Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This'n'That; March Seventh #1; "Clown" Blather

More Importantly, What he DIDN'T Say!
[The blather 'decoded!']
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
Pamphleteer Briefing Room
March 6, 2012
The "Clown Prince:"  Good afternoon, everybody. Now, I understand there are some political contests going on tonight, but I thought I’d start the day off by taking a few questions, which I’m sure will not be political in nature. (Laughter.) Before I do, I want to make a few announcements about some steps we’re taking to help responsible homeowners who’ve been struggling through this housing crisis.
Oh, Crap!!  The cat's outt'a the bag!!  I dam' sure didn't want you guys to know that my day starts at 1:15 PM!!  Shit!! 
What you have to understand is that I abhor anyone getting more 'face-time' infront of the national pamphleteers than I do.  I'll go to any lengths to upstage anyone so bold as to get between me and the nearest camera!
We've clearly seen some positive economic news over the last few months. Businesses have created about 3.7 million new jobs over the last two years. Manufacturers are hiring for the first time since the 1990s. The auto industry is back and hiring more than 200,000 people over the last few years. Confidence is up. And the economy is getting stronger.
Some of that positive news: 
the true unemployment rate has not yet reached 17%;
gas prices have not doubled everywhere in the country;
I've not started another war with no U.S. interests at stake;
"Michelle Antoinette" and the girls haven't taken this month's multi-million-dollar vacation yet,
and lots of other lesser items the American people aren't really interested in. 
But there are still millions of Americans who can’t find a job. There are millions more who are having a tough time making the rent or the mortgage, paying for gas or groceries. So our job in Washington isn’t to sit back and do nothing. And it’s certainly not to stand in the way of this recovery. Right now we've got to do everything we can to speed it up.
I really have no solution to this 'jobs' kerfuffle; every jobs proposal I've spewed forth to the Congress has been soundly rejected by the Senate, which is controlled by my own party--the owe-bamacRATics!  I do have one question that some of you in the audience may know the answer to: how does one speed up something that doesn't even exist yet?!?  And by that I mean the recovery.... If we had one, I sure-as-hell missed it!  The last campaign trip I must'a spent $80-$90 out of my own pocket.... Where's the 'recovery' in that?!?
Now, Congress did the right thing when they passed part of my jobs plan and prevented a tax hike on 160 million working Americans this year. And that was a good first step. But it’s not enough. They can’t just stop there and wait for the next election to come around. There are a few things they can do right now that could make a real difference in people’s lives.
The Congress played right into my hand: they passed that rediculous payroll tax break!  Not only did it benefit me in that most of the "KoolAid drinkin'" sector of America actually thought it was more beneficial than preserving and protecting the Social Security system!!!  See, the payroll tax is the only source of income for Social Security, and that $20-a-week in the paycheck sure-as-hell ain't gonna make that bigg'a difference no matter how many whiney-asses I parade in front of the American people!!
This Congress should, once and for all, end tax breaks for companies that are shipping jobs overseas, and use that money to reward companies that are creating jobs here in the United States. I’ve put forward a proposal that does just that, and there’s no reason why Congress can't come together and start acting on it.
SURE!!  End the tax breaks for those evil companies.... one lasting affect of that is to drive up the retail price of everything!  It's very easy for we owe-bamacRATics to whine and bitch about "Big Anything" and those evil tax breaks they get, but in the end.... who will 'pay for' each one of those breaks....?  The net result of losing the break is passed on to the consumer--you dear taxpayer--in the form of higher prices!
This Congress could hold a vote on the Buffett Rule so that we don’t have billionaires paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That’s just common sense. The vast majority of Americans believe it’s common sense. And if we’re serious about paying down our deficit, it’s as good a place to start as any.
What ever happened to the concept of enjoying the fruits of one's labor?!?
Where would the American auto industry be if Henry Ford had been subjected to the "Buffett Rule?!?"
Where would the American oil industry be if John D. Rockefeller had been subjected to the "Buffett Rule?!?"
Where would the American steel industry be if Andrew Carnegie had been subjected to the "Buffett Rule?!?"
Where would Walmart be if Sam Walton had been subjected to the "Buffett Rule?!?"
Where would Microsoft be if Bill Gates had been subjected to the "Buffett Rule" early-on?!?
Where would Berkshire-Hathaway be if Warren Buffett had been subjected to the "Buffett Rule" early-on?!?
Ya know.... there WILL come a time when all these rich guys will take their 'toys' and go home; they won't want to 'play (make profits)' any more!!
All this 'class-warfare' CRAP of taxing the rich has not only immediate consequences but long-range, un-foreseeable consequences.
