The "Clown Prince" Grasping For Straws!!
Fluffy obama is trying a "Slick-Willie" ploy. "Slick" primarily governed by the polls; his opinion was usually aligned with what ever the polls said. It appears that obama is going to "change HIS spots," but not in the direction of the public opinion polls. He's spreading bullshit that he hopes will "smell" like he has the public's interest at heart--I personally think he's a street thug fascist... just making noises:
- He feels our pain.
- He will fight for us until his very last breath (even if he's fighting to pass policies the public detests).
- He is going to get every dime of our money back from those evil banks on Wall Street (even though most have already paid back what they owe).
obama's moronic minions think this shift toward populism might help him politically--I DOUBT IT! How can it?? Fluffy is NOT a 'man of the people' and never has been. He's nothing more than a well-educated street thug in a Brooks Brothers suit!
This 'man of the people' charade isn't his Campaign of Fluff image and it certainly IS NOT the way he's been governing during his one-year honeymoon.
Fluffy ran as an intellectual, condescending snob who:
was going to bring both parties together to solve America's most serious problems.
The results of his one-year honeymoon:
- A year bailing out Wall Street;
- A year buying auto manufacturers;
- Demanded passage of a $787Bln porkulus bill [a thinly disguised presidential slush-fund];
- Demanded the Congressional Moron Caucus pass obamaCare [a thinly disguised take-over of 18% of the American economy] fraught with backroom deals like the whoring out of Landrieu and the Nebraska sellout, blatantly catering to labor unions;
- No positive results concerning unemployment or job creation;
As evidenced by measley 25% who strongly approve of obama's job performance--very dam' few American voters have any confidence in his agenda. He's spent the first year of his reign becoming detached from the American voter--now, beginning to use less-than-believable rhetoric to put him back "in touch" with the people. At this early stage, he's already trying to re-invent himself--that's only possible if he has even a modicum of credibility going in!!
AIN'T GONNA WORK, Fluffy!!!!
obama: Hire NJ Governor As "Budget Czar!!"
New Jersey Gov. Christie signed an executive order to close New Jersey's $2.2 billion budget gap, freezing money for schools districts, higher education and hospital services, among hundreds of other programs.
- This executive order: freezes $1.6 billion in unspent money, including $475 million in school aid, $62 million for higher education, and $12.6 million in hospital charity care.
- freezes nearly $16 million in unused grant money from the Division of Youth and Family Services and $158 million from the Clean Energy Fund.
Christie told a joint session of the Legislature, "higher spending is the road to ruin,'' and that the cuts, while difficult, were necessary to keep a balanced budget, as required under the state constitution. "Today, we come to terms with the fact that we cannot spend money on everything we want. Today, the days of Alice in Wonderland budgeting in Trenton end,'' Christie said. Are ya listening, Fluffy?!?!
Til Nex'Time....
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