Friday, December 4, 2009

This'n'That; December 4th[Jobs;HOAX]

The "Clown Prince" Jobs Summit Farce
"Barry-the-Clown" happily dances from one farce to another!! While tooting the horn at his waist as he tweaks his bulbous red nose, he's hopping from his grossly expensive obamaCare to Cap-and-Tax to this latest joke: the jobs summit. Not only did this fool host the summit, he purposely ignored what should have been the primary participants; The U.S. Chamber of Commerce; members of the American manufacturing base, puny as it is; the Congressional Budget Office [tax-cut issues]. Maybe even invite a couple members of the "serf-class," you and I!! Maybe invite some suggestions from the public, like these:
  • 1. Eliminate the Capital Gains Tax for companies that create jobs based on a pre-set formula.
  • 2. Reduce corporate income taxes based on a "jobs" formula, and raise taxes on wildly high salaries and incentives. After a half-million in income, tax remainder at 95%!!
  • 3. Massive tax incentives for companies who bring "out sourced" foreign jobs back home.
  • 4. Tax penalties for corporations based on the number of jobs "out sourced" to foreign counties.
  • 5. Put the "hard green" dogma/agenda in the trash bin. It hampers productivity and competition, resulting in higher expense and lower employment.
  • 6. Forget National Health Care. Merely subsidize low income families, remove the insurance industries exclusion of persons "pre-existing conditions" and government pays a portion of those claims. Hog tie the trial lawyers. and allow a free market interstate insurance market. There's no need to dismantle the whole machine and raise everyone's taxes to fix a few glitches.
  • 7. Start drilling off shore-Tweak shale oil technology. Stop tearing down damns for fish, and fast track nuclear plants. Low cost energy is a must for production. Stop supporting the global warming HOAX!!
  • 8. Stop the ethanol fiasco - families need less expensive food - not more expensive fuel.
  • 9. Cut government red tape to the bone from the city to the federal level. Government needs to "re-learn" common sense and judgment. Stop micro-managing and creating roadblocks over insignificant issues. We're in an economic war - Get a move on!
  • 10. Close that southern border! Deport those who are here less than 5 years. Fine the Hell out of companies who hire illegals.
  • 11. A fifty percent [50%] tax cut for ALL AMERICANS. Not only as an incentive to spend, it will be an incentive to invest!!
In opening remarks at his national jobs summit, Fluffy obama noted that unemployed Americans are missing out on a lot more than income. “They haven’t just lost the paycheck they need to live,” obama said, “they’re losing the sense of identity and dignity that they get from having a job.”
Is the Fluffy close to alienating his "welfare-RAT/KoolAid drinkin' " base??
Primary HOAX Promoter Reneges!!
James Hansen, a leading climate scientist who was influential in convincing the world to take notice of global warming, says this month's climate summit in Copenhagen is on "a disaster track," The Guardian reports. Despite believing climate change is a serious danger, Hansen said that it will be better for the world if the Copenhagen meeting ends in collapse."The whole approach is so fundamentally wrong that it is better to reassess the situation. If it is going to be the Kyoto-type thing, then [people] will spend years trying to determine exactly what that means," Hansen said, referring to the Kyoto Protocol, which has had little effect since being ratified by many nations in 1997. Hansen said the issue requires much more drastic measures, and that he has no patience for the compromise mentality that characterizes world leaders' deliberations. "This is analogous to the issue of slavery faced by Abraham Lincoln or the issue of Nazism faced by Winston Churchill," he said. "On those kind of issues you cannot compromise. You can't say, let's reduce slavery, let's find a compromise and reduce it 50 percent or reduce it 40 percent." Hansen says he was spurred to move from scientist to activist during the Bush administration, and has repeatedly testified before Congress and spoken throughout the United States about the threat of climate change. He calls the Obama administration's policies on the issue "half-assed."
Til Nex'Time....



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