Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This'n'That; July 8th[Invest;Palin]

More Dividend Research

From the list in the July 5th entry, I've weeded out those whose dividends were under a 7% return. As always, be sure to do your research; a decent dividend payout indicates some stability but we all know there are "Madoff Investments" everywhere!!

  • British Petroleum [BP] $47.06 [7.3%]{Basic Mat'ls Sector; Major Oil&Gas}
  • Buckeye Partners [BPL]$41.54 [8.4%]{Basic Mat'ls Sector; Oil&Gas Pipelines}
  • CenturyTel [CTL] $29.65 [9.3%]{Technology Sector; Domestic Telecom}
  • HCP, Inc [HCP] $20.41 [8.6%]{Financial Sector; Healthcare REIT]
  • Kinder-Morgan [KMP] $50.82 [8.8%]{Basic Mat'ls Sector; Oil&Gas Pipelines}
  • Altria Gp [MO] $16.30 [7.7%]{Consumer Gds; Cigarettes}
  • Nacco Ind [NC] $30.40 [7.1%]{Industrial Gds Sector; Farm/Const}
  • Realty Inc Corp [O] $21.26 [7.8%]{Financial Sectory; Retail REIT}
  • Old Republic [ORI] $9.42 [7.1%]{Financial Sector; Surety/Title Ins}
  • Integrys Energy[TEG] $29.61 [9.1%]{Utilities Sector; Diversified Utilities}
  • TEPPCO Prtnrs [TPP] $30.04 [9.6%]{Basic Mat'ls Sector; Oil&Gas Pipelines}
  • Univ Health RE [UHT] $30.40 [7.7%]{Financial Secor; Healthcare REIT}
  • Wash RE Inv Tr [WRE] $21.17 [7.8%]{Financial Sector; Retail REIT}

Sarah Palin: Error Or Political Engineering?

There's no one on the planet that has any higher regard for Governor Palin than I do!! I-as do an army of others-see her potential on the political scene, but I wonder under what pretext Ms Palin resigned her governorship? One sure positive result of her resignation is to stop all the baseless, unfounded ethics "violations" she's been charged with.

Til Nex'Time....



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