for 4,500 to watch their Eagles face Springfield Hillcrest, the biggest crowd anybody could remember. There were 22 seconds of silence, a bald eagle soared overhead and a National Guard helicopter that assisted in the storm relief swooped over the field. Then the game kicked off. And for a few hours, [....]
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray Da-Hood Announces $417.3 Million in Grants for State Highway Projects
August 17, 2011
Contact: Cathy St. Denis
Tel: 202-366-0660
WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced $417.3 million in grants to fund an array of efforts ranging from interstate maintenance to research into innovative bridge materials and construction methods. "Transportation investments like these will create jobs, increase mobility, improve quality of life for all Americans and strengthen our national economy," said Secretary LaHood. "The demand from the states for these funds shows just how critical the need is for infrastructure investment." The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) invited states to [....]
{Related Content:} http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/discretionary/fy11summary.htm
The 50 Richest Members of Congress (2011)
by Roll Call
To determine the richest lawmakers, Roll Call adds up the minimum value of total assets reported by each Member on their annual financial disclosures and subtracts the minimum liabilities. Percent change refers to the change since last year's disclosure forms. An asset valued at $5 million to $25 million is counted at the lesser amount, as is a liability valued at $1 million to $5 million.
1. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)
$294.21 Million
Assets--$294.21 Million
Liabilities--$0.00 Million
When McCaul first appeared on Roll Call’s annual survey of the 50 Richest Members of Congress in 2005, he was a wealthy guy, reporting a minimum net worth of about $12 million. His financial disclosure report now depicts a fortune worth almost 25 times that amount, making him the wealthiest Member of Congress, at least on paper. McCaul ranked fifth among last year’s class of richest lawmakers, with a minimum net worth of at least $73.75 million, but has since risen to more than $294 million. The lion’s share of McCaul’s wealth is held by his wife, [....]
....What’s exactly happened with the government’s Solyndra loan?
By Liz Goodwin
National Affairs Reporter
The Lookout
September 14, 2011
The big story marring President Obama's jobs tour Wednesday is the $535 million loan his administration doled out to Solyndra, a solar panel company that has just gone belly-up, leaving taxpayers on the hook. President Barack Obama visited the facility in May 2010, and said it was "leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future." But only a month later, the company laid off 100 employees and cancelled its plans for a public stock offering. Two weeks ago, it filed for Chapter 11 and fired 1,000 workers. FBI agents promptly raided the company's California offices.
So what exactly happened? And how big will the fallout be for Obama?
The accusation
Republicans on the House and Energy Commission are accusing the Obama administration of ignoring multiple warning signs that Solyndra was a bad bet. The Commission lays out its case against the administration's handling of the loan in a report released Wednesday, following a months-long investigation. Under the Bush administration, the Department of Energy rejected Solyndra for a loan in early 2009, worrying that the company didn't have good long-term prospects. Yet only two months later [....]
The 12 major league teams running out of fans
By Michael B. Sauter,
September 15, 2011
Sports teams often go through sharp swings in popularity. Attendance rises and falls. This frequently has to do with how well a team performs. When teams do well, people outside of their primary fan base become interested and start going to games. An example of this is the Florida Marlins, who won the world series in 2003 and saw attendance rise 60 percent in a single year. Alternatively, teams who do poorly also win new fans. Attendance for the four major league sports – NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL – remained [....]
Steven Spielberg Finally Admits the Walkie-Talkies Were a Mistake
By Will Leitch, Editor
The Projector
September 15, 2011
A couple of days ago, Steven Spielberg talked to a packed audience after a screening of a new print of "Raiders of the Lost Ark," which, somewhat quietly, turned 30 this year. (Most of our friends make a big fuss about it when they turn 30.) A few news items popped up out of this, from Harrison Ford turning down "Jurassic Park" to Spielberg sort of admitting "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" kinda stunk. But we were far more interested in something Spielberg said about another classic with an anniversary coming up.
