Monday, April 18, 2011

This'n'That; April Eighteenth #1; Trump and ....?

    I gotta tell ya.... "I like him!"
    Previous to the current 'Donald Trump,' I didn't really have an opinion, one way or the other.  I certainly didn't like any of his television shows; didn't like any of the news articles published about him.  My opinion was that he was 'just-so-much-blather;' anything for a headline!
    Currently, he's popping up in the news quite regularly.... and I read 'em all.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but.... he seems to be making sense.  Not only his 'birther' responses but his articulations on China, politically; China trade; international trade; jobs creation; his career; etc.  Although a bit gruff--as in "You're Fired"--Mr Trump, uses his persona to punctuate his policies concerning various problems facing the nation, currently:
    Mr Trump brings a certain business acumen to 'the presidential table;' a clear positive change to what we're being subjected to, today.  While President Bush (43) was the first president with an MBA--his from Harvard--Donald Trump's education would seem better fitted to what America needs in her "hour of need."  Donald graduated high school at the New York Military Academy with both academic honors and varsity letters in football, soccer and baseball.  After attending Fordham University for two years, 'The Donald' graduated from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in economics-a concentration in finance.
*Under a President Trump, China would be forced to end currency manipulation or face a 25 percent tariff on all exports to the United States. OPEC oil-producing nations would have to drop the price of a barrel or oil to $40-50 or face America's wrath. And Arab nations and South Korea would pay for benefiting from America's military might.

    Mr Trump has addressed his possible 'political negatives' as well:
 {***}   As for a possible running mate, the following have been advanced:
**"Look, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take drugs. I've had two marriages that ended in divorce, that was nobody's fault. I am a very hard worker and it is very hard to be married to a very hard worker, but I think that's what the people of this country need -- a hard worker."
  • Sarah Palin~She'd bring both ratings and the 'Tea Party' movement to the ticket.  Ms Palin is an articulate speaker with state-level legislative experience on her resume'.  These would all be positives if Palin were allowed to write her own speeches/have her own speechwriters; negatives if she were 'handled' as with the McCain/Palin campaign.
  • Rand Paul~Clearly not a career-politician (yet!), Mr Paul may not be far enough to the right for Mr Trump.  They might have 'match' possibilities if the plan were to have Mr Paul manage a segment of the Executive Branch.  owe-bama clearly illustrates it's a job far to large for him-possibly for conservatives as well.
  • Mitt Romney~From my perspective, not a realistic choice; not a realistic presidential candidate, either!!  Mr Romney's 'negatives' are the 'silver spoon' he was born with; the socialist healthcare system he installed in Massachusetts.
  • Allen West~Army Colonel (Ret.) West would be a good fit with the sometimes blustery Trump.  He would add a measure of stability to the ticket.  While Mr West is not a career politician (yet!), he has 'bona fides' earned during his Army career.  Col West 'went-to-the-mat' in defense of his own and subordinates' actions--to the point of 'forced retirement!'
    Personally, I'd support the Trump ticket no matter whom he picked as a running mate (within reason, of course).  If Trump is selected as the republicRATs' choice,  Soros' upcoming 'Campaign of Fluff-Redux' shapes up to be a helluva show; excitement and 'fireworks' every minute!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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