Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This'n'That; March Fourteenth #2; Her....?!?

Why Her, Why Now?!?
Has the "Clown Prince's" pucker-factor gone stratospheric?!? 
The "Clown Prince's" gott'a be "shakin' like a dog shittin' razor-blades!!" 
This "Clownish" attempt at re-immaculation ain't goin' zackly as planned!!
    One of "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist's" recent campaign TV spots is all about denegrating Sarah Palin....duh, where'd that come from?!?
This guy--and/or his campaign chairman--is about 3-1/2 years outt'a phase!!
Hey owe-bama!?!  In case ya hadn't noticed.... it's 2012 now!!
Ya can tell by the doubling of the gas price!! 
Sarah Palin was important to you--election-wise--in 2008; not so much now....!! 
Unless--of course--there's a brokered convention and someone picks her as a running mate....
THEN ya better bend over and kiss yer ass good-bye!!
Sarah responds:
Let’s Talk About the Real Issues, Mr. President

by Sarah Palin,
Via Facebook
March 12, 2012
    The far Left continues to believe American voters are not smart enough to grasp the diversionary tactics it employs to distract us from the issues our President just doesn’t want to talk about – issues that affect us all every day and must be addressed.
    Exhibit A in these diversionary tactics is an absurd new attack ad President Obama has released taking my comments out of context. I’m not running for any office, but I’m more than happy to accept the dubious honor of being Barack Obama’s “enemy of the week” if that includes the opportunity to debate him on the issues Americans are actually concerned about. (Remember when I said you don’t need a title to make a difference?)
    Just off the top of my head, a few of these concerning issues include: a debt crisis that has us hurtling towards a Greek-style collapse, entitlement programs going bankrupt, a credit downgrade for the first time in our history, a government [....]
Til Nex'Time....
[Make a special point to read the comments at the end of the article!!]
[Sarah fights back!!]



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