Next year, "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" will turn 30. (Oh, and seriously: Steven Spielberg made "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "E.T." in consecutive years. Like, in the span of a few months.) That'll be its own new Blu-Ray DVD, and what's most noteworthy is a change that Spielberg won't be making. Or, more accurately, changing back. He is, thank heavens, getting rid of the walkie-talkies he digitally inserted in the hands of the government baddies, and giving them their guns back. As evidenced by the image above from the 20th anniversary edition of "E.T.," for reasons even Spielberg himself doesn't seem to understand -- likely sensitivity to criticism by parents' groups, who didn't like [....]
Muggsy Bogues reveals the substantial gift he received from Mark Cuban
By Kelly Dwyer
September 16, 2011
When an NBA player retires, teams are under no obligation to pay them any remaining money on their contract. But when the smallest NBA player at 5-3 Muggsy Bogues hung up his sneakers back in 2001, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban apparently didn't bat an eye before paying him the entirety of the remaining three years [....]
The Ruler's Family Vacation Home Goes on Sale
By Colleen Kane,
September 14, 2011
The ruling family's elegant vacation spot in Martha's Vineyard is up for sale. Blue Heron Farm, which has served as the ruling family vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard, has just been put on the market with a price tag of $23.7 million. Because "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" and family have rented the compound for one week for the past three years, bringing with them staffers and Secret Service, many call it the “Summer barackingham Palace.” [....]
Heartbreaking news at Woodberry Forest: Star QB has part of leg amputated
By: Shane Mettlen
Daily Progress correspondent
September 12, 2011
A grief stricken Woodberry Forest football program heads into its second game of the season this weekend, dealing with a shocking and gruesome injury to junior quarterback Jacob Rainey, whose leg was amputated at a Fairfax hospital a week after going down in a preseason scrimmage at Flint Hill High School. Rainey, who is from Charlottesville, suffered a broken knee cap on Sept. 3 after being tackled from behind and was taken to the hospital where further complications, including a ruptured blood vessel, were discovered. He remained in an intensive care unit last week while the Tigers traveled to Richmond to play Benedictine. Woodberry was celebrating a 16-13 victory on the bus ride home when Rainey sent a Twitter message to a teammate telling him the injury was worse than they knew. Tigers coach Clint Alexander gathered the team when they arrived back on campus and delivered the news that the star quarterback [....]
Read It Here First: Rising Market Volatity
By: Big Picture
September 12, 2011
The front page of today’s New York Times is a very interesting if rather familiar article on the increase in market volatility: “With these whopping 4 percent swings — up 500 points, down 500 points, up another 500 points, down another 500 points — traders have whiplash. We saw another huge move down Thursday, when [...]
The front page of today’s New York Times is a very interesting if rather familiar article on the increase in market volatility:
“With these whopping 4 percent swings — up 500 points, down 500 points, up another 500 points, down another 500 points — traders have whiplash. We saw another huge move down Thursday, when the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P all lost big, plummeting 3.68 percent, 5.22 percent and 4.46 percent, respectively.
What is going on? It seems that 4 percent — plus or minus — is the new black.”
Ooops, my bad, that was my column published August 19th in the Washington Post, titled Smacked by big market swings, investors should alter their outlook. The NYTimes piece from today is called Market Swings Are Becoming New Standard, and it begins like this:
“Day after day, stocks swing sharply by hundreds of points. Last week they tumbled 3 percent in the first 90 minutes of trading on Tuesday morning, then on Wednesday closed nearly [....]
Budget-Friendly Alternatives to Cable TV
by Lisa Gerstner
September 9, 2011
provided by
It's getting cheaper and easier to stream your favorite shows to your television set.
Not long ago, TV reception depended on how well your rooftop antenna picked up the signal. But now cables and satellites have commandeered our screens. Today, about 87% of U.S. households subscribe to a "multi-channel video service," mainly cable or satellite TV, according to Leichtman Research Group.
Thanks to new offerings via the Internet, viewers are increasingly catching their favorite shows free or for a fraction of what their cable company charges. And going online to view TV shows or movies doesn't mean you're stuck watching programs on your computer or tablet screen. The Apple TV box ($99), for example, [....]
