Saturday, April 30, 2011

This'n'That; April Thirtieth #1; Now What?!?

Fake Or Authentic?!?
    Now that Donald Trump has forced "Clown Prince" owe-bama to produce his 'long-form' birth certificate, the release has created more questions than answers.  "The Donald" has gained plenty of traction in the GOP 'hopefuls' polls with his taking credit for the document.
    While I'm not 'a birther,' I do take exception to those not adhering to the provisios of the United States Constitution!  Therein lies the--positive, as well as the negative--requirements to be president, as well as the members of Congress sworn to "protect and defend" the Constitution.  There have been dam' few--from any political party--who've continually 'protected and defended' the Constitution!!
[But....I digress!!]
    With the 'Trump-forced' release of owe-bama's long-form 'Certificate of Live Birth (CoLB),' the questions continue to fly as to it's authenticity:
  • Those 'in-the-know' contend that the document is a "cut-and-paste" forgery with obvious clues [ ] [].
  • There is a disparity in the chronology of the document when compared with births in the same hospital, the same date.
  • No matter the authenticity question; is owe-bama a legitimate president, given that his--stated--father is not an American citizen but a Kenyan citizen?  This question requires an official definition of "Natural-born Citizen" [ ].
  • Some have raised the question of owe-bama's actual parentage.
See..... more questions than answers!
Til Nex'Time....



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