Weekly Address
December 18, 2010
This week, Congress passed – and I signed into law – an essential economic package that will help grow our economy, spur businesses, and jumpstart job creation. Instead of a New Years Day tax hike on the vast majority of Americans, two million Americans who’ve lost their jobs through no fault of their own will now know with certainty that they won’t lose their emergency unemployment insurance at the end of the month. Eight million college students who’d otherwise face a tuition hike next semester will continue having access to the American Opportunity Tax Credit. Twelve million families with twenty-four million children will benefit from extensions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit. And millions of entrepreneurs who’ve been waiting to invest in their businesses will receive new tax incentives to help them expand, buy new equipment, or make upgrades, freeing up money to hire new workers. This package, which is so important for our economy at this pivotal time, was the product of hard negotiations. Like any negotiations, there was give and take on both sides. But I’m heartened by our ability to come together to do what’s best for middle class families across this country, and our economy as a whole.
[What I'm not telling you: Here's where I differed with my boss--no, not the American people--George Soros!! At first blush this bill is a clear, blantant admission that tax cuts--nay, LOW TAXES actually benefit society as a whole; businesses, large and small in particular!! Deeper scrutiny reveals that this will do practically nothing to assure my "re-selection for re-election!" While the national pamphleteers may tout this legislation as an indicator of a bipartisan relationship between the White House and the Congress; nothing could be farther from the truth!! John Boehner--the presumptive, incoming Speaker of the House--seems far more able to 'rally his troops,' than Speaker Pelosi has been of late. No one has completely convinced me that this measure will be good for a re-election bid; I'm being forced to sign this bill through the legislative process-NOT because I believe in it or, for that matter-the legislative process as a whole! I should have far more authority in creating law while ruling from this seat of authority. Oops!! SOROS is gonna be pissed!! I've gone 'off teleprompter' yet again!! It has been suggested that we've created a whole new segment of the 'dependency class' with the umpteenth extension of unemployment benefits! I can see it; so long as we can keep the actual unemployment rate (U-6) hovering in the 18-20% range--we're assured of added millions of unemployed votes as opposed to our enemies who will have lost millions of employed votes! Even though signing this tax rate extension bill left a bad taste in my mouth, I'm warming to the idea of newly added voters to the fascist cause!!
I actually wanted the tax rates extended beyond the current two years, we don't need a conservative-owned topic to deal with during my "Campaign of Fluff-TWO" run to keep my regime in control! The aforementioned admission that lower tax rates actually do aid in job creation, wealth creation and vote creation will necissitate my continuing to support lower taxes on into the forseeable future-not a good thing!! Notice how, in this blather, I'm not mentioning the millionaires and billionaires-of which I'm one of the former!!]
Before going away for the holiday break, I’m hopeful we can also come together on another urgent national priority – and that is, the new START treaty that will reduce the world’s nuclear arsenals and make America more secure. Twenty-five years ago, the Soviet Union and United States each had about 25,000 nuclear weapons. In the decades since, that number has been reduced by over 70 percent, and we have had on-site inspections of Russian nuclear facilities. That progress would not have been possible without strategic arms control treaties. During the past year, however, our old treaty with Russia expired, and without a new one, we won’t be able to verify Russia’s nuclear arsenal, which would undercut President Reagan’s call to trust, but verify, when it comes to nuclear weapons. Without a new treaty, we’ll risk turning back the progress we’ve made in our relationship with Russia, which is essential to enforce strong sanctions against Iran, secure vulnerable nuclear materials from terrorists, and resupply our troops in Afghanistan. And we’ll risk undermining American leadership not only on nuclear proliferation, but a host of other challenges around the world. Ratifying a treaty like START isn’t about winning a victory for an administration or a political party. It’s about the safety and security of the United States of America. That’s why this treaty is supported by both Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. That’s why it’s supported by every living Republican Secretary of State, our NATO allies, and the leadership of the United States military. Indeed, the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Hoss Cartwright, said this week that the military needs this treaty, and they need it badly. And that’s why every President since Ronald Reagan has pursued a treaty like START, and every one that has been reviewed by the Senate has passed with strong bipartisan support.
