Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; June 29th

A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince;" 06/29/2013
Recorded in
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
for broadcast on
June 29, 2013
A few days ago, I unveiled a new national plan to confront the growing threat of a changing climate.  Decades of carefully reviewed science tells us our planet is changing in ways that will have profound impacts on the world we leave to our children.  Already, we know that the 12 warmest years in recorded history have all come in the last 15, and that last year was the warmest in American history.  And while we know no single weather event is caused solely by climate change, we also know that in a world that’s getting warmer than it used to be, all weather events are affected by it – more extreme droughts, floods, wildfires, and hurricanes.
The greatest, grandest hoax of the twentieth century came about when someone associated with the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) leaked emails authored by it's climate scientists.  Said scientists were also influential in their opinions with the UN's Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change (IPCC).  The hoax involved the infamous "hockey-stick" graph illustrating a drastic up-tick in climate temperatures.  The graph was proven a hoax in 2003 by Canadian statistician, Steve McIntyre
    I quote from the 'WUWT' article:
  • "Since 2003, however, when the statistical methods used to creat the "hockey stick" were first exposed as fundamentally flawed by an expert Canadian statistician Steve McIntyre, an increasingly heated battle has been raging between Mann's supporters, calling themselves 'The Hockey Team,' and McIntyre and his own allies, as they have ever more devastatingly called into question the entire statistical basis on which the IPCC and CRU construct their case."
It has become the considered opinion of a multitude of scientists worldwide, that the 'East Anglica Kerfuffle' is a complete hoax from-end-to-end. (1)
Those who already feel the effects of a changing climate don’t have time to deny it – they’re busy dealing with it.  The firefighters who brave longer wildfire seasons.  The farmers who see crops wilted one year, and washed away the next.  Western families worried about water that’s drying up.  The cost of these events can be measured in lost lives and livelihoods, lost homes and businesses, and hundreds of billions of dollars in emergency services and disaster relief.  And Americans across the country are already paying the price of inaction in higher food costs, insurance premiums, and the tab for rebuilding.  The question is not whether we need to act.  The question is whether we will have the courage to act before it’s too late.
We--as in Washington's completely partisan politicans and lobbyists--can not seem to fathom that the planet's climate is cyclical.  About every six-hundred years or so, the climate slides 'the other way' toward either heating or cooling.  The planet seems to currently be in the 'heating cycle,' thus the higher temperature recordings.
    So far as the western families worrying about water drying up:  it's largely MAN-MADE!!  A prime reason for building the Hoover (Boulder) Dam on the Colorado River was to 'water' the arid portions of Arizona and California.  The diversion of said waters was done largely to benefit the agricultural, suburban and urban areas of Arizona and Southern California.  The affected farmers and ranchers in the upper mountain and plains states numbered few enough to be ignored by the politicians in the District of Corruption. (2) (3)
The national Climate Action Plan I unveiled will cut carbon pollution, protect our country from the impacts of climate change, and lead the world in a coordinated assault on a changing climate.  To reduce carbon pollution, I’ve directed the Environmental Protection Agency to work with states and businesses to set new standards that put an end to the limitless dumping of carbon pollution from our power plants.  We’ll use more clean energy and waste less energy throughout our economy.  To prepare Americans for the impacts of climate change we can’t stop, we’ll work with communities to build smarter, more resilient infrastructure to protect our homes and businesses, and withstand more powerful storms.  And America will lead global efforts to combat the threat of a changing climate by encouraging developing nations to transition to cleaner sources of energy, and by engaging our international partners in this fight – for while we compete for business, we also share a planet.  And we must all shoulder the responsibility for its future together.
    For those of you educated in government (public) schools from the latter half of the twentieth-century to today, you'll need a history lesson based on the 'pc-ing' of governmental education.  The USA--as well as the rest of the industrialized world--went through an industrial revolution, some say in two parts: 1760 to 1830 and  the second part between 1840 and 1870.   This industrialization--as it gained momentum--created semi-permanent clouds of smog and airborne industrial waste particulate matter.  Cities like Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, ad infinitum, often experienced various shades of gray in their annual snowfall.  If all this pollution--and it occurred throughout the industrialized world--didn't destroy the planet as we know it, chances are really great that ANYTHING negative we do today will not have much of an ill-effect on the overall climate. (4)
   The obama Regime then went through all the wasted taxpayer money under the pretense of supporting (read: subsidizing, picking winners and losers) the solar and wind power production industries.  In reality, production of anything but MILLIONAIRE OBAMACRATIC SUPPORTERS, never really happened.  That incompetent socio-fascist boob, Steven Chu (Sec'y of Energy) approved hundreds-of-millions in subsidies as fast as the recipients could declare bankruptcy.  This became the greatest profit center for all of the eventually-bankrupt businesses.  (5)
This is the fight America can and will lead in the 21st century.  But it will require all of us, as citizens, to do our part.  We’ll need scientists to design new fuels, and farmers to grow them.   We’ll need engineers to devise new technologies, and businesses to make and sell them.  We’ll need workers to man assembly lines that hum with high-tech, zero-carbon components, and builders to hammer into place the foundations for a new clean energy age.  We’ll need to give special care to people and communities unsettled by this transition.  And those of us in positions of responsibility will need to be less concerned with the judgment of special interests and well-connected donors, and more concerned with the judgment of our children.
    I suppose we could "lead in the  21st century" if in fact there were adequate leadership in the upper reaches of the executive branch of the federal government!  How can I be expected to 'lead' when I spend most of my waking hours flitting around the country--nay, around the WORLD--campaigning for something as yet undetermined, and doing obamacRATic fundraisers at nearly every stop.  Remember: that "....judgment of special interests and well-connected donors....?"   That is EXACTLY THE REASON for MY first fiasco, that $787 Billion PORKulus bill which produced many, many really 'well-greased palms!'   Our being "....concerned with the judgment of our children...." should have begun with the obama Regime racking up a greater national debt than all previous presidents COMBINED!!  We managed that feat in less than THREE YEARS!! (6)
If you agree with me, I’ll need you to act.  Educate your classmates and colleagues, your family and friends.  Speak up in your communities.  Remind everyone who represents you, at every level of government, that there is no contradiction between a sound environment and a strong economy – and that sheltering future generations against the ravages of climate change is a prerequisite for your vote.  We will be judged – as a people, as a society, and as a country – on where we go from here.  The plan I have put forward to reduce carbon pollution and protect our country from the effects of climate change is the path we need to take.  And if we remember what’s at stake – the world we leave to our children – I’m convinced that this is a challenge that we will meet.
    I need all the American Communist Party support I can get!  Why they support me here in the USA, I'll never understand when party members in their home countries don't support many socialist causes.  This latest "emergency, catastrophe" is actually serving two purposes:
1.  It's keeping the NSA, the IRS, my Benghazi murders, the AP call-taping,  (Fox News, James) Rosengate, the Holder Perjury I, II, the Fast 'n' Furious, the Sebelius contributions demands, as well as the Pigford scandals off the front pages, out of the blogs, and
2.  It's keeping this 100 Million Dollar luxury, taxpayer funded, international VACATION, but the fact that we've brought members of our extended family to the tune of well over $100,000!!  Many thanks to all the schlubs who continue to work to provide the funds for these extravagant vacations as well as all the votes provided by the federal largess extended to the obamacRATic welfareRATs!  Thanks, again. (7) (8) 
Reference "Lie-Barry:" 



