7 Popular Ways You Can Be Scammed... And How to Stop Them
by Laura Moss,
Mother Nature Network (mnn.com)
March 20, 2012
Fraud and deception.
You're smart, you're financially savvy, and you'd never fall for one of those get-rich schemes. But that doesn't mean you won't get scammed. It's easy to assume that only the truly gullible are prey for con artists and scammers, but that's not always the case. Take a look at these seven popular scams.
1. ATM skimming
This type of crime has been around for decades, and as technology has improved, so have ways to duplicate ATM cards. Here's one way it works: Criminals attach a device on an ATM that captures information about [....]
Why Is the Story About Malia Obama Vacationing in Mexico Disappearing from the Web?
by Erica Ritz,
March 19, 2012
UPDATE: The Administration has just responded to the disappearing stories.
Have you heard that Malia Obama, the president’s daughter, is reportedly spending her spring break in Oaxaca, Mexico? Allegedly, she’s jetting off with some of her classmates and 25 Secret Service agents to a country that the State Department has said all Americans should avoid. But something is different about the latest “Obama vacation controversy:” references to it are disappearing from the Internet — and fast. Around 3:00 EST, a Telegraph story reporting on the event was the first to vanish (note how the url remains the same in the “before” and “after”): [....]
The North Dakota Oil Boom
by Chip Wood,
Personal Liberty Digest
March 16, 2012
More oil is being produced in North Dakota than in any other State.The average prices of a gallon of gas and a barrel of oil are near 150-year highs. Most pundits expect them to go higher. Are you ready for $5-per-gallon gasoline? In a recent speech, President Barack Obama said: “We’re not going to be able to just drill our way out of the problem of high gas prices.” Actually, to a large extent, we can. For proof, let’s compare what’s been happening in California to the extraordinary accomplishments in North Dakota. According to the Fraser Institute’s 2011 Global Petroleum Survey, California is the worst State in the Nation for its hostility to drilling. In fact, measured against the rest of the world, California ranks 91st. Thanks to years of placating environmental extremists, California’s anti-drilling regulations make it almost impossible to drill for new oil anywhere in the State, onshore or off. As a result, its [....]
[New York State] Public pension 'millionaires' club
Potential payouts over 30 years add to debate over tax costs
by Rick Karlin,
March 21, 2012
ALBANY — A fiscally conservative advocacy group from the Midwest arrived in Albany to propose an intriguing math experiment: If retired public employees maxed out their pensions by retiring early at age 55 and living to the ripe old age of 85, who would get the biggest hypothetical payout? Philip W. Wood, a retired SUNY vice chancellor for capital facilities, leads the pack in this latest iteration of the ongoing debate over public pension costs. According to Taxpayers United of America, Wood's $186,295 annual pension would be worth about $6.9 million over 30 years. The sum assumes that he retired at age 55 and lived to be 85 years old. It would [....]
[Related Content] Union ‘buy’ laws attack
Gov warns against pension revenge
by Erik Kriss,
New York Post Bureau Chief
March 21, 2012ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo yesterday suggested New York’s biggest state employee union could be buying votes by freezing campaign contributions to lawmakers who supported a bill cutting pension benefits for future government workers.
"If you are linking political contributions to a specific vote, you may get a call from the attorney general or the district attorney or JCOPE” — the state’s new ethics enforcement agency, said Cuomo. “There should be no campaign contributions for specific votes,” Cuomo — a former attorney general who warred with labor unions this month over his Tier VI pension proposal — added during an appearance on Albany’s Talk 1300 AM radio.
Civil Service Employees Association president Danny Donohue said he suspended all political contributions and endorsements on Monday as “a direct result of [....]
Obama Impeachment Bill
by Bob Livingston,
Personal Liberty Digest
March 16, 2012 Representative Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-N.C.) introduced a bill to impeach President Barack Obama.Commenting on my Wednesday column, Congressional Irrelevance, commenter James asked why I had not yet written about the Obama Impeachment Bill recently introduced in Congress by Representative Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-N.C.). Quite simply, I had not planned to comment upon it all.
