Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; November 27th

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 11/27/2010
    Apparently, a 'fat lip' will prevent "Clown Prince" obama and George Soros from presenting their weekly blather; instead using his Thanksgiving Day offering to fill in for their promised weekly chat with "the commoners;" the serf class.
    Here's where one might wish he were a member of the 'ruling class;' proficient in basketball, and what's more important: proficient in throwing 'a well-placed elbow!!'
    The "Clown Prince" seems to be justifying his lack-of-blather by equating a 'fat lip(including 12 stitches)' with a severe 'war wound' as suffered by some of those he's put in harm's way.  EXCEPT:  many of the nation's wounded warriors return to the battlefield-rather than take the normal reassignment back to a stateside unit!!



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