A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 12/31/2011
barackingham Palace-WEST,
Honolulu, Hi
December 31, 2011
Hello, everybody. As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. The last year has been a time of great challenge and great progress for our country. We ended one war and began to wind down another. We dealt a crippling blow to al-Qaeda and made America more secure. We stood by our friends and allies around the world through natural disasters and revolutions. And we began to see signs of economic recovery here at home, even as too many Americans are still struggling to get ahead. There’s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change. And as we head into the New Year, I’m hopeful that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy, create more jobs, and strengthen the middle class. I’m hopeful because of what we saw right before Christmas, when Members of Congress came together to prevent a tax hike for 160 million Americans – saving a typical family about $40 in every paycheck. They also made sure Americans looking for work won’t see their unemployment insurance cut off. And I expect Congress to finish the job by extending these provisions through the end of 2012. It was good to see Members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans. But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate. Through email and Twitter and over the phone, you let your representatives know what was at stake. Your lives. Your families. Your well-being. You had the courage to believe that your voices could make a difference. And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.
[What I'm not telling you: A cuppla events in the country's recent past, I find just hilarious!!! With the country $15.2 TRILLION in debt, I can make 40-bucks 'the country's most important current topic!!' Again, with the country $15.2 TRILLION in debt--and climbing exponentially each day--the congressional incompetents are about to give me hundreds-of-billions more in borrowing power-essentially, for nothing in return!! I know, I know!! You're thinking of that agreement last August where $2.1 in deficit reductions 'over ten years' was negotiated. And now, you're thinking that those Ruling Class owe-bamacRATics and those republicRATics addicted to spending other peoples' money, will actually honor the 'over-ten-years' part of the agreement?!?
Ha, ha, ha, ha...., you're killin' me, here!?!?!?!]
More than anything else, you are the ones who make me hopeful about 2012. Because we’ve got some difficult debates and some tough fights to come. As I’ve said before, we are at a make-or-break moment for the middle class. And in many ways, the actions we take in the months ahead will help determine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in. As President, I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility are rewarded – one where everyone has a fair shot and everyone does their fair share. That’s the America I believe in. That’s the America we’ve always known. And I’m confident that if we work together, and if you keep reminding folks in Washington what’s at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee every American the opportunities they deserve.
[What I'm not telling you: Is anyone besides me keeping up with the campaigning in Iowa?!? With the national media at George Soros' 'beck-and-call,' I have no doubt he and the owe-bamacRATic hierarchy will pick the GOP nominee, just as we did in 2008. We all know how well that worked out for America, right?!? Notice that most media articles are positive concerning Mittens Romney; negative with Newt Gingrich?!? This is how we pick the nominee--by swaying public opinion toward the 'most beatable' candidate!! The primary reason we're picking Mittens as the opponent: Can you imagine the hoops my teleprompter programmers would have to jump through, just to keep up with the Soros response to Newt's questions and comments in a national debate?!? Gawd!! It's just too tough to lie at such a fast pace!! Can you even imagine a debate between me and Newt?!? Gawd!! He'd literally tie me in knots; I only have a negative record to run on!! But, I'm way off teleprompter, here!!
In the new year, you can rest assured, the lies'll keep on commin'!!! A take-off on what the ol' DJs usta say: "All Lies, All The Time!!
Continue to rest assured that jobs are the first and last things I think about each day { ;)) }. Continue to rest assured--much like Libya--I'll start a war somewhere in the world when I need a distraction.
Continue to rest assured the ongoing economic destruction will be ongoing ( I know, I saw that too! Dam' teleprompter programmers, anyway!!).
Continue to rest assured you'll never get the true unemployment rate from this mouth.
There's lots of other crap I'll continue but I don't want to take the time to bore you further; I gotta lotta partying to do before the owe-bama Royal Family returns to barackingham Palace!!]
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
This'n'That; December Thirtieth #1; Debt Ceiling
Remember "No New Taxes?!?"
Remember when then-Vice President George H.W. Bush made his 'infamous' statement?!? In 1987--while campaigning in New Hampshire--Mr Bush made the statement:
The other side of this ludicrous agreement is to effect deficit reductions of at least $2.1 Trillion over the next ten years!! What kinda crap is that?!? First and foremost, no future 'numbered Congress' is bound by this agreement; they can just choose to ignore it and act in the best interests of the Ruling Class. Given that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has increased deficit spending $6 Trillion IN JUST THREE YEARS, why in hell would even the most idiotic of the Ruling Class give him additional borrowing power?!? If logic were more pervuasive inside the beltway--closer to barackingham Palace--the previous $400 and $500 Billion increases in the ceiling would not have been approved until 150% spending cuts HAD BEEN ENACTED. That means for every $100 Billion in debt ceiling increases, there must be a previous $150 Billion in spending cuts!!
The upshot of this whole kerfuffle is: Everyone remembers the 'read my lips..' statement but no one remembers that the democRATics (forerunners of the current owe-bamacRATics but not nearly as 'loose-with-a-buck!!') presented President Bush (41) with a 1990 budget having both increased and new, taxes!!
I--for one--am beginning to question whether the newly elected "Tea Party" republicRATics are adhering to the basic tenents of said "Tea Party?!?" The more this faction does, the more they look like the same ol' "go-along-to-get-along" republicRATics!! These various spending agreements are nothing more than owe-bamacRATic "slight-of-hand," verifying the axiom: if an owe-bamacRATic's lips are movin' he's lyin'!! Oh, and another thing: more has to be incorporated in the list of items eligible for spending cuts, like departmental budgets, welfare grants to states, other block-grants to states; the Department of Defense budget must be declared OFF-LIMITS!!
Oh, and another thing: We're just learning that China is ramping up their space program. Only the Ruling Class would believe that there will be no overt and covert, militarily offensive, militarily defensive actions based on China's space programs!! Just but one reason that the Department of Defense budget should not only NOT be cut, but must be INCREASED!!'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?"
I can not 'splain to you how--or why--those "Tea Party" republicRATics got elected!!!
Til Nex'Time....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read_my_lips:_no_new_taxes
[Actual Legislation, below] http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/01/news/economy/debt_ceiling_breakdown_of_deal/index.htm
Remember when then-Vice President George H.W. Bush made his 'infamous' statement?!? In 1987--while campaigning in New Hampshire--Mr Bush made the statement:
"read my lips, no new taxes!"Later--during his acceptance speech at the 1988 GOP Convention--Mr Bush made the following statement:
"....and I'm the one who will not raise taxes. My opponent (Michael Dukakis) now says he'll raise taxes as a last resort, or a third-resort. But when a politician talks like that, you know that's one resort he'll be checking into. My opponent, my opponent won't rule out raising taxes. But I will. And the Congress will push me to raise taxes and I'll say no. And they'll push, and I'll say no, and they'll push again, and I'll say, to them, 'Read my lips: No new taxes.'"In light of the aforementioned, let's have a look at the early-August, 2011, debt-ceiling agreement. The framework of that agreement would increase the ceiling by $400 Billion immediately and another $500 Billion in September. After 'deep cuts' were inacted, the ceiling would be raised by ANOTHER $1.2-$1.5 TRILLION!!!
The other side of this ludicrous agreement is to effect deficit reductions of at least $2.1 Trillion over the next ten years!! What kinda crap is that?!? First and foremost, no future 'numbered Congress' is bound by this agreement; they can just choose to ignore it and act in the best interests of the Ruling Class. Given that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has increased deficit spending $6 Trillion IN JUST THREE YEARS, why in hell would even the most idiotic of the Ruling Class give him additional borrowing power?!? If logic were more pervuasive inside the beltway--closer to barackingham Palace--the previous $400 and $500 Billion increases in the ceiling would not have been approved until 150% spending cuts HAD BEEN ENACTED. That means for every $100 Billion in debt ceiling increases, there must be a previous $150 Billion in spending cuts!!
The upshot of this whole kerfuffle is: Everyone remembers the 'read my lips..' statement but no one remembers that the democRATics (forerunners of the current owe-bamacRATics but not nearly as 'loose-with-a-buck!!') presented President Bush (41) with a 1990 budget having both increased and new, taxes!!
I--for one--am beginning to question whether the newly elected "Tea Party" republicRATics are adhering to the basic tenents of said "Tea Party?!?" The more this faction does, the more they look like the same ol' "go-along-to-get-along" republicRATics!! These various spending agreements are nothing more than owe-bamacRATic "slight-of-hand," verifying the axiom: if an owe-bamacRATic's lips are movin' he's lyin'!! Oh, and another thing: more has to be incorporated in the list of items eligible for spending cuts, like departmental budgets, welfare grants to states, other block-grants to states; the Department of Defense budget must be declared OFF-LIMITS!!
Oh, and another thing: We're just learning that China is ramping up their space program. Only the Ruling Class would believe that there will be no overt and covert, militarily offensive, militarily defensive actions based on China's space programs!! Just but one reason that the Department of Defense budget should not only NOT be cut, but must be INCREASED!!'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?"
I can not 'splain to you how--or why--those "Tea Party" republicRATics got elected!!!
Til Nex'Time....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read_my_lips:_no_new_taxes
[Actual Legislation, below] http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/01/news/economy/debt_ceiling_breakdown_of_deal/index.htm
Thursday, December 29, 2011
This'n'That; December Twenty-Nineth #1; The "47-Percenters"
The Congressional Millionaires
The 112th Congress consists of The Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate consists of 51 owe-bamacRATics plus 2 semi-owe-bamacRATics; 47 republicRATics. The House consists of 242 republicRATics, 193 owe-bamacRATics.
There are some surprising facts about the millionaires we've elected to Congress.
Like: 53% of the Senate are owe-bamacRATics--but--84% of those (45) owe-bamacRATics are millionaires.
Like: 55.8% of the House of Representatives are republicRATics--and yet--only 56% of those (137) republicRATics are millionaires.
Like: Rep Darrell Issa of California is worth between $195-$700 million.
Like: Sen John Heinz-Kerry is only worth between $181-$281 million.
Like: "pinky" reid's crooked land deals in Nevada should'a given him a net worth greater than $6.8-$10.3 million.
Like: New York's Senatorial contingent (C. Ellis Schumer-"The Putz of Park Avenue" and Kirsten "The Invisible Senator" Gillibrand) ONLY have a combined net worth of $1.1-$2.5 million. "The Putz of Park Avenue" very well may not be as adept at financial/economic 'decisions' as we thought; the "Invisible Senator" is suffering for it, right along with him!!
Like: Barney Frank's net worth of between $1.9-$4.5 million. Frank's Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide Financial payoffs combined with his Washington area brothel(s), it should be far higher. Maybe he's just "packin' the fudge" regarding his required financial reporting!!
This URL (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArZJzmIoVZE0dDNzc1h0bHpjVk50Wkh6MlVwRkxRcnc#gid=0) will allow you to check the financial goings-on of your representative and senators. Enjoy the read!!
Til Nex'Time....
The 112th Congress consists of The Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate consists of 51 owe-bamacRATics plus 2 semi-owe-bamacRATics; 47 republicRATics. The House consists of 242 republicRATics, 193 owe-bamacRATics.
There are some surprising facts about the millionaires we've elected to Congress.
Like: 53% of the Senate are owe-bamacRATics--but--84% of those (45) owe-bamacRATics are millionaires.
Like: 55.8% of the House of Representatives are republicRATics--and yet--only 56% of those (137) republicRATics are millionaires.
Like: Rep Darrell Issa of California is worth between $195-$700 million.
Like: Sen John Heinz-Kerry is only worth between $181-$281 million.
Like: "pinky" reid's crooked land deals in Nevada should'a given him a net worth greater than $6.8-$10.3 million.
