Saturday, October 9, 2010
Washington, DC
The other day, I was talking about education with some folks in the backyard of an Albuquerque home, and someone asked a question that’s stayed with me. He asked, if we don’t have homes to go to, what good is an education? It was a heartfelt question, one that could be asked by anyone who’s lost a home or a job in this recession. Because if you’re out of work or facing foreclosure, all that really matters is a new job. All that really matters is a roof over your head. All that really matters is getting back on your feet. That’s why I’m fighting each and every day to jumpstart job-creation in the private sector; to help our small business owners grow and hire; to rebuild our economy so it lifts up a middle class that’s been battered for so long.
[What I'm not telling you: So far, practically nothing I've tried seems to work; be it in the areas of jobs creation, housing, the economy, nowhere!! Search as my Handler Group might, they're unable to find examples--from the Roman times to the present--where my fascist economic policies have worked for any appreciable length of time. One of my latest, destructive programs is to extend unemployment benefits periods to a total of ninety-nine weeks. How can a benefit period totalling two years and three weeks, have any kind of positive effect, you might ask?? It should have the effect I DESIRE!! With the expansion of unemployment benefits, the unemployed will be lazed into complacency; aimlessly wandering through life while the government (read: TAXPAYER) provides just enough cash to prevent starvation. After a two-year lapse in employment the unemployed will have lost the will to search for work; thus relying on the federal "tit" to provide for them--much like sheep on a federal 'ranch!!' The next logical step for them is either become a welfareRAT or go onto SSI, then I have 'em!! The unemployment extension coupled with the proposed postponement of real estate foreclosures will continue the destruction of personal responsibility.
No matter what housing the public bought, the government (read: TAXPAYER) will bail them out.
No matter that the purchaser bought far more house than they could afford or needed, the government (read: TAXPAYER) will bail them out.
No matter that the homeowner had no desire to continue to fulfill their mortgage obligations, the government (read: TAXPAYER) will bail them out.
The true, best thing to have done at the outset of my regime would have been to ignore the unions, the lobbyists and those special interests for whom I was selected to be elected; allow, General Motors, the banking industry, the insurance industry, the union pension and benefit funds to fail. As we have discovered in the interim, bailouts do very little beyond massively increase the deficit, increase the national debt beyond all comprehension, reward poor management and forstall the collapse of a poor business model! In hindsight, the far better thing to have done is to use any addition to the deficit to provide greater tax rate cuts to individuals at all levels, to businesses--large and small.]
But even as we focus on doing all that; even as we focus on speeding up our economic recovery; we also know that when it comes to jobs, opportunity, and prosperity in the 21st century, nothing is more important than the quality of your education. At a time when most of the new jobs being created will require some kind of higher education; when countries that out-educate us today will outcompete us tomorrow, giving our kids the best education possible is an economic imperative. That’s why, from the start of my administration, we’ve been fighting to offer every child in this country a world-class education – from the cradle to the classroom, from college through a career. Earlier this week, I announced a new Skills for America’s Future initiative that will help community colleges and employers match what’s taught in the classroom with what’s needed in the private sector, so we can connect students looking for jobs with businesses looking to hire.[What I'm not telling you: 'Focusing on speeding up our economic recovery?' That phrase would be laughable if it weren't so sad; so destructive! With $100 to $130 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities; the national debt WILL NEVER BE PAID OFF or even paid down. This is what those young adults I purport to want to educate--have to look forward to!! The 'Washington mindset' is "Don't Worry, Be Happy" while we spend America into third-world-rathole status!! At the very least, it will take another three centuries to pay down the national debt to manageable, recognizable levels. I know Soros, the Handler Goup, et al, don't like to hear it; I'm having difficulty in cramming these socialist, fascist policies down the American throat! Where has it ever worked? On the flip side--capitalism works everywhere, every time it's tried. We socialists condemn capitalism at every turn! Why? We--as a mindset--are not inclined to invest the capital, the time nor the effort to become successes in the capitalist world. We'd rather the capitalists earn it then we socialists, fascists, redistribute it!! As the fascists gained emense power and control over the post-secondary students with the federal takeover of the student loan industry; so will we gain power and control over those same students with my proposed 'Skills for America's Future' initiative. This will essentially give the federal government control over EVERY FACET of the American student's education; preschool, elementary school, high school, junior college, four-year college, graduate school and doctoral studies! Who should continue; who will be allowed to continue; where they will continue; what course of study. See the magic here?!?! The federal government will control who gets educated, where they get educated, how they get educated, what they get educated in. If the faltering, failing American economy is not fixed--and fixed fast--all these education initiatives will be for naught!!]
