Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This'n'That; February Eighth [Packers; McCain-Grahamnesty-Schumer; Sorobama; Sorobama; Allen West]

How 'bout Them Packers, huh?!?!
    Nuff Said!!!!
Except this note to Ben Roethlisberger: You rape what you sow!!

McCain 'Flips' Yet Again!
    Senator John McCain--with Sarah's help--conducted his latest "USA Apology Tour" in 2008.  He then became--without Sarah's help--an amnesty 'hardliner' just for his most recent election; now that that's over, he's flipping back to his "Apologist" attitude!
    Mr McCain--to stay in the 'spotlight' while selling out the country--is returning to his RINO roots; aligning himself with RINO Lindsey Graham-nesty and that 'forever-uberliberal,' "Chucky-Cheese" Schumer.  Both McCain and Graham-nesty are returning to their former RINO-status, now that they've been re-elected for the umpteenth time.
    As for McCain; all it takes for him to support an amnesty bill is to 'secure the border-'which probably means parking a few thousand troops at the southern border with their hands tied, much like the National Guard troops already there!!
    As for Graham-nesty, he's "in talks" with 'Chucky-Cheese' Schumer which no doubt, will require him to 'roll-over-and-play-dead' while 'Chucky' dictates the terms!!
(Further reading:) http://www.diggersrealm.com/mt/archives/003505.html

'Team Sorobama' Continues To Stir Sh!t
    The smarter-half of 'Team Sorobama'; that marionette 'string-puller', George Soros has been stirring shit, worldwide!
  • His Open Society Institute's Middle East and North Africa Initiative has provided numerous grants to a wide range of projects that promote so-called democratic issues across the region, including in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood stands to gain from any future election.
  • Soros' Open Society also funded the main opposition voice in Tunisia, Radio Kalima, which championed the riots there that led to the ouster of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
  • In September, Soros' group was looking to expand its operations in Egypt by hiring a new project manager for its Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, which is run in partnership with the Open Society Justice Initiative.
    Soros--by his sponsorship of charities and websites supporting fascist upheavals--does not personally reveal his close association with and financial support of Mohamed ElBaradei , another of the many 'shit-stirrers' in the Middle-east, African continent.
    By his associations; by his funding websites, Soros appears to be circumventing the United Nations' objective of world dominance; a one-world government.  Might he be creating the aforementioned 'one-world' government with himself as head string-puller, with a "Clown Prince-esque" marionette as the figurehead, much like he's done in The United States?!?!
(Further reading:)  http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=260577

As 'Team Sorobama' Is Wont To Do....
    Well on their journey into the American fascist-state, 'Team Sorobama' contines to trash the US' "full-faith-and-credit" and grow-the-government with their trademark inept mis-management.
    Here's a couple of their misguided give-aways:
  • The IRS has been cheated out of $33 million by thousands who “erroneously” claimed credits for alternative and plug-in electric vehicles.  The IRS granted the lucrative tax credit—worth up to $7,500—to gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles and even a bicycle. Among those who cheated Uncle Sam are jail inmates and even IRS employees. Some people got multiple tax cuts for the same vehicle and 29 prisoners received nearly $50,000 in alternative vehicle credits even though they were behind bars.
  • The IRS has for more than a decade cut checks to incarcerated criminals who clearly didn’t qualify for tax refunds. In 2010 over a quarter of a million prisoners filed tax returns and nearly 50,000 claimed more than $130 million in refunds without bothering to report wage information.

....and 'Team Sorobama' borrowed the money from the Chinese for tthis crap!!
....and Finally:
   Army Colonel (Retired); newly elected Representative, Allen West (r; Fl-22) continues to expose "Clown Prince" obama's lies and faulty policies; figuratively "handing obama his ass on a platter!!"  See these videos for futher information:



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