Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This'n'That; February First [Egypt-MB;obamaKare]

Soros/obama Prove Successful Once Again!
    "Team Sorobama" is again proving successful at being the most inept political team EVER; this time in the area of foreign affairs!! The Muslim Brotherhood seems to be the largest group, stirring the most shit; with the support of "Team Sorobama!"
    As one of Soros' many marionettes, the "Clown Prince" spent his first year in power 'performing' at several world-wide locations during the infamous "obama 2009 Apology Tour."  obama spent most of 2009 bowing and scraping; kissing every 'third-world ass' available.
    'Barack-ingham Palace (White House)' mouthpieces are trying to cover their proverbial asses with a statement that the regime has had no contact with the Muslim Brotherhood; practically at the same instant the "Clown Prince" affirming support for the 'MB' in their struggles!!  During a weekend phone call to Egyptian leaders, obama expressed his regime's 'desires:'
{**}The Desired Outcome: obamaKare Unconstitutional!
The obama administration firmly aligned itself on Sunday with the protest movement that has overtaken Egypt, calling for an "orderly transition" to a more representative government [....]
    It seems that 'Team Sorobama' will accomplish for Egypt what's--thus far--eluded them in the U.S. of A.; from ignoring majority desires (remember the 60+% opposed to obamaKare?) to governance by a mere three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) of the population!!
    One might wonder how this will play out in the face previous administrations' legal actions against HAMAS and the Muslim Brotherhood (and it's 'Strategic Goals for North America'); and Executive Orders prohibiting financing those Islamic charities who support terrorism?!?!

    Federal judge Roger Vinson ruled today that one provision of obamaKare is unconstitutional and 'the entire act must be declared void.'  That one provision is the mandate that all persons over the age of 18 purchase health insurance.
    Judge Vinson's ruling is in response to an argument against the new law made by twenty-six state attorneys general, two citizens and a small business lobby group.  The judge's 78 page opinion stated that the primary issue in the case concerns the country's 'federalist system.'
In an article written back in December (after federal judge Henry Hudson ruled that the 'individual mandate' is unconstitutional), Rep Eric Cantor suggests that obama instruct 'general' Holder to request the case be sent directly to the Supreme Court to spare the country years of litigation.
The challenge to obamaKare, he opined, "raises very important issues regarding the Constitutional role of the federal government."
Til Nex'Time....{*}



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