Like: New York's Senatorial contingent (C. Ellis Schumer-"The Putz of Park Avenue" and Kirsten "The Invisible Senator" Gillibrand) ONLY have a combined net worth of $1.1-$2.5 million. "The Putz of Park Avenue" very well may not be as adept at financial/economic 'decisions' as we thought; the "Invisible Senator" is suffering for it, right along with him!!
Like: Barney Frank's net worth of between $1.9-$4.5 million. Frank's Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide Financial payoffs combined with his Washington area brothel(s), it should be far higher. Maybe he's just "packin' the fudge" regarding his required financial reporting!!
This URL (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArZJzmIoVZE0dDNzc1h0bHpjVk50Wkh6MlVwRkxRcnc#gid=0) will allow you to check the financial goings-on of your representative and senators. Enjoy the read!!
Til Nex'Time....
Barney Frank,
countrywide financial,
fannie mae,
freddie mac,
pinky reid,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
This'n'That; December Twenty-Eighth #2; "Stupid"
Will They Ever Stop?!?
Will the "occupy" forces....; will "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist"....; will the 'KoolAid drinkers'.....; will the socio-fascists.... ever stop trying to disprove the axiom:
"Ya Can't Fix STUPID!?!?!"
Apparently not!!
The latest is "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has been voted 'the most admired male idiot in America!!' On the other side, Hillary "Rob'em" Clinton has been voted 'the most admired female idiot in America.' To verify owe-bama's place on the "Ya Can't Fix STUPID" List: given that owe-bama and his socio-fascist buddies and his socio-fascist handlers have proven that their combined economic policies are more destructive than positive, he's nominated one of his economic advisors: Harvard lecturer Jeremy Stein to a seat on the Federal Reserve Board!! Kinda makes ya wonder what the poll respondents are 'admiring,' don'it?!?
Til Nex'Time....
Will the "occupy" forces....; will "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist"....; will the 'KoolAid drinkers'.....; will the socio-fascists.... ever stop trying to disprove the axiom:
"Ya Can't Fix STUPID!?!?!"
Apparently not!!
The latest is "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has been voted 'the most admired male idiot in America!!' On the other side, Hillary "Rob'em" Clinton has been voted 'the most admired female idiot in America.' To verify owe-bama's place on the "Ya Can't Fix STUPID" List: given that owe-bama and his socio-fascist buddies and his socio-fascist handlers have proven that their combined economic policies are more destructive than positive, he's nominated one of his economic advisors: Harvard lecturer Jeremy Stein to a seat on the Federal Reserve Board!! Kinda makes ya wonder what the poll respondents are 'admiring,' don'it?!?
Til Nex'Time....
This'n'That; December Twenty-Eighth #1; Holiday Signs Update
My Holiday Lighted Sign Completed!
As I mentioned previously, I had to complete the 'back panel' of my lighted holiday sign. I had shown you the "Christmas" side:
Since then--yesterday, actually--I've completed the "New Year" side:
The "Christmas" side has approximately 250 lights; the "New Year" side has over 400 lights!!
Til Nex'Time....
As I mentioned previously, I had to complete the 'back panel' of my lighted holiday sign. I had shown you the "Christmas" side:
Since then--yesterday, actually--I've completed the "New Year" side:
The "Christmas" side has approximately 250 lights; the "New Year" side has over 400 lights!!
Til Nex'Time....
Christmas Sign,
New Year,
New Year Sign
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
This'n'That; December Twenty-Seventh #2 Webinars
A Necessity For ANY Trucker!!
Owner Operator Independent Driver Association (OOIDA) is offering it's "new season" of Business Webinars geared specifically for the trucker, both company drivers considering becoming owner-operators and current owner-operators. The program begins on January 12th, registration is ongoing.
If these were offered back in 1999 when I bought my first truck, I wasn't aware of them. What I knew--and subsequently learned--about "owner-operatin'" came from the trucker-based talk radio (Charlie Douglas, Dale Somers, Dave Nemo, Bill Mack) Just from reading the brief synopsises of each course, they appear to be a wealth of information; necessary information for the "trucker-as-a-small-business-owner!!" The courses seemed to be priced the same, at $50 per. I don't know if there are 'class size' limitations, but were I.... you, I'd not hesitate! Good education is always a worthwhile investment!!!
Call 'em today: 1-800-444-5791
Til Nex'Time....
Owner Operator Independent Driver Association (OOIDA) is offering it's "new season" of Business Webinars geared specifically for the trucker, both company drivers considering becoming owner-operators and current owner-operators. The program begins on January 12th, registration is ongoing.
If these were offered back in 1999 when I bought my first truck, I wasn't aware of them. What I knew--and subsequently learned--about "owner-operatin'" came from the trucker-based talk radio (Charlie Douglas, Dale Somers, Dave Nemo, Bill Mack) Just from reading the brief synopsises of each course, they appear to be a wealth of information; necessary information for the "trucker-as-a-small-business-owner!!" The courses seemed to be priced the same, at $50 per. I don't know if there are 'class size' limitations, but were I.... you, I'd not hesitate! Good education is always a worthwhile investment!!!
Call 'em today: 1-800-444-5791
Til Nex'Time....
Bill Mack,
Charlie Douglas,
Dale Somers,
Dave Nemo,
owner operators,
This'n'That; December Twenty-Seventh #1 Steyn on Rush
Mark Said It Best:
Mark Steyn hosted the Rush Limbaugh Show last Friday. He--as he does best--encapsulated the current budgetary kerfuffle in a single quote:
'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?"
Til Nex'Time....This type of media control is what's in store for the voting public during the 2012 campaign season. We can expect the socio-fascist 'national pamphleteer' media to continue to "carry the owe-bama water" to the point they'll try to choose our (GOP) candidate for us!!
Mark Steyn hosted the Rush Limbaugh Show last Friday. He--as he does best--encapsulated the current budgetary kerfuffle in a single quote:
"We are a country that's 15 Trillion dollars in debt and the genius president and democRATs have somehow managed to make 40 bucks the issue."
'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?"
Til Nex'Time....This type of media control is what's in store for the voting public during the 2012 campaign season. We can expect the socio-fascist 'national pamphleteer' media to continue to "carry the owe-bama water" to the point they'll try to choose our (GOP) candidate for us!!
GOP candidate,
Mark Steyn,
payroll tax extension,
Rush Limbaugh
Sunday, December 25, 2011
The Sunday 'Report;' 12/25/2011
Merry Christmas To All, and to All A Happy New Year!!
What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
The Syria Crisis: Assessing Foreign Intervention
by Scott Stewart,
December 15, 2011
The ongoing unrest, violence and security crackdowns in Syria have been the subject of major international attention since February. Our current assessment is that the government and opposition forces have reached a stalemate in which the government cannot quell the unrest and the opposition cannot bring down the regime without outside intervention.
In the Dec. 8 Security Weekly, we discussed the covert intelligence war being waged by the United States, Israel and other U.S. allies against Iran. Their efforts are directed not only against Tehran’s nuclear program but also against Iran’s ability to establish an arc of influence that stretches through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. To that end, the United States and its allies are trying to limit Iran’s influence in Iraq and to constrain Hezbollah in Lebanon. But apparently they are also exploring ways to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al Assad, a longtime ally of Iran whose position is in danger due to the current unrest in the country. In fact, a U.S. State Department official recently characterized the al Assad regime as a “dead man walking.” We therefore would [....]
So THAT'S where the rocks for Stonehenge came from 5,000 years ago
Discovery paves way to new understanding of how stones were transported
by Tamara Cohen
December 20, 2011
For centuries, scientists and historians have argued over why Stonehenge was built and, even more puzzlingly, how. They are now closer to cracking one aspect of the mystery after working out the exact spot where some of the rocks came from. The 5,000-year-old circle of stones – thought at various times to have been a temple of healing, a calendar, or even a royal cemetery – have been traced to an outcrop 150 miles away in north Pembrokeshire.
Dr Richard Bevins of the National Museum of Wales and Dr Robert Ixer at Leicester University narrowed down the source of the rocks, – called rhyolites – to the 70m-long (0.04 miles) area called Craig Rhos-y-Felin after [....]
Notable startups that failed in 2011
by Tom Musbach
Yahoo! Small Business Advisor
December 16, 2011
From energy star to political hot potato
Solar-panel maker Solyndra may be the highest profile startup failure of the year. The company filed for bankruptcy in September after receiving $535 million in loan guarantees from the government. The shutdown became an embarrassment for the Obama administration, as the president made a public appearance there and the company was the first renewable-energy company to receive a loan under the federal stimulus program.
Another widely reported casualty was Aptera Motors, an electric-car company based in Carlsbad, Calif. The company was probably best known for its futuristic two-person 2e car that balanced on three wheels. It closed down in early December, and company leaders destroyed the 2e models.
"This is a difficult time for everyone connected with our company because we have never been closer to realizing our vision," said Paul Wilbur, Aptera's CEO. "Unfortunately, though, we are out of resources."
Here are some other startups that fell short of realizing their dreams:
Foodme launched in 2010 with funding from IdeaLab with the [....]
The Iraq War: Recollections
by George Freidman
December 20, 2011
The war in Iraq is officially over. Whether it is actually over remains to be seen. All that we know is that U.S. forces have been withdrawn. There is much to be said about the future of Iraq, but it is hard to think of anything that has been left unsaid about the past years of war in Iraq, and true perspective requires the passage of time. It seemed appropriate, therefore, to hear from those at STRATFOR who fought in the war and survived. STRATFOR is graced with seven veterans of the war and one Iraqi who lived through it. It is interesting to me that all of our Iraq veterans were enlisted personnel. I don’t know what that means, but it pleases me for some reason. Their short recollections are what STRATFOR has to contribute to the end of the war. It is, I think, far more valuable than anything I could possibly say.
Staff Sgt. Kendra Vessels, U.S. Air Force
STRATFOR Vice President of International Projects
Iraq-2003, 2005
Six words capture my experience during the invasion of Iraq: Russian linguist turned security forces “augmentee.” I initially volunteered for a 45-day tour of the theater — one of those unique opportunities for those in the intelligence field who don’t see much beyond their building with no windows. My field trip of the “operational Air Force” turned into a seven-month stint far beyond my original job description. But in the end I wouldn’t trade anything for that experience. I will always remember March 19, 2003 — not only because it was my 22nd birthday but also because it was the day that brought an end to the hurry-up-and-wait that I had experienced for the four months since I’d arrived in Kuwait. During that time it was a slow transition from the world I knew so well, which was confined to a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) and computer screens to [....]
We have searched for years for the St. Michael prayer that saved a soldier in the Korean War, told in the true story of a Marine Named Michael.
Now we have found this extraordinary prayer...
[Blogger Note: I've heard of this story before. Now that I've found it 'in print,' I can only guess at it's authenticity. I'm willing to assume the story is factual and true!!]
Veronica - Now Michael has placed his sword down as though he was digging into the ground, but he's not. I don't know what he placed it into. Oh, I see he's placed it into satan....
St. Michael - "You have nothing to fear but fear. Face it, and it will disappear. Face it with prayer." - June 16, 1973
First we will have the Letter from Michael...
There's a story about a young Marine named Michael who wrote a letter home to his mother while he was in the hospital after having been wounded in Korea in 1950. A Navy Chaplain named Father Walter Muldy apparently was given the letter, checked the facts and concluded what was in the letter was true. A year later he read the letter in public for the first time, to a gathering of some 5,000 Marines at the Naval Base in San Diego. Here is the letter:
Dear Mom,
I wouldn't dare write this letter to anyone but you because no one else would believe it. Maybe even you will find it hard but I have got to tell somebody. First off, I am in a hospital. Now don't worry, ya hear me, don't worry. I was wounded but I'm okay you understand. Okay. The doctor says that I will be up and around in a month.