Thursday, June 27, 2013

This'n'That; June Twenty-Seventh #1; They're Off!

The 'Arrogants' Of barackingham Palace Off on $100MILLION Vaca
     The ungrateful obama family with a coupla extras are off on one of the most expensive VACATIONS in presidential history.  This by one of the worst abusers of taxpayer largess this country has ever seen!  Not only that, this schlub is completely insulated from the minions that do his bidding, for his and their personal and professional monetary gain.
     This African trip vacation will require upwards of 56 support vehicles (and the air transportation thereof), 3 truckloads of bullet resistant glass, fighter jets CONSTANTLY on patrol as well as a Naval aircraft carrier stationed in nearby waters just in case the "Clown Prince" needs their surgical unit for a sliver or some other such nonsense.  Well beyond that, ya know what really pisses me off?!?  The "Clown Prince" obama family are taking two EXTENDED FAMILY MEMBERS at ADDED taxpayer expense!  'Mother' Robinson and "Michelle Antoinette's" niece Leslie Robinson are beating the taxpayer over the head to the tune of $27,277 EACH!!  The individual travel expense for the two 'hangers-on' is for business-class passage.  In what world does the current American royalty travel BUSINESS-class?!?  I'm guessin' we could easily add 40% to get into the first-class cabin, which would make owings to the Treasury of $38,188 EACH.
  • District of Corruption to Dakar, Senegal:       $18,686 (both)
  • Dakar to Johannesburg, South Africa:            $11,918
  • Johannesburg, to Cape Town, South Africa: $874
  • Cape Town to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:        $4,680
  • Dar es Salaam to District of Corruption:        $17,396
Although it'll never be paid voluntarily, "Clown Prince" obama owes the taxpayers just south of $55,000 for the added passengers.... and that's dam cheap for "Super-Duper" First Class accommodations aboard AirFarceOne!
    This certainly begs the discussion on any president's private use of public equipment, facilities.  Seems to me that with corporations having travel budgets for their CEOs and other high level executives, so should the federal government.  We--you and I, the folks footin' the bill--can't hitch a ride when his royal clownness goes to Hawaii TWICE IN ONE WEEK, so why are we supposed to pay for the mother-in-law and the brother's kid?!?
    Given that it costs the taxpayer just shy of a quarter-million bucks just to fire up AirFarceOne's  engines and taxi to the end of the runway;
Given that the "Clown Prince" obama family is averaging nearly ONE VACATION PER MONTH for the past 4-1/2 years, this discussion is becoming more and more necessary as the days tick on.
Sure there are official trips that every president is expected to make, but the instant his wife/mistress, family, familial ingrates climb aboard, it becomes a quasi-vacation, at least for the family hangers-on.  To that end, said hangers-on should be billed for FIRST CLASS passage from departure point through each destination point, on to the final stop in the District of Corruption.   Once, the president's vacation expenses(transportation AND housing) reach a pre-determined point, like $3,000,000, he/she should be billed for the full expense ($180,000PER HOUR) of flitting from one fundraiser-to-the-next!! 
    Although this president's performance would dispute it, the primary presidential responsibility IS NOT FUNDRAISING, nor is it PERFORMING policy speeches from various points throughout the United States!  This president--of course with necessary clearance from The Bilderberg Group--should consider: "WWRMD" as translated:
"What Would Ronaldus-Magnus Do?"
    Don'cha think it's kinda "rubbin' your nose in it" when a ruler destroys an economy; makes plans to destroy the national energy production, then goes on a $100Million vacation?!?  This guy lives like he's Bill Gates (sorry for the insult, Mr Gates) on a comparative White House Usher's salary!!
Til Nex'Time....
Reference "Lie-Barry:"