[What I'm not telling you: One name is truly leaving 'a bad taste in my mouth' and that's "Ronald Reagan!" Oh, how I covet the support--nay, the love and adoration--'Ronaldus- Magnus' garnered from the American populus, simply by being a straight-forward, honest 'man of the people!' His charisma defies measure! I can barely come close-even with the deceptive blather and ruthless thuggery I employ!! Oops!! There I go again; off teleprompter!! This treaty should be 'a slam dunk,' given the fair number of fascists in both houses of Congress. But, no.... they want to debate the merits of the various restrictions and reductions, as they apply to each regime. Most have very little effect on the communists; whereas, we fascists will be forced to reduce numbers like never before!! Just as a 'for instance,' look at this partial list of requirements:
- The U.S. and Russia would each be limited to 1,550 strategic nuclear warheads, down from the 2,200 permitted under the Treaty of Moscow; “In reality, neither side was going to be at 2,200”--Eric S. Edelman, Undersecretary of Defense, 2005-2009.
- Each country would be limited to having 800 nuclear missile launchers, with only 700 permitted for deployment. Russia has to do nothing, as they're only known to possess 608 strategic delivery vehicles. The U.S. has to pare back from 880 such vehicles.
- The [proposed] verification regime that it provides is less robust than the one that existed under the terms of the first START treaty. on-site inspection would not be permitted at mobile missile production facilities; and would be permitted only at declared, not undeclared, sites.
- The absence of "undeclared sites" from the inspection regime is seen as a precedent that could be invoked by others -- Iran, for example.
- There's a limitation on Conventional Prompt Global Strike weapons. We might use either a submarine-launched ballistic, or a Minuteman, missile, and put a conventional warhead on it, so the United States could strike any target in the world within 30 minutes or so; those will be counted as strategic delivery vehicles under this 700-launcher limit, even though there is not a nuclear warhead on it.
Given the few points you've just read; is it any wonder SOROS demands I be involved in all future treaty negotations?!?! I agree to anything that will promote a 'one-world' government but above all: grant me practically unlimited blather-and-face time, worldwide!! Check the list of supporters of this absurd blather; with the possible exception of the Presidents Bush, all would benefit from inclusion in a future 'one-world' government framework. If this garners true bipartisan support, only one conclusion will be evident--the 'Tea Party' movement has not done it's job!!]
We have taken the time to get this right. The START treaty has now been under review by the Senate for over seven months. It’s gone through 18 hearings. Nearly 1,000 questions have been asked – and answered. Several Republican Senators have come out in support of ratification. Meanwhile, further delay comes at a cost. Every minute we drag our feet is a minute that we have no inspectors on the ground at those Russian nuclear sites. It’s time to get this done. It’s time to show the same spirit of common purpose on our security that we showed this week on our economy. It’s time to remember the old saying that politics stops at the water’s edge. That saying was coined by a Republican Senator, Arthur Vandenberg, who partnered with a Democratic President, Harry Truman, to pass landmark national security measures at the dawn of the Cold War. Today, over sixty years later, when we’re threatened not only by nuclear weapons, but an array of other dangers, that’s a principle we must continue to uphold. Thank you, and have a nice weekend.
[What I'm not telling you: Sure, we've taken the time to get this right...... but.... right for whom?!?! Nobody asks this until: 'the 800 pound gorilla in the room' starts raisin' Hell!! I must admit, there's a valid reason for the public complacency: with the aformentioned "RONALDUS MAGNUS" there was no reason to question any reasoning in previous negotiations; Mister Reagan and his minions truly did have the nation's best interests at heart!! The republicRATs still haven't come to the realization that they won; that compromise-of-their-ideals shouldn't enter into the equation! We must ratify this language before that realization comes to the fore.]
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