But that's not what I want to tell you.
Remember when I joined the Marines last year; remember when I [....]
Obama signature creates 'continental perimeter'
Move described as key step in advance of North American Union
by Jerome Corsi,
WorldNet Daily
February 8, 2011
Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper quietly have taken a major step toward erasing the border between the two nations with a new "Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration. In a ceremony designed to remain below the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by a continental view of a "North American perimeter."
It happened Friday, the day the Obama administration usually pushes through issues that it prefers the media ignore. By signing the declaration, the Obama administration has implemented without congressional approval a key initiative President Bush began under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, moving the United States and Canada beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, toward a [....]
Gay Couple Receives Obama Congratulations on Wedding
by Colleen Curry,
ABC News
December 20, 2011A gay couple in Brooklyn, N.Y., were surprised to find a letter in their mailbox six months after their wedding congratulating them, but they were more surprised to find it was from the commander in chief.
Matt Katz, 32, and Aaron Lafrenz, 36, were married at the Katz [....]
Super young retirement savers
Slideshow (1-6)
Older Americans who haven't saved enough for retirement could learn a lesson or two from these young retirement savers -- they've already socked thousands of dollars away for their golden years.
Fabian Fernandez-Han1
Age: 14
Age started saving: 10
Amount saved: $10,000
Hometown: Houston, TX
One day I saw my dad trading on eTrade. It looked interesting so I wanted to do it. I had always saved my allowance money and birthday money, and the first thing I bought was Apple stock -- when shares were [....]
The Biggest Tech Companies' Single Biggest Failures of 2011
by Rebecca J. Rosen
December 8 2011
Even giants stumble. None of the four biggest tech companies -- Apple, Facebook, Google and Amazon -- made it through the year without a misstep. Much has been written about the coming showdown among the four tech giants -- Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. As Farhad Manjoo wrote in FastCompany:
1. Google's Social Networking Gambit Fails to Launch
In late June Google launched its latest attempt at building a Facebook-like social site, Google+. For a few weeks (days?), Google+ was the only [....]
U.S. military, Taliban use Twitter to wage war
by Ernesto Londoño,
Washington Post
December 18, 2011
KABUL —The Twitter war began in earnest Sept. 14, in the midst of a sustained attack on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and the adjacent headquarters of the U.S.-led international military force. Until then, NATO officials had kept close tabs on the messages posted on two accounts linked to the Taliban’s media arm — but had refrained from engaging or acknowledging them. On Afghan-Pakistan border, suspicions reignA battle of tweets with the TalibanU.S. general fired for criticizing KarzaiFor some families, Marines fall short on friendly-fire protocolTaliban fighters attack 2 U.S. bases in KandaharTaliban increasingly reliant on high-profile attacksU.S. had advance warning of abuse at Afghan prisons, officials sayMore headlines from around the worldNATO, U.N. differ on Afghan violenceIran’s hosting of Taliban shows desire for larger roleObama: Still intent on withdrawing 33,000 troopsKarzai accuses Pakistan of supporting terroristsIndia and Afghanistan sign security and trade pact10 years on, Afghan Americans see lost decadeAfghan parliament clears hurdle to IMF aidKarzai calls for parternership with America but with conditionsKarzai announces new areas to come under Afghan controlCrocker: Kabul attack won't spawn sectarian violencePakistani Taliban: No peace talks with governmentU.S. commander defends night raids in AfghanistanAfghan folk tales take new role in the classroomAfghan local police units found to commit abuses. U.S. military officials assigned to the International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, as the coalition is known, took the first shot in what has become a near-daily battle waged with broadsides that must be kept to 140 characters. “How much longer will terrorists put innocent Afghans in harm’s way,” @isafmedia demanded of the Taliban spokesman on the second day of the embassy attack, in which militants lobbed rockets and sprayed gunfire from a building under construction.
Are You On Obama’s “Enemies List?”
by Howard Rich
May 13, 2011
Wherever possible President Barack Obama has sought to dilute or disguise the ideological war his administration has been waging against capitalism over the past twenty-seven months. As a result, his massive bureaucratic bailout became an “economic stimulus.” His takeover of the financial markets was labeled “Wall Street Reform.” His socialized medicine plan became the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” act (which of course would magically shrink, not expand deficits). And his massive energy tax increase was cleverly billed as a “cap-and-trade” emissions marketplace.
Yet when Obama’s union goons on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) challenged aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s right to locate a new facility in the right-to-work state of South Carolina, all subtlety evaporated. There, in a black-and-white complaint, is indisputable evidence that the Obama administration is waging war against the American free market on behalf of union thugs and entrenched government bureaucrats. It’s a costly war, too – one that’s being funded by trillions of tax dollars (and trillions more in deficit spending). Obama’s silence on the NLRB-Boeing issue has been deafening. Rather than rebuking this unprecedented imposition on a company’s right to move new business where it sees fit – Obama has hidden behind his goon squad like a fashionable gangster unwilling to get his hands dirty.
Earlier this week, he was abruptly – and deservedly – called out for these tactics by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul.
Who else is on Obama’s enemies list?
What about shareholders in General Motors – whose assets were wiped out when Obama’s creative bankruptcy maneuvering handed control of the company to the government and the unions?
What about America’s private health care insurers, who in addition to being saddled with costly new government mandates were overtly threatened last year by Obama’s Medicaid czar Kathleen Sebelius?
More broadly, what about individual citizens who beginning in 2013 will be compelled to purchase health care insurance or face stiff fines?
What about American motorists, who face soaring gas prices due to Obama’s [....]
7 deadly financial sins
by Suze Orman,
Financially Fit
December 22, 2011
People are always asking me for advice on what to do with their money. But if you really want to get ahead financially, the smarter question is what you shouldn't do with your money.
1. Borrowing From Your 401(k)
For starters, the money you take out of a traditional 401(k) is pre-tax, but when you pay it back it will be with money you already have paid tax on. Then, years down the line, when you withdraw the money in retirement you'll owe tax again. I think paying tax once is plenty. You also lose out on the compounding of that money. Just think about folks who pulled money out of their 401(k) in late 2008 and early 2009: That's money that wasn't invested when the stock market staged its epic rally beginning in March 2009. Lastly, there's the [....]
How to Shut Down the Welfare State
by Richard B. Jones
December 16, 2011 Welfare workers are constantly trying to figure out how to make their jobs effective, how to do something to actually combat poverty. Their jobs are very high-stress, so they often meet after work on Fridays, when happy hours encourage them to philosophize. If only the clients had to look for work -- no, they're already under such a requirement. If the government built more public housing so the slumlords didn't grab every increase in benefits -- no, that's been tried. If food stamps and cash assistance were combined into one check -- no, that resulted in a class action suit, and threatened the criminal economy. There must be some way the welfare system can actually assist the poor.
Happily, there is an answer: shut it down. No, don't just suddenly chain the doors of the welfare office closed, as some workers suggest at the end of happy hour. Do a gradual shutdown that eliminates the system and its whole bureaucracy over a period of eighteen years -- a shutdown that salvages logistical resources and allows people to learn to take care of themselves at a rational pace.
First step: recognize that the entire concept of state and national public assistance is a mistake. Just like bilingual education, the War on Poverty is a beautiful theory that just doesn't work in reality. People are better off getting local assistance for verifiable emergencies, but to improve their general lifestyle, they are much better off if left to suffer the consequences of their behavior. Just as children learn a target language more quickly on the playground with speakers of that language than they do in structured classes, people living in poverty learn to get away from it -- if they want -- much more quickly by suffering its disadvantages than by having those disadvantages artificially relieved.
Second step: decide, nationally, on a date to start shutting down the welfare system. September 1 would be a good date, fiscally. The government would announce that it will stop taking welfare applications at midnight, August 31 of that year. That way no employees will lose their jobs; no recipients will suddenly be dumped in the street; no pregnant persons will be denied medical care; the illegal food stamp economy will not be disrupted. There just won't be any more applications accepted, so people from then on will have to accept that the nation has decided to rescind the program. Sorry, it's over.
Third step: the vast pool of welfare bureaucracy employees will provide a human resource pool for all other government agencies. All their employment paperwork is [....]
Curious Employee Foils Corporate Credit Card Fraud Scam
by Scott Burke
MOLLY, THE ASSISTANT, Molly treasurer at XYZ Corp. in Miami, opened an e-mail from a former colleague who no longer worked for the organization. The e-mail read: "Hi Molly, there should be a refund of $716 on my old corporate Visa card from the IP Conference. I paid for, but did not attend, the conference and did not turn in the charge to XYZ for reimbursement. Can you have Visa issue a refund check to me? Thanks very much for your help." The e-mail was from Jerry, a former XYZ executive who had been Molly's boss at one time. The message seemed innocuous enough. Jerry had legitimately charged a business conference to his corporate credit card, but he had canceled his registration because he left the company. Therefore, he was due a refund.
It would have been very easy for Molly to trust her former boss and get him the refund. Instead, because something didn't seem quite right, she chose to check on whether XYZ had already reimbursed Jerry for the conference. To make this determination, Molly accessed Jerry's corporate credit card records online and retrieved his expense reports from the accounts payable file room. The expense reports confirmed that Jerry had not expensed the conference fee, but when Molly looked at his credit card statement, she saw a couple of odd items.
First, the most recent statement indicated that the former XYZ executive had made four payments to his credit card in one month. Second, the statement [....]
Heroic football player stops potentially lethal teacher attack
by Cameron Smith
December 16, 2011
By all accounts, the attack looked like it would be lethal.
In the moments after the school bell rang, a 40-year-old teacher brutally attacked a fellow teacher. With screwdriver blows from English teacher Ronette Ricketts raining on the victim, fellow English teacher Cynthia Glozier, a varsity football player thought quick, relied on his athletic instincts and stopped the attack in its tracks. According to New York TV network WPIX and the Poughkeepsie Journal, among other sources, Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) High senior linebacker Justin Richardson is now being hailed as a hero and a likely lifesaver as a result.
Top 10 Worst Supermarket Foods
By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding
Dec 12, 2011
Want to know the quickest way to lose 20, 50, even 100 pounds? No, not dieting. No, not surgery. You can do it by thinking. Don’t believe me? Then meet Tim Wadsworth. He stripped 92 pounds of flab off his body in just 12 months by walking a little more and flipping through Eat This, Not That! on his weekly trips to the local supermarket. What Tim learned is that the supermarket is like a county fair. Roll your cart down the aisles and you're assaulted by bright lights, enticing smells, and shameless hucksterism ("Nine vitamins and minerals! Everyone's a winner!"). The typical supermarket boasts roughly 45,000 unique food items, and nearly every one presents itself as healthier than it truly is, with fancy fonts, earthtone colors, and misleading front-of-package images to convince you that they're better than flab-forming junk foods. Tim learned not to fall for it—to listen to his brain instead of his stomach. You can, too.
Consider the 10 popular grocery items below. By choosing slightly different versions of them, you can save more than 3,800 calories. That’s more than a pound of weight loss in one day’s shopping trip. If you go to the market twice a week, like most Americans, you’d save enough calories to lose—I’m not kidding—more than 100 pounds in the coming year. And that’s just from these 10 swaps, excerpted from the all-new Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide. When you know the smartest choices to make when it comes to eating all your favorite foods, it's easy to melt belly fat without dieting.
#10: Worst “Healthy” Frozen Entrée Healthy Choice Roasted Sesame Chicken
440 calories
9 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
470 mg sodium
23 g sugars
Reality check: The name says roasted chicken, but read the fine print and you see the meat is coated in flour and then cooked in vegetable oil. Sounds an awful lot like fried chicken, doesn’t it? Then Healthy Choice soaks the pasta in pineapple juice and coats the fruit side dish in a sweetened syrup to deliver a candy bar’s worth of sugar. Healthy? Hardly.