The most serious way to start paying down the deficit is to stop me from running it 'through-the-roof!!"  Have John Boehner develop enough testicular fortitude to STOP raising the debt-ceiling every time I whine for more money!!  Forever removing 'baseline budgeting' from the American lexicon as well as removing it as the primary method the regime uses to ensure that budget items continue to grow, no matter the blather to the negative. 
And finally, this Congress should pass my proposal to give every responsible homeowner a chance to save an average of $3,000 a year by refinancing their mortgage at historically low rates. No red tape. No runaround from the banks. If you’ve been on time on your payments, if you've done the right thing, if you've acted responsibly, you should have a chance to save that money on your home -- perhaps to build up your equity, or just to have more money in your pocket that you can spend on businesses in your community. That would make a huge difference for millions of American families.
My regime will continue to remove any and all items possible from the 'personal responsibility' playbook!  No longer will any American--riding in the wagon--be held to a standard that is financially unacceptable to them!  It's time for the regime to take some responsibility and allow the housing markets, the construction markets, the auto markets, the green energy markets, et al, to be subjected to capitalism and market forces and go where they will; be it success or bankruptcy.... the bullshit has to end.... and end now!!
Now, if Congress refuses to act, I’ve said that I’ll continue to do everything in my power to act without them. Last fall, we announced an initiative that allows millions of responsible homeowners to refinance at low interest rates. Today we're taking it a step further -- we are cutting by more than half the refinancing fees that families pay for loans ensured by the Federal Housing Administration. That's going to save the typical family in that situation an extra $1,000 a year, on top of the savings that they'd also receive from refinancing. That would make refinancing even more attractive to more families. It's like another tax cut that will put more money in people's pockets. We're going to do this on our own. We don't need congressional authorization to do it.
Circumventing the U.S. Constitution and ignoring my oath-of-office are the two areas where I've had my greatest successes.  I intend to build on those successes until someone has the balls to stop me!
We're also taking a series of steps to help homeowners who have served our country. It is unconscionable that members of our armed forces and their families have been some of those who have been most susceptible to losing their homes due to the actions of unscrupulous banks and mortgage lenders. Over the last few years that happened -- a lot.
This being an immaculation-year, now it's the military's turn to be pandered to.  As a group, the military tends to vote decidedly republican.  That has got to stop!!  The military men and women of today are far more educated--both formally and in the 'school of hard knocks.'  As such they see through socio-fascists like myself and George Soros.
So as part of the landmark settlement we reached with some of the nation's largest banks a few weeks ago, here's what we're going to do: If you are a member of the armed forces whose home was wrongfully foreclosed, you will be substantially compensated for what the bank did to you and your family. If you are a member of the armed forces with a high interest rate who was wrongfully denied the chance to lower it while you were in active serve, which banks are required to do by law, the banks will refund you the money you would have saved along with a significant penalty.
As a number, the $26 Billion settlement sounds huge to most Americans.  As 'dollars,' the settlement is a mere drop-in-the-bucket to America's five largest banks!  As such--if distributed evenly--the settlement will have a miniscule if any, affect on most homeowners.  But, it sure as hell looks good on my resume' and will resonate well with the welfareRATs during the campaign.
The settlement will make sure that you aren't forced into foreclosure just because you have a permanent change in station but can't sell your home because you owe more than it's worth. Some of the money will also go into a fund that guarantees loans on favorable terms to our veterans, and there will be more foreclosure protections for every man and woman who is currently serving this country in harm's way.
As I've said before, no amount of money is going to be enough to make it right for a family who has had their piece of the American Dream wrongfully taken away from them, and no action -- no matter how meaningful -- will entirely heal our housing market on its own. This is not something the government by itself can solve. But I'm not one of those people who believe that we should just sit by and wait for the housing market to hit bottom. There are real things that we can do right now that would make a substantial difference in the lives of innocent, responsible homeowners. That's true in housing, and that's true in any number of different areas when it comes to ensuring that this recovery touches as many lives as possible. That's going to be my top priority as long as I hold this office, and I will do everything I can to make that progress.
I am so 'in tune' with protecting those brave souls, some time ago I recommended 'laying off' 80,000 of them during one of the worst unemployment cycles since the FDR Depression!!  The federal government is the LAST ENTITY to look to for any equitable solution!  To provide financing for all these 'do-gooder,' class-warfare schemes, the government first must confiscate those required dollars from the 46% who aren't "riding in the wagon;" from those 46% who actually pay income taxes!!
"That's my story 'n' I'm stickin' to it!!"



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