Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This'n'That; March Eighth [Golf; Bachmann; Contest]

....and What Does HE Do....?!?
    The whole world seems to be collapsing around "Clown Prince" obama; so..... what does he do?!?  He plays a sixtieth (60th) round of golf since his reign started!! 
  • Egypt emploded and the government forced out of office;
  • Tunisian government collapses, even though Team Sorobama supported the viscous arschloch (@$$hole) in charge--Ben Ali.  Most of the unrest was ginned up by the labor unions;
  • To a lesser degree, labor unions ginned up unrest in Greece and Great Britain.
     In the country Soros and obama are feebly attempting to rule, the State of Wisconsin is trying to deal with budget shortfalls, but is thwarted by labor unions, obamacRATic legislators and the "Clown Prince's" own-'Organizing for America (barackobama.com).'   Team Sorobama authorized the SEIU's and UAW's bussing of 'rent-a-mobs' into Madison.
     Allah only knows how much manpower it takes to get obama's 'skinny-lil-arsch' onto the course!!  Several members of the ground security team; a "competitor" or two; hovering helicopters; hidden snipers!  We're probably talkin' around 20-30 personnel plus millions of dollars in materiel 'assets.'
     Given that obama ain't-no-workaholic, he surely pisses away the whole day when 'Dorothy Louise McIntosh Rodham Slaughter "deems" it a 'golf day.'  That equates to two whole months of ignoring his responsibilities; to say nothing of the 40 to 60 months taken out of "the help's" responsibilities over the past two years.  The total waste of time--counting the "Clown Prince"--is between 3-1/2 years and 5 years, two months!!!  All that 'free pay' (~$66,500!!) for ignoring his responsibilities at 60 'playdates!!'  The country would be no worse off, were Ms Slaughter to "deem" every day a 'playdate.'

Just How Slimy ARE The obamacRATs?!?
    How 'bout that Michele Bachmann, huh?!?!  Every time she 'turns over a rock,' there's an obamacRAT under it!!  We're seein' a whole lotta slime every time she 'looks under the next rock.'  Remember this:

(March 9, 2010)  Nancy Pelosi pushed Obamacare today during her speech to the 2010 legislative conference of the National Association of Counties. She told the group, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

       Many thanks to Congressman Bachmann for she does 'the Lord's work!!'  The Congressman is continuing to inform the American public of the slime included in obamaKare-this time the $105Billion in ANNUAL PRE-FUNDING for the implementation of obamaKare!!   Ms Bachmann continues to turn over the rocks while simultaneously looking for ways to recind 'the slime' of the obamstards!!

Have Ya Heard This One....?!?
    HIS HIGHNESS, "Clown Prince" obama, can't get any suckers to invite him to speak at their high school commencement!!  Out of 18,435 (2004) United States high schools, the regime has gotten a whoppin' 68 applications!!  The regime--in an attempt to get the "Clown Prince" before fledgling obamacRATs--has a contest to gin up interest in having their senior class lied to:{**}
Til Nex'Time....
{*}(March 23, 2010-"Clown Prince" obama:)  “The bill I’m signing will set in motion reforms that generations of Americans have fought for and marched for and hungered to see,” Mr. Obama said, adding, “Today we are affirming that essential truth, a truth every generation is called to rediscover for itself, that we are not a nation that scales back its aspirations.”

{**}Applications are open for the 2011 Race to the Top Commencement Challenge! The Commencement Challenge invites public high schools across the country to demonstrate how their school best prepares them for college and a career, helping America win the future by out-educating our competitors and achieving President Obama’s goal of having the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020.



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