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Public confidence in government is at one of the lowest points in a half century, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center, who found that nearly 80% of Americans say they don't trust the federal government and have little faith it can solve America's ills. The survey found that just 22 percent of those questioned say they can trust Washington almost always or most of the time and just 19 percent say they are basically content with it. Nearly half say the government negatively effects their daily lives, a sentiment that's grown over the past dozen years.
This anti-government feeling has driven the tea party movement, reflected in fierce protests this past week. "The government's been lying to people for years. Politicians make promises to get elected, and when they get elected, they don't follow through," says Cindy Wanto, 57, a registered democRAT from Nemacolin, Pa., who joined several thousand for a rally in Washington on April 15 — the tax filing deadline. "There's too much government in my business. It was a problem before obama, but he's certainly not helping fix it."Majorities in the survey call Washington too big and too powerful, and say it's interfering too much in state and local matters. About half say they want a smaller government with fewer services, compared with roughly 40 percent who want a bigger government providing more. The public was evenly divided on those questions long before obama was elected. .
"Trust in government rarely gets this low," said Andrew Kohut, director of the nonpartisan center that conducted the survey. "Some of it's backlash against obama. But there are a lot of other things going on." The survey found that obama's policies were partly to blame for a rise in distrustful, anti-government views.
In his first year in office, the "Clown Prince" orchestrated a government takeover of Detroit automakers, secured a $787 billion stimulus package and pushed to overhaul the health care system against the wishes of a majority of Americans.But the poll also identified a combination of factors that contributed to the electorate's hostility: the recession that obama inherited from President George W. Bush; a dispirited public; and anger with Congress and politicians of all political leanings. "I want an honest government. This isn't an honest government. It hasn't been for some time," said self-described independent David Willms, 54, of Sarasota, Fla. He faulted the White House and Congress under both parties.
In the short term, the deepening distrust is politically troubling for obama and democRATs. Analysts say out-of-power republicRATs could well benefit from the bitterness toward Washington come November, even though voters blame them, too, for partisan gridlock that hinders progress. In a democracy built on the notion that citizens have a voice and a right to exercise it, the long-term consequences could prove to be simply unhealthy — or truly debilitating. Distrust could lead people to refuse to vote or get involved in their own communities. Apathy could set in, or worse — violence.
"This should be a wake-up call. Both sides are guilty," said Sen. Claire McCaskill, d-Mo. She pointed to "nonsense" that goes on during campaigns that leads to "promises made but not promises kept." Still, she added: "Distrust of government is an all-American activity. It's something we do as Americans and there's nothing wrong with it." Sen. Scott Brown, a republicRAT said: "It's clear Washington is broken. There's too much partisan bickering to be able to solve the problems people want us to solve."
But Matthew Dowd, a top strategist on Bush's re-election campaign who now shuns the GOP label, says both republicRATs and democRATs are missing the mark. "What the country wants is a community solution to the problems but not necessarily a federal government solution," Dowd said. democRATs are emphasizing the federal government, while republicRATs are saying it's about the individual; neither is emphasizing the right combination to satisfy Americans, he said.
Some Rasmussen Poll Findings:
Here's some findings from Scott Rasmussen's polls of last week. They seem "not to coincide" with the Pew Surveys; well, ....Duh...!!!!
Unhappiness with the "Clown Prince’s" agenda:
24% of voters now consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement.That’s an eight-point increase over the past month, a period in which congressional democRATs most notably passed their national health care plan.
The Tea Party Movement:
National telephone surveys tells us among other things that 89% disapprove of the way that obama is handling his job as president.
That figure includes 82% who Strongly Disapprove.
By a 94%-to-one-percent (1%) margin, those in the Tea Party movement trust the judgment of the American people more than America’s political leaders.
58% of voters favor repeal of the health care plan just passed by democRATs in Congress and signed into law by obama.
Most voters remain convinced that the health care plan will require an increase in taxes on the middle class at a time when 66% of voters believe America is already overtaxed.
47% of voters believe repeal of obamaCare will be good for the economy.A real bafflement is the "Clown Prince's" approval ratings among various segments of Americans: Journalists are scratching their heads trying to figure out why the president is so popular in Washington, D.C., and so unpopular in much of the rest of the country.
- In a hypothetical 2012 presidential election between the "Clown Prince" and Ron Paul, it was a statistical 'dead heat.' The breakout:
At week’s end, the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll showed that 42% of the nation's voters Strongly Disapprove of the way that obama is performing.58% of Mainstream voters favored Paul.95% of the Political Class [DC Insiders] voted for obama.
Fluffy's next test will be finding a replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of voters believe the Supreme Court is already too liberal.Voters strongly believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Now that the government has a majority stake in General Motors:
48% of Americans believe that the government has a conflict-of-interest when it comes to regulating competing automakers like Toyota.Til Nex'Time....
25% think top government officials have been criticizing Toyota just to help GM.
Despite Toyota’s problems, current owners of its cars are still more loyal than GM owners.
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