- ~~The Illegal Immigration Problem~~ If it weren't for my disastrous job performance {low-to-mid 40%} I'd consider some resolutions {but only half-heartedly!!}: Completion of the Mexican border fencing projects. These are already funded and a small portion has been completed. To be completely fair, assess the cost and practicality of Canadian border fencing as well. Insure that governmental offices AT EVERY LEVEL verify the identity and citizenship status of EVERYONE doing business with these offices. Develop and institute an effective repatriation program which treats everyone fairly-to include legitimate American Taxpayers who fund all these bazaar "piss-away" programs!! Refine current immigration laws so ALL are treated fairly, not just those who will work in states with strong congressional representation, i.e., the apple orchards of upstate New York, represented by 'Chuckie-Cheese' Schumer and that 'invisible senator,' Gillibrand. ~~Health Insurance Dilemma~~ In keeping with my fascist beliefs and policies, I refuse to admit that there's an 'insurance' problem; but it's a 'quality' issue. I will never even consider why persons of means and other national potentates come to the United States to partake of our first-rate practitioners, surgeons and facilities. We've all seen that GEICO tv ad where it's said that one can save $XXX by changing auto insurance providers. The consumer is able to compare rates for one simple reason: The various auto insurance companies are allowed to market their product{s} across state lines {albiet with state insurance department approvals}. One has to wonder to what 'lows' health care premiums would drop when health insurance companies have the same rights and procedures as auto insurance companies?!?! ~~Governmental Dependency~~ The modern era of dependency originates with the Franklin Roosevelt Administration, coinciding with the 1929 stock market crash. Mr Roosevelt created several demeaning "alphabet" programs to put the unemployed Americans to work, performing the most menial of tasks {so simple, even a caveman could do them}!! During the post-Korean War era on into the Viet Nam era, programs developed and instituted by the fascists of the time, created a dependency that has worse effects than drug adiction. Multi-generational families can be cited as having NEVER WORKED FOR WAGES!! What a sad commentary on America's commitment to it's citizens!! Welfare, SSI, AFDC, among others-have removed all incentive to produce; to produce earnings at a level to insure a family's welfare. I remember "Slick-Willie's" welfare reform program and I thought it was masterful in it's subtle deception!! Not only did he NOT REDUCE DEPENDENCY, he reassigned some recipients over to SSI..... thus reducing the welfare rolls, but not the dependency rolls. MASTERFUL!!!! This slight-of-hand was also instrumental in helping to bankrupt the Social Security Ponzi Scheme. Statistically, those who suck away at the government "teat" traditionally vote fascist, thus it's in the obamacRATics' best interests to keep them dependent; so long as the taxpayer doesn't revolt!! WHEW!! Did anyone foresee the growth and power of that "Tea Party" thingie....?? That has me concerned!!]
Sunday, February 21, 2010
"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; February 20th
A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince" 02/20/2010
Weekly Address
February 20, 2010
The other week, men and women across California opened up their mailboxes to find a letter from Anthem Blue Cross. The news inside was jaw-dropping. Anthem was alerting almost a million of its customers that it would be raising premiums by an average of 25 percent, with about a quarter of folks likely to see their rates go up by anywhere from 35 to 39 percent.
Now, after their announcement stirred public outcry, Anthem agreed to delay their rate hike until May 1st while the situation is reviewed by the state of California. But it’s not just Californians who are being hit by rate hikes. In Kansas, one insurance company raised premiums by 10 to 20 percent only after asking to raise them by 20 to 30 percent. Last year, Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield raised rates by 22 percent after asking to raise them by up to 56 percent. And in Maine, Anthem is asking to raise rates for some folks by about 23 percent.
The bottom line is that the status quo is good for the insurance industry and bad for America. Over the past year, as families and small business owners have struggled to pay soaring health care costs, and as millions of Americans lost their coverage, the five largest insurers made record profits of over $12 billion. [What I'm not telling you: Imagine if.... the several states with the largest illegal immigrant population were suddenly not responsible for their health care, housing, necessary household expenses. Those various states' coffers would explode with surplus monies!! We can go one of a couple of ways here: I can continue my attempted take-over of 18% of the national economy through obamaCare, or we can continue on the current path which will be very taxing to those American workers at every income level. There are sure cures, which I'll NEVER allow to happen!! One is to solve the illegals problem; another is to revise the methods of insurance sales; still another is to break generations-long cycles of government dependency. Two out of three of these solutions will hit me {as all fascists} right "in the voting block!!"

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