Thursday, April 28, 2011

This'n'That; April Twenty-Eighth #1; Trump Does It!

[For a better view:]
A 'Defining Moment!'
    In commenting on the release he's spend north of $3Million to prevent; "Clown Prince" owe-bama is quoted as saying: {*}Judging by this quote, owe-bama thinks the U.S. Constitution and it's requirements are just so much 'silliness.'  Judging by his actions, we have confirmation:  After the release and rather than concentrating on pressing national issues, owe-bama and the 'Moocher' went to Chicago to tape an episode of oprah; then off to NYC to tie up 'afternoon drive-time' traffic in several sections of the city.  The owe-bamas are were the city for three "Tour d'Lies" fundraisers.
{*}"We don't have time for this silliness."

    Donald Trump is taking credit for the document release; as well he should!  Mr Trump 'trumped' "Clown Prince" owe-bama on the 'birther' issue by forcing the release.  The regime presumably expected to put Trump 'in his place' with the release, but that didn't happen as Mr Trump used it to his advantage to gain the top spot in some  polls.
Til Nex'Time....



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