Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This'n'That; February Nineth [obama]

Should We Believe It?!?
    Michelle 'The Moocher' obama recently revealed that her husband "Clown Prince" obama has not smoked in 'about a year.'  Whadd'ya think?  Should we believe that-given her history, and what we can deduce from it?
    Officially, there's no smoking in 'barackingham Palace,' but we all know: it can be done, ya just haf'ta hide as much evidence as possible!!  I'm sure members of the obama regime are most willing and able to aid and abet the "Clown Prince" in his endeavors-good bad or horrible!!
    Back to 'The Mooch';'  She's going around to every photo and blather op, telling all of us--particularly the kids--that we're not eating healthily enough.  As an example of your hypocrisy Miz obama... let me remind you of the menu for your Super Bowl "Big Game" party:
  • Bratwurst
  • Kielbasa
  • Cheeseburgers
  • Deep-Dish Pizza
  • Buffalo Wings
  • German Potato Salad
  • Twice-Baked Potatoes
  • 'Snyder's' Potato Chips and Pretzels
  • Chips and Dips
  • Salad
  • Ice Cream
  • Lott'sa Beer and Drinks
    With the possible exception of the 'salad,' every item on your menu is is heavily carb laden; the top five items on the menu--when served normally by we of the serf class--are so fatty as to be dripping grease after cooking.  If your intention was to kill every diabetic on your guestlist; you probably succeeded quite well!!
Please, "Mooch'," no more of your hypocrisy; no more blathering about individuals' diets until you and the "Clown Prince" are ready to 'walk-the-walk!!'
Til Nex'Time.... 



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