Last Sunday, Fluffy obama and three golfing companions played 18 holes at the Andrews AFB course. It is the 32nd time the "Clown Prince" has played golf since taking office Jan. 20, 2009.Mr. Obama has played golf far more often than President George W. Bush. In his eight years in office, President Bush played just 24 times. So, if we extrapolate this data:
- President Bush averaged just one golf outing per month for his entire presidency.
- The "Clown Prince" will average nearly 2-1/2 games per month--118 games in four years--when the Tea Partiers prove him to be a 'one trick pony.'
- If the fascist prevail and he's re-anointed--perish the thought!!--that means 236 golf games until the next regime change.
Why Not The Tea Party As Well??
Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett; Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to discuss counter-terrorism strategy; Attorney General Holder to discuss civil liberties concerns.
White House officials cited several recent government actions that were influenced, in part, by the discussions. The meeting with Ms. Napolitano was among many factors that contributed to the government’s decision this month to end a policy subjecting passengers from 14 countries, most of them Muslim, to additional scrutiny at airports, the officials said.
Did the regime need to consult the nationality most aligned with international terrorism? Now that I think about it, they WOULD BE the most likely to know what measures are needed during airport security checks!! I'm bettin' they didn't point out any of the methods their brethren use in smuggling various items on and off aircraft.
Consultation with Tea Party members in Southern California, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas would prove more informative with regard to national security--particularly border security. Will they be consulted??
Not no, but HELL NO!!
This loose organization is not one to be placated.... only derided!!
[The article continues:]During his most recent 'Campaign of Fluff,' the "Clown Prince" kept his distance, never visiting an American mosque and describing the false claim that he was Muslim as a “smear” on his Web site. He still has yet to set foot in an American mosque, nor has he met with Muslim and Arab-American leaders.
In keeping with his policy of a complete lack of transparency, the administration has reached out to this politically isolated constituency--out of the public eye--in a sustained and widening effort that has left even skeptics surprised.
Arab-American and Muslim leaders said they had yet to see substantive changes on a variety of issues, including what they describe as excessive airport screening, policies that have chilled Muslim charitable giving and invasive F.B.I. surveillance guidelines. But they are encouraged by the extent of their consultation by the White House and governmental agencies.
In the post-9/11 era, Muslims and Arab-Americans have posed something of a conundrum for the government: they are seen as a political liability but also, increasingly, as an important partner in countering the threat of homegrown terrorism. During the Bush Era, leaders of these groups met with government representatives from time to time, but had limited interaction with senior officials. While Fluffy has yet to hold the kind of high-profile meeting that Muslims and Arab-Americans seek, there is a consensus among his policymakers that engagement is no longer optional.
Speaking to Muslim students, activists and others at New York University, Mr. John Brennan--Fluffy's Chief Counterterrorism Advisor--acknowledged many of their grievances, including “surveillance that has been excessive,” “overinclusive no-fly lists” and “an unhelpful atmosphere around many Muslim charities.”
“These are challenges we face together as Americans,” said Mr. Brennan. He and other officials have made a point of disassociating Islam from terrorism in public comments, using the phrase “violent extremism” in place of words like “jihad” and “Islamic terrorism.”
A small but vocal group of research analysts, bloggers and others complain that the government is reaching out to Muslim leaders and organizations with an Islamist agenda or ties to extremist groups abroad. They point out that Ms. Jarrett gave the keynote address at the annual convention for the Islamic Society of North America. The group was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a Texas-based charity whose leaders were convicted in 2008 of funneling money to Hamas.
“I think dialogue is good, but it has to be with genuine moderates,” said Steven Emerson, a terrorism analyst who advises government officials. “These are the wrong groups to legitimize.” Mr. Emerson and others have also objected to the political appointments of several American Muslims, including Rashad Hussain.
In February, Fluffy chose Mr. Hussain, a 31-year-old White House lawyer, to become the United States’ special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a kind of ambassador at large to Muslim countries. obama noted Mr. Hussain’s status as a “close and trusted member of my White House staff” and “a hafiz,” a person who has memorized the Koran.
Soon after the announcement, reports surfaced about comments Mr. Hussain had made on a panel in 2004, while he was a student at Yale Law School, in which he referred to several domestic terrorism prosecutions as “politically motivated.” Among the cases he criticized was that of Sami Al-Arian, a former computer-science professor in Florida who pleaded guilty to aiding members of a Palestinian terrorist group.
Aligned with the "Clown Prince's" Chicago-style 'thug politics,' the courting of more into the regime's thugocracy is the basis of this muslim/islamic recruiting program. Fluffy is well-schooled in the ways of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, Karl Marx, the "purple shirts" of the SEIU; so learned as to have trained the ACORN thugs in the ways of community agitation!!
The Tea Party movement is having a far greater positive effect on American politics than the regime had ever imagined possible!!
- The movement has no official leader; no one to villify.
- The movement is based on non-violent protest.
- The movement is based on common-sense dialogue and discussion.
- The movement does not brook any violence by thugcratic infiltrators.
co-opt. Much like Greata Britian's King George III, the current regime doesn't give the movement enough import to their grievances. The American taxpayer has cause for complaint on practically every topic involved with the federal government:
- size and continued growth of government
- overreach of governance
- $23TRILLION 10-year federal deficit
- "card check-" essentially doing away with the 'secret ballot' when dealing with labor unions
- cap and tax-escalating taxes 3 to 5 fold after enactment
- continued federal borrowing to maintain the "dependency class" of Americans
- continued campaign lies- 5-day internet posting of legislation; transparency with the American taxpayer
- Continued outward and unfettered financial payback to political supporters [essentially vote-buying]
- ....and-on-and-on-and-on.......
On March 8th, 2010, Eric Massa resigned his seat in the House under a cloud of sexual harassment and financial mismanagement. This from the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives:
The Interim Vacant Office Status:
By federal law and the Rules of the House of Representatives, the employees of the former Representative continue to staff the offices of the congressional district under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. This interim vacant status continues until a new Representative is elected to fill the unexpired term. Currently, the congressional district does not have voting representation. Although the scope of the vacant congressional office is limited, constituents of the district are invited to contact this interim office for information and assistance as indicated below.
Legislative Information:Given that the residents and taxpayers of the 29th Congressional District HAVE NOT BEEN REPRESENTED since March 8th;
Until a new Representative is elected, the vacant congressional office cannot take or advocate positions of public policy. Constituents may choose to express opinions on legislation or issues to your elected Senators or wait until a new Representative is elected and takes office. Mail received by the vacant office will be acknowledged. The staff of the vacant office can assist constituents with general information concerning the status of legislation, but cannot provide analysis of issues or render opinions.
Given Governor Paterson's partisan reluctance to hold a special election to fill the vacant seat:
- The taxpayers of the district should WITHHOLD ALL FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES for the period of non-representation. If the vacancy remains until the next regular election, the taxpayers might withhold approximately 240 days' taxes!!
- The non-taxpayers [read: WelfareRATs] should have their state and federal cash and noncash benefits suspended until such representative is duly elected to fill the vacant seat. The benefits would be forfeited to the federal and state treasuries.
Til Nex'Time....
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