A bill of impeachment is irrelevant political theater, just as it was during the Bill Clinton Presidency. Congress is a criminal enterprise and a good ole boys club. No bill of impeachment will go anywhere, because the fox is guarding the henhouse. Congress members have no fealty to the Constitution. But if they did actually believe and abide by the oath they took, they would never consider removing the first black [....]http://personalliberty.com/2012/03/16/the-obama-impeachment-bill/?eiid=
Fourth Largest Gun Maker In US Is Out Of Guns by Tyler Durden,
H/T RevolutionRadio.orgMarch 23, 2012
In a somewhat sad and shocking slap of reality to the face of our 'recovery' and 'freedom-based-debt-holdings', today's press-release-of-the-day (since we still haven't heard from BATS) goes to Sturm, Ruger (the 4th largest gun-maker in the US) who after receiving orders for over one million units in Q1 has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR), announced today that for the first quarter 2012, the Company has received orders for more than one million units. Therefore, the Company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders.
Chief Executive Officer Michael O. Fifer made the following comments:
The Company's Retailer Programs that were offered from January 1, 2012 through February 29, 2012 were very successful and generated significant orders from retailers to independent wholesale distributors for Ruger firearms. Year-to-date, the [....]http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/
NFL star Hines Ward to sell $7.5 million home by Josh Lindenbaum,
March 20, 2012
[Photo Caption:]
Pro football receiver Hines Ward went for a "W Hotel" look with his mansion in Atlanta.
Photo: Curbed
Hines Ward has been a football player. And a dancer. Back in August of last year when Curbed Atlanta was in its infancy and keeping a decidedly low profile, we ran a profile of the NFL Pro Bowler / Dancing With the Stars Winner / architecture buff's mansion, which he has now listed for sale for $7,500,000. Reports of [....] http://realestate.yahoo.com/promo/nfl-star-hines-ward-to-sell-75-million-home.html
Billions flowed to organizations with lawmaker, family ties Staff Report,
March 21, 2012 Members of Congress have earmarked at least $3.11 billion since 2007 for organizations connected to them or their family members - such as clients, employers or alma maters. That's one number that emerges from a ground-breaking database LegiStorm has compiled of family ties of members of Congress, built on an exhaustive report by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). The work highlights the intersection of the public work of members of Congress with their private interests. The full CREW report can be found at http://www.citizensforethics.org/familyaffair.
CREW explored a range of family ties, including: Family members on the campaign or official payroll; lawmakers directing earmarks to family members' groups; lobbyists trading on their family connections to Capitol Hill. For example, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) has paid his girlfriend Patricia Williams more than $1.5 million in salary from his official congressional office since 2000 even while he privately owes her as much as $1 million in legal fees. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) paid six family members salary or fees from his campaign - more than any other member - and five other family members were reimbursed for expenses. Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) paid his wife nearly $240,000 in salary over two campaign cycles to act as treasurer. CREW's report examines these and scores of other examples in which members of the House of Representatives may have conveyed advantage to their family members based on their public office.
CREW's report is the first-ever complete study of how members of the House of Representatives use their positions to benefit themselves and their families. The organization did a similar, smaller study in 2007, but expanded the scope this time to review the family ties of every current representative.
