Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has made it more than apparent--she knows the U.S. Constitution-particularly, the Tenth Amendment:
Governor Brewer refused to "roll-over-and-play-dead" on this issue; instead signing the nation's most comprehensive immigration legislation into law. She's well-read enough to know that 'immigration' is not mentioned anywhere in the
Constitution; Fluffy is not!!
Ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment specifies that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”obama used his expected 'whiney-ass' intimidation tactics on Ms Brewer--to no avail!! The "Clown Prince" has instructed his regime members search out 'loopholes' in the immigration law that he so denegrates on Wall Street!!
"That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe," obama said.
obama instructed the regime's Justice Department to examine the bill to see if it would violate civil rights.The legislation requires police to question people about their immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally.
Prior to two of America's eras--buying votes through the creation of the 'dependency class' and buying votes through 'immigrant amnesty,' the United States was the freest, fairest 'land of opportunity' on the planet!! These two eras melded into one.... the buying of votes from anyone, at any cost!! Freedom: Not so much, anymore.
With the exception of the way slaves were treated in the Constitution, this document treats everyone with the same fairness. The slave treatment problem was corrected early on, with subsequent admendments to the Constitution.
Let's define 'illegal:'
- forbidden by law or statute.
- contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc
If one is a citizen, native born or naturalized, then he is legal; NOT illegal; NOT forbidden by law or statute. How tough can this concept be?!?!
Civil rights activists say such a law would lead to racial profiling and deter Hispanics from reporting crimes.Racial profiling is used to varying degrees in every country on the planet-save one: us, the U.S. The average American has no idea just how many international flights have landed safely at their U.S. destinations; why...? RACIAL PROFILING!! Inspectors in the departure cities thoroughly check those suspicious ones of the 'terrorist' races. Imagine if we practiced racial profiling prior to September 11, 2001!?!?
I have a suggestion for Governor Brewer:Til Nex'Time....
Now get to work on finishing the border fencing-only make it taller; make it in three parallel fences; make each fence topped with razor wire!!
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