Monday, January 10, 2011

This'n'That; January Eleventh [Palin/Tea Party/Kook Responses]

As Expected, National Pamphleteers Waste No Time In Blame!
    Just as the conservative majority expected, the national pamphleteers wasted no time in pointing their collective finger at Sarah Palin and national Tea Party movement!!  This, on

    Andrew Sullivan of the was early to attempt to link lunatic killer Jared Loughner to the Tea Party, but he wasn’t the only one. The Washington Post’s Sandhya Somashekhar immediately attempted to color the story as an example of the “militant rhetoric” of the Tea Party movement and Sarah Palin:
    Within minutes of the attack, hard left-winger Paul Krugman of the New York Times asserted that the reason Giffords was shot was because her seat was not turned over to Republicans. Despite that no political motive was at all known, Krugman immediately asserted that it was the fault of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin.
    On his blog for the Atlantic, Sullivan posted an unconfirmed and anonymous claim from “a reader who claimed to have heard people in a store callously saying that they were glad that a Republican could be appointed to replace the wounded Giffords. This “reader” also claimed that one of them said, “Well, that’s to be expected when you’re so liberal.”
Liberals on Saturday blamed the tea party movement’s sometimes militant rhetoric — for example, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s advice to her supporters via Twitter, “Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD,” or Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle (R) advocating “second-amendment remedies” for some of the nation’s problems. Palin had also posted a U.S. map depicting crosshairs over the states where she hoped to oust Democratic incumbents. That map no longer appears on the Web site of her political action committee.
    Well if that's the case, why didn't the national pamphleteers show the same level of concern when the "Clown Prince" issued WORSE utterances:
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun

** Obama to His Followers: “I want you to argue with them and get in their face!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”

...And The Kooks Respond!!
    Rep. Carolyn McCarthy said she will seek to ban the type of high-capacity semi-automatic-weapon magazines used by the shooter in Saturday's Arizona rampage that killed six people and critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).   McCarthy (D-Mineola) said she will introduce legislation this week to ban the larger magazines, or clips, illegal nationally for 10 years before the Clinton-era assault weapons ban expired in 2004. Such clips remain illegal in New York State under a similar law.   McCarthy is a leading gun control advocate whose political rise came after the 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting in which Colin Ferguson used a high-capacity clip to kill her husband and wound her son.

...And The Kooks Respond-Take Two!!
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz took to the Sunday shows, saying she's praying for Gabrielle Giffords' recovery. She said the incident points out a need for boosting civility in public life. 
She suggested the shooting "should be a moment. It's a moment for both parties in congress to come together. We absolutely have to realize that we're all in this for the same reason, to make America a better place. And I hope that the Democratic and Republican leadership will make a decision for us to have some kind of -- not just token unity event, but you have a retreat this week and we have ours the following week. We should have an event where we spend some time together talking about how we can work better together and then we can move forward together and try to avoid tragedies like this."

They Try; They Just Can't Make It Fit.
    By my count--including the Arizona tragedy--there have been seven assassinations or attempted assassinations in the past fifty years:   
In each case the assassin or the attempted assassin was a communist, a socialist, a leftist or a white supremacist.  Granted each event garnered massive news coverage by all mediums; there was little--if any--investigation into the criminal's political beliefs or indepth background reports.
    Suddenly now--in the wake of the Arizona tragedy--everything relevant to the shootings is based in large part on conservative talk radio, the Tea Party movement, gun-rights activists, Sarah Palin, et al.  While the shooter's fragile mental condition is mentioned, in the fascists' eyes it doesn't rise to the level of a causational factor in the shootings.
    The Arizona tragedy is being used by the left in such a way as to make obama's former "Chief of Fascism" Rahm Emanuel proud.  Come out fast-and-hard in condemnation of the right; the conservatives, as to turn the events in such a fashion as to push the 'Tea Party' types into a defensive corner.  Mr Emanuel's quote:

The "K-Guys:"  President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Martin Luthur King.
President Gerald Ford--twice;  First by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromm, September 5, 1975; Second by Sara Jane Moore, September 22, 1975.
President Ronald "Ronaldus Magnus" Reagan:  By John Hinkley, March 30, 1981.

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," Rahm Emanuel, Mr. obama's new chief of staff, told a Wall Street Journal conference of top corporate chief executives this week.  He elaborated: "Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before."

    (From Rush's show:)  Somebody who really can be identified as a conservative is gonna commit some terrible atrocity. It already happens. The leftists already do it and nobody cares. Lee Harvey Oswald was a leftist. Timothy McVeigh. You know, Clinton talks on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about talk radio, "the angry voices on the radio," and that led to the Oklahoma City bombing. That's not at all what led to the Oklahoma City bombing. McVeigh has said what led to the Oklahoma City bombing, and that was the Waco invasion. McVeigh claimed the bombing was revenge for what the US government did at Waco and at Ruby Ridge.

    McVeigh visited Waco during the standoff. He spoke to a news reporter about his anger over what was happening there. So the perp himself said why he did it. So how come Clinton, nor Janet Reno got any blame for McVeigh's actions? He himself said that their actions motivated him. Janet Reno led the Waco invasion of the Branch Davidian compound, burned it to the ground. Kids died. It was a government-led effort to protect the children, and Ruby Ridge. McVeigh was ticked off at both of them. He said so. Yet somehow to this day, to this day Oklahoma City, as far as the media is concerned, was the result of angry voices on the right -- and now this. So what's going to happen?
    Every large group of people contains some mentally unstable members. Folks, as I mentioned in the first hour of the program, we had two different artists, a moviemaker and an author do a movie and books on assassinating George W. Bush. There was no condemnation. There was only a request that we not overreact, that we be restrained. It's art. We should try to understand the rage that drove these people, 'cause they were artists. So the left already has their guilty. Lee Harvey Oswald came back from Moscow, a communist, blows away JFK. Sirhan Sirhan, Robert Kennedy, leftists. James Earl Ray, if anything, a leftist, assassin of Martin Luther King. It's not right-wingers doing any of this.
    But even after JFK they tried to say that the "unstable conservatives of Dallas" got together and assassinated the president. It was no such thing. It was a communist-trained, former Marine sharpshooter, Lee Harvey Oswald. Every large group contains some mentally unstable members. So statistically it's inevitable that somebody identifiably is gonna commit some atrocity. Now, when that happens, all the government machinery will be in place to take away as many political freedoms as the left can manage. That's the objective. And every time there is an event like this, they give it a trial run. [....]
    They can't beat us. We still have the Constitution. They can't beat us, and so they're going to do what they can to shut us down -- and even if they don't have popular public support for it they will still try it. That's what this is all about.
Til Nex'Time....



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