My Response To A Letter Begging For Donations
I'm sure most of you have received the same letter from your political party's national offices. You know the one... They're begging for money under the guise of a poll concerning the "Clown Prince," the Congress, the minority party leadership, or what ever crap their whining about at the moment. I wrote the letter that appears to the right and even used their postage-paid envelope..... They gotta pay to hear me bitch about their non-representation!!!
In case you wanna bitch about the RepublicRAT National Committee, the address on my pre-printed envelope is:
RepublicRAT National Committee 310 First Street SE PO Box 96994 Washington, D.C., 20077-7556
"Clown Prince" Caught In 'ACORN Lies'
While Barack Obama's connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has not gone entirely unreported, it has not been fully explained. Most media background pieces simply note Obama's involvement in a 1995 lawsuit on behalf of ACORN. Obama's own website, as well as most major media, fail to reveal the full depth and extent of his relationship with the organization.
Attempts to hide evidence of Fluffy's involvement with ACORN have included wiping the web clean of potentially damaging articles that had appeared, and were previously publicly accessible. Unfortunately, those behind the attempted cover-up failed to realize that in today's day and age, nothing disappears forever. There also exists another layer of the web, the hidden web, which is full of information included in proprietary scholarly databases where these very same "missing" articles can be easily uncovered.
obama's campaign website states:
- Fact: barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.
- Is that really a FACT, or just another lie?
- Let's take a look at a quote from a 2004 article - Case Study: Chicago- The Barack Obama Campaign - written by Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN Leader, which was published in the journal Social Policy.
- Did we mention that Social Policy recently pulled this particular article from their website, while leaving links to all other articles up?
"obama took the case, known as ACORN vs. Edgar (the name of the Republican governor at the time) and we won. obama then went on to run a voter registration project with Project VOTE in 1992 that made it possible for Carol Moseley Braun to win the Senate that year. Project VOTE delivered 50,000 newly registered voters in that campaign (ACORN delivered about 5,000 of them).
Since then, we have invited obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for State Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends."
Not only does Foulkes boast of obama's ACORN leadership training, but also makes it clear that obama's post-law school organizing of "Project VOTE" in 1992 was undertaken in direct partnership with ACORN. The tie between Project VOTE and ACORN is also something that obama and others have attempted to disprove in recent weeks as ACORN has come under fire for allegations of voter registration fraud.
As recently as March 2008, the Los Angeles Times also made reference to barack obama's involvement with ACORN:
"At the time, Talbot worked at the social action group ACORN and initially considered obama a competitor. But she became so impressed with his work that she invited him to help train her staff." (LA Times, March 2, 2008)
All this information was easily pulled up with minimal time investment. It took less than thirty minutes to find, despite attempts by some to bury the truth. If I could find this with little effort, imagine what could be dug up with a serious, in-depth investigation. Scary, isn't it?
Nevertheless, barack obama's campaign website continues to lie and deny the truth about his involvement and association with ACORN. No matter how many times you say it, it does not make it true. The facts do not lie, Senator obama. It's time to come clean and tell the truth, and it's time for the American people to demand it.
"Clown Prine" To Control A 'Managed America?'
Hi, this is Ian Wyatt. I'm the Chief Investment Strategist for Top Stock Insights. My commentary and insights have appeared in Barron's, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, AOL Finance Blogging Stocks, The Burlington Free Press, Forbes.com, and more. I've been personally and professionally investing and providing investment advisory services for nearly 20 years. I made my name during the infamous Internet and Tech Stock bubble and crash in 2000 and 2001. The financial crisis that crushed our economy and our investments was unprecedented; the government's response has been unprecedented as well.
For the next 3-5 years, the "invisible hand" of government will be more like a fist clenched around the stock market's neck. And investors must understand how to adapt their investments in this new economic reality. I'm calling this new economic reality Managed America.
Here's what we can expect over the next 5 years:
- Unemployment will remain above 7%
- GDP Growth will Top Out at 3%
- Government Regulations will Stifle Innovation
- Higher Taxes will Cap Consumer Spending
- Runaway Inflation will Ramp Energy and Commodity Prices
- A Permanently Weak U.S. Dollar will Crush Manufacturing
- Weak Banks will Limit Lending
- Stock Prices will be Volatile
It sounds bleak, I know. But investors must face the reality of Managed America if they want to recover their losses and get their investments back on the winning side...Because the fact is, even though the future of the U.S. economy is far from bright, investors can still make the profitable investments that will ensure their prosperity.In fact, my investment research for Managed America led my Top Stock Insights readers to information in 2009...
The government's stimulus plan sparked inflation fears.
The weak U.S. dollar meant oil prices had to rise.
The dollar also affects commodity prices.
The Treasury's toxic asset plan brought Top Stock Insights readers a total of 33% profit.
Investing in 'Managed America:'
- Bernanke's monetary policy only does more damage to an already bombed-out U.S. dollar. And his multi-billion dollar bank bailouts – bailouts we, the taxpayer, will be saddled with for years – are giving criminal bank executives a free pass.
- Average Americans are getting the shaft coming and going.We've lost our shirt on our houses and our investments.
- We have to foot the bill in the form of higher taxes and rising unemployment the bill to keep our entire financial system from going down the tubes.
- Managed America is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American Public.
[Justin Case:] Given the aforementioned--profitable investing for the rest of the "Clown Prince" Reign-Of-Error, will be "iffy" at best!! So "iffy" in fact that I have NO INTENTION to make any suggestions; only to offer a possible solutions with regard to MY PORTFOLIO!! I keep my nose to the "investing grindstone" searching out any and every avenue of possible investment. I've signed up for practically every daily email investment newsletter on the planet!! Some of the sites I visit regularly; the sites I've looked to for investing education; the daily email insights:
Advisory sites:
- www.fundadvice.com
- www.investorplace.com
- www.smallcapinvestor.com
- www.dailyreconing.com
- www.thestockadvisors.com
- www.stockwire.com
- www.money.cnn.com
- www.thestockpick.com
- www.finance.yahoo.com
- www.growthstockwire.com
- www.bigcharts.marketwatch.com
Daily Email sites:
Educational sites:
Til Nex'Time....
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