Victor Davis Hanson has the right idea on the 'ASS' who founded WikiLeaks (any emphasis-MINE):
Julian Assange is without principles. He seems to think leaking confidential communications proves that the vast right-wing military-industrial-financial complex is harming either the most affluent, free Western population in the history of civilization or the globalized world itself — one that has done more to eliminate poverty and extend freedom in the last two decades than had been done at any other time in recorded history. We know from Climategate that the world’s green scientists are every bit as conniving, petty, and mean-spirited as any American diplomat. I would like to see the secret communications that buzz back and forth among Hollywood agents, producers, and financiers to learn of the real criteria that led to box-office bombs like Redacted and Rendition being written, cast, financed, and made. Maybe to calibrate the level of sincerity and honesty among our movers and shakers, we can read the minutes of Harvard or Yale tenure committees, some correspondence from the minions of George Soros, or the communications of the U.N. secretary general — or, better yet, the encrypted e-mail transcripts of exchanges among the WikiLeaks board. Apparently Assange thinks that confidentiality is trafficked only among the suspicious Western ruling classes, while dissidents like himself are fueled instead by “truth.”
WikiLeaks is the journalistic equivalent of a Piss Christ exhibition of the contemporary art world — a repellent reminder of the cowardly selectivity of the shock-jock huckster.Assange unfortunately got his sweepstakes trove from Bradley Manning during the Obama administration. Up until then, the global liberal media culture had less of a problem with WikiLeaks, since government disclosures only confirmed the nefarious nature of reactionaries like George W. Bush. But now in the age of progressive governance, we are learning that Secretary Clinton spies, that President Obama’s diplomats are jaded and cynical, and that such disclosures have hurt the presidency of a liberal progressive. It is one thing to canonize a Daniel Ellsberg or transmogrify the serial deceiver Joe Wilson into a victim of Dick Cheney’s dark plots, but quite another to deify a leaker whose machinations will serve to undermine the agenda of Barack Obama.
obama STILL Doesn't Understand Midterm Results!
Now, 'Mister Incompetent' or--as I prefer--"Clown Prince" obama; intends to grind out an international 'global warming [HOAX] treaty' then force it down the collective congressional throat!! He intends to coerce the Senate into ratifying an agreemen that will both pacify the 'world-wide do-gooders' AND restrict YOUR ACCESS to sources of energy that actually work-work profitabily. Before the "Clown Prince" started his "Regime of Bullshit," he would have been well-served to read "Bartlett's Quotations," to wit:
No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. H. L. Mencken
Til Nex'Time....
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