Even we conservatives; even we constitutionalists; even we "Tea Party" movement members had expected some new twist to the same ol' crap from "Clown Prince ZERO-bama The Narcissist!" But, no.... just more of "the same ol', same ol'!!"
If the 825Thousand-million-dollar PORKulus legislation didn't work, how can we expect this 447Thousand-million-dollar 'American Jobs Act' to work; a classic example of the 'insanity' definition attributed to Albert Einstein:
"Doing the same thing over-and-over again, expecting different results!!"
The aforementioned legislation DID accomplish at least one thing: The PORKulus funds removed the onus of compensation for contributors, supporters, labor-and-service union hierarchy and lobbyists from the ZERO-bama campaign warchest and placed it squarely on the shoulders of the American Taxpayer!!
Other than you-and-I, is there anyone left in the United States that has not been compensated by owe-bama money?!? ZERO-bama's latest wealth re-distribution effort is but 54% of the monsterous 825Thousand-million-dollar initial pay-off; will this force the "Clown Prince" to 'buy' just half of his friends and supporters or will he 'compensate' the same individuals and groups-but at half the rate?!? If so, he'll then be able to blather-on about the great 'savings' in this latest federal graft!
Oh.... these arduous decisions heaped upon America's ruler!!!
Maybe it's just me.... but, shouldn't the American Taxpayer expect at least a modicum of creativity in this latest farce from barackingham Palace ?!?
Oh, but it is, you say?
Wealth re-distribution by--again--extending unemployment benefits for the ump-teenth time, almost guaranteeing the high unemployment rates of the ZERO-bama Depression will continue.
Wealth re-distribution by--again--"putting teachers back to work!"
Wealth re-distribution by--again--"putting first-responders back to work!"
Wealth re-distribution by--again--"putting construction workers back to work!"
Wealth re-distribution by--again--"repairing schools (a local or district responsibility)"
Wealth re-distribution by--again--"rebuilding roads and bridges (does anyone remember the phrase: 'shovel-ready?')"
Wealth re-distribution by--again--"rebuilding railways and airports!"
Yea.... I see it now!!
Til Nex'Time....
[Bumperstickers from:www.fredstates.com ]
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