Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This'n'That September Eighteenth #1; What Education?

Socio-fascists Rewrite History, Constitution
    I'm old enough (67) to remember when junior and high school textbooks dealt more with fact than what is seen today.  Today's textbook alterations began some years back with the socialization of historical events and those men and women involved.  Ever the keepers of the written word, America's socio-fascists have advanced to rewriting the various--most objectionable--amendments in the Bill of Rights.
    If your child attends--among several others--West Forsythe High, Clemmons, S.C., or Guyer High School, Denton, Tx., you should be very wary about their history education and the textbooks used in it's accomplishment.  Books like this go hand-in-hand with the Agenda 21 concept of dumbing down American students in preparation for their entry into the third-world rathole America will become in the future.
    New York State does the same thing with questionable textbooks but they go even farther.  The state education department actively and forcefully promotes mergers between two or more school districts.  The state usually pairs adjoining school districts, one with excellent graduation rates, teachers, administrators with a mediocre school having socialistic financial problems.  My experience was with the Cohocton (N.Y.) Central School District being forced to merge with the financial geniuses in the Wayland (N.Y) Central School District. 
     To shorten a long story, the merger was handled in such a manner as to remind one of today's obama Cabal.   The social dynamics of each district, of each village were diametrically opposed to one another; the two couldn't have been more different.  Where 'political' cliques, various  wealth and social strata existed in Wayland, Cohocton seemed to be a closer knit district, community.
Wayland was so in debt that servicing said debt AND budgeting for the upcoming school year was bordering on the impossible without massive school tax increases.  Cohocton had almost always had a budget surplus, rarely was there even a revote on the annual budget.  The state demanded as many referendums as necessary to get the desired result (it took three).  The instruction, the admin, the maintenance staffs were enticed into support with promises of flowery titles and in many cases, exorbitant pay raises.  Finally, the forerunners of today's obamacRATic voters (mindless, blind followers) were convinced to send their kids to a mis-managed system over one with a 100% graduation rate!! 
     Cohocton's community volunteerism was huge.  Cohocton Sports Boosters Club built three soccer fields, refurbished a baseball diamond (ALL LIGHTED-unheard of for the time [late 1980s] in a small town, school), built, maintained and staffed a snack bar on site--ALL with volunteers with donated supplies and materials.
    For the record I received an excellent education in the Cohocton school system, graduating in 1964.  My graduating class had 15 students IF one were to count the two exchange students!  We all went through 13 years of education IN THE SAME BUILDING.  So far as I know, no classmate ever ended up in prison; all had careers and families.
That's all I got,
Justin Case



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This'n'That; September Seventeenth #1; Why?!?

Nobody Cares Enough To Stop Him
    Where are those senators and representatives who are constantly whining about "Clown Prince" obama's almost constant trashing both the Constitution and the various federal laws and regulations?!?  Lots of republicRATics and most conservatives (Yes Virginia, there IS a difference!) have a gripe about the way in which the obama Cabal operates, seemingly without impunity.
    "Clown Prince" obama didn't 'feel the love' when he decided to start WW0 in Syria so he kicked the can down the road to Congress.  Thankfully for him, his communist authoritarian buddy Vlad Putin pulled obama's fuzzy light-brown ass out of the fire.  The trade off for obama was giving the Putin Regime de facto control over U.S. foreign policy.  Now, the "Clown" has ignored Sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), to provide aid-and-comfort-to-the-enemy.  The Syrian rebels obama seeks to aid are reputed to be affiliated with al Qaeda, the radical muslim terrorist group.
    The "Clown Prince" backed down when the Congress wouldn't go along with his foolish Secretary of State--John Forbes Heinz Kerry--in starting the aforementioned WW0.  How much congressional squawking would it take for him to chicken out again?!?  Somebody or -bodies in the Congress have to grow the balls to confront this ignorant ass on every anti-American act he undertakes!!  My fear is that any real infusion of testicular fortitude will never come to light until AFTER THE NEXT REVOLUTION!!
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case



