Thursday, March 24, 2011

This'n'That; March Twenty-Fourth #2; owe-bama Brazilian Energy Policy

How Will owe-bama Justify This?!?
    How can the "Clown Prince" possibly justify his owe-bama Brazilian Energy Policy to George Soros?!?  Remember, Soros pulled the bulk of his $822 Million investment in Petrobras, so with the current owe-bama Brazilian Energy Policy, Soros stands to lose millions with his early pull-out.  The owe-bama Brazilian Energy Policy includes denying American interests the availibility of crude oil under the Gulf of Mexico;  allowing Petrobras to drill in American-controlled Gulf waters, no permits necessary;  allowing the first-time use of FSPO units in American-controlled Gulf waters; a voice-guarantee that the United States will be Petrobras' "best customer!"
Til Nex'Time....



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