SUGAR EQUIVALENT: 3 Krispy Kreme Traditional Cake Donuts
Eat This Instead!
Kashi Southwest Style Chicken
310 calories
5 g fat (1 g saturated)
680 mg sodium
3 g sugars
Politics 2012: Web tool makes it easy to learn about candidates
by Nicole Debevec,
United Press International
November 6, 2011
Republican presidential candidates participate in the CNN sponsored GOP debate at the Florida State fairgrounds, in Tampa, Florida on Sept. 12, 2011. VoteEasy could make it easier to decide which one has views closest to a voter's own. Voters can vet 2012 U.S. presidential and congressional candidates to see how they mesh with their own views without all the distractions and dissonance created by debates and sound bites. The interactive online tool VoteEasy, housed on VoteSmart.org, puts hours of research on candidates and issues just a few mouse-clicks away from a voter's fingertips, allowing instant information on which candidates align with their own positions on key issues facing the country.
Visitors to VoteEasy key in their ZIP code to answer the same questions their candidates were asked, and VoteEasy displays the candidate or candidates most like them, with the option to drill deeper into the details of the candidates' records. The data in VoteEasy combine responses to the organization's Political Courage Test directly from congressional candidates and information compiled by Vote Smart researchers on 12 hot-button issues: abortion, Afghanistan, crime, economy, education, environment, guns, healthcare, immigration, social issues, Social Security and taxes. VoteEasy and Project Vote Smart represent a simple concept that's hard to achieve, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball says. It is a huge virtual warehouse of information about candidates of all political stripes developed by people whose only goal is to fill that warehouse.
If the staff fails to get information from the candidates directly, then a "very thorough examination of records, comments, voting records, ratings review -- everything -- and divine, if you will, what would be the answer to the question if the candidate had [the] courage to answer it in the first place," Kimball said. Candidates get another opportunity to talk to Project Vote Smart volunteers, Kimball says, because they're told, "We're going to answer on your behalf. If you think we're wrong, tell us. We'll clarify it." Kimball said candidates should want to do "the right and honorable thing" and be as transparent as possible with the voting masses, but he's found "fewer candidates are willing to go on the record." While traffic hasn't been as high as he and others had hoped, Kimball said he expects more people will visit the site once the 2012 election cycle really heats up. Right now, politicos, researchers and people into politics visit the site, Kimball said. Citizens, he said, will visit as Election Day draws closer. This is the first year no presidential candidate [....]
A Timeline of the Top-Selling Christmas Gifts... Ever.
by Esquire Magazine
A year-by-year look back over the last eight decades at the must-have presents that sent parents a-tramplin'.
2011: Let's Rock Elmo (Hasbro)
The Big Deal: Elmo doesn't just laugh his ass off like he did 15 years ago or babble incessantly like he did in 2008. This time, the character that never fails to captivate toy-market watchers (one of whom actually calls this "virtually the only exciting product" of the season) applies a more mature instinct: He's a bona fide rock star, albeit a very polite one. Let's Rock Elmo comes with a mic, tambourine, and drum set (anything more than percussion costs extra) and can launch into versions of "What I Like About You" and "It Takes Two." There are a few frightening video demonstrations out there, if you must.
The Weird Part: That Elmo is back yet again. And that he pairs surprisingly well with a certain adult singer-songwriter.
Where to Buy It Today: Prices starting at $50 on Yahoo! Shopping
2010: Apple iPad
The Big Deal: Really, were there any other contenders? It's the first of its kind — a slim tablet that lets you seamlessly glide between movies, music, browsing the web, and Street Fighter beat-downs. With Wi-Fi and 3G, everything from racing simulators to magazines are just a touch away. And don't get us started on that gorgeous LED display.
The Weird Part: You can use the iPad to do just about anything, but you're probably going to waste all your time on Angry Birds, which has been purchased over 10 million times on Apple's App Store.
Where to Buy It Today: Apple iPad Wi-Fi + 3G and iPad 2 available on Yahoo! Shopping at $499.
2007: iPod Touch (Apple)
The Big Deal: The first touchscreen and Web-enabled iPod went from annual fanboy fantasy to national must-have, largely because [....]
Earn more, work less: 8 great jobs that escape the rat race
by Sarah B. Weir,
Yahoo! blogger
Power Your Future
December 22, 2011
Yoga teacher and self-titled "Life Stylist" Sadie Nardini advises her clients, "Think huge-small and medium have a lot of competition." That's just what she did when she went from being a broke, harried studio yoga teacher to harnessing technology, streamlining her workload, and earning in a day what she used to make in a week. In 2010, she put in the hours she wanted and netted close to $300,000.
Nardini got her start as a yoga teacher moonlighting after her day job in cubicle land. Eventually, she got fed up with laboring long days for little money doing office work and decided to teach full time. Soon enough, she was teaching 25 classes a week and feeling just as burnt out as before. "I love the scene in 'Finding Nemo' where he swims into the current with the sea turtles and speeds effortlessly toward his goal," she says. "I asked myself, 'How can I be more passive and less active income-wise?'"
Nardini posted free online videos to gain a wider audience. Now she has 25,000 subscribers on YouTube and 40,000 Facebook followers. She started selling DVDs and teaching at large conferences instead of small classes. She branched out into wellness counseling and life coaching. On a practical level, she set up automatic responses on her website and outsourced all of her administrative work.
Nardini says that fear gets in the way of people actually doing something instead of just talking about it. "People often have skills that they doubt anyone will care about. I advised a friend who loved making bracelets to sell them on Etsy. A magazine featured her work and within a month she had earned more money from her bracelets than she had made in a year working an office job."
Here are seven more jobs that offer flexibility, fun, and a good wage:
Massage Therapist
According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), the majority of massage therapists work under 27 hours a week. Massage therapist Jenny Adams, who has practiced in Pennsylvania for 20 years, describes the benefits of her career: "I get to wear comfy clothes, set my own hours, and work [....]
Best-Performing Cities 2011
by Ross DeVol, Armen Bedroussian, and
Kevin Klowden with Ka Wai Ho
December 15, 2011
Texas metros, led by number one San Antonio, took nine of the top 25 positions among the 200 largest metros in the 2010 Milken Institute Best-Performing Cities Index -- and four of the top five. Leaders in this year's index, which ranks U.S. metros based on their ability to create and sustain jobs, are cities that most benefited from renewed investment in business equipment; have diversified technology bases, which also drive growth in business and professional services; are exposed to America's booming energy sector; and are home to a large military presence.
The 2011 top 10 performers (with 2010 rankings) of the 200 largest metros:
1. San Antonio, TX (14)
2. El Paso, TX (9)
3. Fort Collins- Loveland, CO (50)
4. Austin-Round Rock, TX (2)
5. Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood, TX (1)
6. Salt Lake City, UT (49)
7. Anchorage, AK (8)
8. Huntsville, AL (3)
9. Provo-Orem, UT (25)
10. Kennewick-Richland-Pasco WA (5)
The Best Performing Cities index includes both long-term (five years) and short-term (one year) measurements of employment and salary growth. There are also four [....]
Until Next Sunday....The program's volunteers -- all unpaid interns -- try to directly ask candidates 15 questions and document six efforts if they're rebuffed, Kimball said.Luckily for all involved, Richardson did step in to stop a shocking attack before it became a deadly one. As it is, Ricketts is still facing charges of first-degree attempted assault, second-degree assault and criminal possession of a weapon, and is likely to lose a job in which she was previously highly respected. It remains uncertain what caused the longtime English teacher to snap -- the two teachers were reportedly talking in the hallway moments before the screwdriver attack -- but Ricketts is now facing potentially life-changing charges, all while Glozier faces [....]Paul’s invocation of a Nixonian “enemies list” provides a useful framework for examining the conduct of this administration – which is simultaneously trying to muzzle and strong-arm corporate and individual citizens. Paul didn’t stop there – blasting Obama for his recent threat to require government contractors to disclose donations to groups that participate in political activities. The running spat appears to be the sole open line of communication between Americans and the Taliban after exploratory peace talks collapsed this year. U.S. military officials [....]
What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
The Syria Crisis: Assessing Foreign Intervention
by Scott Stewart,
December 15, 2011
The ongoing unrest, violence and security crackdowns in Syria have been the subject of major international attention since February. Our current assessment is that the government and opposition forces have reached a stalemate in which the government cannot quell the unrest and the opposition cannot bring down the regime without outside intervention.
In the Dec. 8 Security Weekly, we discussed the covert intelligence war being waged by the United States, Israel and other U.S. allies against Iran. Their efforts are directed not only against Tehran’s nuclear program but also against Iran’s ability to establish an arc of influence that stretches through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. To that end, the United States and its allies are trying to limit Iran’s influence in Iraq and to constrain Hezbollah in Lebanon. But apparently they are also exploring ways to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al Assad, a longtime ally of Iran whose position is in danger due to the current unrest in the country. In fact, a U.S. State Department official recently characterized the al Assad regime as a “dead man walking.” We therefore would [....]
So THAT'S where the rocks for Stonehenge came from 5,000 years ago
Discovery paves way to new understanding of how stones were transported
by Tamara Cohen
December 20, 2011
For centuries, scientists and historians have argued over why Stonehenge was built and, even more puzzlingly, how. They are now closer to cracking one aspect of the mystery after working out the exact spot where some of the rocks came from. The 5,000-year-old circle of stones – thought at various times to have been a temple of healing, a calendar, or even a royal cemetery – have been traced to an outcrop 150 miles away in north Pembrokeshire.
Dr Richard Bevins of the National Museum of Wales and Dr Robert Ixer at Leicester University narrowed down the source of the rocks, – called rhyolites – to the 70m-long (0.04 miles) area called Craig Rhos-y-Felin after [....]
Notable startups that failed in 2011
by Tom Musbach
Yahoo! Small Business Advisor
December 16, 2011
From energy star to political hot potato
Solar-panel maker Solyndra may be the highest profile startup failure of the year. The company filed for bankruptcy in September after receiving $535 million in loan guarantees from the government. The shutdown became an embarrassment for the Obama administration, as the president made a public appearance there and the company was the first renewable-energy company to receive a loan under the federal stimulus program.
Another widely reported casualty was Aptera Motors, an electric-car company based in Carlsbad, Calif. The company was probably best known for its futuristic two-person 2e car that balanced on three wheels. It closed down in early December, and company leaders destroyed the 2e models.
"This is a difficult time for everyone connected with our company because we have never been closer to realizing our vision," said Paul Wilbur, Aptera's CEO. "Unfortunately, though, we are out of resources."
Here are some other startups that fell short of realizing their dreams:
Foodme launched in 2010 with funding from IdeaLab with the [....]
The Iraq War: Recollections
by George Freidman
December 20, 2011
The war in Iraq is officially over. Whether it is actually over remains to be seen. All that we know is that U.S. forces have been withdrawn. There is much to be said about the future of Iraq, but it is hard to think of anything that has been left unsaid about the past years of war in Iraq, and true perspective requires the passage of time. It seemed appropriate, therefore, to hear from those at STRATFOR who fought in the war and survived. STRATFOR is graced with seven veterans of the war and one Iraqi who lived through it. It is interesting to me that all of our Iraq veterans were enlisted personnel. I don’t know what that means, but it pleases me for some reason. Their short recollections are what STRATFOR has to contribute to the end of the war. It is, I think, far more valuable than anything I could possibly say.