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This'n'That; June Twenty-Fifth #1; RINO Assistance

RINOs Help obamacRATics Set Up Non-Fulfillment
    "The Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986" was the brainchild of Senator Alan Simpson (r-Wy) and Rep Romano Mazzoli (d-Ky), commonly known as "Simpson-Mazzoli."  Much like the "Secure Fence Act of 2006" and the current 'illegal-democrat' bill with the 1,200 page AMENDMENT,  promised/promises all kinda shit; all of which is arbitrary, depending on which party of the ruling class was/is in power and how much they chose/choose to ignore.
   H.R. 6061, "Secure Fence Act of 2006" was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2006.  This legislation required 698 miles of fencing be built along the entirety of the country's southern border.  On March 16, 2010, "Clown Prince" obama ordered that continued building of the southern fence be suspended until further notice.  At the time of the socio-fascist suspended fence construction, approximately 169 miles (San Diego, Ca., to Yuma, Az) had been completed. 

    This 1,200 page monstrosity has five conditions that CURRENTLY have to be met:
  • 1.  A comprehensive border security plan set up by the current administration that has a geat aversion to the truth as well as keeping it's commitments (obama's out: any one of his current minions has no compunction in ignoring any and all directives; his lack of truthfulness, integrity, ethics, etc), and
  • 2.  20,000 additional Border Patrol agents deployed, maintained and stationed on the southern border (obama's out:  nowhere does the amendment say "permanent; permanently;" his lack of truthfulness, integrity, ethics, etc), and
  • 3.  700 miles of fencing along the southern border must be completed (obama's out: suspending funding; not letting the contracts; his lack of truthfulness, integrity, ethics, etc), and
  • 4.  The mandatory employment verification system must be fully implemented (obama's out: suspend development; suspend implementation; suspend funding; suspend usage requirements, his lack of truthfulness, integrity, ethics, etc), and
  • 5.  The mandated electronic entry/exit system has been fully implemented at all international air and sea ports of entry within the United States where U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers are currently deployed (obama's out: suspend deployment; suspend implementation; selected ports-of-entry; partial deployment/implementation; his lack of truthfulness, integrity, ethics, etc)
which--according to the amendment--must be met in their entirety before any further amnesty provisions can be implemented.  How long do you think it'll take "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer, "The Putz of Park Avenue," to find a tv camera or a Sunday show to start bitching about the 'unfairness' of it all, that it's a dam shame that these unfortunate "illegal democrats" can't immediately have all the amnesty benefits that will eventually be accorded them? {This 'Putz' thingie: that applies to any and all legislation that restricts currently-illegal democrats in any way!}
    Below is a list of those RINO-republicRATics that share the obama philosophy of reducing America's stature in the world by destroying the country from within:
(Name,  party, vote, re-election year):
Murkowski (R), Yes. [2016]
Flake (R), Yes [2018];
McCain (R), Yes [2018].
Rubio (R), Yes [2016].
Kirk (R), Yes [2016].
Wicker (R), Yes [2018].
Heller (R), Yes [2018];
Ayotte (R), Yes [2016];
Chiesa (R), Yes; filled Lautenberg seat, won't run
Hoeven (R), Yes [2016].
Grahamnesty (R), Yes [2014].
TENNESSEEAlexander (R), Yes [2014];
Corker (R), Yes [2018].
Hatch (R), Yes [2018].
The ULTIMATE In Border Stops!!
Drug Smugglers Stranded
    Only Senators Lamar Alexander (Tn) and Lindsey Grahamnesty (S.C.) will be running for re-election during the mid-terms of 2014.  Senators Murkowski, Rubio, Kirk, Ayotte and Hoeven will be running in the presidential election year of 2016.  The remainder will be running in 2018, providing the republic still survives! 
When tweeting about Senator Rubio, I precede his name with the title "RINO."  I intend to extend this policy to each RINO senator on the aforementioned list.  For those running in '16 and '18, it'll be tough to hold their collective feet 'to-the-fire' but something should be done to insure said miscreants are reminded of their misdeeds in the face of the majority public opinion!
    Each and every one on the list as well as the entire obamacRATic party serve as a glaring example that the federal government has grown to unmanageable size!  Not only does the left hand not know what the right is doing; both parties conspire with one-another to screw the American taxpayer 'to-the-wall!'  Eventually the national debt coupled with politicians' demands for ever more funding for one whacky idea or another, will cause the nation to implode!
Til Nex'Time....
Reference "Lie-Barry:"



Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; June 22nd

A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince;" 06/22/2013
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
June 22, 2013
Right now, the United States Senate is debating a bipartisan, commonsense bill that would be an important step toward fixing our broken immigration system. 
It’s a bill that would continue to strengthen security at our borders, and hold employers more accountable if they knowingly hire undocumented workers, so they won’t have an unfair advantage over businesses that follow the law.
This Senate debate may be bipartisan--although I doubt it, given RINO Rubio's ever changing stance--but it's anything but commonsense!
It’s a bill that would modernize the legal immigration system so that, as we train American workers for the jobs of tomorrow, we’re also attracting the highly skilled entrepreneurs and engineers who grow our economy for everyone.
That "....attracting the highly skilled entrepreneurs and engineers...." thingie?  That's not even being debated here!  My statement is more along the path of obfuscation rather than honest information!  It's covered under the various work, educational and visitors' visas. By the way:  that portion of the latest immigration law works quite nicely, thank you very much!
It’s a bill that would provide a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million individuals who are in this country illegally – a pathway that includes passing a background check, learning English, paying taxes and a penalty, then going to the back of the line behind everyone trying to come here legally.
You--the average, intelligent American Taxpayer, Voter--knows that all these conditions are just "penciled in!"  If this atrocity actually sees the light-of-day as law, how long will it be; how many MINUTES,  before "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer, The Putz of Park Avenue, finds a camera and microphone to declare that the several and various restrictions are and will be unconstitutional as well as unfair and must be repealed!!  The 'over-under' here is 5 MINUTES!!
And, a few days ago, a report from the Congressional Budget Office definitively showed that this bipartisan, commonsense bill will help the middle class grow our economy and shrink our deficits, by making sure that every worker in America plays by the same set of rules and pays taxes like everyone else.
Even the most incompetent nincompoop in barackingham Palace--which incidentally, is me-your exalted ruler--can see right through this CBO report.  How can more citizens who pay NET ZERO income tax help grow the economy?  Most immigrants abuse the Earned Income Credit by claiming umpteen 'dependents'--usually still in Mexico--that legally are not their dependents!!
According to this independent report, reforming our immigration system would reduce our deficits by almost a trillion dollars over the next two decades.  And it will boost our economy by more than 5 percent, in part because of businesses created, investments made, and technologies invented by immigrants.
Does anyone believe this bullshit?!?  How can adding 11 Million "illegal Democrats" as "legal Democrats" going to enhance the Treasury balance, particularly--as I said--they pay NET ZERO in income taxes??
This comes on the heels of another report from the independent office that monitors Social Security’s finances, which says that this immigration bill would actually strengthen the long-term health and solvency of Social Security for future generations.
This crap about enhancing Social Security is just that: Complete Bullshit!  The federal government--and especially your favorite socio-fascist, ME--will not change Social Security from the same interpretation that has allowed many "illegal Democrats" to collect the benefit as soon as their fuzzy brown asses are dry from crossing the Rio Grande River; jumping the 36.6-out-of-700 miles of fencing required to be build by a 1996, yes 1996 law!!  Collect Social Security without ever drawing a legitimate paycheck!!
Because with this bill, millions of additional people will start paying more in taxes for things like Social Security and education.  That’ll make the economy fairer for middle-class families.
We both know that first sentence is complete bovine fecal matter!!  The second sentence encapsulates the entire dialogue:  Race and Class Warfare!!  Pit one race/class against the others, lett'um battle it out, pretend your guy wins!!
So that’s what comprehensive immigration reform looks like.  Stronger enforcement.  A smarter legal immigration system.  A pathway to earned citizenship.  A more vibrant, growing economy that’s fairer on the middle class.  And a more stable fiscal future for our kids.
If that's what "comprehensive immigration reform" looks like, then maybe--just maybe--we shouldn't be doing it "comprehensively!!" 
Now, the bill isn’t perfect.  It’s a compromise.  Nobody is going to get everything they want – not Democrats, not Republicans, not me.  But it’s consistent with the principles that I and others have laid out for commonsense reform.  That’s why Republicans and Democrats, CEOs and labor leaders, are saying that now is the time to pass this bill.  If you agree with us, reach out to your Senators and Representatives.  Tell them that the time for excuses is over; it’s time to fix our broken immigration system once and for all.  We can do this, because we are a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants; a place enriched by the contributions of people from all over the world, and stronger for it.  That’s been the story of America from the start.  Let’s keep it going.
In conclusion--FINALLY--please note that I NEVER ONCE mentioned "security," or "border security!"  That's why this entire "illegal Democrat" fiasco is just that: commissioning future generation-upon-generation of democratic/obamacratic voters, forever shutting out the conservative values that made this country what it was BEFORE I WAS IMMACULATED and RE-IMMACULATED!!
    To be beneficial to America as a whole; beneficial to the 47% of Americans actually paying taxes, the border fencing/barriers must be completed prior to any "illegal Democrat" reform.  The conservatives' chant of "No Fence, No Deal" covers the problem quite well!!  [That's what I might say if I actually governed for the benefit of ALL THE CITIZENS, not just my legacy!!]
    Now, a little sidebar (Ya just can't shut me up, once I get started!!):  This upcoming obamacRAT generated kerfuffle on student loan interest rates is intended to be just what it is.... a political football!!  We obamacRATics need these 'footballs' to denigrate the republicRATics at each election cycle.  Kinda cleaver, ain't it?!?
To see the aforementioned republicRATic solution-Go Here!
To see which Regime Minister bailed on me-Go Here!



Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; June 15th

A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince;"
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
June 15, 2013