Meanwhile, LegiStorm has been quietly mapping family relations among members of Congress, their staff and lobbyists for years. Now, with the partnership of CREW, we are able to [....]http://www.legistorm.com/blog/billions-flowed-to-organizations-with-lawmaker-family-ties.html
Modern FamilyPlural relationships have gotten a bad name, thanks to lascivious cult leaders like Warren Jeffs.by Alex French,
Details Magazine
November 2011 Issue On an unseasonably cool August Sunday morning in Topanga Canyon, just north of Malibu, a family of four arrives at the Inn of the Seventh Ray, an all-cage-free, everything-local restaurant that's typical of the neighborhood. This brunch is a welcome respite from the errands and worries that increasingly fill their days. Jaiya Ma, the center of the clan, is a 34-year-old with dark, wavy hair and caramel skin. Her life is wide open; she falls in love easily, suffers willingly. Next to her is Ian Ferguson, a thin 44-year-old with a shaved head and a goatee, feeding bits of eggs Benedict to their energetic 2-year-old son, Eamon. Ian and Jaiya have been lovers for four years. Sitting across from Jaiya is Jon Hanauer, an extremely fit 48-year-old wearing wire-rimmed glasses, who serves as Eamon's primary caretaker. He and Jaiya have been in a committed relationship for almost a decade. They all live together just a few [....]http://www.details.com/culture-trends/critical-eye/201111/polyandry-plural-families
Keeping Terrorism in Perspectiveby Scott Stewart,
March 22, 2012 As we conclude our series on the fundamentals of terrorism, it is only fitting that we do so with a discussion of the importance of keeping terrorism in perspective.
By design, terrorist attacks are intended to have a psychological impact far outweighing the physical damage the attack causes. As their name suggests, they are meant to cause terror that amplifies the actual attack. A target population responding to a terrorist attack with panic and hysteria allows the perpetrators to obtain a maximum return on their physical effort. Certainly, al Qaeda reaped such a maximum return from the Sept. 11 attacks, which totally altered the foreign policy and domestic security policies of the world's only superpower and resulted in the invasion of Afghanistan and military operations across the globe. Al Qaeda also maximized its return from the March 11, 2004, Madrid train bombings, which occurred three days before the 2004 Spanish general elections that ousted the ruling party from power.
One way to mitigate the psychological impact of terrorism is to remove the mystique and hype associated with it. The first step in this demystification is recognizing that terrorism is a tactic used by a variety of actors and that it will not go away, something we discussed at length in our first analysis in this series. Terrorism and, more broadly, violence are and will remain part of the human condition. The Chinese, for example [....]http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/keeping-terrorism-perspective?utm_source=freelist-f&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20120322&utm_term=sweekly&utm_content=readmore&elq=39bd80cbc4614b83b452e0d9ce5c3fe1
New photo clue energizes next Earhart searchby Brian Burnes,
The Kansas City Star
March 21, 2012Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum Timeline
June 1, 1937: Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan begin trans-global flight.
July 2, 1937: The plane leaves for Howland Island, never to be seen again.
Oct. 1940: Bones are found with old sextant box on Gardner Island, but are lost during World War II.
Sept. 1989: First expedition of the International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery to Gardner, now called Nikumaroro.
Oct. 1991: The group finds heel to woman’s shoe.
Jan. 1996: The group finds Plexiglas pieces.
July 2010: The group finds bone fragments but DNA is unusable.
July 2012: The group prepares to use robotic subs to search off the reef.
This summer, 75 years after the aviator’s plane lost contact with the world, Amelia Earhart’s disappearance could be solved. Or not. What makes this summer’s expedition different from many other failed forays?
A new look at an old photograph.
And official ballast.
Hillary Clinton is aboard, figuratively, this time.
As is Robert Ballard, the explorer who located the wreck of [....]http://www.kansascity.com/2012/03/20/3503376/new-photographic-clue-energizes.html
Left Wants Classes Promoting Racism In Arizona SchoolsStaff Report,
March 21, 2012On January 1,2011, a law banning certain “ethnic studies” classes went into effect in Arizona. The law makes it illegal for a school district to teach courses which “promote the overthrow of the US government,promote resentment of a particular race or class of people,are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group,or advocate ‘ethnic solidarity’ instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.” But it was not the ever-compassionate,ethnicity-conscious left which wrote and implemented legislation making it a crime to teach violence and racism. Rather,the law was passed by the Republican-controlled Arizona legislature and signed by the State’s Republican governor.
And the left is fit to be tied over it!
