By now, everyone's heard about the felonious owe-bama's felonious uncle, Omar owe-bama Onyango. The guy--an alleged drunk driver--who not only avoided deportation for nearly 20 years but has a valid driver's license and a valid Social Security card. And remember, felonious owe-bama's felonious Aunt Zietuni Onyango, who lives in rundown Boston public housing.
"Clown Prince" owe-bama has many times in the past--and continues to--play 'the race-card' so I feel free to do the same when discussing his kinsmen-the American Negro.
Let me set the scenario here: I'm a retiree living in a working-class neighborhood in Rochester, N.Y. Most of my neighbors work for a living; in many cases, both parents. The area is mixed-race, mixed-family, mixed income levels, so those are only factors when speaking about the owe-bama kinsmen (not by blood; not by marriage).
The house across the street had long been a 'drug-house' so the neighborhood was thrilled when a single lady (let's call her 'Mary') bought the place in early Spring and put some money into renovations. Well, everything came to a screeching halt when some owe-bama kinsman (read: 'street-negro') kicked in the front door in broad-daylight (6:30PM on a bright, sunny day)!! My wife heard a crashing noise she assumed was a neighbor who had broken something wooden. Within minutes of that sound, I went to the front porch for a smoke. As I visually checked the neighborhood, I saw Mary's front door open, screen-door closed, which is not unusual-she doesn't have air conditioning. I saw a Negroid face peeking out the screen door; when he saw me, he disappeared. I continued to watch the front and side of the house as well as neighboring driveways. In seconds, he came down a driveway two houses away and casually walked up the street (away from me). I called 9-1-1 and Rochester PD Officer Delveechio--among several others--responded, searched the house for any remaining owe-bama kismen-miscreants and searched the area with my highly-detailed description. The owe-bama kinsman-miscreant has yet to be found, three weeks after stealing a laptop.
The next scenario: My east-side next-door neighbor (let's call him 'John')rehabs relatives' commercial and residential rental properties as necessary. With this 'part-time job,' John works some long days and some not-so-long days. When he's away, I keep a closer-than-normal eye on his house and grounds. On one of his few days off--last Monday(08/29)--we were talking in his front yard. Ya gotta know John: he's one of those guys who's never still; always doing something, even when in casual conversation. While we talked, he was picking up various pieces of paper trash that sometimes blows around the neighborhood. John found a 'benefit card' from one of the local convenience stores, then found a driver's license for a man up the street from our houses (too far to be in my viewing range). He walked up the street to return both items and found that the rear door of the residence had been kicked in just minutes before. John remembered an owe-bama kinsman casually walking down the street just before we found the license and card. He called 9-1-1 and gave the report and description. As far as I know, the owe-bama kinsman-miscreant hasn't been found yet.
Is this or is this not, a direct result of the owe-bama Depression?!? Every part of owe-bamanomics has exacerbated the falling economy and as a result, increased negro unemployment to meteoric levels, far beyond that of the white guys!! A related article, check out this URL for a semi-local (Syracuse, N.Y.) judge (William Walsh) who has finally seen the light and is sentencing the owe-bama kinsmen-miscreants to meaningful terms in jail!!
Til Nex'Time....
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