More on Dr Maurer: Dr Maurer is considered one of the nation's foremost authorities on gunshot wounds and related internal damage. Dr Maurer has a profile on http://www.vitals.com/ and that profile contains the following information.
Ratings on a scale of 0 to 4 [four being the highest]: Ease of Appointment [2], Promptness [4], Courteous Staff [4], Accurate Diagnosis [4], Bedside Manner [4], Spends Time with Me [4]. Dr. Maurer is locally affiliated with: Park Ridge Hospital; Top 25%; 1555 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, N.Y., Rochester General Hospital; Top 50%; 1425 Portland Ave, Rochester, N.Y.,
Strong Memorial Hospital; 601 Elmwood Ave, Rochester, N.Y.,
Dr. Maurer was educated at the following institutions: Medical School University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Completed: 1980; Top 25% Graduate Education: Strong Memorial HospitalSurgery, Completed: 1981 Strong Memorial HospitalNeurological Surgery, Completed: 1986 Strong Memorial HospitalNeurological Surgery Procedures & Services: The top surgical procedures performed yearly by Dr. Maurer are: Spinal Fusion; 110 completed Craniotomy (brain surgery); 33 completed Disc Surgery; 17 completed Awards & Distinctions Appointments: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE & DENTISTRY, ROCHESTER, NY, 1991-07-01 — 1998-09-01 University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Clinical Instructor What Exactly, Is A Trillion Dollars? The Porkulus package is over $900,000,000,000, approaching and probably to exceed $1,000,000,000,000[trillion]!!! ***If you started in the year Christ was born.... say on His birthday..... started spending a MILLION DOLLARS A DAY... A DAY!!, EVERY DAY-you'd still have enough money left to continuing at that rate for SEVENTY MORE YEARS!!! ***Say you went to the insitution where you bank and drew ONE TRILLION DOLLARS out of your savings account. Say you wanted this withdrawal to be in one thousand-dollar bills. If you asked the teller to stack them in one stack, you'd have to cut a hole in the roof. The stack would be 67.8 MILES HIGH!!
["alleged"] Lil' Bastard's Friends? During the last 'over-night,' Rochester, N.Y., got pretty durn exciting!! A caller to one of the local AM talkshows identified himself as a private security company roving supervisor. He told the host about an incident involving two members of his company. Apparently, the two members were walking on the public sidewalk, going from one building they were responsible for to another, "shaking doors." Anyone familiar with St Paul Street in Rochester, knows the street has many large [old growth] Maple and Oak trees. As the two walked along they were attacked with automatic rifle fire from a moving vehicle. They retreated to the relative safety of the trees. The conclusion of this incident was that the city police responded and arrested the perpetrators in about ten minutes. Apparently, the perps had been cruising around the city, shooting up houses and businesses. [As I said, this was heard on a local talkshow and has not been unverified!!] Anyone wanna move to Rochester? We got plenny'a houses available...CHEAP!!!! We have several business locations available as well. Holding Up His End obama ain't holdin' up his end on my [and others] plan to repay the Porkulus Plan in a timely manner! I did the math for him an' he still ain't figgered it out. sir: You gotta find more of those democrats who's failure to pay taxes, owe a significantly greater amount than Sam Sayyad's paltry [by comparison] $6,400. You know him, right.... He's "Mister Hilda Solis," your Labor Secretary nominee. If you're gonna keep up your end, ya gotta nominate those crooked democrats that owe the IRS an amount greater than the average of $54,984!! Mr Sayyad's amount is SO paltry that you still need to nominate at least 547,113 of the more crooked democrats!! Til Nex'Time....
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