Wounded Cop Update
A Rochester police officer who was shot in the back of the head earlier this year underwent a second brain surgery last week.
On June 23, Dr. Paul Maurer attached a synthetic skull to the head of 23-year-old Anthony DiPonzio at Rochester General Hospital.
Maurer says DiPonzio's surgery was "textbook smooth."
The rookie officer was walking back to his patrol car after investigating complaints of drug activity when he was shot by one of the resident "Lil' Bastards" in the back of the head in January.
A 14-year-old "Lil' Bastard," Tyquan Rivera, later surrendered to police and was charged with attempted murder and assault. Police said he shot the officer with a .22-caliber rifle. The Lil' Bastard, who has since turned 15, pleaded not guilty and is being held without bail at a children's detention center.
The Public Must Read When Congress Won't!
Members of the house didn't bother to read the 1200+ page HR2454 let alone the 309 page amendment that Porky Waxman dropped on the floor of the House last Friday at 3:09AM....AM!! So it's up to us to read what they won't and spread the word!! Not only did the amendment correct spelling and grammar, it also purchased a single democRAT hold-out vote for THREE POINT FIVE BILLION DOLLARS!!! Rep Marcy Kaptur, Toledo, Ohio, was awarded a new federal power authority with up to $3.5Billion to piss away at her discretion. As all national politics and politicians are beholden to someone-probably many someones-this gives Ms Kaptur lots of our money to piss away on her contributors and supporters!! Hopefully, this was the largest pay-off Porky Waxman had to make; if all 435 crooks in the House held out for the same money-it'd cost your great grandchildren and my grandchildren somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.523Trillion.... but as ACORN-COI, Fluffy obama and the congress seem to think, what'sa trillion here, a trillion there?!?!
Remember Fluffy's Interview With S.F. Chronicle Editorial Board??
It didn't take us long to find Barack Obama's original quote, which came from a videotaped interview he did with the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board very early in the presidential campaign, January 2008
."Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket," Obama told the Chronicle .
"Coal-powered plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers."
Til Nex'Time....
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