Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This'n'That; January Twelveth [Internet Control; Conspiracy? Pima County email]

"Clown Prince" To Regulate Internet by Fait
    Without the authority to do so, "Clown Prince" obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today.   It's "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said.
The announcement came at an event today at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, where U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Schmidt spoke.
    The obama regime is currently drafting what it's calling the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, which Locke said will be released by the president in the next few months.  "We are not talking about a national ID card, we are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy, and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities."
    The "Clown Prince" doesn't give 'Two-Hoots-in-Hell' about your security; your privacy; the number of passwords you use!  This is all about control--right down to the "N-th degree," and where better to start--The INTERNET!!  Now that practically the entire nation is using the internet at some point in their day; some using it almost constantly for business.  The uses may include arranging for an oil change, ordering from QVC, making Netflix choices, checking financial account balances and conducting transactions, learning how to fix the washer; the list is infinite!!
    With George Soros taking an ever greater, more open hand in the operation and dictates of the current regime--controlling the internet is the logical 'next step.'   Since Mr Soros purchased the rights to the "Clown Prince's" soul by arranging his latest 'selection-for-election,' obama has no choice but to listen to Soros and adhere to his demands. 
    Like a real surprise.....??  Check this site and read about the EIGHTY-TWO (82!) that George Soros founded, or financially supports, or demands board seats for his minions, OR ALL THE ABOVE!!
And people don't believe that both George Soros and "Clown Prince" obama have America's destruction foremost in their minds!!

Are Arizona Murders obama's "OKC Bombing?"
    Right about here (*), most readers need a history lesson:  ex-President William Jefferson Blythe "Slick-Willie" Clinton took office on January 20, 1993.  While there's no tangible evidence that George Soros had anything to do with it, but "Slick-Willie's" presidency was management nightmare, right from the start, all the '-gates' notwithstanding!  Twenty-nine days after all the Inaugural Balls, the "Waco Seige" unfolded and was mis-managed by "Slick" himself, Attorney General Janet Reno, the ATF, the FBI, et al, for the fifty-days it continued.
    Out there-somewhere, Timothy McVeigh--already a militia supporter--was so upset with the goings on in Waco that he travelled there to confront the ATF's motives for the devastation!!  After all was said and done, the 'Waco Seige' weighed heavily on McVeigh's mind, so much so, that he engineered and carried out the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Ok., on April 19, 1995; just over two years after 'Waco!'
OK, that concludes the brief history lesson.  Now, how's this for a conspiracy theory?
(1)  George Soros--shortly after completing the financial destruction of The Bank of England in late 1992--looked around and decided that when he bought and installed his own marionette in the Oval Office, there'd be none of the bullshit and utter ineptness surrounding "Slick-Willie's" presidency.
(2)  Meanwhile, "Slick-Willie" and some minions 're-engineered' the facts surrounding the OKC bombing to make it appear that the new republican congressional majority were somehow responsible:

What Clinton and his supporters do not talk about is the way in which Clinton, aided by pollster/adviser Dick Morris, exploited the bombing to make a political comeback from what was the lowest point in Clinton's presidency to that time.  In the days after Oklahoma City, Clinton and Morris devised a plan to use the bombing to discredit and outmaneuver the new Republican majority in Congress.
[....]  House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his GOP forces seized the initiative on virtually every significant issue, while Clinton appeared to be politically dead. The worst moment may have come on April 18, the day before the bombing, when Clinton plaintively told reporters, "The president is still relevant here." [....]  And then came the explosion at the Murrah Federal Building. In addition to seeing a criminal act and human loss, Clinton and Morris saw opportunity. If the White House could tie Gingrich, congressional Republicans and conservative voices like Rush Limbaugh to the attack, then Clinton might gain the edge in the fight against the GOP. [....]*
(3)  Soros settled on obama as the future "Clown Prince" and personal marionette in the early 2000s, after obama had completed his free education, had graduated from the 'Cloward and Piven' community agitation school, had proven his electability as an Illinois state senator.
(4)  A few years ago, Soros might have conspired with Pima County, Az., Sheriff Dupnik to 'manage' someone demonstating erratic behavior and possible deminished mental capacity; keep him out of sight until this individual might be used, much like "Slick-Willie" used the OKC bombing to resurrect his presidency.
(5)  Everything might have just fell into place, so Soros, obama, the obamacRATs might do a "Slick-Willie-esque" factual 're-write' of the Arizona Tragedy and might drop it squarely in the republicRATs' laps as the vitriolic perpetrators of these heinous crimes!!
The 'low-life' is at a low-point!
"Clown Prince" obama, his Handler Group and the obamacRATics took "one helluva thumpin'" as the unified--but leaderless--Tea Party movement made their dissatisfaction known!!
[Blogger Note: Mr Rasmussen conducts his 'Presidential Tracking Poll' daily, except holidays.  Just rarely since mid-summer-2009, has the "Clown Prince's" results been 'north of' fifty percent, approval!!]
    There's on-going, wide, majoritydisapproval by the general public on practically everything the Soros-obama Team has tried: obamaKare, Crap-and-Tax, wrangling over continuing the 'Bush Era' tax rates and generally failing to keep the hundreds of promises issued during the "Campaign of Fluff."
    Soros and the Handler Group are desperate to prop up their marionette-both figuratively and numerically!!  Much like "Slick-Willie" was able to sway public opinion in the wake of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Soros needs a similar huge vehicle onwhich to ride toward positive public opinion of "Clown Prince" obama!!
Might the Arizona Tragedy be just that vehicle?!?!
Til Nex'Time....
[Blogger Note #2:  Sheriff Dupnik has lowered himself from Pima County's inept chief law enforcement officer to 'self-styled media star,' in the vein of Durham County (NC) District Attorney Mike Nyfong; Remember him?  Nyfong so mis-handled the 2006 "Duke University Lacross/Rape case," as to be disbarred and is--as of January 15, 2008--bankrupt!
    Sheriff Dupnik has so sullied the investigation of the Arizona shootings with his incessant, obama-esque 'blathering about' that I doubt the accused will have a fair trial, nomatter the venue!!
    Again--similar to Nyfong--this idiot needs to be removed from office!!  I've emailed the Pima County Administrator, C.H. Huckelberry (  Those of you actually in Pima County or surrounding areas, The Pima County Board of Supervisors' next regular meeting is Tuesday, January 18th, at 9AM.  Meetings are conducted in:

Board of Supervisors Hearing Room
Pima County Administration Building
130 West Congress, 1st Floor
Tucson, AZ]



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