Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; 11/14

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince" 11/14 Weekly AddressNovember 14, 2009 This was a week for honoring the extraordinary service and profound sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. Every fall, we set aside a special day to pay tribute to our veterans. But this year, Veteran’s Day took on even greater poignancy and meaning because of the tragic events at Fort Hood. On Tuesday, I traveled there to join with the Fort Hood community, the Army, and the friends and families of the victims to honor thirteen of our fellow Americans who died – and the dozens more who were wounded – not on some distant shore, but on a military base at home. [What I'm not telling you: I care so little about the military that it took me almost two minutes into my blather at that "Tribal Nations Conference" to even acknowledge the tragedy had unfolded. While I was reluctant to even mention it, "political correctness" dictated that I do so. Now I have to figure a way to turn the nation's sympathies toward Islam; to minimize the damage done by that idiot Hasan and to maximize blame toward the country; the military in general and the Army, specifically!! I have plans that I'm not free to discuss at the moment; plans that will guide America toward a future Islamic nation. This idiot at Fort Hood may have caused a set-back, but ultimately, my plans will continue....why? Because they're MY PLANS!!] Every man and woman who signs up for military service does so with full knowledge of the dangers that could come – that is part of what makes the service of our troops and veterans so extraordinary. But it’s unthinkable that so many would die in a hail of gunfire on a US Army base in the heart of Texas, and that a fellow service-member could have pulled trigger. [What I'm not telling you: Sure the soldiers knew what they were getting into when they signed up. What they didn't know-how I use my seemingly ineptness as a ploy for not supporting the troops: any time, any place, with anything!! The public has to give me a break here!! Remember, I've only had 142 days of professional, elective experience; Hell, I've never even run a candy store... never had to make a payroll!! What the Hell do I know any of that crap?? I DID LEARN, as a community agitator, how to stir shit; how to make shit smell as bad as possible; how to turn this stinking shit into federal and state dollars for ACORN, SEIU and all their satellite minions!! All that being done with little evidence that could be traced back to me!!] There is an ongoing investigation into this terrible tragedy. That investigation will look at the motives of the alleged gunman, including his views and contacts. As I said in Fort Hood, I am confident that justice will be done, and I will insist that the full story be told. That is paramount, and I won’t compromise that investigation today by discussing the details of this case. But given the potential warning signs that may have been known prior these shootings, we must uncover what steps – if any – could have been taken to avert this tragedy. [What I'm not telling you: The motives?? They'll stay QUIET!! This guy is a "card-carrying" terrorist.... a designation that I can not let get out. How many shots would this "Haman" guy have gotten off, if every GI Joe and GI Jane were carrying a 45cal automatic?? I'm betting, two... three at the most!!! That "GIs" carrying handguns thingie?? When'ya think that's gonna happen?? Ha!!! NEVER would be my best guess!! That "...full story be told..." thing?? That will require ALOT of "politically correct" editing!!] On the Thursday evening that this tragedy took place, I met in the Oval Office with Secretary of Defense Gates, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – Admiral Mullen, and FBI Director Mueller to review the immediate steps that were necessary to support the families and secure Fort Hood. The next morning, I met with the leadership of our military and the intelligence community, and ordered them to undertake a full review of the sequence of events that led up to the shootings. [What I'm not telling you: All those military big shots?? They've got their "marching orders!!" Just do as I do: Drag your feet as long as possible, the KoolAid drinkers'll either forget about it, or it'll become a "non-issue" just because there's no more reporting on it.... I'll make sure of THAT!!!] The purpose of this review is clear: We must compile every piece of information that was known about the gunman, and we must learn what was done with that information. Once we have those facts, we must act upon them. If there was a failure to take appropriate action before the shootings, there must be accountability. Beyond that – and most importantly – we must quickly and thoroughly evaluate and address any flaws in the system, so that we can prevent a similar breach from happening again. Our government must be able to act swiftly and surely when it has threatening information. And our troops must have the security that they deserve. [What I'm not telling you: The compilation of "every piece of information" will be on a very selective basis; nothing that reflects negatively on me or Islam or the Koran, WILL BE FOUND!!] I know there will also be inquiries by Congress, and there should. But all of us should resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater that sometimes dominates the discussion here in Washington. The stakes are far too high. [What I'm not telling you: Those congressional inquiries....?? We have to get them started as quickly as possible!! Every one of MY programs that are being forced upon the "serf class" require an "emergency" to cloud the issues, nationally and to cloud the thinking, individually. With "emergencies" at the fore, these wealth re-distribution programs can be rushed through the congress in the middle of the night. Frankly, I'm kinda worried about that obamaCare thingie.... Too many of the serf class are reading the dam' bill. They're finding out the financial screwing they'll be subjected to!! The ruling class has to step up and get it passed!! What-the-Hell are they worried about; I fixed it so they can keep their "cadillac plans" while the serfs will bear all the costs, hence "wealth re-distribution," get-it; get-it?!?! {Remember: My version of wealth re-distribution only involves those making LESS than $250,000!!}] Of all the responsibilities of the presidency, the one that I weigh most heavily is my duty as Commander-in-Chief to our splendid service-men and women. Their character and bravery were on full display in that processing center at Fort Hood, when so many scrambled under fire to help their wounded comrades. And their great dignity and decency has been on display in the days since, as the Fort Hood community has rallied together. [What I'm not telling you: Man, I've got you "faked out'ta your jock straps!!" That "Commander-in-Chief" bullshit...... I'll bet you really believe that!! What-ta-Hell do I know about the military?? NOTHING!! What do I take away from those military briefings?? NOTHING!! What do I want to do to either better myself as the supreme commander, or to better the life and safety of the soldier?? NOTHING!!] We owe our troops prayerful, considered decisions about when and where we commit them to battle to protect our security and freedom, and we must fully support them when they are deployed. We also owe them the absolute assurance that they’ll be safe here at home as they prepare for whatever mission may come. As Commander-in-Chief, I won’t settle for anything less. [What I'm not telling you: Sure, we owe the military considered decisions, personal and professional safety and other assurances, but they ain't gonna gett'em from me!! A strong, intelligent and self-driven military is a negative to my planned fascist takeover of the government, the country!!] This nation will never forget the service of those we lost at Fort Hood, just as we will always honor the service of all who wear the uniform of the United States of America. Their legacy will be an America that is safer and stronger – an America that reflects the extraordinary character of the men and women who serve it. [What I'm not telling you: Of course we won't forget the service of those lost at Fort Hood-those thoughts will just be on the back burner; rarely if ever, brought up again. I shall continue to honor the service of those in the military just as I honored the 65th anniversary of D-Day in France.... I IGNORED IT-nary a mention!! I shall continue to honor America as I always do-negatively!! Just as I refused to attend the celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall; I had no assurances that I would be the focalpoint!! I shall continue to honor America in my own way; by conducting my annual, international apology tour. I can denegrate America and it's accomplishments at will and the KoolAid drinkers will applaud me for it!!!] Thank you.



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