Hiccups Cures
September 14, 2011
What cures hiccups?
Holding your breath can work. So can acupuncture. For the worst cases, there's even surgery.
What is your most effective way to get rid of the hiccups?
Having someone scare you
Breathing in and out of a paper bag
Drinking water upside down
Swallow a teaspoon of sugar
Expert Discusses Unclaimed Property and the Reporting of Unclaimed Wages
PR Newswire
September 16, 2011
Contact: Matt Sottong, +1-703-341-3811,
ARLINGTON, Va. PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- One of the most important yet unappreciated jobs in a company falls to the individual who is responsible for filing the annual unclaimed property reports. As state deficits rise and many budgets are in the red, state Treasurers and Unclaimed Property Administrators increase enforcement to ensure continual influx of money into the state coffers. Unclaimed wages is one of the [....]
obama to propose "Buffett tax" on millionaires
By Alister Bull
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - obama, in a populist gesture designed to appeal to voters, will propose a "Buffett Tax" on people making more than $1 million a year as part of his deficit recommendations to Congress on Monday. Such a proposal, among suggestions to a congressional Super Committee expected to seek up to $3 trillion in deficit savings over 10 years, would appeal to his Democratic base ahead of the 2012 election but likely not raise much in revenues. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in a tweet on Saturday the tax would act as "a kind of AMT" (Alternative Minimum Tax) aimed at ensuring millionaires pay at least as much tax as middle-class families.
The "Buffett Tax" refers to billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who wrote earlier this year that rich people like him often pay less in tax than those who work for them due to loopholes in the taxcode, and can afford to pay more. obama will lay out [....]
Bachmann: Solyndra shows Obama's abuse of power
September 16, 2011
COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann says a half-billion dollar government loan to a solar energy manufacturer is an example of an "abuse of authority and power." Bachmann made the remarks Friday at an Orange County rally before the start of the California GOP convention. The Treasury Department announced Thursday it has launched an investigation into a $535 million loan to the Fremont, Calif.-based Solyndra Inc. The Silicon Valley company was the first renewable-energy manufacturer to receive a loan guarantee under the stimulus law. President Barack Obama's administration frequently touted Solyndra as a model for its clean energy program. It has since laid off more than 1,000 people and filed for bankruptcy. Bachmann called the loan "crony capitalism" during the rally. Solyndra executives raised more than $100,000 for Obama and Democrats. [~~]
Times Kept Qaddafi's Son's Bisexuality Quiet at Government's Request
By Elspeth Reeve
The Atlantic Wire
September 16, 2011
When The New York Times was getting ready to publish material from the 250,000 State Department cables obtained by WikiLeaks, the newspaper worked with the government to avoid publishing material particularly sensitive to national security and diplomatic efforts. Among the facts redacted? That Muammar Qaddafi's son is bisexual, Gawker's John Cook reports.
“Most of them made sense -- the names of State Department sources in autocratic regimes, for instance, were routinely removed. But many of them seemed arbitrary and difficult to justify.
For instance: Muammar Qaddafi's son Saadi, a hard-partying former pro-soccer player and movie producer, is bisexual, according to former U.S. ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz. “Although the Zuwara Free Trade Zone is an ambitious and expensive project, Muammar al-Qadhafi likely views it as a relatively small price to pay if it helps occupy the notoriously ill-behaved Saadi and lend a patina of useful engagement to his otherwise less than sterling reputation. Saadi has a troubled past, including scuffles with police in Europe (especially Italy), abuse of drugs and alcohol, excessive partying, travel abroad in contravention of his father's wishes and profligate affairs with men and women. His bisexuality is reportedly a point of [....]
Hillary Clinton most popular national political figure: new poll
By Laura Rozen
Senior Foreign Affairs Reporter
The Envoy
September 16, 2011
One third of Americans believe Hillary Clinton would have been a better president than Barack Obama, and two-thirds view her favorably, according to a new Bloomberg News poll. "The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," Bloomberg News' John McCormick wrote on the poll's findings, which were released Friday. While 34 percent of those polled believe "things would be better under a Clinton [....]
Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor
By Robert Rector and Rachel Sheffield
September 13, 2011
Executive Summary
Today, the Census Bureau released its annual poverty report, which declared that a record 46.2 million persons, or roughly one in seven Americans, were poor in 2010. The numbers were up sharply from the previous year’s total of 43.6 million. Although the current recession has increased the numbers of the poor, high levels of poverty predate the recession. In most years for the past two decades, the Census Bureau has declared that at least 35 million Americans lived in poverty.
However, understanding poverty in America requires looking behind these numbers at the actual living conditions of the individuals the government deems to be poor. For most Americans, the word “poverty” suggests near destitution: an inability to provide nutritious food, clothing, and reasonable shelter for one’s family. However, only a small number of the 46 million persons classified as “poor” by the Census Bureau fit that description. While real material hardship certainly does occur, it is limited in scope and severity.
The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau as taken from various government reports:
Until Next Sunday.... For decades, the living conditions of the poor have steadily improved. Consumer items that were luxuries or significant purchases for the middle class a few decades ago have become commonplace in poor households, partially because of the normal downward price trend that follows introduction of a new product. Liberals use the declining relative prices of many amenities to argue that it is no big deal that poor households have air conditioning, computers, cable TV, and wide-screen TV. They contend, polemically, that even though most poor families may have a house full of modern conveniences, the average poor family still [....]
Bank of America will eliminate 30,000 jobs
The Associated Press
Sept. 12, 2011
NEW YORK — Bank of America is slashing 30,000 jobs as part of an effort to reverse a crisis of confidence among investors. It's the largest single job reduction by a U.S. company this year. What CEO Brian Moynihan is trying to do is nothing less than save the nation's largest bank. Investors have cut the bank's market value by half this year. The bank is facing huge liabilities over soured mortgage investments and concerns over whether it has enough capital to withstand more financial shocks. The cuts, which affect Bank of America's consumer businesses, represent 10 percent of the Charlotte, N.C. bank's work force. The bank said it hopes the cuts and other measures will result in $5 billion in annual savings by 2014. The bank has already cut 6,000 jobs this year. The bank also said it would look for cost savings at its other businesses in a [....]
Battle of Saipan
{I found this article while searching for pacific real estate. Interesting!}
Plans to launch an offensive against the Japanese in the islands of the Pacific were initiated in 1943 at the Quadrant Conference held in Quebec. President Franklin Roosevelt received the proposal that the Allied effort in the Pacific should be directed first toward the Gilbert Islands, then the Marshalls, followed by Wake, the Eastern Carolines, and finally the Marianas. It was at Saipan that American military planners were presented with the problem of how to cope with a dense civilian population, the first to be encountered in the Pacific war. American forces were to be under the overall command of Admiral Chester Nimitz
The American drive across the Pacific would be two-pronged. While Nimitz fought his way across the central Pacific, General MacArthur would advance across the southwest Pacific to the Philippines. The islands of the central Pacific either succumbed one by one under the sheer weight of American forces or were bombed, neutralized and bypassed. With their supply lines cut, the defenders of by-passed islands were left to starve. After the fall of the Marshall islands, no other island in the central Pacific would be invaded by American ground forces until the American armada reached the waters off the Marianas and the island of Saipan.
American war strategy in the western Pacific was developed around the premise that Japan would never surrender and that the nation would fight to the last man, woman, and child, particularly if the home islands were invaded. It was anticipated that such an invasion, if it were to occur, would result in the loss of one million American lives. In planning for this eventuality, air bases in the Marianas were essential in order to accommodate the new B-29 Superfortress, a U.S. bomber that was just beginning to be mass-produced in early 1944 [....]
