Thursday, March 15, 2012

This'n'That; March Fifteenth #1; Illegal Voters?

Fascists Prevail!
    Yet another confirmation that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" is in deep shit, re-election wise!!  The "Clown Prince's" approval numbers are bordering on 'subterranian;' his basic credibility is approaching ZERO-point-crap!!  owe-bama is losing on nearly every creditable category of voter: the womens' vote, the male vote (in practically every age range), the union-member vote and others.  The 'Rasmussen Reports' Presidential
Daily Tracking Poll can only be considered DISMAL!!

[Blogger Note:]  "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has not fared well during his reign.  His highest daily approval number was only thirty (30) and that occurred just the second day after his immaculation.  The last time the "Clown Prince" had a positive approval number was June 29, 2009 (ONE); that's nearly three-years of falling, failing approval by surveyed voters.
    In an effort to prop up his boss' numbers, 'General' Holder is taking the fascist tact of completely ignoring 'fairness' while--out of the other side of their mouths--blathering on about the necessity for fairness. 
    The Social-Justice Department is whining that the Texas law is unfair to hispanics who may not have identification papers.  Bet these 'hispanics' drive cars, own guns, etc!!!  The Social-Justice Department in cahoots with socio-fascist federal judges, are currently in the process of blocking--or refusing to approve--a required photo ID to vote in several states.  While the 14th, 15th, 19th, 23rd and 24th Amendments to the Constitution spell out what Americans have that right in elections at every level, it's apparently not enough to insure a "Clown Prince" re-immaculation!!
    Now--at least in Texas--it's completely unfair--and thus, illegal--to require voters to show an ID at the time of their vote, although an ID is required:
To drive,
To register a vehicle,
To buy beer,
To buy cigarettes,
To buy a shoulder-weapon,
To buy a handgun,
To register a currently-owned handgun, 
To buy real estate,
To obtain a mortgage,
To buy certificates-of-deposit,
To join any branch of the U.S. military,
To board any commercial aircraft,
et al!!
The only voter-blocks that aren't pissed-off at the "Clown Prince" are the illegal alien and the "Chicago" blocks; the illegals, because they probably can't understand what he's saying let alone understand his destructive policies.  The "Chicago" voters are in "A League of Their Own!!"  To be considered a "Chicago" Voter, you must vote AT LEAST twice and, if you're already dead-one vote will qualify you!!
    While it doesn't seem to be a logical campaign strategy, the "Clown Prince" and his advisors have forsaken nearly everyone who's not a welfareRAT!!  They expect the negro vote to be a given; that too, is very suspect to those who watch these things.  The numbers don't add up to a win; the negro-plus-the-welfareRAT.
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....
[owe-bama Approval History:]
[owe-bama Current Approval Rating:]



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