We’re eliminating tens of billions of dollars in wasteful subsidies for banks to administer student loans, and using that money to make college more affordable for millions of students. And we’ve launched a Race to the Top in our states to make sure our students, all of them, are graduating from high school ready for college – so we can meet our goal of graduating a higher proportion of students from college than any other country in the world by 2020. And yet, if Republicans in Congress had their way, we’d have a harder time meeting that goal. We’d have a harder time offering our kids the best education possible. Because they’d have us cut education by 20 percent – cuts that would reduce financial aid for eight million students; cuts that would leave our great and undervalued community colleges without the resources they need to prepare our graduates for the jobs of the future.
[What I'm not telling you: Removing those 'wasteful subsidies' in effect, will remove future choices the students had in the past. The federal government will smoothly, subtly, take over any choice the student might have enjoyed in the past. This "Race to the Top" my regime instituted is nothing more than a thinly veiled repayment to those special interests who were instrumental in my 'selection for election!' Any substantiative improvement in American education levels has to start at the bottom--where I choose not to be!! With some inner-city high school graduation rates 'just north of' forty percent;' any improvement has to start in the home, at a time before preschool. The poor graduation rates in the inner cities is a direct, verifiable result of the ever increasing 'dependency class.' Starting a push for quality in junior-high and high school is just so much 'whitewash,' covering up an already dismal national educational system!! A far better solution is a verifiable quality-based pay advancement of teaching staff at every level; as opposed to the current tenured, step system of compensation increases.]
Now, it is true that when it comes to our budget, we have real challenges to meet. And if we’re serious about getting our fiscal house in order, we’ll need to make some tough choices. I’m prepared to make those choices. But what I’m not prepared to do is shortchange our children’s education. What I’m not prepared to do is undercut their economic future, your economic future, or the economic future of the United States of America. Nothing would be more detrimental to our prospects for success than cutting back on education. It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy. But China and India aren’t playing for second. South Korea and Germany aren’t playing for second. They’re playing for first – and so should America. Instead of being shortsighted and shortchanging our kids, we should be doubling down on them. We should be giving every child in America a chance to make the most of their lives; to fulfill their God-given potential. We should be fighting to lead the global economy in this century, just like we did in the last. And that’s what I’ll continue fighting to do in the months and years ahead.
[What I'm not telling you: The federal budget..... Why does the congress even compile one?? I pay the budget not one whit of attention, as evidenced by the "Great PORKulus Bailouts!" "Nothing would be more detrimental to our prospects for success than cutting back on education." That statement is just one of my many 'loads-of-shit!' The single smartest accomplishment at the federal level is to disband a department that never should have been instituted in the first place! The Department of Education! Within the Department of Education, there are 30 separate and distinct offices, each with it's own intrusive interference in American educational life. The department employs 5,000 people who would far better serve the the taxpayer somewhere, ANYWHERE, else! Individual students' education is far better served at the lowest level possible--the county or the school district level. The 'cookie-cutter' solutions to federally perceived problems do not work in every district, in every instance. To further address the problem: The current DoED budget is $68.6 Billion, up a whoppin' twenty-two and a half percent (22.5%) just since 2006!! Add to this, the low-ball estimate of annual salaries, benefits and perqs for the aformentioned 5,000 full-timers and you have in the neighborhood of $69.2 Billion to divide between all the school districts in the U.S., on the basis of student population. It's anyone's guess how many students are in the 13 grades of required education, but we do know that there are 13,506 school districts in the "57 states" I've visited. Dividing the amount of 'free money' or as they say in Detriot: "obama money;' that money budgeted for a disbanded DoED--by the number is school districts reveals that each district would receive an ADDITIONAL $5,123,600--annually... OVER AND ABOVE the federal payments they currently receive!! Granted, a fairer way would be to divide it by total student population--but--what fascist was ever fair?!?!]
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"Clown Prince" obama's "57 State" U.S. Flag |
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