Clarifying "Clown Prince" obama's Blather; September Sixteenth

Clarifying the Blather
The "clownish" blather out of barackINGHAM PALACE is in dire need of clarification.  If--and that's a huge 'if'--"Clown Prince" obama were prone to bouts of truthful bluster AND if he had the best interests of the country and its' people at heart, he'd have blathered his topics differently, to wit:
"I want to be clear though that, even as we've dealt with the situation in Syria, we've continued to focus on my number one priority since the day I took office, making sure we recover from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, and rebuilding our economy so it works for everybody who's willing to work hard, so that everybody who is willing to take responsibility for their lives has a chance to get ahead."
~~Truth-be-told, the number one priority of this cabal has been golfing followed closely by the emperor's MONTHLY vacations costing the federal treasury billions.  Remember: Michelle "Antoinette" has her own taxpayer-funded travel schedule, sometimes to the same destination, but unable to wait the 2 or 3 hours necessary to travel with the "Clown Prince!"~~
"It was five years ago, this week, that the financial crisis rocked Wall Street, and sent an economy already into recession, into a tail spin. And it's hard sometimes to remember everything that happened during those -- those months, but in a matter of a frightening few days and weeks, some of the largest investment banks in the world failed, stock markets plunged, banks stopped lending to families and small businesses, our auto industry -- the heartbeat of American manufacturing -- was flat-lining.
By the time I took office, the economy was shrinking by an annual rate of more than 8 percent. Our businesses were shedding 800,000 jobs each month. It was a perfect storm that would rob millions of Americans of jobs and homes and savings that they had worked a lifetime to build."
~~This 'tailspin' the "Clown Prince" refers to is in part, the culmination of years of policies instituted by "Slick Willie" Clinton and his HUD Secretary--the current (and sadly) New York Governor--Andrew "King" Cuomo.  "Slick Willie's" prime policy culprit was the Sub-Prime Mortgage scandal.  The mortgages granted to those who could ill-afford them and had no compunction to repay, were bundled into investments and sold, resold and resold again and again.  This pyramid scheme collapsed when the smart people realized the value wasn't there and refused to continue their involvement!  "Clown Prince" obama then added his amateurish incompetence to the mix, to the tune of an amount NO ONE is talking about: EIGHTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS--that's $18,000,000,000,000--when the continuing allotments of qualitative easing are added.~~
"It’s what those earliest days of the crisis caused us to act so quickly through the Recovery Act to arrest the downward spiral and put a floor under the fall. We put people to work, repairing roads and bridges, to keep teachers in our classrooms, our first responders on the streets. We helped responsible homeowners modify their mortgages so that more of them could keep their homes. We helped jump-start the flow of credit to help more small businesses keep their doors open. We saved the American auto industry."
~~The Recovery Act became The Donors, Bundlers and Supporters Payback Act and beyond the crony payoffs, did little to reduce the affects of the oncoming obama Depression.  Few roads and fewer bridges ever got the attention they needed; the teachers were under little threat due to tenure; the limited funds for the police and firemen were administered by the states and were only available to fund said responders for a single year.  Again, the "Clown Prince" continued the failed "Slick Willie"-"King" Cuomo sub-prime mortgage fiasco, further alleviating any personal responsibility on the part of the home buyers.  Rather than letting the nature of business take it's course, the cabal  intervened in General Motors' impending bankruptcy, but only to the extent of bailing out the auto unions with cash, an ownership stake in GM as well as placing the UAW retirement system under federal control/funding.  The US Treasury is still a major stakeholder in General Motors, monies the taxpayer will never recover!~~
" we took on a broken health care system, we invested in new American technologies to end our addiction to foreign oil, we put in place tough new rules on big banks...."
"We also changed a tax code that was too skewed in favor of the wealthiest Americans. We locked in tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans."
~~The obama lip service to the nearly destroyed middleclass continues. Whatever was 'broken' in the previous healthcare system, obamaKare ignored.  Whatever worked in the previous healthcare system, obamaKare DESTROYED.  The cabal campaigned on the (alleged) 30 million Americans without health insurance.  IF AND WHEN obamaKare is fully implemented, the same 30 million Americans--plus millions of illegal 'democrats'--will still be lacking health insurance.  A 'quick-fix' for the obama Cabal would have been to open health insurance providers to nationwide sales and marketing.  With competition comes fair and AFFORDABLE premiums!!
 Any time the taxpayer hears the word 'investment' from any branch of any government, best they should hang onto their wallets!!  There have been solutions available to both parties to lessen the affects of foreign oil.  Were they considered? N-o-o-o-o-o!!  Since the "Clown Prince's" immaculation, he could have--with the stroke of a pen; by executive order--made the United States the successor to Saudi Arabia in the world's oil marketplace.  obama could have easily approved the Keystone XL pipeline project.  obama could have easily opened federal lands to exploration development of both drilling and fracking.  Did he consider it?  N-o-o-o-o-o!!  Instead, the best play--in his limited common sense--was to bankroll alternative energies, their development and production.  The "Clown Prince" GAVE tens-of-billions to alternative energy companies and--wouldn'cha know it--almost immediately thereafter, at least EIGHT solar companies filed for bankruptcy after--of course--paying their obama donors, bundlers and supporters millions in bonus money!!