Staff Sgt. Kendra Vessels, U.S. Air Force
STRATFOR Vice President of International Projects
Iraq-2003, 2005
Six words capture my experience during the invasion of Iraq: Russian linguist turned security forces “augmentee.” I initially volunteered for a 45-day tour of the theater — one of those unique opportunities for those in the intelligence field who don’t see much beyond their building with no windows. My field trip of the “operational Air Force” turned into a seven-month stint far beyond my original job description. But in the end I wouldn’t trade anything for that experience. I will always remember March 19, 2003 — not only because it was my 22nd birthday but also because it was the day that brought an end to the hurry-up-and-wait that I had experienced for the four months since I’d arrived in Kuwait. During that time it was a slow transition from the world I knew so well, which was confined to a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) and computer screens to [....]
We have searched for years for the St. Michael prayer that saved a soldier in the Korean War, told in the true story of a Marine Named Michael.
Now we have found this extraordinary prayer...
[Blogger Note: I've heard of this story before. Now that I've found it 'in print,' I can only guess at it's authenticity. I'm willing to assume the story is factual and true!!]
Veronica - Now Michael has placed his sword down as though he was digging into the ground, but he's not. I don't know what he placed it into. Oh, I see he's placed it into satan....
St. Michael - "You have nothing to fear but fear. Face it, and it will disappear. Face it with prayer." - June 16, 1973
First we will have the Letter from Michael...
There's a story about a young Marine named Michael who wrote a letter home to his mother while he was in the hospital after having been wounded in Korea in 1950. A Navy Chaplain named Father Walter Muldy apparently was given the letter, checked the facts and concluded what was in the letter was true. A year later he read the letter in public for the first time, to a gathering of some 5,000 Marines at the Naval Base in San Diego. Here is the letter:
Dear Mom,
I wouldn't dare write this letter to anyone but you because no one else would believe it. Maybe even you will find it hard but I have got to tell somebody. First off, I am in a hospital. Now don't worry, ya hear me, don't worry. I was wounded but I'm okay you understand. Okay. The doctor says that I will be up and around in a month.
But that's not what I want to tell you.
Remember when I joined the Marines last year; remember when I [....]
Obama signature creates 'continental perimeter'
Move described as key step in advance of North American Union
by Jerome Corsi,
WorldNet Daily
February 8, 2011
Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper quietly have taken a major step toward erasing the border between the two nations with a new "Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration. In a ceremony designed to remain below the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by a continental view of a "North American perimeter."
It happened Friday, the day the Obama administration usually pushes through issues that it prefers the media ignore. By signing the declaration, the Obama administration has implemented without congressional approval a key initiative President Bush began under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, moving the United States and Canada beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, toward a [....]
Gay Couple Receives Obama Congratulations on Wedding
by Colleen Curry,
ABC News
December 20, 2011A gay couple in Brooklyn, N.Y., were surprised to find a letter in their mailbox six months after their wedding congratulating them, but they were more surprised to find it was from the commander in chief.
Matt Katz, 32, and Aaron Lafrenz, 36, were married at the Katz [....]
Super young retirement savers
Slideshow (1-6)
Older Americans who haven't saved enough for retirement could learn a lesson or two from these young retirement savers -- they've already socked thousands of dollars away for their golden years.
Fabian Fernandez-Han1
Age: 14
Age started saving: 10
Amount saved: $10,000
Hometown: Houston, TX
One day I saw my dad trading on eTrade. It looked interesting so I wanted to do it. I had always saved my allowance money and birthday money, and the first thing I bought was Apple stock -- when shares were [....]
The Biggest Tech Companies' Single Biggest Failures of 2011
by Rebecca J. Rosen
December 8 2011
Even giants stumble. None of the four biggest tech companies -- Apple, Facebook, Google and Amazon -- made it through the year without a misstep. Much has been written about the coming showdown among the four tech giants -- Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. As Farhad Manjoo wrote in FastCompany:
To state this as clearly as possible: The four American companies that have come to define 21st-century information technology and entertainment are on the verge of war. Over the next two years, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google will increasingly collide in the markets for mobile phones and tablets, mobile apps, social networking, and more.This past year has seen bumbling missteps by each of these companies, some of which are the results of their efforts to step into another's turf, and some of which are the results of the natural hazards of the spaces they inhabit. Here's a look at each company's missteps of the year now coming to a close.
1. Google's Social Networking Gambit Fails to Launch
In late June Google launched its latest attempt at building a Facebook-like social site, Google+. For a few weeks (days?), Google+ was the only [....]
U.S. military, Taliban use Twitter to wage war
by Ernesto Londoño,
Washington Post
December 18, 2011
KABUL —The Twitter war began in earnest Sept. 14, in the midst of a sustained attack on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and the adjacent headquarters of the U.S.-led international military force. Until then, NATO officials had kept close tabs on the messages posted on two accounts linked to the Taliban’s media arm — but had refrained from engaging or acknowledging them. On Afghan-Pakistan border, suspicions reignA battle of tweets with the TalibanU.S. general fired for criticizing KarzaiFor some families, Marines fall short on friendly-fire protocolTaliban fighters attack 2 U.S. bases in KandaharTaliban increasingly reliant on high-profile attacksU.S. had advance warning of abuse at Afghan prisons, officials sayMore headlines from around the worldNATO, U.N. differ on Afghan violenceIran’s hosting of Taliban shows desire for larger roleObama: Still intent on withdrawing 33,000 troopsKarzai accuses Pakistan of supporting terroristsIndia and Afghanistan sign security and trade pact10 years on, Afghan Americans see lost decadeAfghan parliament clears hurdle to IMF aidKarzai calls for parternership with America but with conditionsKarzai announces new areas to come under Afghan controlCrocker: Kabul attack won't spawn sectarian violencePakistani Taliban: No peace talks with governmentU.S. commander defends night raids in AfghanistanAfghan folk tales take new role in the classroomAfghan local police units found to commit abuses. U.S. military officials assigned to the International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, as the coalition is known, took the first shot in what has become a near-daily battle waged with broadsides that must be kept to 140 characters. “How much longer will terrorists put innocent Afghans in harm’s way,” @isafmedia demanded of the Taliban spokesman on the second day of the embassy attack, in which militants lobbed rockets and sprayed gunfire from a building under construction.
“I dnt knw. U hve bn pttng thm n ‘harm’s way’ fr da pst 10 yrs. Razd whole vilgs n mrkts. n stil hv da nrve to tlk bout ‘harm’s way,’ ” responded Abdulqahar Balkhi, one of the Taliban’s Twitter warriors, who uses the handle @ABalkhi.
Are You On Obama’s “Enemies List?”
by Howard Rich
May 13, 2011
Wherever possible President Barack Obama has sought to dilute or disguise the ideological war his administration has been waging against capitalism over the past twenty-seven months. As a result, his massive bureaucratic bailout became an “economic stimulus.” His takeover of the financial markets was labeled “Wall Street Reform.” His socialized medicine plan became the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” act (which of course would magically shrink, not expand deficits). And his massive energy tax increase was cleverly billed as a “cap-and-trade” emissions marketplace.
Yet when Obama’s union goons on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) challenged aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s right to locate a new facility in the right-to-work state of South Carolina, all subtlety evaporated. There, in a black-and-white complaint, is indisputable evidence that the Obama administration is waging war against the American free market on behalf of union thugs and entrenched government bureaucrats. It’s a costly war, too – one that’s being funded by trillions of tax dollars (and trillions more in deficit spending). Obama’s silence on the NLRB-Boeing issue has been deafening. Rather than rebuking this unprecedented imposition on a company’s right to move new business where it sees fit – Obama has hidden behind his goon squad like a fashionable gangster unwilling to get his hands dirty.
Earlier this week, he was abruptly – and deservedly – called out for these tactics by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul.
“Mr. President, do you have an enemies list?” Paul asked. “Is this decision based on the fact that South Carolina appears to be a Republican state, has two Republican senators? Is this decision based on the fact that South Carolina is a ‘right to work’ state? Are they on your enemies list?”
“The president has said now that he’s going to ask contractors who do business with the government ‘Who have you contributed to?’” he said. “Mr. President, do you have en enemies list? Will you now punish contractors who have given money to Republican candidates? I’m concerned – there are two Republican Senators from Kentucky. Are we on your enemies list? Is Alabama on your enemies list? Is Texas on your enemies list?”
Who else is on Obama’s enemies list?
What about shareholders in General Motors – whose assets were wiped out when Obama’s creative bankruptcy maneuvering handed control of the company to the government and the unions?
What about America’s private health care insurers, who in addition to being saddled with costly new government mandates were overtly threatened last year by Obama’s Medicaid czar Kathleen Sebelius?
More broadly, what about individual citizens who beginning in 2013 will be compelled to purchase health care insurance or face stiff fines?
What about American motorists, who face soaring gas prices due to Obama’s [....]
7 deadly financial sins
by Suze Orman,
Financially Fit
December 22, 2011
People are always asking me for advice on what to do with their money. But if you really want to get ahead financially, the smarter question is what you shouldn't do with your money.
1. Borrowing From Your 401(k)
For starters, the money you take out of a traditional 401(k) is pre-tax, but when you pay it back it will be with money you already have paid tax on. Then, years down the line, when you withdraw the money in retirement you'll owe tax again. I think paying tax once is plenty. You also lose out on the compounding of that money. Just think about folks who pulled money out of their 401(k) in late 2008 and early 2009: That's money that wasn't invested when the stock market staged its epic rally beginning in March 2009. Lastly, there's the [....]
How to Shut Down the Welfare State
by Richard B. Jones
December 16, 2011 Welfare workers are constantly trying to figure out how to make their jobs effective, how to do something to actually combat poverty. Their jobs are very high-stress, so they often meet after work on Fridays, when happy hours encourage them to philosophize. If only the clients had to look for work -- no, they're already under such a requirement. If the government built more public housing so the slumlords didn't grab every increase in benefits -- no, that's been tried. If food stamps and cash assistance were combined into one check -- no, that resulted in a class action suit, and threatened the criminal economy. There must be some way the welfare system can actually assist the poor.
Happily, there is an answer: shut it down. No, don't just suddenly chain the doors of the welfare office closed, as some workers suggest at the end of happy hour. Do a gradual shutdown that eliminates the system and its whole bureaucracy over a period of eighteen years -- a shutdown that salvages logistical resources and allows people to learn to take care of themselves at a rational pace.
First step: recognize that the entire concept of state and national public assistance is a mistake. Just like bilingual education, the War on Poverty is a beautiful theory that just doesn't work in reality. People are better off getting local assistance for verifiable emergencies, but to improve their general lifestyle, they are much better off if left to suffer the consequences of their behavior. Just as children learn a target language more quickly on the playground with speakers of that language than they do in structured classes, people living in poverty learn to get away from it -- if they want -- much more quickly by suffering its disadvantages than by having those disadvantages artificially relieved.
Second step: decide, nationally, on a date to start shutting down the welfare system. September 1 would be a good date, fiscally. The government would announce that it will stop taking welfare applications at midnight, August 31 of that year. That way no employees will lose their jobs; no recipients will suddenly be dumped in the street; no pregnant persons will be denied medical care; the illegal food stamp economy will not be disrupted. There just won't be any more applications accepted, so people from then on will have to accept that the nation has decided to rescind the program. Sorry, it's over.
Third step: the vast pool of welfare bureaucracy employees will provide a human resource pool for all other government agencies. All their employment paperwork is [....]
Curious Employee Foils Corporate Credit Card Fraud Scam
by Scott Burke
MOLLY, THE ASSISTANT, Molly treasurer at XYZ Corp. in Miami, opened an e-mail from a former colleague who no longer worked for the organization. The e-mail read: "Hi Molly, there should be a refund of $716 on my old corporate Visa card from the IP Conference. I paid for, but did not attend, the conference and did not turn in the charge to XYZ for reimbursement. Can you have Visa issue a refund check to me? Thanks very much for your help." The e-mail was from Jerry, a former XYZ executive who had been Molly's boss at one time. The message seemed innocuous enough. Jerry had legitimately charged a business conference to his corporate credit card, but he had canceled his registration because he left the company. Therefore, he was due a refund.