Hi, everybody. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have – and that’s being a dad.  Today we’re blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet.  But no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child’s life.  And in many ways, that’s uniquely true for fathers.  I never really knew my own father.  I was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me. 
Remember one of my latest scandals.... that 'NSA one?'   That's where--if I wanted to--I could read or listen to every communication handled by every communication medium in the world.  Remember those photos of your boobs you sexted to your boyfriend; remember those pictures of your erection you sexted to your 'latest honey?!?'  Y-U-P!!  They'll all be in the national database for the employees to watch, particularly the videos you've passed back-and-forth!!
    Even though this is Father's Day weekend, let's follow the previous paragraph for a few sentences.  We're building a huge facility in Utah to store all the communications we've pirated from mostly Americans but really anyone we can track.  See I'm gonna be the worst president on record so I have to have something I can use as a legacy.  The Bilderberg Group suggested this data-mining thingie.  I'm grateful!  I had no idea on what to base MY legacy except incompetence, ineptness, and stupidity.  Now I've got it all worked out and even the approval of most of the Group's members.  In a couple of years I'll secretly transfer the technology and the growing databases to my private ownership.  After I've 'retired' from the presidency (as if I were ever president!!) I'll hire several hundred young college students/graduates to work at the obama Presidential Lie-Barry, Drug Den and Young Bi-Boy Hangout in Jakarta.  There, the employees will piece together the several 'legs' of conversations that will later be used to extort "donations" or to advance my value as a "King Maker!"  Heluva plan, ain'it?!? 
    Back to this "Father's Day" bullshit:  As one could tell if my records were ever released, I've never had to do anything I didn't want to, I've never wanted for anything; I've never worked for anything!!  My regime, my rule as been in a "formulation mode" since I was in my middle-teens.  This was all put together by communists like Val Jarrett's father, like lil' Billy Ayers, the Chicago Mob, The Bilderberg Group, et al!!             
And there are single parents all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids.  But I still wish I had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did her best to instill – values like hard work and integrity; responsibility and delayed gratification – all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a brighter future for themselves.  That’s why I try every day to be for Michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me.  And I’ve met plenty of other people – dads and uncles and men without a family connection – who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young people a strong male role model
    Can you see through my two-faced, hypocritical bullshit?!?  While I blather on about Father's Day and what it should, does mean; how important fathers are in a child's daily live, I sally-forth to destroy the family structure in America!!  The doubling of the welfareRAT rolls since my first immaculation, should indicate to you--no matter your party, no matter the free stuff you're offered--that vote buying is far more important to me than whether a child grows up to be a murderer by age 14 or whether they're in a stable family structure.  Don't mean a shit to me so long as I continue to get what I want!!            
Being a good parent – whether you’re gay or straight; a foster parent or a grandparent – isn’t easy.  It demands your constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a healthy dose of patience.  And nobody’s perfect.  To this day, I’m still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids.  And I want to do what I can as President to encourage marriage and strong families.  We should reform our child support laws to get more men working and engaged with their children.  And my Administration will continue to work with the faith and other community organizations, as well as businesses, on a campaign to encourage strong parenting and fatherhood.  Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned along the way, it’s that all our personal successes shine a little less brightly if we fail at family.  That’s what matters most. 
Doesn't all this hypocrisy just make ya sick!!  If--in the real world outside the Beltway--family is so important, why are drug dealers, murderers, car-jackers, etc., looked up to as god-like figures?!?                 
When I look back on my life, I won’t be thinking about any particular legislation I passed or policy I promoted.  I’ll be thinking about Michelle, and the journey we’ve been on together.  I’ll be thinking about Sasha’s dance recitals and Malia’s tennis matches – about the conversations we’ve had and the quiet moments we’ve shared.  I’ll be thinking about whether I did right by them, and whether they knew, every day, just how much they were loved.  That’s what I think being a father is all about.  And if we can do our best to be a source of comfort and encouragement to our kids; if we can show them unconditional love and help them grow into the people they were meant to be; then we will have succeeded.
As much as I'd like it to happen, eventually the dam of socio-fascism will start to leak and the floodwaters of logic, fairplay, conservatism will seep through.  Eventually there will be a bursting of common sense to oppose my eight years of sadistic rule.  Sadistic in the way I grind the American nose in every thing I do contrary to logic and fair play. 
How many of you can take a vacation costing 250 times your annual salary?!? 
I can; I will; I do!!  This lil' family outing to Africa and China will set YOU--the 47% who actually pay taxes--back about $100 Million which is--actually, ironically--250 times my $400,000 base annual salary.  Even I wonder at all the shit I'm able to get away with!!  But.. ya know what's even more amazing?!?  Nobody ever even questions me about it; ever comes after me in any meaningful way!!  Ain'it great to be A Kenyan-in-America?!?



Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; June 8th (Actually 06/09!)

A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince;" 06/08/2013
[This 'correction' to the "Clown Prince's" weekly blather is a day late.  I suspect it's due to an incompetent boob somewhere, duplicating the intelligence of his ruler!  In any case, the transcript of the weekly blather wasn't posted to the barackingham Palace website in a timely manner.]
Somewhere in 
Mooresville, North Carolina
June 8, 2013

