Which Image Will Survive; Will Emerge?
In the past cup'pla weeks we've seen two transitional scenarios; obama-to-"Ronaldus Magnus;" obama-to-JFK. Which one will emerge victorious; how will we address/refer to, the result? I'm thinkin': 'obameagan,' or possibly 'obamennedy,' or possibly (if Soros can pull off a 'three-way....!') 'Kenobameagan;' whadd'ya think?!?! I gotta think that none of the possibilities will become reality-the "Clown Prince" wouldn't/couldn't amount to "a pimple on either's @$$!!"
Comparison to "Ronaldus Magnus:"
The comparison of "Clown Prince" obama to President Ronald Reagan is so ludicrus as to be laughable!! The only similarities are: both served as President; both came to Washington to effect change. To that end, both succeeded; President Reagan-positive change; "Clown Prince" obama-negative change!!
{*}Comparison to John F. Kennedy:
Under pressure to govern despite midterm election setbacks and hostile congressional leaders, Reagan and obama gave voice to their political base while signing compromises with their political opponents. Reagan’s legacy: Sell sunny optimism while casting your opponents as the gloomy doomsayers.
Mister Reagan in his transformational style, declared a clear and simple ideology and stuck with it, regardless of short-term compromises he made to move legislation. The biggest complaint from obama’s side is how uneasily he fits into any ideological box.
Mister Reagan opposed Medicare in the 1960s as “creeping socialism;” obama kept at least one campaign promise--albeit in a negative vein--forcing the passage of obamaKare against the will of the governed (60++% opposed!) which has since been determined to be unconstitutional!!
Mister Reagan once said:
“What I would really like to do, is to go down in history as the president who made Americans believe in themselves again.”
With the "Clown Prince," his shadow government and his 'chief string-puller George Soros, that would be a tough sell!!{*}
This one is even more laughable, if that's even possible!! More laughable because they both are of the same political party; because they both--ostensibly--of the same political ideology.{**}
Unfortunately, with regards to politics, perception is reality, regardless of the facts at hand!
No 'Lionel' Train Set As A Kid?!?
One has to wonder.... Didn't Joe Biden, Senior get young 'Plug' biden a train set when he was a child?? Can that be the reason for 'Plug's' fixation with high-speed rail?? Or did George Soros send 'Plug' out to sell this latest method of pissin' away money China was gracious enough to lend us?!? My guess is obama has been so dismal in his attempts to sell any of his proposals to the American citizenry, hence the necessity for 'Plug' being pressed into service!
The obama regime continues to push the 'high speed rail' thingie-trying to get something--anything--through the congress that won't be struck down as unconstitutional. In that vein, the rail proposal seems a pretty safe bet. One of the things very wrong; one of the contingencies Soros didn't think of: the American mindset!
The American public has had access to a coast-to-coast rail system since that 'golden spike' thingie way back in May, 1869. By and large, the system was used by the populus, though rarely on a coast-to-coast basis. After Henry Ford and his guys perfected individual auto transportation, passenger rail use started it's long, downhill slide. Between 1971 and 2002, passenger rail traffic never surpassed approximately 22-23 million passenger-miles.
Contrasting all forms of domestic transportation, in the year 2000:
Supposedly, the $787Billion PORKulus bill allocated several billion for high-speed rail. Now, the regime--in this time of federal spending concerns--wants to invest $56Billion in high-speed rail, a system that will eventually require BILLIONS in annual subsidies, as does AMTRAK!!
The railroad's 5.5 billion passenger-miles paled in comparison with the 516.1 billion traveled on airlines (92.2 percent of total intercity passenger-miles on commercial carriers) and the 37.9 billion traveled on buses (6.8 percent of the total). Travel by private automobile reigned supreme, however, accounting for more than 2.5 trillion passenger-miles.Therein lies "the rhubarb!!" The American driver, be they: no-class, lower class, middle class, upper class or high class; will almost always opt for individual auto travel above any other conveyance, over the short to mid-length haul.
That "rhubarb" brings to mind several possibles, to convince the motoring public to change conveyences-particularly the SUVs and the ineffecient, older vehicles:
- The gasoline prices are predicted to hit $5.00 per gallon by mid-summer;
- "Clown Prince" obama wants 1,000,000 unsustainable electric cars at some date in the future, after paying the public to buy the dam' things;
- The EPA is enforcing ever more constricting auto emissions requirements;
{**}The connection between the 35th president and the 44th president of the United States is extremely superficial. Kennedy served in Washington for 13 years as both a representative and senator. In comparison, obama has failed to serve even four years in Washington.
As to foreign policy, Kennedy and obama have major disparities in their beliefs. In his inauguration speech, Kennedy announced,
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
This quote sounds more like something that would be heard out of the Sen. John McCain campaign than out of the mouth of obama.
President Kennedy was a major supporter of the French-installed government in Vietnam. Kennedy provided many resources to the regime, including economic, military and political support. Kennedy even backed a coup against the government of Iraq to install a regime more in favor of American interests.
At the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, obama stated,
"We must neither retreat from the world nor try to bully it into submission -- we must lead the world, by deed and example."
While Kennedy maintained an alliance with NATO and met with Soviet officials, he was far more of a war hawk than obama.
President Kennedy was a major supporter of across-the-board tax cuts. When entering office, he claimed,
"Our present tax system ... reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment and risk-taking."
With the addition of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, Kennedy attempted to lower tariffs significantly to increase American trade and alleviate American consumers.
While he intends to cut taxes for the majority of Americans, obama wants to raise the income tax for individuals making over $250,000. obama will raise corporate taxes on American businesses. obama has proposed to amend NAFTA and rejects a United States-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.
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