Monday, March 21, 2011

This'n'That; March Twenty-First #1; Left Hand-Right Hand

Who's Actually Driving 'The Ship Of State?!?'
    Has the 'barackingham Palace' Director of Communications moved 'the red phone' from the 'Palace' to Hillary Clinton's plane?!?  She seems to have answered the "3AM phone call" she warned us about during owe-bama's "Campaign of Fluff-One."  Since owe-bama responded to the latest Gaddafi atrocities with a resounding "FORE!!;" Mrs Clinton 'picked up the ball and ran with it.'  The current rumblings sure sound like the Secretary of State is running the offense against Gaddafi while the 'worst family(including "the ol' hen" #1 and "the ol' hen" #2)' are busily eatin' greasy Brazilian cheeseburgers and greasier Brazilian fries!!
Til Nex'Time....



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