In the next few days, America will take an important step towards fixing our broken immigration system.  The entire United States Senate will begin debating a commonsense immigration reform bill that has bipartisan support.  See, we define ourselves as a nation of immigrants.  The promise we find in those who come from every corner of the globe has always been one of our greatest strengths.  It’s kept our workforce vibrant and dynamic.  It’s kept our businesses on the cutting edge.  And it’s helped build the greatest economic engine the world has ever known.  But for years, our out-of-date immigration system has actually harmed our economy and threatened our security.  Now, over the past four years, we’ve taken steps to try and patch up some of the worst cracks in the system.
I--like every other 21st century politician--find it necessary to cloud any issue with half-truths and out-right lies!  I intentionally mix several of the 185 different immigration visas together when I speak--read the teleprompter--on immigration issues.  See the one you and I are most interested in is the common laborer visa where we tend to ignore the quota numbers. More importantly though--and why all this pissin'n'moanin' about aliens is those "fence jumpers" those "river waders" which the obamacRATic party--in concert with The Bilderberg Group--wants to award voting rights for upcoming elections.  A bit of 'unknown' history is the obamacRATics are a minority party, the republicRATics are the majority party.  Didn' know that, did'ja?!?  That's primarily due to our socio-fascist having total--boots-on-their-throats--control over the Fourth Estate, the press!!  They print any information; they support any cause The Bilderberg Group instructs them to.  To buttress that cause, we intend to have a restructured immigration policy that supports
A) MORE illegal--but unrestricted--border crossings, and
B) MORE illegal--but again, unrestricted-- obamacRATic VOTERS.
We strengthened security on the southern border by putting more boots on the ground than at any time in our history.  
The obama Regime is one of the worst on record when it comes to truthfulness under or outside an official oath.  We rarely are truthful! If that were necessary, the common voter would "see through us like Saran Wrap."
Far from my previous statement, we--the regime, The Bilderberg Group--are doing everything humanly possible to REDUCE THE NUMBER OF BORDER AGENTS!  We're currently in negotiations to reduce the average border patrolman's salary by a whoppin' 30%!! 
And, in part, by using technology more effectively – today, illegal crossings are near their lowest level in decades.
That is pure and unsanitized BULLSHIT!!  The border patrol apprehends between 40% 'n' 55% of wetbacks/fence jumpers.  These folks are returned from whence they came.  What I'm not saying is "55% of WHAT?!?  Each year the base numbers grow, so eventually the numbers actually escaping INTO the USA continue to grow by year.  To hold an obamacRATic's feet-to-the-fire is to demand hard numbers, NOT PERCENTAGES!!
We focused enforcement efforts on criminals who are here illegally – who endanger our communities – and today, we deport more criminals than ever before.
By percentage, this is certainly true.  To drive these numbers to ever higher false-highs, is the policy of NOT DEPORTING the common wetbacks/fence jumpers.  If ICE were to do that; which until "Big-Sis" Napolitano changed the ICE procedure, they did.... and recorded fairly dismal felon deportation numbers!
And we took up the cause of “Dreamers,” the young people who were brought to this country as children.  We said that if they’re able to meet certain criteria, we’d consider offering them the chance to come out of the shadows so they can continue to work here, and study here, and contribute to our communities legally. But if we’re going to truly fix a broken system, we need Congress to act in a comprehensive way.  And that’s why what’s happening next week is so important. The bill before the Senate isn’t perfect.  It’s a compromise.  Nobody will get everything they want – not Democrats, not Republicans, not me.  But it is a bill that’s largely consistent with the principles I’ve repeatedly laid out for commonsense immigration reform.
Dreamers-or-no-Dreamers!  Dreams matter not!  This entire discussion; this entire immigration bill is all about increasing the numbers of obamacRATic voters--ANY WAY POSSIBLE.  The only path toward an increase is with immigration, legal or otherwise.  When the young college graduate reaches his late 20s, early 30s, suffers a rude awakening and realizes that the obamacRATic party is the party-of-royalty, if said grads aren't connected by blood or marriage, they're doomed to be second class--middle class--citizens!!  So--in defense--they jump ship to the republicRATic party; the majority party.  Soon--without illegals voting--the obamacRATic party; the obamacRATic philosophy will dwindle into a "has been" party!               
This bill would continue to strengthen security at our borders, increase criminal penalties against smugglers and traffickers, and hold employers more accountable if they knowingly hire undocumented workers.  If enacted, it would represent the most ambitious enforcement plan in recent memory.
This bill would provide a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million individuals who are in this country illegally – a pathway that includes passing a background check, learning English, paying taxes and a penalty, and then going to the back of the line behind everyone who’s playing by the rules and trying to come here legally.   
This bill would modernize the legal immigration system so that, alongside training American workers for the jobs of tomorrow, we’re also attracting highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers who will grow our economy.  And so that our people don’t have to wait years before their loved ones are able to join them in this country we love.
No!!  This bill is not about a pathway, not about attracting engineers; not about growing our economy!   'Illegal' is still illegal.  No matter what color lipstick is on the pig, it's still a pig!!  This bill will do little more than reward law-breakers; little more than incease the numbers of obamacRATic voters by subterfuge. 
    Why should this even be necessary?!?  Have I not shown that the minority party can win TWO PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS with less than 50% of registered voters?!?  Granted, it took the IRS leaning on, and refusing tax exempt status to many--if not most--conservative organizations.  This cleaver idea was instrumental in said groups NOT getting their messages out; not having effective radio and tv ads; not having adequate donations for the jobs at hand!!  Thus I--your exalted, but nevertheless crooked, ruler--have shown the party how it can win important elections in perpetuity!!                              
That’s what immigration reform looks like.  Smarter enforcement.  A pathway to earned citizenship.  Improvements to the legal immigration system.   They’re all commonsense steps.  They’ve got broad support – from Republicans and Democrats, CEOs and labor leaders, law enforcement and clergy.  So there is no reason that Congress can’t work together to send a bill to my desk by the end of the summer. 
We know the opponents of reform are going to do everything they can to prevent that.  They’ll try to stoke fear and create division.  They’ll try to play politics with an issue that the vast majority of Americans want addressed.  And if they succeed, we will lose this chance to finally fix an immigration system that is badly broken.    
So if you agree that now is the time for commonsense reform, reach out to your Representatives.  Tell them we have to get this done so that everyone is playing by the same rules.  Tell them we have the power to do this in a way that lives up to our traditions as a nation of laws, and a nation of immigrants. 
In the end, that’s what this is all about.  Men and women who want nothing more than the chance to earn their way into the American story, just like so many of our ancestors did.  Throughout our history, that has only made us stronger.  And it’s how we’ll make sure that America’s best days always lie ahead.
So--fellow crooked politicians--in conclusion it's safe to say that crookedness effectively--and ruthlessly--applied will win the day for socio-fascism!  The American people seem to have caught on to the cleaver crookedness of The Bilderberg Group--the primary guidance for Valarie Jarrett, and by extension-ME--and are balking at the idea of more and more illegals entering the country.  Any time I suggest that the people contact their Senators and Congressmen, it seems to backfire on me!  The portion of the nation that actually reads and/or listens to, my weekly blather  are mostly, the same folks that are against my plans, my policies, my philosophy, my rule. So in contacting the aforementioned legislators, they're more inclined to suggest their legislators oppose any--and all--policies I might suggest. 
Without putting too-sharp-a-point-on-it, my RINOs:  Senators McCain and Rubio have failed in circumventing other senators' demand of "border security-FIRST!"



Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; June 8th; Plan 'B'

[I found this phony apology letter by Matthew Dowd on ABCNews' website.
Since the "Clown Prince" saw fit to not allow the transcript of today's weekly blather opportunity to be accessed, I thought I'd "correct" Mr Dowd's phony apology letter.  Enjoy your weekend!!]
The Honorable George W. Bush
Former President
Crawford, Texas
Dear George,
I use George instead of president because, well, Michelle tells me that it is confusing for me as the president to call another person president. I think you understand this a lot better than Bill that you can only have one president at a time.
Actually, Michelle Antoinette had nothing to do with this letter.  I can not, should not; will not, allow anyone other than myself--your exalted ruler--be addressed by the terms President, Mr President or Mister President.
Also, I am sending this letter to Crawford instead of Dallas because I read recently you were mountain biking at your ranch (that reminds me I need to start looking into where I am going to live after I am done here, and I promise I won't be moving to Texas because who knows when that will turn blue).
That mountain bike thingie.... remember that photo of me with my helmet, riding a girls street bike?  Whad'da laugh that was, right?  Then shortly after that, we saw my bud--Vlad Putin, shirtless--riding his MOUNTAIN bike, helmetless, through hill'n'dale!  How embarrassing for me!!  As for living in Texas.... that ain't for me; there's just too much economic growth goin' on there!  Texas will never fit into my desires for a socio-fascist America, or a one-world government!!
For starters, I wanted to say it was great seeing you at your presidential library opening. What a great event, and please tell your dad hi for me. He is a great guy, and I love that your mom said the country doesn't need any more Bushes. I think that will be true about Obamas, especially after this last couple of weeks. I feel like you must have felt before you left office.
But as I mentioned to you in private, I still don't understand why there should have been any more dignitaries than you and I.  Surely you as the subject of the library and I as your exalted ruler would have been more than enough high profile figures!  I did note that you should have some statuary commissioned for the entrances to the library.  I've already picked out one for the main entrance to  "The Clown Prince obama Presidential Library and Underaged Boys' Glee Clubhouse" to be built near the family home in Jakarta, Indonesia:
And now for the purpose of this letter (I know you are rolling your eyes and saying, "just get to the point," but you know me: I can be a little long-winded at times): I wanted to say I am sorry.
I am sorry that, as a United States senator and presidential candidate, I was critical of you about so many things I now, myself, am doing.
I am sorry about saying Guantanamo would be closed immediately and it was a blight on America. It is still wide open for business.
I am sorry for criticizing you and your administration for intrusions on American's privacy and invasions into personal liberties. My NSA took what you did and put it on steroids.
Remember as an Illinois state senator as well as a U.S. senator, I followed all the biggies: Karl Marx, Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Saul Alinsky as well as blathering on and on from their various writings.  As your exalted ruler--at the behest of The Bilderberg Group--I continued on, at a much faster pace, instituting as many policies and programs of theirs that I thought I could get away with.  Mr Hitler's several crematoriums will be difficult to duplicate, but.... rest assured, when I figure it out, Texas as the largest RED STATE will surely get one!
   Don't take that apology crap too seriously about criticizing you about all you've done.  I couldn't give a shit, less what you think of me, my regime or the country I'll leave behind!  I'm the ruler and stuff it, if you don't like what I've "accomplished!"
I am sorry for criticizing the way you waged the war on terror. I have personally approved a number of drone strikes and actually have said it is OK to kill an American on foreign soil without due process. I know you are probably saying, "Aren't you the expert on the Constitution?" but, as you know, being president is hard work.
And, by the way, between you and me, I know your vice president was probably upset my administration got Osama Bin Laden (I get the sense he might have some anger issues and I sure wish he would have kept quiet like you have), but it was really thanks to you and my continuation of your national security policies.
I am sorry for all my overheated rhetoric about your administration not being transparent and saying my administration would be the most transparent in history and most open to the media. Boy, was I off on that one, and certain reporters at the Associated Press and Fox News don't seem to understand why we might put them under secret scrutiny.
Well, George, that is probably all you have time for, and I hope you accept my apology. You can take heart that, even though I am a Democrat, I decided to keep going nearly all your vision and plans on national security and even take it to all-new levels.
One day, I hope someone can follow a path as president that doesn't constantly use the ends to justify the means, but that is going to take a leader strong enough to be more compassionate and follow the principles of your and my buddy JC. Can you believe his "love your enemies" line??? With our luck, it will probably be a woman who finally does that as president.
I think we can sum all this up by me FINALLY admitting that you were a far-better president than I could hope to ever be; that you ARE a far-better man than I'll EVER be!  I've done every crooked, illegal, unethical, immoral thing I could think of to bring this nation to it's knees economically, morally, socially, defensively, et al, and I think I've more-or-less accomplished what I set out to do.
Take care, and hope you will stay quiet until I leave office because Bill never stops talking.
Barack Obama

P.S. You will be happy to know The New York Times is now attacking me for all the same stuff I attacked you on. Crazy.
But.... "Dub...." you should be able to recognize that this whole New York Times thingie.... that was all a "set-up" to pacify those RINO republicRATics like RINO Rubio and RINO McCain who get all upset when they find out one of my crooked deals by newspaper!!