40-Year Super Bowl Ring Mystery Solved
by Ben Maller
September 16, 2011
A phone call from 4,957 miles away solved a four decade-old football riddle. John Schmitt, starting center in the New York Jets' dramatic win over the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III in 1969, was given a championship ring for his part in arguably the most important upset in NFL history. A few years later, while on vacation in Hawaii, Schmitt took his first surfing lesson off Waikiki Beach. After being in the water for more than five hours, his prized ring fell off about a quarter-mile off shore [....]
12,000 tax cheats come clean under IRS program
Associated Press
September 15, 2011
Those people have so far paid $500 million in back taxes and interest. IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman said he expects the cases to yield substantially more money from penalties that have yet to be paid. The voluntary disclosure program, which ran from February to last week, is part of a larger effort by the IRS to crack down on tax dodgers who hide assets in overseas accounts. The agency stepped up its efforts in 2009, when Swiss banking giant UBS AG agreed to pay a $780 million fine and turn over details on thousands of accounts suspected of holding undeclared assets from American customers. Since then, the IRS has opened new enforcement offices overseas, [....]
15 Failed Celebrity Businesses
September 9, 2011
By Jill Weinberger,
In recent years, multiple celebrities have attempted to extend their brand by venturing into the business world. Actor and comedian Will Ferrell found tremendous success with his website, FunnyorDie.com, while Rapper Sean Combs (P Diddy) owns multiple businesses, including a record label, a clothing line, a movie production company, and more. Despite all the successful celebrity ventures in the world, however, there are numerous examples of celebrity businesses that have gone bust. A celebrity name can automatically help a business, bringing in a recognizable spokesperson and a built-in fan base. However, just because a celebrity brand is attached to a business, it doesn’t guarantee success—and may occasionally cause more harm than good. Celebrity businesses fail for numerous reasons, from poor business management and lack of experience, to bad concepts that were [....]
In tornado aftermath, football helps heal Joplin
A tornado ravaged Joplin, Mo., in May, killing 160 and causing an estimated $3 billion in damages.
JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) -- There's a scar through the middle of Joplin, a mile wide and six miles long. All that's left are a few twisted tree stumps, chunks of chewed up pavement and the tattered remains of homes and businesses. The football stadium still stands. So much of the town is gone. The tornado that churned through southwest Missouri on May 22 forever altered its landscape. More than 2,000 buildings were reduced to rubble, 160 lives were lost, an estimated $3 billion in damages left in its wake. About the only thing the storm didn't destroy was the spirit of the people who call Joplin home. On Saturday night, they converged on Junge Stadium for the first home football game. More than 10,000 fans jammed into a facility built for 4,500 to watch their Eagles face Springfield Hillcrest, the biggest crowd anybody could remember. There were 22 seconds of silence, a bald eagle soared overhead and a National Guard helicopter that assisted in the storm relief swooped over the field. Then the game kicked off. And for a few hours, [....]
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray Da-Hood Announces $417.3 Million in Grants for State Highway Projects
August 17, 2011
Contact: Cathy St. Denis
Tel: 202-366-0660
WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced $417.3 million in grants to fund an array of efforts ranging from interstate maintenance to research into innovative bridge materials and construction methods. "Transportation investments like these will create jobs, increase mobility, improve quality of life for all Americans and strengthen our national economy," said Secretary LaHood. "The demand from the states for these funds shows just how critical the need is for infrastructure investment." The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) invited states to [....]
{Related Content:} http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/discretionary/fy11summary.htm
The 50 Richest Members of Congress (2011)
by Roll Call
To determine the richest lawmakers, Roll Call adds up the minimum value of total assets reported by each Member on their annual financial disclosures and subtracts the minimum liabilities. Percent change refers to the change since last year's disclosure forms. An asset valued at $5 million to $25 million is counted at the lesser amount, as is a liability valued at $1 million to $5 million.
1. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)
$294.21 Million
Assets--$294.21 Million
Liabilities--$0.00 Million
When McCaul first appeared on Roll Call’s annual survey of the 50 Richest Members of Congress in 2005, he was a wealthy guy, reporting a minimum net worth of about $12 million. His financial disclosure report now depicts a fortune worth almost 25 times that amount, making him the wealthiest Member of Congress, at least on paper. McCaul ranked fifth among last year’s class of richest lawmakers, with a minimum net worth of at least $73.75 million, but has since risen to more than $294 million. The lion’s share of McCaul’s wealth is held by his wife, [....]
