We've survived through nearly two years of an American dictatorship: The obama Regime! The "Clown Prince" is determined to continue his adding of TRILLIONS of dollars to already-out-of-control federal spending, mortgaging the The American Dream for countless future generations. obama's plan to deal with the nearly $110TRILLION in unfunded liabilities seems to be "ignore it; it'll go away!!" His 'shadow government' encompassing over forty 'czars,' issues edicts that at times, adversely affect Americans at all levels. All these 'shadows-' without benefit of Senate confirmation!!
Jis 'tween you and me: I'm kinda thinkin' that the republicRATs have already forgotten the implied message brought by the latest election results. Mister Boehner needs to be reminded "We Won!!" What's all this bullshit about compromise?!?! When the Yankees were more or less assured of winning the 2009 World Series, did they negotiate a compromise with the Philadelphia Phillies? Not no, but HELL NO!!!
The single best thing that can happen 'inside the Beltway' is a government shut-down! What's the big suggested emergency in passing a cuppla-thousand page omnibus spending bill?? So what if the government shuts down? What's the net result?
- For one, all spending comes to a screeching HALT!! This means the government spending of 9 billion, 643 million, 800 thousand dollars PER DAY jis don' happen!!
- Next, the inside-the-Beltway traffic becomes nil-hence, the snowplows can catch up with snow removal.
- Next, those highly paid legislators can go back to their home districts and speak with their constituents; a rare occurance, these days!
- Next, with the legislators out of town, the equally highly paid staffers can take some welcome UNPAID time off.
- Next, the Capitol Police can allow added days off among their staff-something that rarely happens; you know how important it is to protect these thieves in Congress!
- Next, those beloved welfareRATs would have to wait to buy that 82" flat-screen TV.
- And on, and on, and on, and on; the depth of benefit is truly untold!!
- Sadly, the valiant, brave military men and women would get caught in the 'pissing contest.'
I know there are many members of both houses who've been 'seated' far longer than Mr Boehner, but they're of no concern. They won't be setting the agenda for the upcoming House session; won't be giving committee and sub-committee charmanships to their friends, i.e., "Mister Curly Lightbulb-" Fred Upton to the House Energy an Commerce Committee!! Who saw that comin'?!?!
If I had my 'druthers,' I'd druther see either Rep Paul Ryan (Wi-1) or Rep Eric Cantor (Va-7) as Speaker of the House. Whomever is left-should be the Majority Whip. I like both these men in that they're not afraid to hold anyone's feet-to-the-fire, including the "Clown Prince's!!"
Mr Boehner, do you recall the Tea Party movement's election day mandate? Let me refresh your memory--the mandate was for LESS SPENDING and SMALLER GOVERNMENT... remember those buzzwords?? The mandate was not for CONCILIATION and COMPROMISE!!
Mr Boehner, remember when--during the 'Campaign-of-Fluff'--obama promised that any upcoming legislation would be posted on the internet for five days for public scrutiny?? Remember that gaff?? We--foolishly--took him at his word; BIG MISTAKE, both then and now!! The era of 'Ruling Class Hierarcy' has come to and end!! NO LONGER are ANY of the branches of the government above public scrutiny; the taxpayer--your bosses; your benefactors--MUST BE RETURNED to their CONSTITUTIONAL position of supervision!! NOW is the time for someone with boundless "testicular fortitude" to step up and draw the metaphorical 'line-in-the-sand!!' Might that be yourself? The public should not hold out any hope for that! On the off-chance that it is you, that 'line...' most assuredly must encompass even the very basic principles and rules that govern the House's legislative as well as administrative operations. The aforementioned 'line....' must encircle--at minimum--these items:
- A 'Family' structure MUST be implanted into the legislative process.
- Amendments to pending legislation MUST fall into the primary legislation's "family," i.e., a 'pork' amendment CAN ONLY BE ATTACHED to spending legislation; a 'Don't Ask-Don't Tell' amendment CAN ONLY BE ATTACHED to military or possibly personal rights/responsibilities, legislation; Renaming a Post Office after "Senator Pork Barrel" can only be attached to an 'unnecessary actions' bill-and only ONCE A YEAR; surely you get the idea, here. This will preclude members' attaching a pet pork amendment to required, necessary legislation.
- Spending MUST be brought under control; nay-REDUCED at least to 2008 levels.
- With the exceptions of Defense and Homeland Security; NOTHING is exempt from reduction!
- Federal legislative operational spending MUST be restrained, to include:
- The 'basic pay' for the entire elected Ruling Class is approximately: $89.88MILLION!
- Individual 'basic pay' per seat is $168,000; Serf Class 'basic pay:' $26,964!
- Average number of Ruling Class 'work days' per annum: 147.5; the Serf Class: 245.
- Average wage-per-day, Ruling Class: $1,138.98; Serf Class: $110.06!
- Average wage-per-hour (7.5 hour average workday), Ruling Class: $151.86!
- Average wage-per-hour (8 hour average workday), Serf Class: $13.76.
The Senate and House leadership positions are paid $186,600; the Speaker of the House 'rapes us' with $215,700!! The same 'pay-for-play' rules MUST apply to the leadership at all levels.
The Speaker of the House of the 111th Congress has severely misused the perquisite of federal air transportation to-and-from her home district. The United States Air Force DOES NOT EXIST for the personal pleasure of any one person; it is a war asset!! With current 'longest flights' information: New York to LA-6.5 hours; Bangor, Me to San Diego-8 hours; Seattle, Wa to Key West, Fl-10.5 hours, a maximum use air-time MUST be established for say, 5 'paid' roundtrips to the home district per numbered Congress. Let's be generous in rounding the numbers here, say 110 air-hours per numbered Congress for anyone authorized federal air travel. This 'authorized federal travel' MUST be limited in number of travelers. This 'taxpayer provided' perquisite MUST not include several dozen relatives and friends--STAFF MEMBERS ONLY; limited in scope!! These Air Force provided air hours MUST be using the smallest suitable aircraft available, given current MILITARY REQUIREMENTS.
Mr Boehner, in conclusion: while you and your cohorts discuss MILLIONS and BILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars in private wealth confiscated by the IRS at your behest--the figures I've cited are infintesimal by comparison! The 'REDUCED SPENDING' mandate must start somewhere; where better than in 'your own shop?!?!'
Til Nex'Time....
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