The latest distractionary kerfuffle involves ladies' wear.
Apparently Ann Romney can not spend HER OWN MONEY on whatever fashionable attire she wants.
Apparently "Michelle Antoinette" can spend THE TAXPAYERS' MONEY on those fashionable pieces she desires.
So.... what's "the big stink," here?!? Creating a distraction with the cost of a single top worn by Mrs Romney while ignoring the "Clown Princess" carrying a purse by the same designer--with a comparative cost--or the $2,250 jacket in said "Clown Princess's" closet?!?
Said $2,250 Jacket in Michelle Antoinette's closet |
The "big stink" should be the entitlement attitude the owe-bamas continually display since moving into barackingham Palace; contrasted with the Romney Family's self-sufficiency in spending their own money on whatever baubles they choose!! The baubles the owe-bamas tend to buy are "million-dollar plane rides" to their monthly vacation destinations; half-million-dollar" vacation excursions for 25-30 of their closest supporters. The owe-bamas rarely reference the source of said money, which is usually the American taxpayer!! The Romney Family doesn't have access to taxpayer funds so they spend their own money!! Who-the-hell-cares how they spend their money; it's theirs to spend as they choose!! Nearly everone cares how the owe-bamas spend money; it ain't theirs, they didn't earn it although they believe they're entitled to it!!
"We're entitled; You owe us!!" |
Someone who--verifiably--created hundreds-of-thousands of jobs or someone who preaches about the jobs he's saved without explaining the rationale for defining 'saved'?!?
Someone who saved at least one major corporation (Staples) or someone whose EPA created mountains of red-tape to hinder business growth?!?
Someone who saved an international event from bankruptcy (the 2002 Olympics=$100 million PROFIT) or someone who increased foodstamp recipients by 65% (2008-30.3million>>2012-46.6million)?!?
....and on, and on, and on, et al!
The inept clowns on the owe-bama re-immaculation campaign have chosen "Forward" as the slogan to replace the unfulfilled "Hope'n'Change," or more accurately: 'Hopeless Change.'
Given: the owe-bamaKare cram-down, against the wishes of 60+% of the American citizenry, and
Given: $52 Billion in Social Security revenues being double-counted; Medicare was reduced by $500 Billion to make owe-bamaKare seem more palatable-more financially viable, and
Given: gas pump prices are up 110% since the owe-bama immaculation, and
Given: the economy tanked since the owe-bama immaculation, and
Given: the owe-bama Regime took over (read: socialized) most of the U.S. auto industry, and
Given: the owe-bama Regime brought about the $787billion of PORKulus bail-out funds, and
Given: the owe-bama Regime's "green-energy" program translates to payoffs to campaign donors, supporters and workers, and
Given: the owe-bama Regime increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED, and
Given: the owe-bama re-immaculation effort has had more fundraisers than all presidents COMBINED from Jimmuh Cahtah forward, and on, and on!!
Why-in-hell would the sensible voter, the average American citizen want to move 'forward?!?' The owe-bama 'forward' would continue--more accurately, increase--the move into federal socialism. The owe-bama 'forward' would continue his circumvention of the U.S. Constitution in favor of a "Bilderberg Group" solution; a Soros path toward a one-world government; a one-world economy; a one-world currency!
Well, friends'n'neighbors.... ya gotta lotta thinkin' ta do in the next six-months!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....
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