....What’s exactly happened with the government’s Solyndra loan?
By Liz Goodwin
National Affairs Reporter
The Lookout
September 14, 2011
The big story marring President Obama's jobs tour Wednesday is the $535 million loan his administration doled out to Solyndra, a solar panel company that has just gone belly-up, leaving taxpayers on the hook. President Barack Obama visited the facility in May 2010, and said it was "leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future." But only a month later, the company laid off 100 employees and cancelled its plans for a public stock offering. Two weeks ago, it filed for Chapter 11 and fired 1,000 workers. FBI agents promptly raided the company's California offices.
So what exactly happened? And how big will the fallout be for Obama?
The accusation
Republicans on the House and Energy Commission are accusing the Obama administration of ignoring multiple warning signs that Solyndra was a bad bet. The Commission lays out its case against the administration's handling of the loan in a report released Wednesday, following a months-long investigation. Under the Bush administration, the Department of Energy rejected Solyndra for a loan in early 2009, worrying that the company didn't have good long-term prospects. Yet only two months later [....]
The 12 major league teams running out of fans
By Michael B. Sauter,
September 15, 2011
Sports teams often go through sharp swings in popularity. Attendance rises and falls. This frequently has to do with how well a team performs. When teams do well, people outside of their primary fan base become interested and start going to games. An example of this is the Florida Marlins, who won the world series in 2003 and saw attendance rise 60 percent in a single year. Alternatively, teams who do poorly also win new fans. Attendance for the four major league sports – NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL – remained [....]
Steven Spielberg Finally Admits the Walkie-Talkies Were a Mistake
By Will Leitch, Editor
The Projector
September 15, 2011
A couple of days ago, Steven Spielberg talked to a packed audience after a screening of a new print of "Raiders of the Lost Ark," which, somewhat quietly, turned 30 this year. (Most of our friends make a big fuss about it when they turn 30.) A few news items popped up out of this, from Harrison Ford turning down "Jurassic Park" to Spielberg sort of admitting "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" kinda stunk. But we were far more interested in something Spielberg said about another classic with an anniversary coming up.
Next year, "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" will turn 30. (Oh, and seriously: Steven Spielberg made "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "E.T." in consecutive years. Like, in the span of a few months.) That'll be its own new Blu-Ray DVD, and what's most noteworthy is a change that Spielberg won't be making. Or, more accurately, changing back. He is, thank heavens, getting rid of the walkie-talkies he digitally inserted in the hands of the government baddies, and giving them their guns back. As evidenced by the image above from the 20th anniversary edition of "E.T.," for reasons even Spielberg himself doesn't seem to understand -- likely sensitivity to criticism by parents' groups, who didn't like [....]
Muggsy Bogues reveals the substantial gift he received from Mark Cuban
By Kelly Dwyer
September 16, 2011
When an NBA player retires, teams are under no obligation to pay them any remaining money on their contract. But when the smallest NBA player at 5-3 Muggsy Bogues hung up his sneakers back in 2001, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban apparently didn't bat an eye before paying him the entirety of the remaining three years [....]
The Ruler's Family Vacation Home Goes on Sale
By Colleen Kane,
September 14, 2011
The ruling family's elegant vacation spot in Martha's Vineyard is up for sale. Blue Heron Farm, which has served as the ruling family vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard, has just been put on the market with a price tag of $23.7 million. Because "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, The Narcissist" and family have rented the compound for one week for the past three years, bringing with them staffers and Secret Service, many call it the “Summer barackingham Palace.” [....]
