Friday, April 30, 2010

This'n'That; May First[obama-Liar;Misguided?;TedPoe]

"Clown Prince" obama's Condition--Pathological?
   "Clown Prince" obama has advanced from just "taking liberties with the truth" to being pathological! Let me illustrate by picking out a few from a list of 158  SUBSTANTIATED lies the "Clown Prince" put forth:
  • obama claims his parents met at Selma civil rights march; Washington Post noted the march occurred 4 yrs after obama's birth.
  • obama took credit for the achievements of others in Chicago; resume puffing exposed by LA Times.
  • obama claims his father was a goat-herder; actually he was a man of privilige.
  • obama claims he never supported a ban on handguns; he has twice.
  • Trying to claim patriotism obama says his grandfather signed up the day after Pearl Harbor; Army records disagree.
Now, he's going off on yet another vast departure from the truth; manufacturing statements that will buttress his position!!  Take the recent Arizona Immigration Law for instance:
"Clown Prince" obama decried the law as “misguided” and “poorly conceived.” obama even falsely claimed that a Hispanic family eating ice cream could be forced to provide their papers just because they had dark skin.
   The section that has been misconstrued the most reads, “For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.” 
   The initial contact must be lawful. The law was carefully written to preclude racial discrimination. Section 2 provides that a law enforcement official “may not solely consider race, color, or national origin” in making any stops or determining an alien’s immigration status.
   Arizona Police Association board member Ken Crane said the new law prohibits officers from targeting people based on race, national origin and other identifying factors. Every rookie officer is trained extensively at the police academy on how to judge probable cause and reasonable suspicion. Crane said whatever training is developed should reinforce long-standing police standards. “It’s basic police work that’s never changed,” he said. “We’re not reinventing the wheel here.” Not only does the law prohibit discrimination, the governor is going out of her way to institute new training for officers so they can enforce it properly.
   [How can ANYONE--let alone his many supporters who are current slaves to the federal tit--believe a word this schlub says about anything!!  It's becoming more and more apparent, he'll "lie, cheat and steal" to get the power and huge government he craves!!]

Arizona Law "Misguided and Poorly Conceived?"
[obama: Pull your head out of your @$$ and read "the handwriting on the wall!!"]
[04/30/'10] PHOENIX – Authorities in southern Arizona have found a deputy wounded in a shootout with suspected drug smugglers after a frantic hour-long desert search.  The deputy was on drug interdiction duty, when he encountered five suspected illegals, two of whom were armed with AK-47 automatic rifles.  The deputy sustained superficial wounds to his abdomen.

"Clown Prince" obama Needs 'Local' Help
[obama really should seek counsel with those legislators having the most knowledge of the illegal immigration problem rather than concentrating on the votes garnered by coddling the illegals.  Ted Poe represents Texas' Second District; parts of Harris, Liberty and Jefferson counties.]

On Thursday [04/29/'10], Rep. Poe made the following statements on the floor of the House:
"Now it seems to me that if we are so advanced with technology and manpower and competence that we can capture illegal grasshoppers from Brazil, in the holds of ships that are in a little small place in Port Arthur, Texas on the Sabine River. Sabine River, madam speaker, is the river that separates Texas from Louisiana. If we're able to do that as a country, how come we can't capture the thousands of people that cross the border everyday on the southern border of the United States? You know they're a little bigger than grasshoppers and they should be able to be captured easier.
Mister Poe added this additional suggestion:
"And maybe we need to make the guy down there in southeast Texas that captured this grasshopper from Brazil, he oughta be in charge of Homeland Security. If he's able to do this with grasshoppers just think what he can do on the southern border of the United States."
[obama could do far worse than follow Mister Poe's counsel]
Til Nex'Time....



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