The 'new-and-improved' banking rules benefitted Big Banking at the expense of the lowly middleclass.  More stringent control over practically anything the middleclass investor wanted to do rather than restricting much of the banking industry.
Rather than considering the complete scrapping of the current tax code in favor of a fair or flat tax, the cabal passed out miniscule tax cuts while simultaneously strangling business/corporate investment by taxing money away from the wealthier among us, money that undoubtedly could have been invested in R and D, in plant and equipment.  A fair or flat taxing system could have been written to ensure the treasury had sufficient funds to piss away as they do today!~~
"....over the last three-and-a-half years, our businesses have added 7.5 million new jobs. The unemployment rate has come down. Our housing market is healing. Our financial system is safer. We sell more goods made in America to the rest of the world than ever before. We generate more renewable energy than ever before. We produce more natural gas than anybody. Health care costs are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years."
~~Over the past three-and-a-half years, our businesses have lost nearly TEN MILLION JOBS, thus the obama obfuscation is necessary.
Any other president would be ashamed of a 7.4% unemployment rate.  The primary reason the obama rate has come down from the 10% range is the severe reduction in the labor participation rate.  If the participation rate were the same as during the President Bush years, the obama unemployment rate would be in the 22-25% range, and he'd still be proud of it!!  As it is, the U-6 unemployment rate (that counts EVERYONE) is in the 15% range.  A dam' shame for a president; acceptable for a ruler.
The obama Cabal is still backing a sub-prime mortgage pyramid scheme and is very likely to continue until the next housing collapse.  I doubt that the financial system is safer but no matter, the middleclass has little money.  obama's much celebrated renewable energy plan is unworkable.  All facets of alternative energy rely on sizeable, annual government subsidies; none are self-sustaining, stand alone!  It's not due to obama that we produce more natural gas than anybody.  He's done everything possible to thwart the petroleum/natural gas industries.  The vast majority of production occurs on private lands where obama has little control, at least for now.  Due to obamaKare, the costs to the individual, to the family are growing exponentially, if they can find coverage at all!  obamaKare is the mirror image of the disaster that is the obama Cabal.~~
"We need to grow faster. We need more good-paying jobs. We need more broad-based prosperity. We need more ladders of opportunity for people who are currently poor, but want to get into the middle class.
Because even though our businesses are creating new jobs and have broken record profits, the top 1 percent of Americans took home 20 percent of the nation’s income last year, while the average worker isn’t seeing a raise at all.
In fact, that understates the problem. Most of the gains have gone to the top one-tenth of 1 percent. So in many ways, the trends that have taken hold over the past few decades of a winner-take-all economy, where a few do better and better and better, while everybody else just treads water or loses ground, those trends have been made worse by the recession."
~~Everything--and I mean EVERYTHING--that the obama Cabal has f*cked up thus far, can be laid at the feet of obamaKare!!  Every ill in the previous paragraph has been exacerbated by the unintended--or intended--consequences of obamaKare!  America has gone from the 19th century standard 100-hour, six-day workweek to become a nation with the new 29-hour workweek as full time employment.  "Clown Prince" obama can excoriate the rich, the wealthy all he wants, but I've never had a paycheck signed by a poor person!!  It can only get worse if he and the RINOs get their coveted 'comprehensive immigration reform.'  (Remember: in this case 'comprehensive' means open the gates and let the influx of human debris begin!)!!~~
    In the last third of "Clown Prince" obama's blusterful blather, he does little more than add his personal touch to all the socio-fascist bullshit he learned from Saul Alinsky and that dynamic duo: Cloward and Piven!!  The only phrases missing are "It's all Bush's fault" and "You're a racist."  Obama and his minions spend most of their waking moments excoriating the conservatives in the congress.  Those like Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Rand Paul and others who've actually read the US Constitution and stand ready to honor their oath of office.... you know the one:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
(oath emphasis-mine.)
    Now we have the looming conflagration of defunding obamaKare versus an increase in the federal debt ceiling.  For the past several years the Senate has used an illegitimate  continuing spending resolution to continue government operations.  Said resolution instead of an annual budget hides the vast amounts and coverage of the government's spending habits.  "Clown Prince" obama and his Cabal accuse the republicRATic House of favoring a 'government shut-down' rather than cave on defunding the unaffordable, impossible-to-implement, federal health plan.  Imagine giving your morbidly obese child a twenty-dollar-bill in the local candy store!  That's directly akin to continuing to raise the debt ceiling for a socio-fascist spender like the "Clown Prince." 
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case