Heartbreaking news at Woodberry Forest: Star QB has part of leg amputated
By: Shane Mettlen
Daily Progress correspondent
September 12, 2011
A grief stricken Woodberry Forest football program heads into its second game of the season this weekend, dealing with a shocking and gruesome injury to junior quarterback Jacob Rainey, whose leg was amputated at a Fairfax hospital a week after going down in a preseason scrimmage at Flint Hill High School. Rainey, who is from Charlottesville, suffered a broken knee cap on Sept. 3 after being tackled from behind and was taken to the hospital where further complications, including a ruptured blood vessel, were discovered. He remained in an intensive care unit last week while the Tigers traveled to Richmond to play Benedictine. Woodberry was celebrating a 16-13 victory on the bus ride home when Rainey sent a Twitter message to a teammate telling him the injury was worse than they knew. Tigers coach Clint Alexander gathered the team when they arrived back on campus and delivered the news that the star quarterback [....]
Read It Here First: Rising Market Volatity
By: Big Picture
September 12, 2011
The front page of today’s New York Times is a very interesting if rather familiar article on the increase in market volatility: “With these whopping 4 percent swings — up 500 points, down 500 points, up another 500 points, down another 500 points — traders have whiplash. We saw another huge move down Thursday, when [...]
The front page of today’s New York Times is a very interesting if rather familiar article on the increase in market volatility:
“With these whopping 4 percent swings — up 500 points, down 500 points, up another 500 points, down another 500 points — traders have whiplash. We saw another huge move down Thursday, when the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P all lost big, plummeting 3.68 percent, 5.22 percent and 4.46 percent, respectively.
What is going on? It seems that 4 percent — plus or minus — is the new black.”
Ooops, my bad, that was my column published August 19th in the Washington Post, titled Smacked by big market swings, investors should alter their outlook. The NYTimes piece from today is called Market Swings Are Becoming New Standard, and it begins like this:
“Day after day, stocks swing sharply by hundreds of points. Last week they tumbled 3 percent in the first 90 minutes of trading on Tuesday morning, then on Wednesday closed nearly [....]
Budget-Friendly Alternatives to Cable TV
by Lisa Gerstner
September 9, 2011
provided by
It's getting cheaper and easier to stream your favorite shows to your television set.
Not long ago, TV reception depended on how well your rooftop antenna picked up the signal. But now cables and satellites have commandeered our screens. Today, about 87% of U.S. households subscribe to a "multi-channel video service," mainly cable or satellite TV, according to Leichtman Research Group.
Thanks to new offerings via the Internet, viewers are increasingly catching their favorite shows free or for a fraction of what their cable company charges. And going online to view TV shows or movies doesn't mean you're stuck watching programs on your computer or tablet screen. The Apple TV box ($99), for example, [....]
Hiccups Cures
September 14, 2011
What cures hiccups?
Holding your breath can work. So can acupuncture. For the worst cases, there's even surgery.
What is your most effective way to get rid of the hiccups?
Having someone scare you
Breathing in and out of a paper bag
Drinking water upside down
Swallow a teaspoon of sugar
Expert Discusses Unclaimed Property and the Reporting of Unclaimed Wages
PR Newswire
September 16, 2011
Contact: Matt Sottong, +1-703-341-3811,
ARLINGTON, Va. PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- One of the most important yet unappreciated jobs in a company falls to the individual who is responsible for filing the annual unclaimed property reports. As state deficits rise and many budgets are in the red, state Treasurers and Unclaimed Property Administrators increase enforcement to ensure continual influx of money into the state coffers. Unclaimed wages is one of the [....]
obama to propose "Buffett tax" on millionaires
By Alister Bull
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - obama, in a populist gesture designed to appeal to voters, will propose a "Buffett Tax" on people making more than $1 million a year as part of his deficit recommendations to Congress on Monday. Such a proposal, among suggestions to a congressional Super Committee expected to seek up to $3 trillion in deficit savings over 10 years, would appeal to his Democratic base ahead of the 2012 election but likely not raise much in revenues. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in a tweet on Saturday the tax would act as "a kind of AMT" (Alternative Minimum Tax) aimed at ensuring millionaires pay at least as much tax as middle-class families.
