Thursday, July 29, 2010

This'n'That; July Twenty-Ninth[obamaCEO]

A CEO, The "Clown Prince" Ain't!!
    When "Clown Prince" obama decided that General Motors was 'too big to fail,' he became the de facto CEO.  As such, obama began it's destruction with the same determination he's displaying while destroying the entire country!!  Because obama is such an inept, inexperienced, incompetent and "never-worked-for-wages" kinda leader;  he promptly cancelled GM's hydrogen vehicle program.  Now, he's promoting the Chevy Volt, and electric vehicle with gasoline engine back-up.  While hydrogen vehicles are  more costly, initially--they are far more "tree-hugger" friendly.  One so inclined, could  suck on the vehicle's exhaust pipe!!  Nothing comes out but water vapor.
    As with the vast majority of obama's 'Transformation of America,' his support of electric/hybrid vehicles is a calamity of errors!!  As obama said time and again during his latest "Campaign of Fluff," he fully intends to destroy America's economy--in part--with escalating utility costs.  His intentions are to bankrupt anyone who attempts to start coal-fired electricity generation; to push solar and wind power which are inefficient at best and unsustainable!!  How da'ya suppose we're gonna recharge these additional $42,000 cars with the utility grid just barely able to keep up with demand?!?!  With the "obamaVolt" the highest priced vehicle in it's class, market demand would cause it's "timely demise!!"  The only possible way the Volt can be competitive is with continued TAXPAYER support by way of a $7,500 tax credit for purchasing.  Again, WE PAY!!

[The above image from: ]
Til Nex'Time....




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