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What's The Ulterior Motive....?
Can one who has ascended to the American Presidency, arguably the most powerful job on the planet, be this stupid? Where do his handlers come up with this mindless drivel?
OK, one more time:
Credit-be it mortgages or be it car notes or be it on cards-is what got us where we are in the first place!! The overwhelming availability of credit to anyone still using oxygen is what got us here!!
The misuse of said credit by those who can't or won't manage their finances is what got us here!!!
Anyone of governance MUST be a student of history or he WILL REPEAT IT!
One example of the "Fluffer" tripping over himself to repeat history is the housing market as it relates to the [Great] Depression.
When housing prices are adjusted for inflation in constant dollars, the average price from the late 1880s to the 1980s was at or near $100,000, with peaks and valleys when graphed.
From the 1880s to about 1910, the housing values remained fairly constant.
Just before WWI housing values dropped and the federal government intervened, inflated housing values upward to about $125,000.
At the end of WWI the values leveled out until 1929 when they reached their lowest level-around $65,000.
In 1936, the fed [eral government] intervened with a "New Deal" policy that allowed labor unions far more voice in day-to-day matters in businesses, large and small. This union intervention held down [actually, destroyed] housing values until WWII.
By the end of the war in 1945, housing values had regained most of their losses, up to about $90,000.
Then the fed began tweeking the markets again, causing values to drop to $70,000 by 1950.
During the Eisenhower Years the fed got ta'Hell outta the way and housing values recovered to their historic average until around 1970.
Then along came the housing boom [and bust] of the 1970s, values went from $100k>>$130k>>$95k.
Then along came the housing boom [and bust] of the 1980s, values went from $95k>>$140k>>$110k.
Then along came the housing boom [and bust] of the 2000s, values went from $110,000>>$205,000 in 2006.
The latest figures are that in 2007, housing values had fallen to $165,000 AND DROPPING!
Even those who failed Econ101 can see that this IS A CORRECTION, not a depression!
With renewed credit abuse, it'll certainly become a depression!!
Why would the "Fluffer's" handlers have him promote the very thing that put the country in the position it's in today?
The fed should be cautioning against all but necessary credit use.
Where will the bottom be?
The "Young Miz Lovely" and I haven't had credit cards in the last 18 months or so. We've developed a budget, we're frugally trying to stick to it.
Just how far the economy and society as a whole, will deteriorate is anyone's guess. Having grown up in a rural setting; growing up with both long and hand-guns, I have started buying "some" guns and ammunition. One can never tell how far the welfare state will stray from the norm!
"bobs up and down....?"
obama compared the stock market Tuesday to the daily tracking polls used during campaigns, saying that paying too close attention to how Wall Street "bobs up and down" could lead to bad long-term policy. "What I'm looking at is not the day-to-day gyrations of the stock market, but the long-term ability of the United States ... to regain its footing," Obama said.
[Bobs up and down....?? If only that were true!! My IRA can handle bobbing up and down..... it's the current "dropping-like-a-brick" that's ruining the investing public!!! Have ya ever seen anyone who's so out of touch as this guy-the "Fluffer??" When America entered "The Fluff Era," the DOW was at 8,281.22; today after only 42 days, it's 6,726.02. Is a loss of 1,555.20-"bobbing-up-and-down?!?!" I suggest a ninety-day hiatus; Fluffer takes a crash course in economics; we try it all again!!!]
Til Nex'Time....
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