The "Buffett Tax" refers to billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who wrote earlier this year that rich people like him often pay less in tax than those who work for them due to loopholes in the taxcode, and can afford to pay more. obama will lay out [....]
Bachmann: Solyndra shows Obama's abuse of power
September 16, 2011
COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann says a half-billion dollar government loan to a solar energy manufacturer is an example of an "abuse of authority and power." Bachmann made the remarks Friday at an Orange County rally before the start of the California GOP convention. The Treasury Department announced Thursday it has launched an investigation into a $535 million loan to the Fremont, Calif.-based Solyndra Inc. The Silicon Valley company was the first renewable-energy manufacturer to receive a loan guarantee under the stimulus law. President Barack Obama's administration frequently touted Solyndra as a model for its clean energy program. It has since laid off more than 1,000 people and filed for bankruptcy. Bachmann called the loan "crony capitalism" during the rally. Solyndra executives raised more than $100,000 for Obama and Democrats. [~~]
Times Kept Qaddafi's Son's Bisexuality Quiet at Government's Request
By Elspeth Reeve
The Atlantic Wire
September 16, 2011
When The New York Times was getting ready to publish material from the 250,000 State Department cables obtained by WikiLeaks, the newspaper worked with the government to avoid publishing material particularly sensitive to national security and diplomatic efforts. Among the facts redacted? That Muammar Qaddafi's son is bisexual, Gawker's John Cook reports.
“Most of them made sense -- the names of State Department sources in autocratic regimes, for instance, were routinely removed. But many of them seemed arbitrary and difficult to justify.
For instance: Muammar Qaddafi's son Saadi, a hard-partying former pro-soccer player and movie producer, is bisexual, according to former U.S. ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz. “Although the Zuwara Free Trade Zone is an ambitious and expensive project, Muammar al-Qadhafi likely views it as a relatively small price to pay if it helps occupy the notoriously ill-behaved Saadi and lend a patina of useful engagement to his otherwise less than sterling reputation. Saadi has a troubled past, including scuffles with police in Europe (especially Italy), abuse of drugs and alcohol, excessive partying, travel abroad in contravention of his father's wishes and profligate affairs with men and women. His bisexuality is reportedly a point of [....]
Hillary Clinton most popular national political figure: new poll
By Laura Rozen
Senior Foreign Affairs Reporter
The Envoy
September 16, 2011
One third of Americans believe Hillary Clinton would have been a better president than Barack Obama, and two-thirds view her favorably, according to a new Bloomberg News poll. "The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton," Bloomberg News' John McCormick wrote on the poll's findings, which were released Friday. While 34 percent of those polled believe "things would be better under a Clinton [....]
Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor
By Robert Rector and Rachel Sheffield
September 13, 2011
Executive Summary
Today, the Census Bureau released its annual poverty report, which declared that a record 46.2 million persons, or roughly one in seven Americans, were poor in 2010. The numbers were up sharply from the previous year’s total of 43.6 million. Although the current recession has increased the numbers of the poor, high levels of poverty predate the recession. In most years for the past two decades, the Census Bureau has declared that at least 35 million Americans lived in poverty.
However, understanding poverty in America requires looking behind these numbers at the actual living conditions of the individuals the government deems to be poor. For most Americans, the word “poverty” suggests near destitution: an inability to provide nutritious food, clothing, and reasonable shelter for one’s family. However, only a small number of the 46 million persons classified as “poor” by the Census Bureau fit that description. While real material hardship certainly does occur, it is limited in scope and severity.
The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau as taken from various government reports:
80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
43 percent have Internet access.
One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.
Until Next Sunday.... For decades, the living conditions of the poor have steadily improved. Consumer items that were luxuries or significant purchases for the middle class a few decades ago have become commonplace in poor households, partially because of the normal downward price trend that follows introduction of a new product. Liberals use the declining relative prices of many amenities to argue that it is no big deal that poor households have air conditioning, computers, cable TV, and wide-screen TV. They contend, polemically, that even though most poor families may have a house full of modern conveniences, the average poor family still [....]
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