Monday, March 22, 2010

This'n'That; March 22nd[Impeachment??]

What Time Is It, Boys And Girls?
Nope, not "Howdy-Doody Time!!" 
   The time is quickly approaching for the American public to consider impeachment for the current chief executive.
   "Slick-Willie" Clinton was only the second chief executive in US history [after Andrew Johnson], to be impeached. Slick has a long and colorful history when it comes to covering up his brushes with the law and his extensive "liberties with the truth!!"
   His history runs the gamut, from the Mena Airport in western Arkansas, to his screwing practically every visitor to the whiteouthouse.  The Mena Airport is reputedly the final resting place for those who disagreed with the hierarchy of Arkansan government/mafia drug purchases and sales.  Those of us old enough, clearly remember Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones as well as Monica Lewinsky..... and Slick popped 'em all!!  These three names are probably less than 10% of those popped in the whiteouthouse during Clinton's two terms.

Clinton's 'political' life began in 1974 with a failed attempt to be elected to the US House from Arkansas.  His first winning election was in 1976 for the Arkansas state Attorney General.  It ended--officially--in 2000, at the conclusion of his second presidential term.

obama--at his level of medocre experience--wouldn't make "a pimple on Slick-Willie's ass," in relation to fleecing America!!  During obama's 6 years in the illinois state senate, one can only wonder how much actual experience he gained; probably only working about 30-35% of those 6 years.  The US Senate records indicate that he worked less than 150 DAYS in that position!!

In less than fourteen months on the job, he's proven over-and-over again, that an educated man is not necessarily a smart man.  This guy proves it daily!!  The public could understand--and possibly deal with--his errors of extensive inexperience; it's the continual lies that piss us off!!!

While Clinton had--and has--the political savvy and experience to wiggle his way out of ANYTHING his mouth or his penis gets him into--obama doesn't have the smarts; he just ignores those things he doesn't like--'let the handlers take care of it.'

During the past week, this incompetent boob has been out planting more and more lies in the American mind!!  If one were to check the facts of his blathering photo-ops, they'd find that there are absolutely no facts in the crap he spews. 
Either about health care, obamaCare, the general economic health, jobs forecasts, NOTHING!!
Prior to all this wealth re-distribution and the attempting to hi-jack 18% of the national economy, obama has driven the unfunded liabilities [promises to pay with non-existent dollars] of current federal benefit programs [everything from mortgage assistance to welfare, to free food...etc] to $100TRILLION!!!  Not only this 'anal cavity' in the whiteouthouse, but the entire congress; current and former members!!
[That $100Trillion.....? That can also be said as: One Hundred Thousand-Billion dollars.... if Warren Buffet were to donate his entire net worth.... it would take him Two Thousand, One Hundred, Twenty-Seven LIFETIMES to pay it off [Mr Buffett is nearly 80 years old]!!!
If we'da had a real media in the last 40 years, all these problems [from "Slick-Willie's" penis to obama's spending money faster'n All of America can earn it!] would have been 'nipped in the bud.'
Now is the time for "patriots [conservatives, Tea Partiers, and like-minded individuals]" to start building the background dossier to support the "Clown Prince" fluffy obama impeachment!!!



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