It would have been very easy for Molly to trust her former boss and get him the refund. Instead, because something didn't seem quite right, she chose to check on whether XYZ had already reimbursed Jerry for the conference. To make this determination, Molly accessed Jerry's corporate credit card records online and retrieved his expense reports from the accounts payable file room. The expense reports confirmed that Jerry had not expensed the conference fee, but when Molly looked at his credit card statement, she saw a couple of odd items.
First, the most recent statement indicated that the former XYZ executive had made four payments to his credit card in one month. Second, the statement [....]
Heroic football player stops potentially lethal teacher attack
by Cameron Smith
December 16, 2011
By all accounts, the attack looked like it would be lethal.
In the moments after the school bell rang, a 40-year-old teacher brutally attacked a fellow teacher. With screwdriver blows from English teacher Ronette Ricketts raining on the victim, fellow English teacher Cynthia Glozier, a varsity football player thought quick, relied on his athletic instincts and stopped the attack in its tracks. According to New York TV network WPIX and the Poughkeepsie Journal, among other sources, Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) High senior linebacker Justin Richardson is now being hailed as a hero and a likely lifesaver as a result.
"I saw Ms. Ricketts just hammering her in the side of head," Richardson told PIX 11 TV. "I saw a lot of blood. It was shocking. I just jammed her really hard to get the screwdriver [to] fly out of her hand. If I didn't step in she would have killed her."
Top 10 Worst Supermarket Foods
By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding
Dec 12, 2011
Want to know the quickest way to lose 20, 50, even 100 pounds? No, not dieting. No, not surgery. You can do it by thinking. Don’t believe me? Then meet Tim Wadsworth. He stripped 92 pounds of flab off his body in just 12 months by walking a little more and flipping through Eat This, Not That! on his weekly trips to the local supermarket. What Tim learned is that the supermarket is like a county fair. Roll your cart down the aisles and you're assaulted by bright lights, enticing smells, and shameless hucksterism ("Nine vitamins and minerals! Everyone's a winner!"). The typical supermarket boasts roughly 45,000 unique food items, and nearly every one presents itself as healthier than it truly is, with fancy fonts, earthtone colors, and misleading front-of-package images to convince you that they're better than flab-forming junk foods. Tim learned not to fall for it—to listen to his brain instead of his stomach. You can, too.
Consider the 10 popular grocery items below. By choosing slightly different versions of them, you can save more than 3,800 calories. That’s more than a pound of weight loss in one day’s shopping trip. If you go to the market twice a week, like most Americans, you’d save enough calories to lose—I’m not kidding—more than 100 pounds in the coming year. And that’s just from these 10 swaps, excerpted from the all-new Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide. When you know the smartest choices to make when it comes to eating all your favorite foods, it's easy to melt belly fat without dieting.
#10: Worst “Healthy” Frozen Entrée Healthy Choice Roasted Sesame Chicken
440 calories
9 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
470 mg sodium
23 g sugars
Reality check: The name says roasted chicken, but read the fine print and you see the meat is coated in flour and then cooked in vegetable oil. Sounds an awful lot like fried chicken, doesn’t it? Then Healthy Choice soaks the pasta in pineapple juice and coats the fruit side dish in a sweetened syrup to deliver a candy bar’s worth of sugar. Healthy? Hardly.
SUGAR EQUIVALENT: 3 Krispy Kreme Traditional Cake Donuts
Eat This Instead!
Kashi Southwest Style Chicken
310 calories
5 g fat (1 g saturated)
680 mg sodium
3 g sugars
Politics 2012: Web tool makes it easy to learn about candidates
by Nicole Debevec,
United Press International
November 6, 2011
Republican presidential candidates participate in the CNN sponsored GOP debate at the Florida State fairgrounds, in Tampa, Florida on Sept. 12, 2011. VoteEasy could make it easier to decide which one has views closest to a voter's own. Voters can vet 2012 U.S. presidential and congressional candidates to see how they mesh with their own views without all the distractions and dissonance created by debates and sound bites. The interactive online tool VoteEasy, housed on VoteSmart.org, puts hours of research on candidates and issues just a few mouse-clicks away from a voter's fingertips, allowing instant information on which candidates align with their own positions on key issues facing the country.
Visitors to VoteEasy key in their ZIP code to answer the same questions their candidates were asked, and VoteEasy displays the candidate or candidates most like them, with the option to drill deeper into the details of the candidates' records. The data in VoteEasy combine responses to the organization's Political Courage Test directly from congressional candidates and information compiled by Vote Smart researchers on 12 hot-button issues: abortion, Afghanistan, crime, economy, education, environment, guns, healthcare, immigration, social issues, Social Security and taxes. VoteEasy and Project Vote Smart represent a simple concept that's hard to achieve, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball says. It is a huge virtual warehouse of information about candidates of all political stripes developed by people whose only goal is to fill that warehouse.
"We cover all candidates," Kimball said of the political research center based in the Montana Rockies. "And they all get the same deference. … We don't have an ax to grind."
If the staff fails to get information from the candidates directly, then a "very thorough examination of records, comments, voting records, ratings review -- everything -- and divine, if you will, what would be the answer to the question if the candidate had [the] courage to answer it in the first place," Kimball said. Candidates get another opportunity to talk to Project Vote Smart volunteers, Kimball says, because they're told, "We're going to answer on your behalf. If you think we're wrong, tell us. We'll clarify it." Kimball said candidates should want to do "the right and honorable thing" and be as transparent as possible with the voting masses, but he's found "fewer candidates are willing to go on the record." While traffic hasn't been as high as he and others had hoped, Kimball said he expects more people will visit the site once the 2012 election cycle really heats up. Right now, politicos, researchers and people into politics visit the site, Kimball said. Citizens, he said, will visit as Election Day draws closer. This is the first year no presidential candidate [....]
A Timeline of the Top-Selling Christmas Gifts... Ever.
by Esquire Magazine
A year-by-year look back over the last eight decades at the must-have presents that sent parents a-tramplin'.
2011: Let's Rock Elmo (Hasbro)
The Big Deal: Elmo doesn't just laugh his ass off like he did 15 years ago or babble incessantly like he did in 2008. This time, the character that never fails to captivate toy-market watchers (one of whom actually calls this "virtually the only exciting product" of the season) applies a more mature instinct: He's a bona fide rock star, albeit a very polite one. Let's Rock Elmo comes with a mic, tambourine, and drum set (anything more than percussion costs extra) and can launch into versions of "What I Like About You" and "It Takes Two." There are a few frightening video demonstrations out there, if you must.
The Weird Part: That Elmo is back yet again. And that he pairs surprisingly well with a certain adult singer-songwriter.
Where to Buy It Today: Prices starting at $50 on Yahoo! Shopping
2010: Apple iPad
The Big Deal: Really, were there any other contenders? It's the first of its kind — a slim tablet that lets you seamlessly glide between movies, music, browsing the web, and Street Fighter beat-downs. With Wi-Fi and 3G, everything from racing simulators to magazines are just a touch away. And don't get us started on that gorgeous LED display.
The Weird Part: You can use the iPad to do just about anything, but you're probably going to waste all your time on Angry Birds, which has been purchased over 10 million times on Apple's App Store.
Where to Buy It Today: Apple iPad Wi-Fi + 3G and iPad 2 available on Yahoo! Shopping at $499.
2007: iPod Touch (Apple)
The Big Deal: The first touchscreen and Web-enabled iPod went from annual fanboy fantasy to national must-have, largely because [....]
Earn more, work less: 8 great jobs that escape the rat race
by Sarah B. Weir,
Yahoo! blogger
Power Your Future
December 22, 2011
Yoga teacher and self-titled "Life Stylist" Sadie Nardini advises her clients, "Think huge-small and medium have a lot of competition." That's just what she did when she went from being a broke, harried studio yoga teacher to harnessing technology, streamlining her workload, and earning in a day what she used to make in a week. In 2010, she put in the hours she wanted and netted close to $300,000.
Nardini got her start as a yoga teacher moonlighting after her day job in cubicle land. Eventually, she got fed up with laboring long days for little money doing office work and decided to teach full time. Soon enough, she was teaching 25 classes a week and feeling just as burnt out as before. "I love the scene in 'Finding Nemo' where he swims into the current with the sea turtles and speeds effortlessly toward his goal," she says. "I asked myself, 'How can I be more passive and less active income-wise?'"
Nardini posted free online videos to gain a wider audience. Now she has 25,000 subscribers on YouTube and 40,000 Facebook followers. She started selling DVDs and teaching at large conferences instead of small classes. She branched out into wellness counseling and life coaching. On a practical level, she set up automatic responses on her website and outsourced all of her administrative work.
Nardini says that fear gets in the way of people actually doing something instead of just talking about it. "People often have skills that they doubt anyone will care about. I advised a friend who loved making bracelets to sell them on Etsy. A magazine featured her work and within a month she had earned more money from her bracelets than she had made in a year working an office job."
Here are seven more jobs that offer flexibility, fun, and a good wage:
Massage Therapist
According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), the majority of massage therapists work under 27 hours a week. Massage therapist Jenny Adams, who has practiced in Pennsylvania for 20 years, describes the benefits of her career: "I get to wear comfy clothes, set my own hours, and work [....]
Best-Performing Cities 2011
by Ross DeVol, Armen Bedroussian, and
Kevin Klowden with Ka Wai Ho
December 15, 2011
Texas metros, led by number one San Antonio, took nine of the top 25 positions among the 200 largest metros in the 2010 Milken Institute Best-Performing Cities Index -- and four of the top five. Leaders in this year's index, which ranks U.S. metros based on their ability to create and sustain jobs, are cities that most benefited from renewed investment in business equipment; have diversified technology bases, which also drive growth in business and professional services; are exposed to America's booming energy sector; and are home to a large military presence.
The 2011 top 10 performers (with 2010 rankings) of the 200 largest metros:
1. San Antonio, TX (14)
2. El Paso, TX (9)
3. Fort Collins- Loveland, CO (50)
4. Austin-Round Rock, TX (2)
5. Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood, TX (1)
6. Salt Lake City, UT (49)
7. Anchorage, AK (8)
8. Huntsville, AL (3)
9. Provo-Orem, UT (25)
10. Kennewick-Richland-Pasco WA (5)
The Best Performing Cities index includes both long-term (five years) and short-term (one year) measurements of employment and salary growth. There are also four [....]
Until Next Sunday....The program's volunteers -- all unpaid interns -- try to directly ask candidates 15 questions and document six efforts if they're rebuffed, Kimball said.Luckily for all involved, Richardson did step in to stop a shocking attack before it became a deadly one. As it is, Ricketts is still facing charges of first-degree attempted assault, second-degree assault and criminal possession of a weapon, and is likely to lose a job in which she was previously highly respected. It remains uncertain what caused the longtime English teacher to snap -- the two teachers were reportedly talking in the hallway moments before the screwdriver attack -- but Ricketts is now facing potentially life-changing charges, all while Glozier faces [....]Paul’s invocation of a Nixonian “enemies list” provides a useful framework for examining the conduct of this administration – which is simultaneously trying to muzzle and strong-arm corporate and individual citizens. Paul didn’t stop there – blasting Obama for his recent threat to require government contractors to disclose donations to groups that participate in political activities. The running spat appears to be the sole open line of communication between Americans and the Taliban after exploratory peace talks collapsed this year. U.S. military officials [....]
