Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This'n'That; April 17th[Janson]

My Long-Gone Friend She should be 61 years old today-but she's gone.... gone to that place where there's no disease, no confrontation, no rainy days, no "patient access" files and no checkbooks to balance. See, the story of my friend and I is somewhat short but it's the kind, loving sort. She came along just when I needed someone like her most!! The relationship really started through an on-line dating site where we met and conversed while I was getting loaded.....NO, absolutely not!! At the time, I was an over-the-road truck driver, thus occasionally spent long periods waiting for freight to be loaded or unloaded. When I started the trucking phase of my work life, one of my family members handled my financial affairs-something I found extremely difficult "from the road." Somewhere along the line, that family member "borrowed" money from my checking account without my knowledge. Now, I'm "in a pickle!!" Do I trust this lady, Pat [Janson, Ontario {Wayne Co.,}, NY], whom I've never met, or do I leave my finances in the hands of someone I no longer have complete trust in?? Well, she "sounded" nice during our IM chats.... ah, what-ta-Hell, I'll take a chance.....!! Now, ya gotta know.... I owned my own truck so there was at times, a lot of income; at times, a lot of expenses!! And, I'm gonna put my financial health and wellbeing in the hands of a relative stranger?!?! We're talkin' a complete stranger to the trucking industry; Pat didn't know a Freightliner from a shelf liner!! About 48 hours after we met face-to-face, there were new checking, savings and investment accounts in BOTH OUR NAMES!! I could not have picked a better person for the job!!! Pat was honest to a fault-One of my phone calls was her asking if she could buy a roll of stamps!!!! At the time, she could have written one of my checks for $10,000 and it wouldn't have bounced!! She couldda cleaned me out-'cept it never crossed her mind. An added benefit to knowing Patricia Janson..... she introduced me to one of her co-workers, "The Young Miss Lovely!!" Not only was Pat honest to a fault, she was an excellent judge of people and of character!! There's not a day goes by that we don't think of Pat; I know her other friends, NanniGoat, Robin, and all the ladies she worked with, feel the same way!! Til Nex'Time....



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