Monday, December 15, 2008

This'n'That, December 15th[pres-elect;Powell;NY budget]

NOW, It's Official Prior to December 15th [today], Obama was just that OBAMA, or Mister Obama, or ex-senator Obama, etc. Today all 538 Electoral College delegates met in their respective state capitols. They cast their votes to reflect the way their districts voted in the general election. After the vote was officially talleyed, Mr Obama became the President-Elect. He can now correctly use the title. He can also now use that ficticious room- "The Office of the President-Elect." With previous incoming administrations-both Democrat and Republican, we've NOT had an offcial as arrogant, self-centered or as conceited as the one who now occupies that imaginary office. It WAS All About Race, Wasn't It......? I found this article on CNN's website: (CNN) — The Republican party must stop "shouting at the world" and start listening to minority groups if it is to win elections in the 21st century, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday. Powell, who crossed party lines and endorsed President-elect Barack Obama just weeks before the election, said the GOP must see what is in the "hearts and minds" of African-American, Hispanic and Asian voters "and not just try to influence them by… the principles and dogma." "I think the party has to stop shouting at the world and at the country,"Powell said. "I think that the party has to take a hard look at itself, and I've talked to a number of leaders in recent weeks and they understand that." Powell, who says he still considers himself a Republican, said his party should also stop listening to conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck-chances are that it's a duck!! Colin Powell kinda left-handedly admitted that his support of Obama and the sabotage of John McCain's campaign was certainly about race NOT political philosophy. His comments about Limbaugh only indicate to me that he's a Democrat "in Republican clothing." I don't always agree with Rush but he's saying things, bringing up topics and hidden information that I don't and won't hear anywhere else!! One Topic They WON'T Broach Well, NY Governor Paterson's budget proposal is out!! Nowhere could I find any mention of spending cuts. There were lots of "income" increases [read: TAX INCREASES]. They included a request for State workers to defer five-days pay until some mystical future date arrives-their retirement or departure. The increases include the gas tax, clothing taxes, income taxes, insurance policy taxes, obesity tax [non-diet soft drinks] and changes to rules so hospitals and healthcare providers to shift the costs to individuals and employers. NY's annual budget is approximately $120Billon. The three-year deficit projection is $47Billion. One proven truism: One [individual or unit of government] can not spend it's way to prosperity. Til Nex'time.......



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