Saturday, December 24, 2011
"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; December 24th
A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 12/24/2011
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
December 24, 2011
THE "CLOWN PRINCE:" Hi everyone. As you gather with family and friends this weekend, "Clown Princess" Michelle, "Dutchess" Malia, "Dutchess" Sasha and I – and of course Bo – want to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
THE "CLOWN PRINCESS:" This is such a wonderful time of year. It’s a time to honor the story of love and redemption that began 2,000 years ago … a time to see the world through a child’s eyes and rediscover the magic all around us … and a time to give thanks for the gifts that bless us every single day. This holiday season at the White House, we wanted to show our thanks with a special holiday tribute to some of the strongest, bravest, and most resilient members of our American family – the men and women who wear our country’s uniform and the families who support them.
[What they're not telling you: While you may think we're all about thanking those who risk their lives preserving and defending America's Constitution and the former American way of life--we are not!! We generally hold all those who earn a wage in contempt; reserving our gratitude for the non-working 54% of "Americans-of-working-age" who believe our combined bullshit on the campaign trail; whom we expect to return us to OUR palace for another catastrophic four-years!!]
THE "CLOWN PRINCE:" For many military families, the best gift this year is a simple one – welcoming a loved one back for the holidays. You see, after nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is over. Our troops are coming home. And across America, military families are being reunited. So let’s take a moment to give thanks for their service; for their families’ service; for our veterans’ service. And let’s say a prayer for all our troops standing post all over the world, especially our brave men and women in Afghanistan who are serving, even as we speak, in harm’s way to protect the freedoms and security we hold dear.
THE "CLOWN PRINCESS:" Our veterans, troops, and military families sacrifice so much for us. So this holiday season, let’s make sure that all of them know just how much we appreciate everything they do. Let’s ask ourselves, “How can I give back? How can my family serve them as well as they’ve served us” One way you can get started is to visit JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can get involved in your community.
[What they're not telling you: We'd like you not to check out some Christmas parodies as published on Glenn Beck's website (http://www.theblaze.com/): http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-12-days-of-christmas-the-obama-version-other-presidential-christmas-parodies/. While the basis of the "12 Days..." parody is factual, it does nothing for enhancing my voter base with actual wage-earners! After hearing the parody we did chuckle, but for the actual truthfulness of it!!
The ending of the war in Iraq does not--in any stretch of the imagination--mean victory in Iraq!! It means merely a cessation of hostilities!! The owe-bama Regime has done a great dis-service to America's military men and women by leaving the country early and in the hands of future terrorists. Erstwhile the large majority of America's armed-kerfuffles have ended in victory; the current and future ones will be political "give-aways" by this regime. Once we've shown the rest of humanity we're not the least-bit interested in war or even militarily defending our principles, it'll be "Katy-bar-the-door" here come the terrorists, streaming across America's seive-like borders!!]
THE "CLOWN PRINCE:" Giving of ourselves; service to others – that’s what this season is all about. For my family and millions of Americans, that’s what Christmas is all about. It reminds us that part of what it means to love God is to love one another, to be our brother’s keeper and our sister’s keeper. But that belief is not just at the center of our Christian faith, it’s shared by Americans of all faiths and backgrounds. It’s why so many of us, every year, volunteer our time to help those most in need; especially our hungry and our homeless. So whatever you believe, wherever you’re from, let’s remember the spirit of service that connects us all this season – as Americans. Each of us can do our part to serve our communities and our country, not just today, but every day.
[What they're not telling you: That 'giving of ourselves; service to others' to the owe-bama royal family means we do our best to convince the taxpaying American public that having cash; having material riches; having the possibility of The American Dream are--in reality--detrimental to the public wellbeing!! For those purposes, we take our MONTHLY VACATIONS as a method of putting more of the pubic largess into the economy. Like "hair-plug" biden says: to remove on-going unemployment benefits from the economy is tantamount to another tax-increase; to another hit on family income!!
So--as far into the future as we can--we'll continue our MONTHLY VACATIONS to the tune of $4 Million-PLUS, depending if "Clown Princess" Michelle wants to feel and display "nigra-rich" and fly around the country--nay, the world--on her private(?) 737 jet!! We both live a lifestyle we could never afford; a lifestyle that our handlers would never buy for us!! All that giving back crap; all that service to others crap, is just that: C-R-A-P!! The only axiom we believe in is:
"Take from others as fast as you can--as much as you can; before they figure out what'cher doing!!"]
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
December 24, 2011
THE "CLOWN PRINCE:" Hi everyone. As you gather with family and friends this weekend, "Clown Princess" Michelle, "Dutchess" Malia, "Dutchess" Sasha and I – and of course Bo – want to wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
THE "CLOWN PRINCESS:" This is such a wonderful time of year. It’s a time to honor the story of love and redemption that began 2,000 years ago … a time to see the world through a child’s eyes and rediscover the magic all around us … and a time to give thanks for the gifts that bless us every single day. This holiday season at the White House, we wanted to show our thanks with a special holiday tribute to some of the strongest, bravest, and most resilient members of our American family – the men and women who wear our country’s uniform and the families who support them.
[What they're not telling you: While you may think we're all about thanking those who risk their lives preserving and defending America's Constitution and the former American way of life--we are not!! We generally hold all those who earn a wage in contempt; reserving our gratitude for the non-working 54% of "Americans-of-working-age" who believe our combined bullshit on the campaign trail; whom we expect to return us to OUR palace for another catastrophic four-years!!]
THE "CLOWN PRINCE:" For many military families, the best gift this year is a simple one – welcoming a loved one back for the holidays. You see, after nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is over. Our troops are coming home. And across America, military families are being reunited. So let’s take a moment to give thanks for their service; for their families’ service; for our veterans’ service. And let’s say a prayer for all our troops standing post all over the world, especially our brave men and women in Afghanistan who are serving, even as we speak, in harm’s way to protect the freedoms and security we hold dear.
THE "CLOWN PRINCESS:" Our veterans, troops, and military families sacrifice so much for us. So this holiday season, let’s make sure that all of them know just how much we appreciate everything they do. Let’s ask ourselves, “How can I give back? How can my family serve them as well as they’ve served us” One way you can get started is to visit JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can get involved in your community.
[What they're not telling you: We'd like you not to check out some Christmas parodies as published on Glenn Beck's website (http://www.theblaze.com/): http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-12-days-of-christmas-the-obama-version-other-presidential-christmas-parodies/. While the basis of the "12 Days..." parody is factual, it does nothing for enhancing my voter base with actual wage-earners! After hearing the parody we did chuckle, but for the actual truthfulness of it!!
The ending of the war in Iraq does not--in any stretch of the imagination--mean victory in Iraq!! It means merely a cessation of hostilities!! The owe-bama Regime has done a great dis-service to America's military men and women by leaving the country early and in the hands of future terrorists. Erstwhile the large majority of America's armed-kerfuffles have ended in victory; the current and future ones will be political "give-aways" by this regime. Once we've shown the rest of humanity we're not the least-bit interested in war or even militarily defending our principles, it'll be "Katy-bar-the-door" here come the terrorists, streaming across America's seive-like borders!!]
THE "CLOWN PRINCE:" Giving of ourselves; service to others – that’s what this season is all about. For my family and millions of Americans, that’s what Christmas is all about. It reminds us that part of what it means to love God is to love one another, to be our brother’s keeper and our sister’s keeper. But that belief is not just at the center of our Christian faith, it’s shared by Americans of all faiths and backgrounds. It’s why so many of us, every year, volunteer our time to help those most in need; especially our hungry and our homeless. So whatever you believe, wherever you’re from, let’s remember the spirit of service that connects us all this season – as Americans. Each of us can do our part to serve our communities and our country, not just today, but every day.
[What they're not telling you: That 'giving of ourselves; service to others' to the owe-bama royal family means we do our best to convince the taxpaying American public that having cash; having material riches; having the possibility of The American Dream are--in reality--detrimental to the public wellbeing!! For those purposes, we take our MONTHLY VACATIONS as a method of putting more of the pubic largess into the economy. Like "hair-plug" biden says: to remove on-going unemployment benefits from the economy is tantamount to another tax-increase; to another hit on family income!!
So--as far into the future as we can--we'll continue our MONTHLY VACATIONS to the tune of $4 Million-PLUS, depending if "Clown Princess" Michelle wants to feel and display "nigra-rich" and fly around the country--nay, the world--on her private(?) 737 jet!! We both live a lifestyle we could never afford; a lifestyle that our handlers would never buy for us!! All that giving back crap; all that service to others crap, is just that: C-R-A-P!! The only axiom we believe in is:
"Take from others as fast as you can--as much as you can; before they figure out what'cher doing!!"]
This'n'That; December Twenty-Fourth #1; Entitlements
Call It What It Is.... and FIX IT!!
Family Assistance; Aid to Families with Dependent Children; food stamps; SSI; cash compensation for low-income workers; free healthcare; utility bill assistance, just a few of the aliases welfare goes by. The word 'welfare' is the only one that applies to this multitude of benefits of the 'sweat of others!'
Welfare--as we know it--has it's beginnings with The Franklin Roosevelt administration in the early 1930s. Prior to that, most assistance was handled at the county level, and normally any cash benefits were repaid when possible. President Lyndon Johnson continued--nay, greatly expanded--the various programs inplace at the time. The 'Johnson' programs were expanded by republicRATics as well, namely Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
After some political "slight-of-hand" both then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and ex-President "Slick-Willie" Clinton deemed the welfare system 'reformed.' That reformation largely transferred recipients from the 'welfare system' as we know it, into SSI (Supplemental Security Income). A major point in the reformation was The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). Along the way, PRWORA instituted TANF (largely Aid to Knocked Up Young Teens-Sperm Donor, Unknown) which replaced the 1935-era AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).
Social Security old-age benefits have long been termed 'entitlements;' THEY ARE NOT!! Welfare is entirely funded by the largess of the taxpayer via the confiscatory tax code of the federal government. Social Security and it's offspring, Medicare--in federal mythology--is funded by individual workers paying into the non-existent federal Social Security "lockbox." These funds were originally to be invested for the benefit of the eventual recipients; not so much any more! By law, any funds not paid out in benefits are to be loaned to the federal government's 'General Fund.' The federal government is then required to re-pay the funds and interest to the Social Security Trust Fund. As is the norm with the 'Ruling Class,' not only do they not repay the Social Security debt, they don't even bother to produce a CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED annual federal budget!! As of December, 2009: The Social Security Trust Fund is owed $2,900,000,000,000.00 (2.9TRILLION BUCKS!!).
There comes a point--and some think we're there now--when the 46% "pushing-the-wagon (workers)" can no longer afford to support the 54% "riding-in-the-wagon (freeloaders)!! Members of the Ruling Class continue to heap debt-upon-debt on the America's Serf Class for their personal and professional aggrandizement! That there's no reasonable way for future generations of the Serf Class to ever repay the vast debt amounts, matters not one whit to said Ruling Class!! So long as they can continue to live the luxurious lifestyle denied their constituents; so long as they can continue to be re-elected are the only driving forces behind their greed and power accumulation!!
The incessant borrowing at the federal level--if allowed to continue--will be the death knell for America's economy!! The excessive borrowing is to create a utopian society for those who won't work, by those who buy their votes! This continuing "free lunch" for the majority of working-age Americans does little beyond creating an 'entitled sub-class' whose perceived entitlement frees them from any exertions-for-pay. America now has an entire sub-set within the Serf Class that can vote for it's own 'pay' increases--much like those of the Ruling Class!! Thus far, it's continuing destruction of economic activity has had several consequences:
Mob Robberies-gangs of youths arbitrairily beat and rob or mug, individuals who appear to have no methods or means of defense.
