Thursday, April 2, 2009

This'n'That; April 3rd[Churchill;Change;Drugs;StepMom]

A Quotation
The American socialists love to flaunt the quotation from their symbolic leader, FDR: "The only thing we have to fear is fear, itself."
The quote that SHOULD be the American mantra:
"There's nothing wrong with change, if it's done in the right direction."
We have Winston Churchill to thank for that gem!!
The changes we're getting of late, ARE NOT the changes we can believe in!!
The United States as a whole, is not in favor of nationwide socialism. We were founded on capitalist principles-the principles that made us a world power for more than a century.
More Change [In The Truth!]
Here we go, another week of presidential "liberties with the truth!" Remember when, during "The Campaign of Fluff [09/12/008-Dover, N.H.]," Fluffy obama said no one earning less than $250,000 would see ANY tax increases; not income, not social security, not capital gains, NOT ANY.....?!?!?
"I can make a firm pledge," Fluffy said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12. "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." Remember that....??
Apparently, the Fluffmeister doesn't..... he raised the tobacco tax 60cents-more than ALL PREVIOUS TOBACCO TAX INCREASES, COMBINED!! Would Fluff' have made this increase if he still smoked? This tax increase will hit the poorer citizens [and illegals] harder than the middleclass, those very folks Fluffy promised to help....... More Change We Can't Believe In!!
More Drugs For Your Health
I read lottsa magazines, primarily business, investment and car magazines. In the latest issue of "Fast Company" magazine I found this article by Caroline Waxler- "High Anxiety".... Lifestyle drugs for the modern problems of creative professtionals.
Some of the "new" drugs she mentions:
***REGRETEROL~for Data Overload. This simulates the feeling of a vacation, albeit a trip where you're arrested for propositioning a prostitute. The virtual incarceration puts in proper perspective the compulsion to check Twitter feeds constantly.
***BARTIROMACTA~for Portfolio Compulsive Disorder. Classic symptoms are live-streaming CNBC [or worse, TiVo-ing it to watch later], signing in to your brokerage account so much it triggers a fraud alert.
***VERTIGORE~for Green Inadequacy Complex. This is a mood elevator that concurrently inflates your self-regard and self-righteousness to cover deficiencies in "green awareness."
***TEQUILACIL~for Idea Dysfunction. Idea Dysfunction is nothing to be ashamed of. It starts with not getting paid enough and devolves from there. The drug has proven very effective at counter-acting the effects of creative block.
***SOPRANODONE~for Watercooler-TV Dry Mouth. Usually characterized by verbal diarrhea about telenovels such as The Wire and Mad Men.
***ENTTLEMAX~for Acute Perk Deprivation. This drug resets your body clock to your choice of 1958, 1986 or 1999. When Sopranodone and Entitlemax are taken together, your "TV-brain" can't relate to your "work-brain," thereby rendering you incapable to comparing your sorry state with that of fictional people.
As Heard On WHAM-1180
Today, Beth and Chet interviewed Brenda Ockun during their show. She started an on-line magazine, StepMom [ ]. Where was help like this when I was helping to raise three step-children while trying to stay in my own children's lives?
More about Ms Ockun and the magazine from it's "about us" page:
StepMom Magazine was formed in 2008 by Brenda Ockun, a veteran StepMom of 7 years, living in upstate New York. The goal of the Magazine and its on-line Support Group Forum is to provide help and information about one of the most challenging and complicated roles a woman can assume. Ockun was recently quoted as saying “Becoming a StepMom was the biggest challenge I ever faced. It was difficult for many of my friends to relate to my new situation. I looked for information and advice early in my marriage to ensure that everyone would be healthy, happy and well-adjusted, but I had a hard time finding helpful resources. It’s my goal now to provide a place where women can find honest, intelligent and inspiring information about the subject”. StepMom Magazine features articles and information about marriage, divorce, parenting, legal and custody matters and financial information as it relates to step families. So whether you are brand new to StepMom life or a veteran with lots of experience, you will find lots of great information here. Grab a cup of coffee (or maybe a glass of wine!) and join us... Til Nex'Time....



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