Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This'n'That; May Twenty-Fifth #1; Cain-Yes or No?

Herman Cain In Good Company!
    Herman Cain has been routinely derided by the national pamphleteers for never having served in any elected capacity.  As one can determine by the roster below, not holding elective office can be a positive!!
  • George Washington--prior to his unanimous election to the US presidency:  had never held public office prior to that election.  His demonstrated courage, bravery, demonstrated military bearing and leadership qualities made him the natural choice to lead the Contential Army going into the American Revolution.
  • Zachery Taylor--primarily a rudimentarily educated career soldier:  also never held public office prior to his election to the presidency.  President Taylor died just 16 months into his term, of apparent gastroenteritis.
  • Ulysses S. Grant--long-held as primary in the defeat of Confederate forces during the Civil War:  elected to two terms; his administrations were essentially corrupt; died a comparative pauper.
  • William Howard Taft--a graduate of Yale College and Cincinnati Law School:  Held several appointed federal and state positions before and after his election to the presidency, but until said presidency-no elective offices.  Those appointments include:   Ohio Supreme Court, Solicitor-General of the United States, a judgeship in the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth District, Governor-General of the Philippines, Secretary of War (renamed Defense in 1947) and after his presidency, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Herbert Hoover--also never held elective office until his presidency:  He too, held several appointed positions-head of U.S. Food Administration, the Supreme Economic Council, head of the American Relief Administration and Secretary of Commerce.
  • Dwight Eisenhower--again, a career military strategist:  architect of the 'D-Day' invasion of continental Europe, retired as General of the Army, president of Columbia University, returned to the Army as Supreme Commander-NATO, returned to the university presidency.
    No matter the public perception of Herman Cain--he's in exalted company!!  I personally hold that 'an outsider' is just what the country needs at this point in it's history.  We've had plenty of examples of how insiders' kerfuffles have essentially destroyed the country's standing on the world stage, the country's economy and the country's security-both internal and external.  While I continue assessing the republicRAT field as it develops, my money is currently on Herman Cain!
Til Nex'Time....



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