Thursday, March 4, 2010

This'n'That; March 5th[Jobs;VoteBuying;SEIU]

Jobs Bill? Nope; Another Give-Away
Thursday afternoon the House passed a $35,000,000,000 jobs bill which is expected to create [or save.... hee, hee, hee!!] a quarter-million jobs.  If payola and control weren't their two primary objectives, they could just give 250,000 of their closest unemployed friends a cool $140,000 EACH.  That's the average cost of each job.  IF these new jobs pay $40k per year, they'll only last 3-1/2 years!!

Slimy obama Still Buying Votes
Tonight, the "Clown Prince" will host House obamacRATics who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he's trying ANYTHING to buy their votes for obamaCare. One of them is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today the Slimy Basterd nominated Matheson's brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
“Scott Matheson is a distinguished candidate for the Tenth Circuit court,” President Obama said. “Both his legal and academic credentials are impressive and his commitment to judicial integrity is unwavering. I am honored to nominate this lifelong Utahn to the federal bench.”
This slime-ball not only has "balls-of-brass," he doesn't give a shit what you-the American voter-thinks, so long as he achieves his goal of the destruction of the American way of life!!!

Is This Why?
[I found this on, Thursday, 03/04. It clearly explains how and why the "Clown Prince" is obligated to the fascist union thugs.]
GLENN: Do you have the audio again of SEIU Andy Stern where he says people want a return on their investment? Do you have that? We played that yesterday, and I played that last night. That's some of the most amazing audio I've ever heard. He says the system is corrupt because people are putting their money into it and they're distorting politics.
And he admits, I'm distorting politics because that's just the way it is. That's just, you've got to play the game that way.
So listen to what he says, and this is why healthcare is passing.
STERN: This is our America. There's something really fundamentally different that we have to do. And what we have to do is what Rob and Simon are trying to do is we have to think differently about our country. We really are in Team USA right now. The market is not going to work. I mean, that's what all the free marketeers don't want to say. All the things that are going on are telling you the market is not going to work on its own. We've unhinged the market.
GLENN: Stop, stop. Stop there for a second. I thought we were past the worst.
PAT: Yeah, that's
GLENN: We're past the worst. Now all what everybody won't tell you is that the market won't work? Well, huh, I thought we were past the worst. Nobody's telling me that. I'm telling America that. America is telling Washington that. But I don't hear anybody else say that. Do you? No, I uh uh, that's weird. Okay, so go on.
STERN: The market isn't raising wages and bene[fits] we have to intervene somehow as a nation and make some very hard choices if Team USA is going to be successful in a global economy. And the politics aren't complicated. You know, people are making investments in politics.
GLENN: Listen to this.
STERN: And they expect a return, I mean, on their investment. There's not ideology involved in corporations. They are looking for a return on their investment. So they are going to make as much investment as they think is good policy. I'm just talking macro. There's lots of individuals
GLENN: Stop. SEIU has spent, according to their own memo, their own press release, $150 million for healthcare. $150 million. They want a return on their investment. Who benefits from healthcare being passed? SEIU. The healthcare union. SEIU, the healthcare union! This is obscene what's happening! And the media is the media is, I mean, the media should be tried. Because the corruption here is unbelievable. And where are the members of the media just explaining that one thing? SEIU: We want a return on our investment. And that's why it's happening. You get into bed with the devil; he expects payment.
Til Nex'Time....



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