According to one liberal professor,the Arizona legislature has committed “ethnocide,” or more properly “ethnonormativity” by implementing a law which hopes to preserve some semblance of sanity in Arizona schools. As the professor puts it,the law “takes the teachings of one culture—the colonizer’s—and makes it the standard version of history while literally banning other accounts,turning the master narrative into the ‘normal’ one…” In short, the evil “colonizing white man” has once [....]http://www.exposeobama.com/2012/03/21/left-wants-classes-promoting-racism-in-arizona-schools/
Obama’s Latest Executive Order NDRP:
Martial Law, Confiscation of Private Property and Forced Labor Posted by "Paul,"
Rochester, N.Y.
March 20, 2012 Another very interesting article about this power grab courtesy of our friend at Poor Richards Blog. I'd say the only difference between crazy conspiracy theories and recent executive orders is NOTHING.
Please do not gloss this one over the similarities between Obama and Mussolini are astonishing.
Question: Is it possible to be a socialist, communist, and fascist all at the same time?
Answer: Hopey Changey makes all things possible!
Copy of Article Below
March 19, 2012
On Friday, March 16, Obama issued another unconstitutional executive order. The National Defense Resources Preparedness EO allows the government to confiscate your property without due process under the direction of Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security.
[Obama Il Duce: Executive order permits government and corporations to steal private property.] Obama’s EO allows the president to “take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements” in the event of a “potential threat to the security of the United States.” Obama’s latest EO demonstrates once again that the executive will continue to violate the Constitution, in particular Article I, Section 1, which states: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Any enactment of law by the executive is made in Excess of Jurisdiction and is by definition treason.
Fascist Executive Orders
Obama’s latest EO underscores and reemphasizes Bill Clinton’s EO 12919, signed on June 6, 1994.
Clinton’s 12919 followed a number of earlier [....]http://www.wesurroundrochester.com/messages/boards/thread/21579262?thread=21579262
These "Pick-and-Shovel" Investments Pay Double-Digit Dividend Yieldsby Nathan Slaughter,
March 22, 2012 When gold was first discovered at Sutter's Mill in the foothills of California's Sierra Nevada mountains in 1848, thousands of people dropped everything and headed west with dreams of striking it rich. Within a year, San Francisco was transformed from a sleepy outpost with a few dozen shacks into a bustling mining hub. As gold fever spread, would-be prospectors poured in by the boatload from as far away as Chile and Hawaii. There was plenty of gold to be had in rivers and streams, particularly in the early days. But much of it went to larger operations that utilized high-volume hydraulic recovery techniques. The average miner sifting with a simple pan or other crude device was lucky to break even and recoup expenses. Thousands went home disillusioned and broke. But while the great gold rush was a bust for many, the huge population influx was a boon for gaming houses, saloons and brothels. Several entrepreneurs made a fortune, among them a peddler of denim pants named Levi Strauss.
In fact, the first millionaire to emerge from all of this was an enterprising retailer named Sam Brannan. Brannan famously cornered the market and bought nearly all of the available supplies of picks, shovels and pans. Then to drum up business, he ran through the streets showing everyone the newfound gold dust. Brannan was clever. He knew that some would find gold and others wouldn't -- but they would all need tools. And he was happy [....]http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/nathanslaughter/2012/03/22/these_pickandshovel_investments_pay_doubledigit_dividend_yields/page/full/
How Myanmar Liberates Asia
by Robert D. Kaplan
March 21, 2012 Myanmar's ongoing liberalization and its normalization of relations with the outside world have the possibility of profoundly affecting geopolitics in Asia -- and all for the better. Geographically, Myanmar dominates the Bay of Bengal. It is where the spheres of influence of China and India overlap. Myanmar is also abundant in oil, natural gas, coal, zinc, copper, precious stones, timber and hydropower, with some uranium deposits as well. The prize of the Indo-Pacific region, Myanmar has been locked up by dictatorship for decades, even as the Chinese have been slowly stripping it of natural resources. Think of Myanmar as another Afghanistan in terms [....]http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/how-myanmar-liberates-asia-robert-d-kaplan?utm_source=freelist-f&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20120321&utm_term=kaplan&utm_content=readmore&elq=7a292ef3ece7474c8fd41457b26923e4
Highest Yield Dividend StocksStaff Report,
Date Unknown Dividend yield is one of the main factors to consider when investing in dividend-paying stocks. Watch out for "dividend traps," however -- stocks having a dividend yield of 10% and above are usually very risky investments.