Flash Mobs-gangs of youths and young adults almost instaneously--without perceived provocation--rise up and destroy anything and everything in their path; people, cars, buildings, public utilities-all is 'fair game!'
Personal Safety-most places that once were meccas of safety are no longer; cars, homes, barns, sheds, et al, in suburban or rural settings are now locked against those who would siphon gas, steal farm animals for food or sale; steal personal possessions, equipment for sale.
We haven't YET come close to complete-and-total economic collapse!! What we see today--the activities of everyone from the Ruling Class to the Flash Mobs--will seem like the 'Roaring Twenties' boom-times!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?
'Splain to me why WE continue to re-elect the incumbants?!?
Til Nex'Time....
Family Assistance; Aid to Families with Dependent Children; food stamps; SSI; cash compensation for low-income workers; free healthcare; utility bill assistance, just a few of the aliases welfare goes by. The word 'welfare' is the only one that applies to this multitude of benefits of the 'sweat of others!'
Welfare--as we know it--has it's beginnings with The Franklin Roosevelt administration in the early 1930s. Prior to that, most assistance was handled at the county level, and normally any cash benefits were repaid when possible. President Lyndon Johnson continued--nay, greatly expanded--the various programs inplace at the time. The 'Johnson' programs were expanded by republicRATics as well, namely Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
After some political "slight-of-hand" both then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and ex-President "Slick-Willie" Clinton deemed the welfare system 'reformed.' That reformation largely transferred recipients from the 'welfare system' as we know it, into SSI (Supplemental Security Income). A major point in the reformation was The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). Along the way, PRWORA instituted TANF (largely Aid to Knocked Up Young Teens-Sperm Donor, Unknown) which replaced the 1935-era AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).
Social Security old-age benefits have long been termed 'entitlements;' THEY ARE NOT!! Welfare is entirely funded by the largess of the taxpayer via the confiscatory tax code of the federal government. Social Security and it's offspring, Medicare--in federal mythology--is funded by individual workers paying into the non-existent federal Social Security "lockbox." These funds were originally to be invested for the benefit of the eventual recipients; not so much any more! By law, any funds not paid out in benefits are to be loaned to the federal government's 'General Fund.' The federal government is then required to re-pay the funds and interest to the Social Security Trust Fund. As is the norm with the 'Ruling Class,' not only do they not repay the Social Security debt, they don't even bother to produce a CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED annual federal budget!! As of December, 2009: The Social Security Trust Fund is owed $2,900,000,000,000.00 (2.9TRILLION BUCKS!!).
There comes a point--and some think we're there now--when the 46% "pushing-the-wagon (workers)" can no longer afford to support the 54% "riding-in-the-wagon (freeloaders)!! Members of the Ruling Class continue to heap debt-upon-debt on the America's Serf Class for their personal and professional aggrandizement! That there's no reasonable way for future generations of the Serf Class to ever repay the vast debt amounts, matters not one whit to said Ruling Class!! So long as they can continue to live the luxurious lifestyle denied their constituents; so long as they can continue to be re-elected are the only driving forces behind their greed and power accumulation!!
The incessant borrowing at the federal level--if allowed to continue--will be the death knell for America's economy!! The excessive borrowing is to create a utopian society for those who won't work, by those who buy their votes! This continuing "free lunch" for the majority of working-age Americans does little beyond creating an 'entitled sub-class' whose perceived entitlement frees them from any exertions-for-pay. America now has an entire sub-set within the Serf Class that can vote for it's own 'pay' increases--much like those of the Ruling Class!! Thus far, it's continuing destruction of economic activity has had several consequences:
Mob Robberies-gangs of youths arbitrairily beat and rob or mug, individuals who appear to have no methods or means of defense.
Flash Mobs-gangs of youths and young adults almost instaneously--without perceived provocation--rise up and destroy anything and everything in their path; people, cars, buildings, public utilities-all is 'fair game!'
Personal Safety-most places that once were meccas of safety are no longer; cars, homes, barns, sheds, et al, in suburban or rural settings are now locked against those who would siphon gas, steal farm animals for food or sale; steal personal possessions, equipment for sale.
We haven't YET come close to complete-and-total economic collapse!! What we see today--the activities of everyone from the Ruling Class to the Flash Mobs--will seem like the 'Roaring Twenties' boom-times!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?
'Splain to me why WE continue to re-elect the incumbants?!?
Til Nex'Time....
Thursday, December 22, 2011
This'n'That; December Twenty-Second #2; Powerball
Deadline looming for claiming $77 million Powerball ticket won in Georgia
By Mike Morris
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
December 21, 2011
What would you do if you won a $77 million lottery jackpot?
What would you do if you didn’t discover that you had the winning ticket until AFTER the deadline for claiming the prize?
That’s the scenario that could play out next week, because the 180-day window for the Georgia Lottery player who won the June 29 Powerball jackpot to come forward slams shut on Monday. That winning ticket, with the numbers 24, 30, 45, 57 and 59 and the “Power Ball” of 26, was sold at the Pilot Travel Center truck stop along I-20 just inside the state from Alabama, and so far, no one has come forward to stake a claim to the huge jackpot.
Since players have just 180 days to claim any prize from online games, next Tuesday will be too late to claim the money, according to Georgia Lottery spokeswoman Tandi Reddick. “Unclaimed Powerball jackpot prize funds are returned proportionately to each participating state based on that state’s sales for the particular drawing,” Reddick said. She said that in Georgia, unclaimed prize money goes back into the prize pool for future games and for special prize promotions, and is ultimately paid out to players.
Multimillion-dollar jackpots would normally need to be claimed at Georgia Lottery headquarters in downtown Atlanta or one of the seven district lottery offices around the state, but if you happen to find that $77 million jackpot-winning ticket [....]
I hope YOU have that ticket!!!
Til Nex'Time....
By Mike Morris
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
December 21, 2011
What would you do if you won a $77 million lottery jackpot?
What would you do if you didn’t discover that you had the winning ticket until AFTER the deadline for claiming the prize?
That’s the scenario that could play out next week, because the 180-day window for the Georgia Lottery player who won the June 29 Powerball jackpot to come forward slams shut on Monday. That winning ticket, with the numbers 24, 30, 45, 57 and 59 and the “Power Ball” of 26, was sold at the Pilot Travel Center truck stop along I-20 just inside the state from Alabama, and so far, no one has come forward to stake a claim to the huge jackpot.
Since players have just 180 days to claim any prize from online games, next Tuesday will be too late to claim the money, according to Georgia Lottery spokeswoman Tandi Reddick. “Unclaimed Powerball jackpot prize funds are returned proportionately to each participating state based on that state’s sales for the particular drawing,” Reddick said. She said that in Georgia, unclaimed prize money goes back into the prize pool for future games and for special prize promotions, and is ultimately paid out to players.
Multimillion-dollar jackpots would normally need to be claimed at Georgia Lottery headquarters in downtown Atlanta or one of the seven district lottery offices around the state, but if you happen to find that $77 million jackpot-winning ticket [....]
I hope YOU have that ticket!!!
Til Nex'Time....
Pilot Travel Centers,
truck stop,
winning ticket
This'n'That; December Twenty-Second #1; owe-bamanomics 101
owe-bama Pushes Fraud On Two Fronts!
Not only is "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" continuing to lie about the "payroll tax cut," he's lying by omission in that he's not said a word about how the "payroll tax cut" is being "paid for!" Although he thinks he could be the third or fourth best president in history, obama is the greatest lyin' son'uva'bitch that's ever held the office!!

Firstly, the lyin' son'uva'bitch that is obama, has consistantly called his action: the "payroll tax cut;" while it will continue the additional $19.20 in the average weekly paycheck, it's actually a method the "Clown Prince" is using to continue to bankrupt the Social Security System!! If the extension were to be for a full year, the cost to the Social Security System will be approximately $500 Billion!!

Secondly, a two-month extension of ANY piece of tax legislation is idiotic on it's face!! This period of the business-year, the accounting staff are performing their year-end-magic; reconciliations galore, plus all the federal, state and local tax mandates the businesses have to meet by year's end!!
Thirdly, the owe-bamacRATics are using total-year numbers to sway those of the serf class into their camp. Actually, the two month extension involves $153.60 for the average wage-earner, not the $1,000, owe-bamacRATics would have you believe! Remember if an owe-bamacRATic's lips are moving.... HE OR SHE IS LYING!!!

Fourthly, rather than any cuts in spending--Heaven Forbid!!--to 'pay for' this asinine continuation of the Social Security bankruptcy, the Senate owe-bamacRATics want a $15 PER MONTH increase in fees for those mortgages which go through the corrupt, bankrupt government agencies; Fannie, Freddie and FHA. The increase will amount to $180 per year--EVERY YEAR--on each $200,000 increment of a mortgage!!

Fifthly, C. Ellis Schumer--the Putz of Park Avenue--had to weigh in; had to have some face-time; some 'ink!' He has to vilify anyone in the republicRAT controlled House; this time it is Speaker John Boehner. "The Putz" had this to say about Speaker Boehner:
Were C. Ellis--"The Putz," himself--anything other than of the Jewish faith, he'd be afraid of the "Tea Party" as well. His voter-base is much like that of "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist;" those evil rich people the owe-bamacRATics vilify at every turn! He listens to them FIRST, the rest of the state-LAST!!
'Splain to me again, why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?"
Til Nex'Time....
[Illustrations from http://www.fredstates.com/]
Not only is "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" continuing to lie about the "payroll tax cut," he's lying by omission in that he's not said a word about how the "payroll tax cut" is being "paid for!" Although he thinks he could be the third or fourth best president in history, obama is the greatest lyin' son'uva'bitch that's ever held the office!!
Firstly, the lyin' son'uva'bitch that is obama, has consistantly called his action: the "payroll tax cut;" while it will continue the additional $19.20 in the average weekly paycheck, it's actually a method the "Clown Prince" is using to continue to bankrupt the Social Security System!! If the extension were to be for a full year, the cost to the Social Security System will be approximately $500 Billion!!
Secondly, a two-month extension of ANY piece of tax legislation is idiotic on it's face!! This period of the business-year, the accounting staff are performing their year-end-magic; reconciliations galore, plus all the federal, state and local tax mandates the businesses have to meet by year's end!!
Thirdly, the owe-bamacRATics are using total-year numbers to sway those of the serf class into their camp. Actually, the two month extension involves $153.60 for the average wage-earner, not the $1,000, owe-bamacRATics would have you believe! Remember if an owe-bamacRATic's lips are moving.... HE OR SHE IS LYING!!!
Fourthly, rather than any cuts in spending--Heaven Forbid!!--to 'pay for' this asinine continuation of the Social Security bankruptcy, the Senate owe-bamacRATics want a $15 PER MONTH increase in fees for those mortgages which go through the corrupt, bankrupt government agencies; Fannie, Freddie and FHA. The increase will amount to $180 per year--EVERY YEAR--on each $200,000 increment of a mortgage!!
Fifthly, C. Ellis Schumer--the Putz of Park Avenue--had to weigh in; had to have some face-time; some 'ink!' He has to vilify anyone in the republicRAT controlled House; this time it is Speaker John Boehner. "The Putz" had this to say about Speaker Boehner:
"He's afraid of the eighty Tea Party, way-out-there people in his caucus. He's letting them run the caucus, run his House."
Were C. Ellis--"The Putz," himself--anything other than of the Jewish faith, he'd be afraid of the "Tea Party" as well. His voter-base is much like that of "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist;" those evil rich people the owe-bamacRATics vilify at every turn! He listens to them FIRST, the rest of the state-LAST!!
'Splain to me again, why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?"
Til Nex'Time....
[Illustrations from http://www.fredstates.com/]
"Tea Party",
John Boehner,
social security,
tax cuts
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