Thursday, June 23, 2011

This'n'That; June Twenty-Third #1; Ethanol

Ending Ethanol Subsidies NOT Enough!
    The U.S. House and Senate are having  preliminary votes to end $6 Billion of current ethanol subsidies.  On June Seventeenth, the Senate voted 73-27 to end ethanol production subsidies in the form of tax credits and tariffs.  The House has yet to vote on the subsidies themselves; they did vote to end federal funding of storage tanks and mixer pumps for retail markets.
    What's equally important is to castrate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)!!  They've grown far beyond their original scope; they now--as unelected fasciocrats--make policy, institute regulations without the consent of Congress, and it's duly elected members.  The EPA is also at least partly responsible for the false information onwhich the Congress bases it's decisions.  These votes ending the production subsidies does nothing with respect to the requirement that we prematurely destroy our engines with the various percentages of the ethanol mixture, as mandated by Renewal Fuels Standard program, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.
Til Nex'Time....



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