[Charts containing lists of dividend paying stocks]
Afghanistan and the Long Warby George Friedman,
March 19, 2012 The war in Afghanistan has been under way for more than 10 years. It has not been the only war fought during this time; for seven of those years another, larger war was waged in Iraq, and smaller conflicts were under way in a number of other countries as well. But the Afghanistan War is still the longest large-scale, multi-divisional war fought in American history. An American soldier's killing of 16 Afghan civilians, including nine children, on March 11 represents only a moment in this long war, but it is an important moment.
In the course of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, military strategists in the United States developed the concept of the long war. The theory was presented in many ways, but its core argument was this: The defeat of Taliban forces and the Iraqi resistance would take a long time, but success would not end the war because Islamist terrorism [....]http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/afghanistan-and-long-war?utm_source=freelist-f&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20120320&utm_term=gweekly&utm_content=readmore&elq=109b0bf932f94c6bb74ececd41fdddc4
Forgerygate: An Open Letter To The Staff Of Andrew Breitbartby Tom Ballantyne Jr.
March 21, 2012From a Tea Party activist (and one-time fan): While I’ve never witnessed a gaggle of rats (they’re not geese, but surely they’re not a flock or a pack…although each of the three terms seems surprisingly relevant here) scurrying frantically about the deck of a sinking ship (how many can say that they have?), in the aftermath of Sheriff Joe’s apparently irrefutable findings (has anyone within the sound of my voice heard a single substantive rebuttal of even one point?), I am beginning to picture clearly just how such a scene must look…as the aforementioned “gaggle” of “conservative” (no longer can I capitalize that) “reporters,” in a lemming-like frenzy, desperately seek shelter from the deadly light (or twilight) of truth – putting their at-once sheepish and pack-like behavior on full display! (Try saying that quickly!)
Although the youthful Ben Shapiro (twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old – born in 1984) does not yet know it, he and I are (were, actually) inextricably “joined at the hip” (Surely I will be forced to deny or explain this) – on-air, at least – this past Saturday morning! You see, Ben – reportedly the youngest nationally-syndicated columnist in the country, and now Editor-At-Large of Breitbart.com – occupied the first thirteen minutes [....]http://www.westernjournalism.com/forgerygate-an-open-letter-to-the-staff-of-andrew-breitbart/
[Related Content]
Forgerygate: Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reportedby Doug Book,
March 20, 2012 Individuals and member organizations of the American media were threatened with FTC and FCC investigation if information gathered by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse concerning the forgery of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate were passed on to the American public. It was Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo who made this stunning revelation, stating “During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs.” And Jerome Corsi, author of “Where’s the birth certificate,” the book whose imminent publication was responsible for forcing Barack Obama to quickly create and place the fraudulent long form birth certificate on the White House web site, has said that “Testimony is being developed that the White House is intimidating, in a systematic way, the mainstream media and if any broadcasters dare go into this birther story, they’re going to risk FCC investigations… people are going to have careers ruined… thrown off the air.” Zullo went on to say the [....]http://www.westernjournalism.com/forgerygate-media-threatened-with-federal-investigations-if-obama-birth-certificate-story-reported/
1940 Census To Be Released Soon“Unlike previous census years, images of the 1940 U.S. Federal Census will be made available as free digital images.”
On April 2, 2012, NARA will provide access to the images of the 1940 United States Federal Census for the first time. Unlike previous census years, images of the 1940 U.S. Federal Census will be made available as free digital images. Upon its release, the 1940 U.S. Census Community Project, a joint initiative between Archives.com, FamilySearch, findmypast.com, and other leading genealogy organizations, will coordinate [....]https://the1940census.com/
Until Next Sunday....
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