Saturday, June 1, 2013

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; June 1st

A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince;" 06/01/2013
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
June 1, 2013
Over the past four and a half years, we’ve been fighting our way back from an economic crisis and punishing recession that cost millions of Americans their jobs, their homes, and the sense of security they’d worked so hard to build. 
And thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, our businesses have now created nearly 7 million new jobs over the past 38 months.
These jobs 'creations' do not begin to replace the nearly ten-million jobs that were lost due to my incompetence!!  Daily I prove there's no substitute for experience and specific education to the task at hand!
An auto industry that was flatlining is once again the heartbeat of American manufacturing – with Americans buying more cars than we have in five years.
Remember, many of these auto sales are various TAXPAYER FINANCED electric/hybrid cars that the obama Regime pays those public 'stupes' to buy.
Within the next few months, we’re projected to begin producing more of our own crude oil at home than we buy from other countries – the first time that’s happened in 16 years.
This will be in spite of my efforts to completely choke off ANY American oil and gas production.  As you can see by the graph above, that evil President George W. Bush issued 50% more drilling permits than The Bilderberg Group has allowed me to issue!
Deficits that were growing for years are now shrinking at the fastest rate in decades.  The rise of health care costs is slowing, too.
Whew-E-E-E!  Lies, more lies 'n' fuckin' lies!!  If you believe that 'deficits' bullshit, there's a federal SWAMP in Arizona ya might be interested in!!
This is a direct reference:
Would you call California's 64% to 146% rise in health care costs under obamaKare, S-L-O-W-I-N-G?!?
And a housing market that was in tatters is showing new signs of real strength.  Sales are rising.  Foreclosures are declining.  Construction is expanding.  And home prices that are rising at the fastest rate in nearly seven years are helping a lot of families breathe a lot easier.
The housing industry is in such great shape, I've appointed that crooked North Carolina congressman, Mel Watt to head the FHFAThe FHFA is the organization that oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, among others.  To his benefit, 'Mel-the-Crook' helped in targeting low-income families with sub-prime mortgages!!
Now we need to do more. 
This week, my administration announced that we’re extending a program to help more responsible families modify their mortgages so they can stay in their homes. 
But to keep our housing market and our economy growing, Congress needs to step up and do its part.  Members of Congress will be coming back next week for an important month of work.  We’ve got to keep this progress going until middle-class families start regaining that sense of security.  And we can’t let partisan politics get in the way.
Congress should pass a law giving every responsible homeowner the chance to save about $3,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at historically low interest rates.
Here's where the aforementioned "f**kin' lies..." comes in:  We've tried all this before.  That being said, I still advocate doing the same thing over and over while we expect a different result:  The Bilderberg Group and the obama Regime prove time and again that we're all idiots!!  The best thing to do for the low-income, the low-information voters is to allow market forces to work.  If ya ain't got the money, ya don't become a homeowner, simple as that!!
Congress should put more Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, like the one that collapsed last week in Washington state.  We’d all be safer, and the unemployment rate would fall faster.
I'm such a dumb phuk!! I continue--time after time--to convince you that my lies are truthful statements!!  It's gittin' tougher and tougher!!  The bridge collapse in Washington State was a "wide load" incident and as such, had the required permits issued by the state dep't of transportation.  Thus--at the moment the load hit the bridge support--the truck was legal as far as the driver and the company were concerned.  Incompetent government workers and incompetent politicians--much like myself--were the cause of the bridge collapse, NOT age or decay!!
And Congress should fix our broken immigration system by passing commonsense reform that continues to strengthen our borders; holds employers accountable; provides a pathway to earned citizenship; and also modernizes our legal immigration system so that we’re reuniting families and attracting the highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers who will help our economy grow.
For the sake of the future of the country, keep RINO McCain and RINO Rubio away from ANYTHING "immigration," legal or illegal!!   Remember the conservative saying:  If "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer is smiling, the American Taxpayer's about to take a screwin'!!" A couple of points:
1.  If border security isn't foremost, this bill is all for naught!
2.  How can adding thousands and millions to the welfareRAT rolls help our economy grow?!?
So there are a lot of reasons to feel optimistic about where we’re headed as a country – especially after all we’ve fought through together.  We’ve just got to keep going.  Because we’ve got more good jobs to create.  We’ve got more kids to educate.  We’ve got more doors of opportunity to open for anyone who’s willing to work hard enough to walk through those doors.
After the communists spent the last fifty years liberalizing (read: destroying) the public educational system, there's nothing socially redeeming left!  Nothing that remotely relates to the facts, the truth, the conservative foundings are still being taught in public schools today!! 
Check this shit out:  A teacher in the Chicago 'burbs was suspended for teaching students about the Fifth Amendment, involving an invasive questionnaire.  We can only go up from here; the federal Department of Education needs to be eliminated; unfunded; unstaffed!!                       
And if we work together, I’m as confident as I’ve ever been that we’ll get to where we need to be.
.....and if both The Bilderberg Group and I have our way, that will be nothing moe than another third-world rathole; another banana republic!  Enjoy your weekend if you have any left.  I'm aware that while I'm golfing and Michelle Antoinette's EATING, others are forced into additional part-time jobs to make ends meet!
Wait until this happens:
.....and it don't matter what'cher income level is, that $250,000 I quoted-IT DON'T MEAN SHIT; I'm gonna tax "the shit out'ta ya!!"
NOTE:  Many thanks to "Right Wing Art" for some of the illustrations; others I just 'found' on the interweb!!

